Hey guys !

I just wanted to know, how much trading cards worth a TF2 key ?

10 years ago*

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10 years ago

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10 years ago

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depends on trading cards, just check the price on the market (you have to take account for valve fees of course).

10 years ago

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Cards from games which have been bundled countless times aprox 30-35 cards, Fairly new games and games which haven't been bundled and aren't popular can fetch you a key for 10-15 cards.

10 years ago

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depends a lot on cards. atm key is 1.79€. Most common cards sell for 0.05€ (meaning u can get 0.03€ per card) |
1.79 / 0.03 = 60 cards. |
Some rarer cards (less common games) get u 15 cents. |
1.79 / 0.15 = 12 cards. |
So it would be from 12 rare cards to 60 very common cards (like tf2 ones) |

BUT if u sell them for metal.. 9 scrap per refined, 7.5ref = key then it would be.. |
1 card -> 1scrap (almost insta selling) : 68 cards |
1 card -> 1scrap + 1weapon : 45 cards |
1 card -> 2scrap (it could work out with some time) : 34 cards |
If u sell rarer cards u can get much more per card, but those will be harder to sell for real price.

Edit: This calculations are ment to sell cards in steam market and buy the key from there with gains.


10 years ago

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A key is worth 1.7€ including Steam fees, an average card sells for 0.08€ including fees. That means one key is worth 1.48€ and one card is worth 0.06€ excluding fees. That means one key is worth 25 average cards, which is about right. Of course many people try to give you crap cards only, like McPixel (which is one of the few sets with cards that really sell for 0.05€ only).

Problem is that cards can only really be sold on the Steam market (for Steam wallet money), while keys can be sold for real money. That's why pro traders usually prefer keys and won't value cards as high. But anything above 30 cards per key is a rip-off as long as you have a decent mix of cards.

10 years ago

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give me example of average cards pls.
check the TF2 CSGO Dota2 and any top played game. Probably these top games cards have more in existence than any other.. and they all go for around 5cents each.
dunno where u see the 1.7€ per key. ( http://steamcommunity.com/market/search?q=Mann+key )
My calculations were made by selling cards to market and buying the key from there too. Indeed I should have mentioned that, Tyvm

10 years ago

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Uhm...TF2 and CS:GO sell for 0.07€ and Dota cards sell for 0.11€ each. And like you said, those are the most common and thus the cheapest cards available. There is a good amount of cards that sell for more than 0.1€, but you will have a hard time finding any that sell for 0.05€ or less like you said. There are some, but only super cheap games that drop 4+ cards have such a low price (like McPixel). 0.08€ (including fees) is a very reasonable average price from my experience and I have sold hundreds of cards on the market already.

Key prices fluctuate quite a lot, 1.7€ is the average price per key. They hardly ever go above 1.8€, and they hardly ever go below 1.6€ (though both of it can happen under certain circumstances like large Steam sales etc).

On top of that your calculations were wrong anyway, since you didn't include Steam fees for keys, but included them for cards. The OP asked for the value, not how many cards he'd have to sell on the market to buy a key on the market (he could have easily found this out himself quite obviously).

EDIT: After checking back even McPixel and Summer Getaway cards sell for 0.06€ currently, so I'm not even sure there are any cards at all that sell for your 'average' price of 0.05€...

10 years ago

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Trading cards for keys will usually be a bad deal unless you find one of the rare people buying to collect rather than to profit, and selling low value cards on the market eats up most of the profit due to the minimum fees. I recommend using bots such as backpack.tf's and Steam Card Exchange to trade multiple lower valued cards for higher valued ones, then to sell those on the market.

10 years ago

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30-35 is the most used value

10 years ago

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Closed 10 years ago by Edern76.