Is it a one-off $1 bundle, or a Great Awakening?
So do you receive separate keys for Warhammer 40,000: Space Wolf DLCs?
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FootLOL it´s an old game, but if you buy the bundle, try it.
It´s fun.
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what a weird bundle combination
easy pass at that price
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Only interested in Organs Please as it looks like one STRANGE game.
Other than that, HARD pass.
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The table says one of the DLC is "Warhammer 40,000: Space Wolf - Wolf Priest" -- I did not get it in T1. Instead, I got "Warhammer 40,000: Space Wolf - Sigurd Ironside" which is not in the list.
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Makes sense - the link in the table points to a page titled "Sigurd Ironside", so that's consistent
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The store name (and what it activates as) is Sigurd Ironside, but the app name is Wolf Priest.
Basically, it's the same thing.
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Refunded the space Wolf deluxe edition on steam and bought it for $1 on Humble instead. Shitty that they released this 2 weeks after the refund period on steam expired to try to circumvent it, but Valve automatically gave the refund to me anyway.
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You know what's shittier-buying the 1$ deal on Fanatical which didn't had all the DLC :D I assume no point in even asking for a refund from Fanatical(already redeemed the keys)
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Refund an individual DLC and confirm the refund. It'll force it to refund the package instead and will show the receipt/total you'll get back. It's not even possible to refund an individual DLC, just a confusing UI thing.
Don't worry about trying to refund an individual DLC.. because I don't think Steam even lets you do that, it'll always refund the entire package.
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Warhammer space wolf has a free DLC on steam store(I almost missed it):
people may want to claim it before it gets delisted.
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I used to play the original revival (java version) on my samsung star wifi back in 2011. Might actually go for this and see if I get the old days hit.
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I noticed a couple weeks ago that Gamesplanet was giving Warhammer 40,000: Space Wolf away for free (just the base game), but only if you purchased something else.
Does this mean the game will eventually be marked as a 0CV freebie on steamgifts? If I recall correctly, the number of free keys given has to reach a certain amount for that to happen? I'm also wondering if the Gamesplanet keys being locked behind a paywall affects things in any way.
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If I recall correctly, the number of free keys given has to reach a certain amount for that to happen?
Correct, 1k. Together in all freebies of the game (so 1x 1k or 10x 100 copies, both bring the same result).
I noticed a couple weeks ago that Gamesplanet was giving Warhammer 40,000: Space Wolf away for free (just the base game), but only if you purchased something else.
Does this mean the game will eventually be marked as a 0CV freebie on steamgifts?
Depending on the mod that handle the ticket.
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Thanks for answering my questions, Masafor. I appreciate it.
Depending on the mod that handle the ticket.
It's interesting something like that is left up to a mod's discretion. I was expecting there to be a concrete rule, for this particular situation anyway.
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The rules are mostly useless. A part is written in the FAQ. Mods decide how the think it is the right and the mods aren't thinking the same with handling free/bundled games, the ones that handle it stricter (like Pete) burnout and get pushed down to a more "cheater friendly" handling.
Don't get me wrong, in this case with a freebie on top to a purchase it is a difficult decission and should be handled constantly with rule X, that count for all cases and all mods.
But i give you a easy example, one of my members got a suspension for "spam" because he posted in GA comments a link to a thread where he explained how to check winners with sgtools and advised a minimum level aginst the autojoiners and multiaccounters.
I got a suspension for "inappropriate behavior" for the same, but i don't posted a link, i posted the full message as comment in GAs.
2 different mods, 2 different punish reasons for the same thing.
You could assume that the one that punished me wanted to give a 2nd strike in the same category (i had one before), that it is easier to reach the needed 3 for a perma suspension. That is what i believe
Or you could assume that 2 mods had different oppinions in which category it would fit.
And the rules are crystal clear in this case.
So you can imagine whats the result with "unclear" rules :-D
Ps.: None of the 10 - 20 autojoiner (with activated spam comments) in the GAs that we recieved our suspensions got a punishment. And in both cases got we a thanks from the GA creators for the infos, links to sgtools etc.. So this detail wasn't from interest for this 2 mods too.
And since that time they can kiss my..... and do their shit without my help (bad for the nice mods that want to change something... but the bad mods are in the majority, for the active mods, in the ranks with real power). The most of the hunters from my group stopped too with the hunting and since that time got XXk autojoiner and multiaccounts created (alone around 5k before the community train start). For sure helpful for the site^^. And it gets done very visible, absolutely not hard to detect it and that a lot of accounts lead to brazil botfarms. Assume you report them and have collected enough evidences, it takes 1 year+ till the ticket are handled = each of the accounts wins dozens/hundreds of games = good profit. And a lot of the perma suspensions get lifted after 1 year... so perma is the wrong word for it. One Multiaccounter came back and directly started to autojoiner, a other autojoiner came back and you guess it right, he started to autojoin and absolutely nothing happens.....
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This is a weird one. It's a pretty easy skip for me.
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If I am not mistaken there is one DLC missing from the bundle called "Warhammer 40,000: Space Wolf - Exceptional Card Pack", so If you are a completionist you may want to get that too.
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True. The DLC can be found here for an extra $1 I guess.
Is it a coincidence that they split the dlcs like this? I think not.
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lol its true, im just considering the immensity of my backlog
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It's a fun game with XCOM esque tactical combat, in the vein of the combat you'd expect of most any turn-based, squad-based Warhammer title.
Card Hunter does gear-based card mechanics much better (ie, the gear/card system in the game's a bit shallow), the UI needs polish (mostly, as it relates to various menus), and the game is quite grindy, especially now that you can't get weekly booster codes from the developer. Beyond those elements, I don't really have any complaints about the content or gameplay.
For a cheap price, and considering it's vanishing, I'd absolutely grab it (specifically, off of Humble, where you only lose out on 1 DLC). It's absolutely a passable game, and it's one of those things that those inclined towards it to begin with should like, while those that have a fondness for the genre may or may not like, to the point where $1 is a safe gamble for being in the first group.
Only people I'd recommend shy away from getting it are those that are picky with the tactics genre to begin with, in which case a more high profile, polished game [eg, the modern X-COM games] would likely be a better way to get more comfortable with the genre.
Though, there's not actually that many tactics games that are as straightforward as this game, so in a way it's a good entrypoint game. For example, a lot of the other Warhammer games seem to include more complicated tabletop elements, while X-COM games have the strategy layer to fuss with. This one's mostly just squad building and combat (though there's a bit of superficial crafting related to the gear cards, as well), so it's pretty easy to just jump into.
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Thanks, this convinced me to pick it up and maybe give it a spin one day.
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Warhammer 40,000: Space Wolf + DLCs must be activated before Oct 12, 2023, 12:00:00 AM (it is also planned to be delisted on this date)
Is it because all existing Steam keys will be revoked/useless after the game is delisted? I'm guessing whatever the answer is Humble will hide all purchased keys on Oct 12, 2023, 12:00:00 AM. Unless you reveal and write down somewhere safe those keys Humble, will basically take them away from your accounts.
I also wonder what they will do with the Steam keys from other Humble bundles (Humble Software Bundle: Work Remote, Strategy BYOB 2022) and purchases on their store.
Just as an example, Gloria Victis from the Stand with Ukraine Bundle. And yes, I had revealed the Steam key (not that I think it is ok for them to hide anything we legally purchased if it hasn't been revealed).
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while Fanatical is missing Warhammer 40,000: Space Wolf - Fall of Kanak and Warhammer 40,000: Space Wolf - Sentry Gun Pack
Doesn't seem to include Warhammer 40,000: Space Wolf - Siguard Ironside (Note: Shows in Steam library as Warhammer 40,000: Space Wolf - Wolf Priest), either.
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Sigurd Ironside is listed both on the bundle page and on the chart.
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I can confirm it is not [for me], and hasn't been since I first mentioned the offer on Sep 14th.
Not only is it not showing in the visual display, the details section on the bundle page shows the following listing:
Warhammer 40,000: Space Wolf base game (Steam PC).
Warhammer 40,000: Space Wolf - Drenn Redblade - DLC.
Warhammer 40,000: Space Wolf - Exceptional Card Pack DLC.
Warhammer 40,000: Space Wolf - Wrath of the Damned - DLC.
Warhammer 40,000: Space Wolf - Saga of the Great Awakening DLC.
That's the entirety of it, there's no mention anywhere about Wolf Priest or Sigurd Ironside, and it's not mentioned at all in the DLC blurbs preceding the listing.
If you're seeing it listed, then there may be a regional difference that we need to figure out.
Though, googling it, other sites that mention the Special Edition also exclude Sigurd (and also specifically state "includes 5 items"), so it seems more likely that any display of it on your end is an error on Fanatical's part.
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In case you are not aware I should probably let you know that we're not allowed to do trading here in this forum, the rules clearly state this fact.
You should probably try somewhere else, there's some trading groups in Steam itself, there's also Barter but I don't have any experience using it, and then there's Steamtrades but I think these days it's not what it used to be.
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Seems it's already been delisted on Steam for about 3 hours (I think) i.e. not long after the Humble ended and this is despite the Fanatical still still being available for 1.5 hours, I wonder if that's technically a violation of some Steam rule.
Anyway annoying issue for me is it means I cannot add the free DLC, Even tried using SteamDB and installing the app as workarounds but it doesn't work :-( Oh welll.
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Can we still activate keys from fanatical and humble bundle for the game?
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As long as the dev/publisher doesn't revoke them, keys can still be activated after a game is delisted or permanently removed.
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And the dev/publisher has no right to revoke keys because after selling them he lost the right to them under the law of exhaustion.
The problem is that neither American nor European government organizations are doing anything about it to protect consumer rights when it comes to purchasing digital goods.
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HeroCraft PC Complete Collection
5 Tiers, 20 Items
20 Sep 2023 - 12 Oct 2023
View this bundle on: ITAD -
⚠️ Region lock ⚠️
Revival: Recolonization
Everyone (apart from RU/CIS) receives {sub/455955}, which can be redeemed everywhere apart from RU/CIS (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Republic of Moldova, Russian Federation, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, Uzbekistan).
Customers from RU/CIS likely do not receive the game at all.
Free DLC to claim:
!addlicense ASF 360003
Tier 1 - 1 USD | 1 EUR | 0.80 GBP
Tier 2 - 5 USD | 4.65 EUR | 4.01 GBP
Tier 3 - 12 USD | 11.17 EUR | 9.61 GBP
Tier 4 - 15 USD | 13.97 EUR | 12.01 GBP
Tier 5 - 25 USD | 23.27 EUR | 20.02 GBP
☠ - Game was free at some time and does not grant any CV if given away.
* - the game was featured previously only in Build-a-Bundle / Pick & Mix bundles that are usually priced too high for the games to receive partial CV (exclusions apply) and are therefore not included in the bundle count.
Are you interested in knowing other ongoing bundles? Feel free to check out the new master thread.
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Thanks to luckz for the poll!
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