Check out this channel: Rocket Jump Ninja he has some good guides for choosing a gaming mouse based on your preferences and what types of games you play. Also this subreddit is a good place to check for deals: /r/buildapcsales
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Yeah RJN is really awesome and a default place to check for mouses.
For anyone looking around for a new mice i recommend checking RJN website and the top 40, although keep in mind this is just a place to start looking, the rankings doesn't necessary means the top 1 would be the best for YOU. Everyone has an unique hands size and shape preferences for mice. So read carefully and learn how to select your mice and not just blindly pick one of the top40. Shape and size are probably the most important things to check, then the weight and quality of the sensor/clicks.
Another place i like is this website, it's a good, complementary place to check because the guy running this shows in his review in the inside of every mice he test and then he talks about the quality of the components used. It's really useful if you want to know if they use cheaper materials or not. Nowadays mouses doesn't seems to last long enough because some use cheap components. Also he record a video for each mice about the clicks, how they sound... It's not really known but i personally find it useful. He also shows the weight like RJN do.
Lastly, if you want opinions from users, this subreddit can be useful. It's a bit too elitist to my liking, but if you sort a bit the comments it can be helpful.
I want to say one last thing, OP said he doesn't like wireless mice. I can tell the days of wireless mice being shit are over, there's a good amount of wireless one that are just as good as the best wired one you can find around. A LOT of gamers are going to switch to wireless in the coming years, starting right now.
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Congrats on your new pc! Sick build. The only thing I would personally change is ditch the 500gb ssd and get a 2tb (or more) hdd. But it's great the way it is. I also don't know anything about expensive mouses, I never used one of those so I can't really help you. Just wanted to give cheers on your new pc.
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Maybe i'm just not up with current times, but what is the reasoning behind 2 SSD hard disks?
I obviously recommend having a 500gb SSD for windows, but why not get a bigger size (2TB or 3TB) 'regular' disk for less money?
For those 170 euros you could easily get 3*2TB = 6 big TeraBiters for all your... games.
Just some food for thought. :)
As for mice, i had a 35 euro Logitech (non-gaming) mouse, but found a 5 euro budget gamingmouse from Maxxter much better.
So I don't really know.
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I got for this Xmas G502 and I'm crazy in love with it :) And it seems to have all the things you want - it's pretty big (I myself have giant hands so it's very important thing for me), you can customize it's weight, in soft you can define custom DPIs and can then easilly switch between them with one button click, you can also set different profiles with different DPI values, plus it has "sniper button", something I love in my old R.A.T., when you press it it lowers your DPI to custom value so it's easier to precisely shoot, then when you let go of button it goes back to your previous DPI :)
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i got A4tech Oscar X7 for like 8 years alrdy and it still works, although it was written to live for 1M clicks :)
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I can recommend you Gamdias Zeus P1. It can save up to 6 Custom DPI states , but program for this mouse is currently bugged and you can't have a button that changes from profile 1 to 2 and back.
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I had Logitech mouse several years ago for my laptop. I think I managed some 5 years with it, but I lost it.. It would have worked for even more years
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Got myself one of the cheapest AULA mouses in my nearest supermarket for 10 or something euros :D:D
Still working strong after 2 years, cant complain :D
Was already stretching my budget of 500 euros when built myself PC so just bought the cheapest mouse and keyboard
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I am using LOGITECH G900 CHAOS SPECTRUM. You can use it both wired and wireless. On my desktop I use it wired for the games and for work I just unplug it and put it in my bag with dongle. There are plenty of review videos on youtube. You can also write me whenever you like. Cheers buddy :)
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Steelseries Sensei 310 or Logitech G502 Proteus Core, depending on your favored mouse structure.
Stay the f out of Razer.
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The Logitech G502 is at the top of the game. The G402 is also quite nice if you wanna save some cash or don't want as many buttons since the G502 is kinda overkill in that field. They go REALLY cheap on amazon spain during sales. I got my G502 Proteus Spectrum for 40€ back in 2017 and saw it for that price during xmas. The G402 tends to go as low as 30€ i think.
If you want something outside Logitech, then the Steelseries Rivals are good, the 110 is a basic mouse with 2 thumb buttons, but it's solid and has a decent sensor for a pretty ok price but I think the 310 is probably a better option if you have the cash.
The Razer Deathadder is also a very good mouse, but overpriced when you look at the features it has when compared to other big name brands. Their software is also absolute trash.
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I got that in 2017 for $42. It seems it got more expensive now, but I highly recommend it. Still have it and stil in perfect condition.
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Currently using a Logitech G502 (the Proteus Core edition, it's since been revised as the HERO edition)
Fits my large hands well enough, weight customization adds a bit of extra comfort too. I also really like that the scrollwheel can be switched between smooth scroll and stepping at the press of a button.
Used to have a G5 too, I feel this one is a worthy successor.
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I use this mouse too and I agree it's great. Just wish they wouldn't have placed that thumb button on the side. It's right where I would like to place my thumb naturally, so I've had to adjust my grip to avoid it. That would be my only complaint though, excellent otherwise.
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I bought on Mar 11, 2018 Logitech G602 Gaming Wireless Mouse still going strong.
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i like razer mamba , has 12 programmable left side buttons but you can do 8 page of programmed buttons the you can use 2 of the 12 button for cicle pages , so you can make a total of 80 programmabke buttons, also the mouse have magnetic part for change the side and has also wireless too or can plug cable uo to you,i buy it 5 years ago and still very happy i use it a lot also for sg because i program buttons for do useful things in sg same scroll page or like this if you contact me on steam i can send you link of my video review too
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24 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by s4k1s
Hello going to buy a new mouse now that i'm going to buy a new PC, but idk absolutely nothing about mouse so...
my actual mouse it's a G5 8-10 years old.
i want a mouse of similar size (not a little mouse i hate them) with at least 1 extra button and with regulable DPI speed program, also i want to use cable USB i don't like wireless things.
for example my G5 mouse have a program and 3 diferent speeds, in each speed i can put until 2000DPI as i want, for example speed 1 800 dpi, speed 2 1400dpi and speed 3 2000dpi.
so i want a mouse that i can choice the DPI i want to use
i want to spend around 50-100$ Euros (spain) i bet i can buy a very good mouse with that budget.
just as an extra info, just in case you need to know, i'm going to buy this PC that another guy recommended me in another forum.
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