Completely irrelevant removed game mystery edit:

Hey, anyone know what's up with the game "ABRAMS TANK"? No store page (as usual for a removed game) but no community at either? And the badge page says "Invalid game" - but real invalid games redirect you to your main badge at ... For some reason I could make a booster pack at - but if I can't make the badge there's not much point... Weird stuff...

Original thing:

You know, with all the Winter Sale madness going on I was looking at my pile of trading cards, trying to find some cheap ones for badges... And, of course, I noticed a lot of This item can no longer be bought or sold on the Community Market. cards... Sigh.

Can't sell them. Can't buy the missing cards to make badges with them. They are going to clog up my Steam inventory forever. :(

But then I had something. An idea! You can still make booster packs for those games. Just need to open a Sack of Gems...

Well, I've got oodles of those, been grinding up worthless foil cards or surplus sale smileys for years... I kept waiting for a repeat of that magical Steam auction, you know, the one from... 2014? Wow, was it really that long ago? spoiler: The Auction Is Never Coming Back

So, as a public service to all the badge junkies / gem accumulators, let me mention: you can actually get rid of that crap! You don't need to keep all those half-a-badge's worth of Digital Homicide cards! Make some booster packs, and say goodbye to that junk!


You know, thinking about it a bit more, there is a problem with this plan. Instead of being stuck with a bunch of unmarketable trading cards, after making all those badges you'll be stuck with a bunch of unmarketable backgrounds and smileys instead.

Maybe this idea needs a bit of work. Never mind!

You know, If I were clever, down here at the bottom of all these words I'd hide a giveaway for some fancy removed game. But I already gave away all my fancy removed games. Oops.

And nobody plays those things anyway. I mean, they were probably removed for a reason. Stalin vs. Martians? Umm... Break Into Zatwor? Umm... All you'd do is pat yourself on the back for a precious and rare removed game +1, but they don't even count for a +1 any more. So screw that.

Well, after typing all this nonsense I've got to make a giveaway for something. Otherwise nobody's going to bother writing anything. I'll have to bump this stupid thing myself, and I don't feel like it. Umm...

Maybe a giveaway for something that's not removed yet? Maybe Steam will turn to crap and all these indie developers will bail. Hmm... 70% of something, or 88% of nothing...

Ok, checked my wishlist. Found some random indie stuff. Typed enough random garbage to chase away the lazy greedy people.

You can go about your business. Move along, move along.

Would you kindly...




6 years ago*

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Can anyone even vote in this poll? Don't feel bad, I can't either. Oh well. Bet you thought I was giving one away. Heh, no.(Poll Requires Games to Vote)

View Results

Thanks <3

6 years ago

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No problem! :) Thank you too! :)

6 years ago

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You can always scrap the untradeable cards, but their gemvalue is trash. Bg/emoticon of removed games probably too, so yeah... got a bunch of those too I want rid off but it's very hard to do.
(And no, can't vote in your poll)

6 years ago

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Yeah, you don't get many gems for them, it's just throwing money away. I don't know the formula but I'm guessing something related to the total number cards that have been generated for that game. Since a brand-new game foil card is what, 320 gems? I forget. But old bundle trash foil cards aren't worth the effort to click on them... :(

I assume there are collectors for some specific removed game things, but there can't be very many of them. Especially foil cards, you're only going to need 1 of each. Oh well.

Looks like a couple showoffs could vote in it. I'd feel jealous but apparently the game isn't any good so nyah nyah or something like that. :) Hope they didn't pay big money for it...

6 years ago

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Got 2 digital homicide foils here and yeah, not sure what to do with those either. They do give 40 gems, but is that the best option? Hmm...

View attached image.
6 years ago

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I'm tempted just to keep them, since cards from removed games are such a pain - what if I get stupid and want one of those foil sets next year? I'd have to trade for it, and that would suck... :)

6 years ago

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I would give 150 gems each for your unmarketable foil cards. And 50-80 depending on game for normal cards where I don't have level 5 badge already. Tradelink on my profile.

6 years ago

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With the current gem-prices 150gems is 0,04 cent 0_o

6 years ago

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Seems you are right, sorry. Maybe you give me an idea what you are looking for, e.g. cards for completing your sets? I have the missing cards for Cavern Escape and Last Hope. Or Winter cards?

6 years ago

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I'll give it a look over tomorrow, and will get back to you. I generally only craft badges of games I like (as a bit of extra support for devs) but since the SGMA made my life more complicated games I don't like usually just linger and I might get lucky with random booster drops to complete one.

6 years ago

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I have about 250 unmarketable cards if you're interested in trading any. Would want 60-80 for normal and 200 for foil, though I don't think I'd have foil you want. I think there's only 2 or 3.

6 years ago

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Thanks, I will add you on Steam, so I can send trade offers.

6 years ago

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I can vote yeeehaw!!

6 years ago

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Alas. I can't. :(

I'll console myself with the fact that I read somewhere the game wasn't very good. So I totally didn't want to play it anyway. Yeah. :(

Thank you! :)

6 years ago

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It's actually pretty decent. The game is from the time when being removed meant something and there was only a dozen of those. Nowadays with all the hentai puzzle and achievement garbage games that end up being removed (usually thanks to shady devs) being removed doesn't mean much. I think the game was only a couple of weeks up on the store and the license expired rather quickly so the price never went below the initial 49,99$. I got it from Amazon for 20$ (boxed copy). A friend from Germany ordered it for me and just gave me the key (I had no interest in the disc). It was one of the few removed games that I was genuinely interested to play, it has achievements and you can even get a multiplayer match going if you find three others that own it.

6 years ago

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Yeah, I don't really see the point of being in the Removed Games Collectors group any more, there's a legion of third-world scammers making new removed games every week... I guess it's still useful to hear about the occasional "real" game that's about to be removed, but the thrill is gone...

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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Thank you! :)

6 years ago

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Bump and meow

6 years ago

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Thank you! :)

6 years ago

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

6 years ago

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Hmmmmmm, I can't remember the first Steam game I bought for someone... Probably something for my nephew, but I'm too lazy to figure it out. :) He probably didn't play it either. :)

Aha, that sounds neato! I got a Totoro music box thing from my sister a while ago, but I never remember to wind it. :(

Hmm, do some Barbie games have trading cards? I know Barbie Dreamhouse Party doesn't, but maybe the other one does? Umm, pet something or other? I didn't buy that one, was waiting for a better price... Oops. So no Barbie booster packs for me. Sigh. :(

Thank you! :) Hope you have a good new year also! :)

6 years ago

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

6 years ago

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Oh, fancy! Too bad about the mystery smiley, though. :(

I guess you could always make more Barbie badges and see what you get, but that seems like a lot of gems to waste on a gamble... Oh well. :(

6 years ago

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This comment was deleted 2 months ago.

6 years ago

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Hi! :) It seems only the cool kids get to vote in this one. Oh well.

Thank you! :)

6 years ago

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That's a waste of gems when you could be crafting ton of Nep-Nep boosters to score some foils.

6 years ago

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Ahh, but are any of the Nep-games removed? I could just buy the foils on the market, right? You could make booster packs for months and get nothing...

Thank you! :)

6 years ago

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I think he meant how to make the most profit out of gems. Crafting Neps or other anime boosters and then selling the cards. I had done that as well, before I started to craft boosters for level 1 badges of unmarketables. However, with a big collection there might be other games than Nep to get high-prices (foil) cards. At steamcardexchange you can sort the badge price list to figure out, which of your owned games could lead to the most profit of selling.

6 years ago

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Ahh, didn't think of that... I'm too lazy to get profitz, too much work for too little money... :)

Do people sell the booster packs they make, or do they open them? I wonder if there are people opening booster packs every day, hoping to get lucky on some foil card? seems a particularly dumb sort of gambling, but who knows... :)

6 years ago

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I usually open boosters I get, since cards are mostly worthier (even without foil). But if you want to be sure, you'd have to check prices and evaluate the probability.

6 years ago

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I think there are some accounts that buy those unmarketable cards, if I'm not mistaken. I don't do that, though.
It's too much work... _(:/ 」∠)_ So I just usually scrap them for like 2 gems, haha!

6 years ago

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Wow, considering how much those sacks of gems are selling for, that's about as worthless as you can get... :(

I know VanillaBot takes any unmarketable card trades 1:1, no matter what the game is - which means all the GooCubelets cards you can imagine, and not much else. Every so often I'll check, but haven't seen anything I needed for several months. Probably there's some other bot watching and picking it clean...

Thank you! :)

6 years ago

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Oh dang, that's a nice bot. I thought they usually only trade same sets, so I never bothered. Thank you, I guess I'll keep that in mind when I get more unmarketable cards next time. :D (hopefully not, but who knows? XD)

6 years ago

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You will have to check its inventory - 99% of the time it's full of junk someone else didn't need, either. Sometimes you see less common cards, but they don't seem to last very long...

6 years ago

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I've been doing the same thing but you are quite right; most of the time there's just GooCubelets and similar cards available.

I've never even considered using the boostercreator but it's an interesting idea. Unfortunately for most of my unmarketable sets I am missing one or two cards, not three. :p

6 years ago

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Yeah, there's really no way to win with this removed game garbage. Well, other than saying screw it and turning them all into gems. :) Live and learn... :)

6 years ago

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Five votes so far! :-) Not from me though.

There are a few bots / sites / groups that will trade many removed game cards. I've managed to get rid of all but one of mine so far.

6 years ago

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Hmm, for removed game cards all I know is the VanillaBot - and it's always got a pile of cards I don't need. I'm too lazy to, you know, make an effort with trading crap. Give me a bot to trade with, I'm not making deals with humans. :)

Thank you! :)

6 years ago

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I use It has it's own currency (also called gems, I think?). You deposit cards via a trade to the site's bots, it gives you "gems" and then you use those gems in the site's shop to buy full card packs, which you receive via another Steam trade. Prices fluctuate a bit, but I generally value 10 site gems at about USD$0.01, though with the recent change of Steam in Australia to AUD, it's a bit harder to gauge for me now. Also many of the popular card packs sell out quickly, especially around Steam sale time (the most popular time for badge crafting). So sometimes you have to visit a few times to find what you want.

Just checking the site again now I finally managed to offload my last non-marketable card: one of the Arcane re-raise card. Hooray! Now, what should I buy … ?

6 years ago

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Interesting, I never tried any of that sort of trading. Even on umm, steamcardexchange, I only use it like a normal 1:1 same set bot, which apparently isn't the point at all. Oh well. :)

Think I have about 1000 surplus unmarketable cards, plus a pile of booster packs... Maybe I should check, but it sounds like so much effort... And I'm soooo lazy... :)

Hope you find some precious card you've been needing for months! :)

6 years ago

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As a last ditch effort you can always give them away on Steamgifts and give someone else the headache / sweet sweet money/badge

6 years ago

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Yeah, actually, hmm... A bunch of removed game sets might be a nice boobie price for someone who didn't win a giveaway or something. :) But think of the profitz... Wouldn't want to miss out on the precious profitz... :)

6 years ago

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Shhh, don't go around telling even more people about this :c :P

6 years ago

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Sorry! :)

Well, I've had these unmarketable cards sitting in my inventory for ages, right next to the huge stack of gems, and finally had the revelation. I should have done this last year, when the cards were still everywhere, and people were throwing removed game keys around like candy... Now it seems the matches are getting hard to find. :( Oh well. :)

Thank you! :)

6 years ago

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I just finally crafted my first badge yesterday, after being on Steam for over 11 years...had always just turned cards into gems randomly before.

6 years ago

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Ahh, I think if you can avoid making any more badges there might be hope! :) It's such a colossal waste of time / effort / money... :)

Whatever genius at Valve thought up their whole trading card / badge thing should probably get a special prize for making that dollar, then be dumped in the ocean...

Good luck! :)

6 years ago

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I do not know what to use in the inventory, backgrounds and icons will increase.
Made it to a gem when there were more than one.

spoiler: The Auction Is Never Coming Back

When Steam starts operating the same content as Steamgifts, will use gems?
There is not such a thing.For now.
I will continue to accumulate gems in the future and it may expire.XD

6 years ago

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My inventory is so full of garbage, sometimes I wish it would all just disappear... :)

I had to move out all of my backgrounds and smileys, it was too slow to use otherwise. :(

You can try to find trades for things, but it only works if someone else has the right items you are missing. And during the big Summer / Winter sales it's very slow, too many people trying to use it simultaneously...

Thank you! :)

6 years ago

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They should turn all the steam cards into a trading card game :3

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6 years ago

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I already waste enough time playing "Steam" - let's hope they don't make it worse by turning it into an actual game... :)

Thank you! :)

6 years ago

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i've been making boosters to finally get a badge for To Be or Not To Be! and after i've maxed that one out, will return to making boosters for the removed Adventure Time games so i can finally have Marceline the Vampire Queen grace my profile. goals, yo.

6 years ago

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Dang, thought I had carefully found all my "removed game" badges, but if I missed those two obvious ones I've probably overlooked hundreds of them... :( Wonder how I managed that... Stupid removed games! :)

Thank you! :)

6 years ago

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You can find those cards and items easily by advanced search. There's an option to search for unmarketables (this includes also recently bought items due to trade lock though).

6 years ago

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Ahh, yes, that should work... I was hoping for a master list of "can't buy this" badges, maybe something that checks your library and spits out all the links you need in one handy page. :) I'm super lazy... :)

6 years ago

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While afaik all banned games have unmarketable items, only a few removed ones are affected (probably only DMCA/licensed). So even if there was such a script, the creator would have to add games manually.

6 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

6 years ago

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In a way, maybe it's good I forgot about making them, or I would have burned through my stack of gems years ago... :) At this rate I may even need to dip into this sale's surplus smileys and backgrounds... :)

Thank you! :)

6 years ago

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Gems are probably more efficient than even selling the poo cards that sell for a penny but greed makes earning a pittance look more appealing.

6 years ago

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Thanks to the event though the gemprice is tanking so gemming is really only profitable if it gives 100, otherwise it's a waste of your money not to sell it and just buy a sack of gems instead.

6 years ago

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Well, it depends on the value of the gems, and that's taken a big hit... Right now they aren't worth much at all, so check the current sale price before you make a bunch of gems on autopilot... :)

Thank you! :)

6 years ago

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thanks and bump!

6 years ago

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Thank you too! :)

6 years ago

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Thanks for the GAs,I want to recommend a BOT,which provide 1:1 Cross-set Trading Cards from non-Marketable Cards.
this is the profile page:
I always use it to complete one half set by another.

6 years ago

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Good bot, but usually quickly sucked of all 6-7 cards games, making it a bit hard to finish some smaller badges.

6 years ago

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Thank you! :)

I have used that bot in the past, but it seems any uncommon cards are quickly traded away... :( Currently it's 100% cards already have "Level 5" badges from, and by definition I don't need any more of those... :( Oh well. :)

6 years ago

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Bumpity bump :)

6 years ago

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Thank you! :)

6 years ago

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I know nothing about gems. Like, when do I sell trash for money or do I grind it down to gems instead?
So far I've just been selling.

6 years ago

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Gems are currently worth 0,24 for 1000.
So if you have something worth 100 gems that will sell for 0,02 (0,04 on the market) it's worth gemming to save a few cents. Otherwise it'll be better to sell and just buy the gems (if you're interested in boosterpack creation).

6 years ago

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Thank you, I'll try to keep that in mind.
Happy New Year!

6 years ago

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I just bought a few packs for 0,21 so it seems very soon my 1-day comment isn't valid anymore 0_o

6 years ago

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Umm, what he said. :)

You have to check how many gems you get from an item, and much money you would receive from selling that many gems, compared to selling the item directly. The short answer is "it depends!" so you have to check each thing individually, or use some browser addon that does it all for you.

If you have a large pile of things you're going to be clicking on crap for hours to earn a few cents - it's hardly worth the trouble. :)

Thank you! :)

6 years ago

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And wishing you a Happy New Year!

6 years ago

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I just use the cards to buy garbage and lewd backgrounds.

6 years ago

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Oh, buy backgrounds? Guess I'm out of touch... :( I figured people just used whatever was the best one they got from all their random badge crafting... Oh well...

Thank you! :)

6 years ago

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Oh well, bump!

6 years ago

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Oh well, thank you! :)

6 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

6 years ago

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Oh, definitely, badges and cards and all this crap - it's a small pile of free cash for anyone smart enough to sell them, and a huge waste of money for everyone who's gotta catch 'em all... Sigh... :) One more thing to tell myself when I build that time machine... :)

And be sure to check the value of a sack of gems before you grind up a big pile of stuff, since whatever numbers you may be remembering have probably changed for the worse... Oh well...

Thank you! :)

6 years ago

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i know nothing, ty man
and bumpp

6 years ago

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There's a lot of that going around! :) Thank you! :)

6 years ago

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