How do you sell your Steam trading cards?
I always set it for a cent or two under the current lowest price. Thank you for the chance!
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Basically it's automating your job and the steam TOS states
"You may not use Cheats, automation software (bots), mods, hacks, or any other unauthorized third-party software, to modify or automate any Subscription Marketplace process."
Edit: Come to think of it that would mean all steam bots are supposed to get banned.... I haven't read the TOS saw this on reddit
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it usually depends. if the card has a high demand and has price spikes I sell it for a bit more than the cheapest. if not, like a foil, then I go for the cheapest price
I try not to sell it for cheapER than the cheapest because that sometimes leads to pricedrop
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I typically set it for the current lowest price.... So that the next bidder typically gets me or someone around me... but typically it goes quickly....
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With the Steam Inventory Helper extension. Saves so, so much time now.
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I like your style mate!
Maybe I should try that too!
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I check the history of how much cards are sold per day, then I see the amount of cards on market for each price and make my decision based on that. Also, the popularity of the game and if it is or not in a bundle atm also helps me decide.
Some examples:
Card X (5 sold per day)
Price / Quantity
$0,09 - 10
$0,10 - 9
$0,15 - 27
$0,16 - 14
$0,17 - 3
What I do: Set the price for $0,14 and wait. For the difference between $0,09 and $0,14, I think its worth the wait. And selling for $0,15 for me it would not worth it, it would take too long, considering that everyday more cards are being announced and there are already 27 for that price.
Card Y (6 sold per day)
Price / Quantity
$0,08 - 2
$0,10 - 37
$0,17 - 2
$0,18 - 1
$0,20 - 3
What I do: Fuck it. Nothing much to do. I sell it for $0,08 or $0,09. Even tho I could announce it for $0,16, $0,17, or more, there is too much $0,10 cards in the way.
Card Z (16 sold per day)
Price / Quantity
$0,10 - 84
$0,11 - 56
$0,12 - 71
$0,13 - 64
$0,14 - 49
What I do: Sell it for $0,09. Too much cards on every price above it.
Resuming: I try to find the perfect gap between waiting and not giving away my card almost for free. I could sell it for the lowest price without even checking the price of the other cards at the market, but sometimes even when the last card sold were sold by, lets say, $0,11, there could be only a couple of cards costing $0,12-$0,15, then I could announce mine for $0,16 and wait a while.
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I usually sell the one with a starting price of at least .09 or.10 and keep the other ones for trading them for bundle games
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That's exactly what I do too.
Although in the first example I would have sold it for .09 because I think it'd take too long otherwise. There are only 5 cards sold per day, but maybe there are enough people putting this card on the market to keep the lowest price at .09 constantly. Then even if the .09 and .10 cards run out, some people would probably have put some .11-.12 cards on the market in the meanwhile.
Generally if there are n cards sold per day, I put it at the lowest price if the quantity available is n/2 or more. If it's less than that, I look at the next price, and if the sum of the cards available at that price and at the lowest one is n/2 or more, I put it at this price. If not, I keep doing this until I reach the price where this condition is met (most of the time it's never more than lowest price + .02)
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Why do you wait sales to craft? Is there some benefit I don't know? I'm kinda new at steam universe, been playing only CS for a long time :B
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when you craft badges on sale you normaly get one eventcard.
there is also a time short before the sale starts, where you can only by that way earn cards. and in this period the cards have a high value
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this is good if you also want to lvl up (or collect badges), usually crafting a badge will cost more then the sale card it drops:
for min value: 5X 0.5 = 25
cards of sale usually sold on the 18-25 (depends on you luck and time)
so if you want to lvl up (or you want the badges) go for it, otherwise dont see any reason to do it.
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A very small profit on Steam XP. Good if you are levelling, especially on low levels or when you can save up a hundred or more badge levels worth of cards. I do this too (I have a few cards ready for this summer…), but if you don't particularly care about levelling for the sake of levelling (it gives roughly zero benefits over 50 and microscopic ones even under it), then you can just craft any time and give away/use the coupons. Based on my time I spent in the Coupon Dumpster group, people do appreciate the coupons given away to the community from time to time.
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I don't sell my cards at all unless I really need to quickly earn a few cents. I keep all the cards, some of them to craft badges, some of them I exchange for other cards using the Card exchange bot :)
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I studied the history of each card.
I have already sold a card is € 1.11, while the average price was € 0.30 (not premium)
I wait longer, but there have more gain
(and it does not ruin the market for cards ...)
I do not understand those who sell it faster ...
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is there an easy way to check requests for a card without first putting it on sale? Take for example a card page like this one. Is there a way to view it and use the sales/request info to help me set the right price? Currently I just put it on sale for something that makes sense (based on the graph), then occasionally revisit the cards I have on sale to see if I'm overpricing some of them based on what other people are asking. This is pretty inefficient unfortunately.
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click on a card in your inventory and then on "View in Community Market" on the right side shortly above the sell button
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Maybe I misunderstood what you're trying to say, but you can see the page you linked even before selling a card!
Just choose the card you wanna check in your inventory and click on "view in community market" :)
If I got it wrong I'm sorry!
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Well best strategy if you really want to sell your cards and still want to get a good price is to set a price to equal (if there is only a few cards set for that price) or a cent lower...I don't mind waiting a day or two for them to sell. As some mentioned more often I just keep them for trading since you can buy a decent amount of bundle games you missed perhaps if you have enough cards. And finally, sometimes I really like the badge and/or the game so I keep my cards and complete the set - a really good advice is to wait for crafting those badges for summer/winter events since you'll get an event card for each badge crafted.
Everything I wrote is already mentioned but it might help still if you like that strategy ;)
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I don't sell them. I keep all of them for trading. Best deal I've ever had was trading around 70 cards for Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning Collection. Then I had another 38 cards traded for Borderlands GOTY. The rest of the cards i had, after reaching over 15-20 cards, i've traded them for various bundled games which i missed on sale.
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I Only sell cards from games that just pop out and cards are expensive , aside of that i trade them for games ... or give them to friends to finish their badges .
For example Nekopara Vol.0 came out ... Yesterday ? or the day b4 .
I got it fresh , and the cards ware still ~0.50-0.60 each so i made half the money i payd for the game back out of the cards :P
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I just hoard them up until near a sale. Usually shortly after the event cards starts to drop when you craft badges, there is a small but not insignificant increase in card prices, and that's when I dump my collection on the market. I'm too lazy to check the price histories for cards, so I just dump them at their current price.
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Selling them for the highest price of the last month
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I dont craft much so i mostly sell for current lowest price
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when i sale i try to keep the market and not make it drop, set an average price.
people dont understand that by selling always on the low, they break the market.
but i usually try to trade them for keys for the same value ~ , this way i can trade for games the keys(cs:go,tf2), and they get cards :-)
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No, this is wrong because the buyers often are greedy bastards and set the "want" prices too low: if the prices are around 1.30 why do they have to ask 0.20/0.30 ? Or more frequently you can see when the price of the sellers is 0.15 and they set the offers at 0.03. Sellers and buyers should find a compromise. The new system with multiple orders and the users who can't wait and sell too low have ruined the market.
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Compromise is one thing, the harsh laws of supply and demand are another. When you are selling your stuff for 0.30-0.90 when literally only one bid is there for 0.20 for months on end, don't expect the Mysterious Rich Guy to suddenly pop up and buy something that nobody else is interested in.
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If you are selling a card for 0.30 and this is the lowest price for months, i can assure that you'll never find a bid for 0.20, that's the problem. The compromise range price would be between 0.10 and 0.20 like you said. They try to "scam" you, they will place the bid for 0.03 and it will be there forever waiting for the impatient users.
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Well, in this particular case it is the other way around. There is a foil that has those price ranges, even though the normal cards are in the 7-8 cent one. There were exactly zero bids there when I first checked around January, and I just posted a 20-cent bid a while back. I consider this fair, even a little above the desired one. I just don't understand that when there are literally no bids for almost eight months, how does nobody clue in that maybe selling cards for 10× price isn't really profitable?
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Either sell them on the market or trade them for bundle games I missed.
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The other day I was selling some trading cards and I wondered: how is everyone else selling theirs?
Do you have a winning strategy that you want to share?
I once used to set a medium-high price and wait, but then I grew tired of having loads of rotting listings in the community market and started selling them instantly to the highest bidder. Heh, patience is not one of my virtues.
Mandatory giveaway of a game with decent-priced cards: Higurashi When They Cry
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