Your favorite pie song?
(See if you need a hint- these gibs are accessed the same way as the one in that thread.)
(Giveaways are Fermi's Path, ChargeShot, Animal Lover and, in the other thread, Tulpa.)
(Pre-Puzzle Filter Check)
Please, no spoilers in this thread.
Poll song links:
Black Light Burns
Foo Fighters
Mumford & Sons
The Beatles
The National
The Wiggles
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Oops. I forgot Dope's classic song "Pie MF, Pie" (NSFW - Language). :/
Fans of that song can reply here. :P
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I've been oscillating between trying to ignore this and trying to solve it since you put it up. But all I know, even with the hint, is that I'm Never Gonna Give Pie Up.
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Find the giveaway in that second thread, take note of how you accessed it, and you'll know how to access the ones in this thread.
You don't need to do anything special to find the giveaway in the second thread, so don't overthink it- just explore the page a bit.
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I apparently can't find the giveaway in that other thread, only the link to the old jigidi in a different thread.
Anyway, I hope you like your DS4 controller. It's a huge improvement over the DS3, and I actually find it more comfortable to hold than the XB1 controller. I still prefer the XB1 because I prefer the Xbox staggered thumbstick layout (ideal for 99% of my controller games), prefer not to have to mentally translate Xbox controls to the DS buttons, and because I've encountered compatibility issues with the DS4 on PC (one of the Shantae games, for example, was registering the buttons all wrong, and refused to register one of the buttons entirely). Hopefully your experience is better.
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I apparently can't find the giveaway in that other thread, only the link to the old jigidi in a different thread.
Just to be clear, the giveaway in that thread is hidden- in plain sight, but not enough so that it's obvious.
Anyway, I hope you like your DS4 controller. It's a huge improvement over the DS3
That's promising. The early DS3s had weight balance issues, due to Sony not compensating for the shift to wireless/battery well, but otherwise I don't recall them being at all disfavorable. If Sony improved on that as measurably as you suggest, then it should be quite satisfying to use.
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The DS3 was almost unchanged, ergonomic-wise, from the original 20-year-old at the time DualShock controller. While the DS 1 was great for its time, ergonomics had come along way in the 20 years since its creation and yet the DS3 was almost unchanged from the original design. You can take a look a the pictures here, and were it not for the cord and color you wouldn't be able to tell the DS1 from the DS3. It feels fine, but it doesn't feel great or particularly ergonomic.
DS4 is an actual redesign, the first in 26 years. They redesigned the grips and thumbsticks and shoulder buttons, and it feels much better to hold. It's a huge ergonomic improvement, and for my hands the 2nd most comfortable controller after the X360.
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To be fair, the Dualshock was a massive improvement over the fairly lousy original Playstation controller, but yeah. after that, they took the design, improved production quality a bit for the PS2, and then remodeled it to fit in wireless for PS3- that was the pretty much the sum of the changes over the years. Being fond of the PS2 controller, the PS3 one wasn't a let-down in any way, other than the battery weight-distribution problems- but a modernization'd definitely be agreeable. Of course, I'm not sure any gamepad can match to the ergonomic appeal of the Superpad's design- I loved that thing, back on the N64. Which is good, 'cause the official N64 controllers were kinda awful. :P
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Hahaha. I never had an N64 myself, but I played one in college and the original N64 controllers... they were certainly... unique, haha. I think these picture sum it up nicely: Nintendo controller evolution and N64 controller.
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Frankly, the official controllers were a bit of a disaster, something not helped by their tendency to break on you. Superpads not only melded into your hands smoothly and placed all the trigger buttons in intuitive positions, but they also had the smoothest transition between d-pad and joystick of any controller I've seen, for the games that needed both. The plastic was still a bit on the cheap end- as it was in that era- so it wouldn't age perfectly, but the positioning and general quality of it not only makes it desirable now, it made it so that it blew the official N64 controllers out of the water, at the time. It's a pity noone else ever re-explored that kind of "shape it so it fits to the hand, rather than worrying about a mirrored layout" approach to controller design.
Though, at least Nintendo is trying to explore new things- as you noted, Sony and Microsoft really are putting in the bare minimum (though, as I noted, when a design works, sticking with it until you're compelled to change it with it is just good business. Besides, Sony can just keep expanding off Nintendo's designs when they feel an urge to innovate, like they did with the Wiimote 2.0 Playstation Move :P).
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I actually wish Microsoft hadn't changed the shape of the controller for the XB1. The 360 pad still fits me like a glove. I wish they just kept the shape and improved everything else like they did. I don't know if it's because I hold the controller tightly, wrapping my fingers around it, and they're basing it off of people who hold the controller loosely and just curl the ends of their fingers around, but the XB1 just doesn't feel as comfortable to hold.
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Thanks. I finally figured it out. I never would have thought of that if not for this hint. Unfortunately, I figured it out 47 minutes after the giveaways ended. :)
But that's okay, I wasn't going to enter them anyway, and finally figuring out and solving the puzzle was the real reward. :)
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Dr. Seuss really had a flair for the topic, though:
One wish. Two wish. Pie wish. Cake wish.
Tasty dish. Sweet dish. Pie dish, cake dish.
This one has a little star. This one looks like a car.
Say! What a lot. Of desserts there are.
Yes. Some are red. And some are blue. Some are old. And some are new.
Some are rather rad. And some are just a fad. But each one'll make you oh so glad!
Where are they, the rad and fad desserts to make you glad?
I do not know. Go ask your dad.
Some are thin. And some are fat.
This fat one has, a cream cheese cat!
From there to here, from here to there,
Tasty things are everywhere!
Here are some, to which you'll run.
You'll run for fun, in the hot, hot sun.
Oh me! Oh my! Oh me! Oh my!
What a lot of tasty things that go by.
Some have two layers, and some have four.
Some have six layers, and some have more.
Where do they vanish to? I cannot say.
But I bet they once filled, that empty tray.
We see them come.We see them go.
Some are ice cream, and some are from dough.
Some are high, and some are low.
Not one of them, is like the other.
Don’t ask us why, just go eat another!
Say! Look, do you espy, all the many kinds of pie?
One, two, three…
How many pies do I see?
One, two, three, four,
Five, six, seven,
Eight, nine, ten.
How about eleven?
I'm always up for something new.
I wish I had Eleven pies, I really do!
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You're confusing the concept of levity with the concept of comic relief- only the latter is specifically intended to be "funny".
You're also completely ignoring the sub-text (not that such is surprising), or you've a truly tragic view of the world.
Either way, it sounds as though you're in desperate need of pie.
For the future, please consider trying to be the kind of person people would want to share their pie with.
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Wow, that comment was completely unkneaded and fruitile
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Oh, it's muffin to worry about. I'm sure he was just being a bit crusty, and just trying to get a rise out of me. Or perhaps it was simply a crumby joke gone a rye? Though, any way you slice it, it could have left me feeling like crepe- an apology feels like the yeast one could offer. Then again, I'm sure by now I'd feel batter already. Sorry for waffling around on the matter so much..
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Seriously? No "Warrant - Cherry Pie"? I'm disappointed.
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Damn... those Kiwis have an accent my ears are not used to yet :D Glad somebody posted (and explained) the punchline in the comments.
But nice copper for not diving deeper into the question why that guy is out for pie at 3AM :D
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To be honest I'm not completely sure what the puzzle is :D
But then again I never really bother with the puzzle part of puzzles. I usually just say something moderately funny vaguely connected to the deceptive title.
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I'm a big fan of hover(board)ing and waterski but there appears to be 1 binding too much on my ski (or several too few).
Also when I initially read this thread there was a reference to your controller thread so that probably made me assume it's trickier than it actually is ;)
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Well, the puzzle is all just based in glancing through each thread's OP. It seems more likely that the lack of filter hits is driven by a seasonal downturn in forum population, than the difficulty of the puzzle- especially given the much higher turnout my last, far more involved puzzle got. Of course, puzzle difficulty can be relative, but there's definitely a lot less involvement required with this one.
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"I hope you Pie" by Bloodhound Gang.
or Custard Pie by Led Zeppelin
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Solved. :D Although I failed the custom rule. @_@ Haha. Happy holidays. I had fun with the puzzle.
My song choice would be Black Sabbath Pie Young. :D
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Well, I was going to do this anyway, but now I get to shatter a certain false equivalency between someone being a deliberately negative individual and someone simply not meeting a specific set of mechanical restrictions- so that's a bonus, I guess. 🙄
Here, just for you (and anyone who isn't a deeply negative person or currently flagged for rule-breaking). ^.^
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Ah, okay. That's a new one to me, I'll have to remember that. Can't get into the GAs, but it was still useful to solve.
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King Pie - Back by Pie Demand
Is that a follow-up to Common Kings - PIE?
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Pie launch detected, you say?
Sounds like additional supply depots will be required.
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Bump -- finally solved and passed the filter. Thanks!
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Spying on me in my own home now, are you? :|
Look, that whole pie was just asking for it.
:rubs forehead:
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