Fire up your Steam clients and get busy downloadin', cause the latest act of KRZ is available now. It's been a long wait, but it's here at last.

In typical understated fashion, there is a "trailer" for Act IV as well.

UPDATE 1: NOW WITH GIVEAWAY. That got your attention, eh?

I got another copy of KRZ in the meantime, and will be giving it away here. I was unsure on how to do it though, because I don't want a simple forum GA for everybody's bot to enter, and I don't want this game to fade into obscurity on some hoarder's library, never to be touched. I've given this game away twice before, back when it was still going for full price (or had its first ever discount), and I considered it to be my signature giveaway of sorts. But both GAs were for group events or a select few people I was familiar with. I'm going to try something different here.

If you want a chance at receiving a copy of KRZ, 1) you must have added it to your wishlist before 19 July 2016, and 2) write a post briefly explaining why you are interested in the game. If you are selected, I will invite you to a private group for this giveaway only. Depending on interest, I may relax the first requirement but will try to keep the number of entrants low to give a fair chance at winning.

UPDATE 2: APPLICATIONS ENDING SOON And a few thoughts on the long wait

The thing that always gets mentioned when it comes to Kentucky Route Zero is the relatively long wait between the individual acts. The very first reply here sparked a discussion about this, and I can understand that this can be frustrating for a lot of people. What I want to say is that this game is not like your typical episodic release à la Telltale or what have you. It is far more literary in nature, is not afraid to draw upon a myriad of references (some rather obscure even), and is closer to theatre than television when it comes to its storytelling. (That said, there's no need to be familiar with the referenced works - I certainly wasn't - to enjoy the game). The parts are called Acts for a reason, as opposed to episodes. This is one of the reasons why I think that the wait between them is not really that big of an issue. But gamers can be a fickle bunch, and I'll be the first to admit that I am no exception. Sure, I wouldn't have minded if the parts had been made available sooner. And yet I find that there is something beautiful and majestic about the slow pace here. It allows for some welcome downtime and reflection. It is probably hard to understand if you haven't played the game yourself, but I don't have a problem with the wait. I certainly prefer waiting to the disappointment of a rushed job with only hints of what could have been. Your mileage may vary - considerably.

Enough of that, though. I will be inviting people to the giveaway in the next hours, so if you want in, now is the time.

Also, I could secure a second copy, so double the chances for everyone. Yay.

UPDATE 3: GIVEAWAY IS LIVE And a final tip, even if you do not own the game

The giveaway is now live and the participants that were selected have been invited to the group. I enjoyed reading everyone's responses and I felt sorry for not including everyone who took the time to reply here. I wanted the participants to have a good chance at winning though, so I decided to keep the number of entrants low.

Finally, I want to share something that may interest you even if you do not own the game (yet): There are three little "vignettes" by the developer that are not included in the main game but are available as separate free downloads from their website. These take place before the respective Acts. The first one is Limits and Demonstrations, the second is The Entertainment, and the third is Here and There Along the Echo. It is not necessary to play these to understand the story, but I do recommend you check them out. Especially the second one (The Entertainment) ties in with the third act somewhat. However, you could also easily play these as standalone experiences, they do not "spoil" the main game.

Phew. That was a lot of text, huh?

tl,dr: nvm

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8 years ago*

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Considering how long it took Act IV to be released, I'm gonna wait until it's complete before I buy it. Or hopefully I will win it here, but I haven't had any luck with the Humble Monthlies yet.

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

8 years ago

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Don't get me wrong, I've supported my fair share of Kickstarters and Early Access game but when an episodic game goes 2 years between episodes there's a little cause for concern. Kind of like buying an EA game that hasn't been updated in years, sometimes it's better to wait.

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

8 years ago

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Sometimes. I do find it kinda amusing that you think I'm implicitly responsible for the delay, by not buying an unfinished game that wasn't updated for 2 years. With all the vaporware out there, can you really blame me for being hesitant, especially seeing as how this is their first game?

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

8 years ago

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I don't judge people for their intentions, only their actions. When you buy an early access game or a season pass for an episodic game, it's with the assumption that eventually you'll be getting a complete game. I realize it's not easy to crowdfund a game, and I've supported games that have been finished and others that haven't. I've been happy when they resulted in a finished game, but I also accept a risk I'm taking and was not upset when they didn't.

The thing is, there's so many EA titles and kickstarters out there, and unless you're really wealthy there's no way to support all of them. Therefore, you have to make an informed decision about which ones you want to support, by their track record, their assumed competency in their mission plan or previous releases, etc etc. I'm not suggesting developers (or users) should always play it safe and not take any risks, or churn out generic titles year after year. Quite the contrary, as I've already stated that I've supported numerous kickstarters and EA titles.

However, I do find your claim that I'm somehow obligated to subsidize your and all the other EA backer's investment a bit weak. The best way to promote any product is by reputation and word of mouth, and let's face it; going 2 years between updates doesn't look great for any game, regardless of what they may be posting on twitter.

Again, I hope you don't take this the wrong way (though I'm a bit doubtful, based on how you interpreted my other posts). I honestly wish Cardboard Computer the best of luck, and I'm really looking forward to playing the finished game. I respect that you want to support the developer, but condescending my "shallow assumption" and "bad publicity" is probably not be the best way to do so.

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

8 years ago

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It's interesting how those who have played the game can sometimes get a bit defensive of the long wait between the episodes. I've done it myself before (I probably sounded like that in this very thread below), and I think that speaks to how the game can be poignant and touching on a very personal level. We're convinced that we've found something very special here, possibly unique in all of gaming, and we want to defend our gem from those who don't know (yet) or simply "don't get it". Granted, fans will be fans when it comes to their favourite thing and we should probably watch out not to sound too wacky, lest we incur the dreaded fanboi moniker upon ourselves. But... it is what it is.

Anyway, I have to try to find the time this evening/night to actually play act IV. I always play KRZ at night. Always.

8 years ago*

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

8 years ago

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I sent you an invitation to my group (for the GA).

8 years ago*

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What a guy, thanks!

8 years ago

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Added for another chance at KRZ.

8 years ago

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Que amable, appreciate it!

8 years ago

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*excited noises*

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Awesome ❤

8 years ago*

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Wow, people were treating the game as dead - so it's finally finished. Just got it from Humble Monthly ^^

Damn, I interpreted latest - for some reason - as final :|

8 years ago*

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Yep, now we just have to wait for another couple of years until episode 5 is released.

8 years ago

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If the final act is anything close to the quality of its predecessors, I honestly wouldn't mind too much. I'd rather wait for a supremely polished delivery from a team at the top if its game than face the disappointment of a rushed job with only hints of what could have been.

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

8 years ago

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Read the rules and reply to this post if you want to participate!

8 years ago

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I've had it wishlisted for a while. It looks kind of unconventional but I have a friend that played it (I guess the first three parts) and thought very highly of it. Would not mind getting a shot at it here.

8 years ago

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I've had this game wishlisted for over 2 years. I fell in love with the art style, the setup and all the reviews were stellar which made me very excited. Unfortunately being episodic and the delayed release of act iv (it's finally out!!!) made me not buy it. I'm sure I'll add it to my collection eventually if I don't win it here on SG first :)

8 years ago

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It's been on my wishlist for a while. I was amazed by the look of the game from the start, but the delays in new acts being released keeps me waiting. At least now it's much closer to being completed. I'm a big fan of adventure games and the sort of skewed reality of KR0 appeals to me. Thanks for the chance.

8 years ago

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It's been on my wishlist since Sept 2014. I keep hearing about how great the story is, that's why I want to play it.

8 years ago

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Had it on my wishlist since June 30th, probably this year if I'm honest. I think I've heard about/seen the game before a long time ago and it seemed interesting back then. I forgot about it, but I think I rediscovered it through the humbly monthly, which I unfortunately didn't buy for that month. Why should you pick me over others for your group? Hell if I know. I love point & click games that has a focus on atmosphere and story. The games art style looks interesting and captivating to me. I love games that sort of "stand out" (In whatever sense that a game CAN stand out today), and this one seems to fit the bill in my mind.

I win a lot of games here that do end up in my backlog yes, but I do also win a lot of games that is instantly moved to the front of the line. When/if I get this game (Either here or elsewhere), it will be the latter.

No matter if I'm picked or not, thank you none the less for giving away a copy.

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

8 years ago

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Added for another chance at KRZ.

8 years ago

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I have this game on my wishlist for a while, i really like its art syle and i watched a first episode gameplay on youtube (bad move from me :/ ). I know the game from a friend. :)

8 years ago

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One of my oldest wishlisted games. Obvious, it's interesting for me because of attractive art-style and some well-written positive reviews. Why haven't I got it yet? It's still uncomplete(it can be real pain) and every steam-sale price remains the same. Expectations? I hope this game isn't just usual indie with one idea without decent performance. There is little concern that game would have only basic narration and some mythic "atmosphere" to prevail over storytelling itself.

8 years ago

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I've had it on my wishlist for quite a while. I'm a big fan of atmospheric/story-driven games where the game has a lasting impression on you. KRZ sounds engrossing and unique, beautiful yet disturbing. Really something worth playing. I'm not very eloquent myself and so I'm always very impressed when someone manages to create a game that conveys something so well to the player.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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8 years ago

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8 years ago

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I heard that it's a really intelligent, innovative and original game, that's why it's been wishlisted for some time already)

8 years ago

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Everytime I wake up I tend to pick up the phone and browse for a few minutes until I decide to keep sleeping, that's when I saw your thread. Decided to come back here and try my luck, so here we go!
I've got the game wishlisted since 16th of may, it used to be higher on the list, but when I was considering to buy it during summer sale, I was convinced to wait for that since the episodes take so long to finish. (Read the comments here)
Obviously I was a bit frustrated not having subscribed to Humble Monthly and trying to win it on here didn't work either.
Before I go into the why I want to say that I'm a very picky gamer. In a time where people boast with their 5k libraries I try to keep it as small as possible. Quality over quantity. Although it's currently larger than I want it to be to be honest. I'll remove some bundle trash in the next weeks to get it back to around 200.
So with that in mind I am always looking for some overlooked gems that I want to buy and Kentucky Route Zero always had my attention. I never really knew what this game was about, hell, I didn't even know what the genre was, but it was visually appealing and the screenshots on the store front made me curious. I've read a review somewhere, can't remember what site, maybe Polygon or Kotaku, can't remember. It was spoiler free and praised the game for being different and an experience worth having. This only made me want the game even more.
However I try to play games without expectations or spoilers, because most games nowadays can be ruined just knowing the genre. Sometimes it's great to go into a game not knowing what it will be and be suprised.
I think I'm talking nonsense now. I always sucked at keeping texts short and interesting to read, so I'll stop here. :D

8 years ago

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I'm into David Lynch-esque atmosphere and all.. Been waiting for it to get released properly, just to buy it myself, but what the hell :3
Wishlisted since 2 July.

8 years ago

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I've been interested in this game since it's kickstarter days. The first trailer that was released gave me a sense of mystery like Limbo. The artstyle and concept is to my taste.
I've had this game on my wishlist since the page was up, but Dec 31 was my wishlist clean up day.

One thing I will note is that I may wait until the final act gets announced to play it. I don't want to lose the feel of the game after a 1 year hiatus.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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"This game is already on your wishlist. Click here to view your wishlist."

clicks here
Game is removed from wishlist


8 years ago

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Accidents happen. If you want, you can still write your comment and I'll consider it.

8 years ago

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This game is on my wish list since 2014, but something always prevents me from buying, this game looks sometimes funny, sometimes melancholic but in the end unique and unforgetable experience,so this is why i would love play this game.

sorry for the poor english =)

8 years ago

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it's taken me a long time to pin down, but the number one thing that influences whether i will love a game long-term is the sound design. In Arcanum there is a scene in a forge. And the sound design is wonderful and perfect. I still remember it vividly and i love the game that much more because of that scene.

this game has wonderful art design, but the sound design really speaks to me. And I think i could grow to love it after spending some time in its aural atmosphere.

8 years ago

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Not in my wishlist as I use the following list to keep track of stuff but have a bump.

8 years ago

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I have a copy to give away as well. I hope you don't mind if pluck a few names from your list... :)

8 years ago

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Sure, be my guest. I probably won't start inviting people until tomorrow anyway, and the giveaway may run for a few days.

8 years ago

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Great-- that means I'll only be plucking one from your list. And I included a note in the GA to be careful about possible multiple wins.

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 8 months ago.

8 years ago

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I love episodic adventure games such as Life is Strange, Wolf Among Us etc. I also want to play this game because the art style of this game looks amazing. If I'm gonna be the winner, I will wait a rainy day to play it ^^

8 years ago

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Emily's Reasons Why (Not):

  1. How often does a game have "Kentucky" in its title? Or is set in Kentucky? Or even wants to acknowledge that there is a place named Kentucky? I am both cognizant of and a champion of this trivial fact, and I'd like to think that although it is trivial it matters in some fashion.

  2. Nothing in my library rots! Games are like good little children--they are quiet and well-mannered and are neither seen or heard until called upon. That's what my library is like. The games do not rot; the games age slowly and silently, near-forgotten, until asked one quiet, grey day to have their existence acknowledged--like the alumnae of a staid and morose private boarding school whom one day are asked to be ever so kind as to donate a not insignificant sum to their alma mater.

  3. I'm not Emily. Emily's Reasons Why Not is the name of a book that was adapted into a TV series starring Heather Graham and is ignominious for being canceled after airing one episode (and unlike the majority of shows that aired just once before being canceled it was not because the ratings were atrocious or because there was some controversy about the content--it was because Emily was kind of "unpleasant" and the head of ABC thought the show would not improve). Anyway, that was ten years ago. But I still love Heather Graham. Well, not love. The emotion is baser and less admirable than that. Nevertheless!

  4. I know some Haribo Sour Gold-Bears gummi candy who are homeless and maybe if things turn out to my benefit here I might recommend that they make your mouth their new home. Just a thought.

  5. You only need four reasons when your four reasons are as good as mine.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Great! I just won the game and I love it. I'm happy it's moving forward still

8 years ago

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Hmm, I simply love the art in this game and I want to improve my English by plying it.
But I have a rule that stops me from buying episodic games, until they're fully released.

8 years ago

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I've this game on my wishlist since August of 2015. I found this while checking my queue, and was deeply interested in it. So, after a little research I was able to determine that this game has a great story (I'm an absolute sucker for great stories) and the fact that artwork appeals to me greatly is another added bonus for me. Thank you for the chance.

Though, I've heard that the game is notorious for having long development time between episodes, a great story is worth the wait.

8 years ago

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Hope I get this in in time! I first thought "oh darn, I never use my wishlist so no chance this will be on it" but turns out it was! I think this game may be the most entered ga game for me on steamgifts. I'm drawn to it because I started playing lots of comedic adventure games, then moved to more serious retro-style adventure games of wadjet eye. I've never tried something similar to this, but imagine I would like it as the style seems very similar to the world Steven King (my favourite author) creates.

8 years ago

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well i like artistic style games, love supergiant games. and my expectations for this game is too damn high

in my wishlist since 29 October 2015, which is republic day in Tukey :3

8 years ago

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