You will not read comments and might be kicked from some gorup. Be careful.
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The GA creator probably blacklisted you because you
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Sorry, I had the impression of single digit entries only. Then everything should be fine - why did that scumborg dare to BL ....
Edit: Don't understand me the wrong way. I don't mind small gorups, but I think every now and then there should be public/invite GAs that reach a larger target group.
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Well okay but also the majority of his wins are from Group GAs and his public/private sent cv value is still higher than his public/private won cv value, so I don't really see the issue. He's put more in the general community than he has taken from it. But if he makes most of his winnings in a group, I think it's fair to give most of his games to said group.
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It is just one possible reason. It is fine to give & win most GAs in a group, but only gorup GAs in 7 month (I have not check further back) leaves a bitter taste for me. No single reason to blacklist imho, but might add up if other "small" reasons are give.
In case of OP there are other possible reasons, that are valid imo.
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hahahah casual addict :D
you are a true SG ;)
and yeah, i left all of my ratio based groups
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And you know what's really ironic? I'm almost to level 10 and I don't really care anymore about levels! When I first joined I would calculate how to increase my level so I could enter giveaways with a better chance of winning. Now I'm near the top, and can enter level 9 giveaways and don't care much anymore. Now that's what I call ironic.
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It's part of general netiquette. It's often not written in site rules, just like in real life not all rules are visible in the public space. Though we have general bumping rule
Unreasonable bumping. When bumping a discussion you should try to ensure it is in the best interest of the community. If you notice our community is not engaging with the content after it has been bumped a couple of times, then you need to stop bumping the discussion unless important new information or updates would make it appropriate to do so.
It's fine to bump some threads when they are still relevant (say bump to old announcement, or when there is update keys from 2 y/o bundle were revoked). While bumping random years old threads may end up "answering" to a creator that is no longer active; "talking" to people in comments that are not active, or not interested in the topic 5 years down the line. Or just make it look like there is new news or information - that's why some news places clearly mark that article is x weeks or x months old, and may no longer be relevant.
While searching for threads for answer is in general preferable, we should always check how old is the thread we want to reply to. With 6 y/o thread no one will remember it was created (except for OP, sorry xD), so would be better to make new one. Instead of mix two issues or questions that may not be identical.
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It could just be one of those people who always blacklist their winners so that someone new wins their future giveaways instead of a repeat customer, so to speak.
Personally I think that's rude. I mean what are the chances of that happening! Unless it's in a small group. But if it's open to the public then the chances of someone winning from the same person twice is very very slim.
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Trains, I would think would have a lower entry rate than just a regular giveaway for anyone. People have to find the train and then go from one to the other and on down the line. So I can see how one person could win multiple games from a train.
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I use the add-on enhancement for steam gifts where I can enter with one click from the main listings page, rather than having to open the actual page for the listing and enter there. Well I won a game and went to thank the person but it says I can't access it because I'm blacklisted by the creator. ?!?! Either there's a problem with the add-on thingy or else maybe he blacklisted me after I won? Either way I want to say sorry to the guy who blacklisted me. I don't know why he blacklisted me and I don't care but I didn't know when I entered and I am sorry I won his game.
The guy said he BL me after I won, so no worries. Also, just wanted to say for all those who have personal standards and get miffed that people like me do giveaways mostly in groups and not public, I will so be quitting giveaways as soon as I get my ratio up in my group. The bundles are overwhelming me now that I have over 3.000 games (THREE THOUSAND!!!!?!!!!?!!!!?!!!! How did that happen?!). Sometimes I don't enter any giveaways and have max points for days at a time, but then some days I feel a little greedy and enter some. I go back and forth. But once I even out my group ratio, that's it, I'm calling it quits.
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