Surprisingly there are less giveaways for DS2 today than on Jan 23, when the Franchise was on sale on Amazon for $8. Honestly, the contributor value from that was much greater than from this humble bundle if these games arent added to the bundle list.
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Was it not $7.49 with $5 EC coupon or was it actually $7.49 without the coupon? I can't remember.
Regardless, it would have been $7.49 for $114 worth of value which is just over 1:15. You could pay $1 and get Red Faction Armageddon and receive $20 for a 1:20 ratio.
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I meant if you wanted to BTA, which is why I mentioned DS2. $6.79 (current price) nets you $110 (assuming no bundle status). The DS Franchise was actually $124 CV (DS2 $50, DLCs $44, Extra Abyssal Forge $10, DS1 $20) for $8.19 after EC. I think you forgot to adjust for the base price of DS2 increasing by $10.
Anyways, ratio is slightly better for Humble Bundle, 1 to 15 vs 1 to 14. I stand corrected, but honestly it's not that much of a difference.
But my point still stands that there have actually been less DS2 giveaways made today than the day of the Amazon sale.
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Since Crazy Machines and Shadow Harvest are not bundled, I don't think darksiders 2 should.
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Who knows, support hasn't made sense with their bundle games since the THQ Bundle.
Humble Bundle #2, #3 and so on were a single keys and all the games were added to the bundle list. THQ Bundle comes out and they change their mind and decide not to add them with the reasoning "it's a single key". The only reason I can think of is that they did not want to deal with the possible backlash of people who have gift copies and would be upset about not getting full contribution.
Hopefully they'll release an announcement stating the official guidelines to be classed as a bundle. Even better would be to have a thread to discuss the matters like when the bundle list was first introduced. If they don't add them to the bundle list, then contribution will be essentially useless as you can get $20 for $1 with Red Faction: Armageddon. This even excdeeds most of the Amazon bundles as they don't reach the 1:20 ratio.
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Can someone point me out the strategy with bundles and contributions value?
At first I've given Victoria II and King's Bounty: Legend, they were both bundles, so I received $30 value, then I've given AirBuccaneers, which at that moment wasn't on the list of bundle games, so my value jumped to 50, but then I've noticed that I still have $30, that means AirBuccaneers went to "bundle"-type with the backlash effect for me.
Now, I've given DLC quest, but my value became just $32, not $52, can anybody tell me why?
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When game is added to bundle list all giveaways from start of the actual bundle are also considered bundled games, even if it was not tagged at the time. So if you gave away Air Buccaners while bundle with it was live already, and it wasn't tagged as bundle, you got full contri for a while, and when a game was added to list by staff you've lost it. If you'd give it away (meaning GiveAway ended before the bundle started, you'd keep your contributor Value.
so you had 30$ contri from only bundle games (plus 20$ not counted), then you gave away DLC Quest, which is worth 3$ contrib and is not bundled atm, and as it's not-bundled you also got 20% of it's value from your not-calculater 20$, so you got 3.6$ contribution :>
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Every game will end up in a bundle eventually so why even have contribution value at all?
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Y U NO tagged as bundle game?
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