Add 'Reject' option to the Giveaway won page (in addition to 'Received' and 'Not received')
that could be usefull but one small change its should be accept and reject option b4 you can see the key to avoid people gaining a game with keeping ratio high
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That is correct, a re-roll can be requested if the winner agrees with it. Even better, there is no need for the winner's approval if they already have the game activated on their Steam account.
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Are you sure? So what is the procedure?
You leave the message in the comment, and system will parse the comment and initiate a re-roll?
Or the gift creator need to submit a ticket to request re-roll?
If this is the case, last time I check, system will block re-roll request for 7 days, that is to make sure the winner indeed not receiving the gift.
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If the winner ask for a reroll for any reason, you can take a screenshot of he asking it or ask for him to post a comment in the giveaway. Then the giveaway creator opens a ticket asking for the reroll, telling that the winner agreed (post a link to screenshot or comment). Usually reroll tickets are answered within a few hours.
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Kinda same discussion.
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I can just imagine the support to tickets now... "plz halp, i acciendtly clicked reject on a FO4 GA. Can I pleaseeeeee get my key back"
It could be fixed with a reminder like when you click it "are you sure you would like to reject this gift?" or something but I'm not sure if it is worth it. Just talk to the creator and get it rerolled
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The winner dont have to wait 7 days, i had rerolls on my giveaways just a few hours after the winner said i could reroll since he already had the game or dint wanted it.
It's very simple if you dont want the game all you ahve to do is say:"Hello i win, but i dont want it, reroll please."
Them the giveaway creator can send support a ticket for reroll and link to the giveaway.
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Only if the rejecting winner gets a punishment like loosing a slot or loosing a CV etc. Otherwise it is exploitable just for the thrill of winning and rejecting every game not interested without any valid excuse. Currently support oversees both parties explanations and grants reroll based on conditions. The winner is solely responsible when entering a GA. Although your why's seem reasonable you don't foresee the other consequences it will bring. Besides it will burden cg for more coding.
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I am not sure why this is exploitable, no party gain or lose anything.
The winner gains nothing if he requests a re-roll immediately. Even he rejects every game he won, he still gains nothing.
The gift creator has nothing to lose either, if the winner request a re-roll, the system just select a new winner from previous entered request. The gift creator does not have to do anything, and get the same CV.
Because the process is automatic, it actually reduces the burden for the winner, creator, support.
The only exploitable, as some other commenter said, is to redeem the key and hit the reject button.
But this can be fixed easily.
This is how the new process works:
It need some coding, but as a software engineer myself, I don't think it is a big change, and can be done relatively easily.
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Exploitable for CV farming. 2 friends can gain free CV by just rejecting wins. Procedure as below.
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I can see the good will of your suggestion but had seen what most level 0 leech has done, it is exploitable. Most of them just enter for all x(times) GAs just to win and if they can, they dare to re-submit the game they won. I told this not relating to your case but to show that there are ill mannered users among us which may find your suggestion interesting.
As for penalty, there can be none but there needs to be a regulation about those ill mannered like 1 rejection limit per month or so. And I'm sure if it is accepted your contribution suggestion will taken into account.
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I just had a winner who immediately rejected a gift after a multiple win. The only difference is that the giveaway creator has to create the ticket, but it gets approved based on the winner's comment.
I'd be happier if someone who doesn't want a game would actually say it all the time instead of just waiting silently and not answering anything I send them.
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As long as there's a system to prevent clicking on Reject accidentally, e.g Confirmation box or something, I'm fine with it.
Automating things by system is always good, as it saves human's efforts and power, but you need to make sure both sides are adequately covered.
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That is an awesome idea, but trust would be a major issue. What if the giver already revealed the key? For all they know, the winner may have given it to a friend before denying the game.
So, to add-on to your idea, I think that when you win a game, you should be greeted with two options: one to accept the game, and one to deny it. If the game is in key form, the key will be blacked out, and hitting "accept" will reveal the key. If the giveaway was a giftable item, the giver will receive a notification that the winner choose to accept the game, and they're clear to send it.
If you choose to deny the gift, the site generates a new winner automatically. This would also be a good way to reduce support tickets, so that'd be really good for the mods q:
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For some reason it may be desired to have a 'Reject' option to the won page, so the winner can reject the game and initiate a re-roll immediately.
Why you want to do that?
For now the winner can only wait 7 days, and wait for the original creator to initiate a re-roll. The new option would fix the problem.
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