How many people win anytime a giveaway?, If you are a winner click yes.
Nope, that's my job buddy. I got stupid on lockdown.
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free hugs for everyone. and to reply ur question @Phorrex u will win eventually u should join groups and or giveaways with small entries of games u find interesting and want to play :). Anways here is a closed beta key for HOTS: B2?BX?-V?2T-DGTPPE-VDH9-JMXTM8
?= sign of the devil
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Math hated me too, 2 wins and 3k entries!
Then I leveled up, got involved into puzzles and discussions and now I don't have enough time to play some games I won (and I do want to play them)
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That's because apparently nobody wins in this site.
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I never win
this site is a scam
even google warns me before entering
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Only Starbuck I recognize is the female prophet Starbuck from BattleStar: Galactica THE BEST REBOOTs
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I entered 1100 giveways before i won my first. Later i started to raising up my level (you better do this too). Now i getting all the games by cooldown :D Seriously, now i'm winning at leat 1 game per 2-4 days. Also finding some group with giveaways would help you a lot
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I have good news to you. You've just won... an instant blacklist membership, for crying and making stupid threads like this.
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I have to say, that you're wrong. It's crossed my mind, but I read the FAQ, that's why I didn't make such fantastic threads, like this.
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Yes, I thought just like him, but I didn't posted threads like this, because I knew that crying and begging is against the rules and you can't affect the bots who choose the winners anyways. It's okey that he is a new member, but I think, he (and all the new members, who make these kind of threads) can read the FAQ, like I read it. That's why I don't go easy on them...
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well there is no rule in here that state this kind of thread is against the rules. And I posted this kind of thread a long time ago, you are right we should check FAQ but back then I did not know how to use it. I was attacked as hell but then came a nice person wish explained things to me and everything went fine. FAQ's in here does not look like classical websites that's why I had some troubles navigating around. Anyway being nice to people can get you a long way.
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I'm trying to be nice with people, but if you see the 50th threads like this one day, that can be really fuckin' annoying.
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I know but well I try to do my best on explaining to people why they did not win yet :P I even copy past the answer! Anyway yo are right to be mad but just try to take it a little bit easy. Do not put someone directly into your black list, maybe one day he will create huge giveaways.
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Or not. :D But thanks for the advice :) You've just got whitelisted for the reasonable arguments :)
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" I entered almost 800" lol, i entered 10,839 times and 41 win ! :) So, enter more and u will win :)
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Hey man,
The reason why some people are mad is because every day we got the same thread over and over and over with people whining that they still have won nothing. Well some people got 3000 entries and they are still with nothing. 800 is nothing compared to them. Second try to enter giveaways that have a small amount of entries, 1/200 chance is better than 1/1000. Also there are some giveaways posted in the discussion tab they are usually private for people who check the discussion and most of the times they are at 100 entries or less.
One more thing try to do some giveaways to raise your level because BIG games are given away for higher level players and any giveaway above level 3 got less than 300 entries most of the times. If you can reach level 8 giveaway then there is like 10-20 entries or a little bit more per game.
PS: This happened to me once and people also accused me of needing attention and believe me they were harsher on me back then.
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So why call it draws if everyone does not have the same opportunities, the more contribution have more chances of winning, is it so ?, unemployed took six years and I have no choice to make great contributions, it means that I'll have less likely than others ?. I'm not crying or begging but I'm not complaining because if there is no equality is not a lottery.
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Everyone has the same chances in a single giveaway, which they enter. The entering part is where you can do things.
There are level restricted giveaways, and that is hat JPkfoury writes about. You can already enter level 1 GA-s where you do not have to "compete" with users who have not given away anything. An older discussion has some statistics about level distribution.
An other place where you can get less competition is the "Puzzles" category on the left: there are giveaways which you can enter after solving some kind of puzzle. That filters users, even more than level restrictions do.
And there are giveaways restricted to certain Steam groups. It is an other topic how easy to find those groups and how one can join them.
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please consider that every time someone wins, there are usually several hundred to a couple thousand losers.
even if you consider an average of 1/500 chance to win, its very reasonable to believe that you would not win yet.
I may have won 6 times so far, but the largest giveaway i won was only 1/100 odds and the second highest was 1/35 odds. two of the giveaways had more keys than entries. maximise your chances by avoiding giveaways with really large entry amounts, check often for ones that go up for <1h, because they will get less people typically, and keep an eye out for giveaways that give multiple keys because your odds are increased and it only costs points for one entry. Also, go sacrifice your neighbours in the name of the Blood God, he gives +15 luck for 24hours per kill.
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Every single time I see those whining threads I know you will be there ;)
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RNGesus needs to hear your prayer so pray harder to RNGesus
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You know what this thread really needs? A private giveaway
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I need to know if it's just me or are there more people who never win anything, I entered almost 800 drawings and have never won any, is this normal ?, you can have such bad luck ?.
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