Do you like waffles?
Really? >:
I'll delete the thread then, foxy <3
edit: Hm, I can only close it. Oh well, I don't think I should go with that. What's done, is done. And if I get suspended for it, oh well. As I said, I'm angry right now and not thinking straight, so I'll deal with the consequences of a ban if it comes (:
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I see it now, thank you for telling me! The post has been edited to meet what you said, but I wouldn't be surprised if some bad waters came to wash on my shores.
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I did so, but perhaps its too late now! Time flies on the internet (:
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Don't worry about it! Those who err must be punished for it.
I will manage if it happens (:
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I would be highly surprised if you got suspended for this since the link to his profile was there for barely a minute.
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I would be highly surprised if you got suspended for this since the link to his profile was there for barely a minute.
Perhaps I will be, but I was wrong. I did something I, in my ignorance, didn't know I wasn't allowed to do. I will be OK if I'm banned (:
Barely a minute is a lot on the internet! Things go so fast here it's amazing :D
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You should probably remove the link to the GA, it still counts as calling out.
It should count, but there is no point in trying to over-edit my mistakes now, is there? I don't even know how long of a ban they give for this, though.
I just hope I can end and gift the winners of my GAs before my ban! But let's see how it goes (:
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Hopefully so, Fnord! Thanks for making it all clear to me (:
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Perhaps it is! I shall be patient about it if it does, I just hope I can gift the games I set up before it does!
Man, people would be so upset if I was banned before the GAs end D:
I took the links out though, if it counts for anything. So the user isn't exposed any longer, as I should have known he/she shouldn't be in the first place. My bad, truly.
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While I understand your report and that the user in question should have stopped at "I didn't know, I'm sorry" instead of being rude, your comment in the GA could be considered as calling out.
But I understand that you're feeling upset and your desire to warn others.
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As I've replied to some kind souls above, if I received a 3 day ban, as apparently it is expected, I will brace myself for it and deal with it and learn my lesson not to commit the same mistake again.
But what's done, is done. And as much as I could delete that post or edit my thread to anything else, that would be cowardly and dishonest, furthermore it shall not be done (:
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By the way there's no public GAs for that game running anymore so that person at least had the decency to delete it.
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My bad. I was too lazy to look him up over my blacklist so I only checked for running GAs.
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I was going to ask you what made you say that, then all the multiple reasons dawned on me and I laughed instead.
You're a witty person, at least (:
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Yeah, things like this happen regularly and this won't be your last rant. I had a few myself. :P
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Me too! Three people can officially make a club.
Perhaps we should recruit one more and get ourselves started with some banners and Saturday meetings?
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We shall have a yellow bird, a black cat and a wolf in our club then! Great :D
Should we make our headquarters on a nice tree house?
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Use your paws!
I shall use the power of the whiskers :D
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Only if there is a Bird Fountain nearby, I like to live in comfort.
Comment has been collapsed. just passing by with a mood music =D Btw, I hope you won't be banned, you look like a really good lad. You don't deserve it :)
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I'm a lady, actually. Well, not that I act like one, butt.
And that's some mad talent! the heck, dude. How the- Zeus D:
How do people do that? I can't even sing!
I cri nou.
Also, I transpassed the rules, so yeah, I do deserve it haha. (:
But I'll be fine, three is my lucky number.
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I don't think you would deserve it. This person sounds like trash, and I'd love to put him/her on my blacklist but the no-calling out rule makes it a bit inconvenient to investigate. That said, there are rules for a reason so I guess we should try to follow them :)
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Yes, I shall certainly follow this one from now on! (:
Also, thanks for the kind words.
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I figured it out after a few minutes, but I would have asked otherwise.
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You mean the one who sent you the link to "Live and Let Die"? (:
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Yeees, she is ;) You don't seem to be a rude person - here, let me send you some hugs and love :)
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That's a good idea, although I'm more of a Nowhere Man myself (even though I'm not a man) and I think Eleanor Rigby is a better name since it's one of my favorite of theirs (alongside "While My Guitar Gently Weeps").
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Nowhere Man - that's the first one from you I didn't know :P It's hard to pick one fav song from The Beatles for me but I really enjoy playing A Day in the Life on guitar, so let be it :) What do you like to listen except Beatles? Also you can add me if you'd like to chat a little bit :)
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Let them get banned and move on. At least it means we get one less crappy person on SG! At least you noticed before they did it anymore!
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Yeah, I'm moving on. I'm a lot more chilled out since I posted this (:
edit: Also, yeah. One less crappy person.
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If you wanna add me on Steam, feel free to do so (:
I also appreciate your cookies. I'll take them all, if you will.
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I has made yummy french toast from cinnamon rolls or banana bread.... nom nom nom.
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I'm new to SG and I don't understand why someone would enter to win a game and want to re-gift it? I mean, if you have a change of heart, just ask the GA creator to select a new winner. It's not that hard.
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this is gold.
you should ask cg to add it to the FAQ
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That's because you're a good and intelligent person.
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The people who do that live under the belief that all that exists in the world is winning and winning. Getting picked on a GA means one more game, and gifting it means more points (here in Steamgifts, you level up the more gifts you gift) which, in their tiny little heads means, in essence, more profit.
The regifters do not do what they do due to a change of heart. They do so to make their profit another profit.
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I know that feel. One of my recent GAs has been won by a scumbag who took the gift without a word and regifted it instantly. At least he didn't insult me when I warned him :) Waiting for support to handle my ticket and suspend this punk...
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Aww man that shucks! I hope you sort it all out! Let me know how it goes if you feel like it (:
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(since there are only 12 ppl on my GA and 1 hour to go D: )
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Eu já estou acostumado com essa onda de regifters aqui no SG, infelizmente não há muito o que possa se fazer a não ser dar report e blacklist no sujeito. Embora sempre que me dou de cara com um, muitas vezes é um usuário novo que fez uma conta que passou direto sem olhar as regras do site, por isso procure ver se o regifter tem um conta de poucos dias de criação e se esse for o caso apenas dê uma advertência, ele não fez por mal. Sobre o infeliz ai de cima, ta precisando mesmo de um BANHAMMER na feice pra deixar de ser crianção. xD
Off-topic: DROGA! Cheguei atrasado outra vez! Mais um GA perdido! ;-;
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Pois é, essa gente me faz querer arrancar os cabelos fora e mastigar eles (os cabelos). Sim, eu entendo, e se o "serumano" não teve a capacidade de ler as regrinhas depois de estar aqui por uns dias, a titia perdoa e deixa passar batido. Porém todavia não obstante, essa coisa de sujeito que já criou barba de estar aqui a tanto tempo me vir e errar as regras, aí só resta pra titia pegar o facão mesmo (:
Banhammer é pouco, merece umas chineladas na bundinha, isso sim hahahaaha
Sobre seu off-topic: relaxe, meu bein, já já receberei meu dinheiro (insira celebração interna aqui) e você já está na minha whitelist (glitter aqui) por seu português coerente e senso de humor. É só você ficar de olho que se pá em no máximo um mês eu faço uma GA nova (e todas as minhas são SA porque é, eu só compro pela Steam).
Não chore, alegre-se com esse .gif mundano e espalhe o amor alheio :D
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HAHAHAHA Acho que vou começar a contar por ai sobre a "Lenda do Facão Perseguidor de Regifters" por todos os cantos do SG, agora tem que ser cabra macho pra não ler mais as regras. xD
Ah, eu queria dizer também qu- OMG ESTOU EM UMA WHITELIST! Rolando no chão e gritando histericamente UHHHUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUULLLLLL- Tá parei...
Obrigado mesmo pelo GA (que eu perdi) e por me fazer sentir melhor, embora não precisa-se.
Hey, não esqueça que você está na minha whitelist também moça!
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Hahahaha não precisa rolar não, o chão é sujinho aqui. faz cara de nojo
Achei o vídeo ótimo, e pedi pra tu me adicionar lá na Steam se você quiser (:
Vou fechar a thread mas a gente se vê por essas bandas e se fala, moço :D
edit: adorei sua foto de perfil do Link!
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Hahaha I absolutely adore this video :D
train murders kitten on the background
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I saw this human being re-gifting a game. I hate when I see that. So, naturally, I reported it. and also made sure to inform the person that he/she was being reported because for trespassing the rules.
This is what I said in the comment section of the GA:
This is what he/she replied me with (adorned with beautiful English):
To which I said:
I'm not in a good mood right now because I'm generally not an angry person on forums. I dislike being a rude ass myself. However, I was not only forced to rightfully report an ignorant user, but have to hear that same user spit invalid arguments to my face.
edit: took out user info since pretty fox face was kind enough to tell me it was against the rules. If I still get a ban, oh well. I was too quick on my feat to do the thread anyway, I shall deal with its consequences.
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