Ever be that guy in the quiet part of the 1ibrary slowly munching on chips, a sandwich and get that feeling like you're being too loud but trying to be very quiet while studying? I think i eight some jerky too. Sometimes I wonder, what do Vegans eat when they have the munchies? T omatos? Those are probably worse cause they explode and go all over. I'll stick to my Pizza flavored Pringles.

That's how I feel. Btw, my birthday is on March 14 so put on your party hats and get ready for randomness in March.


12 years ago*

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that feel when you have food in your mouth and every munch you might echoes liek an earthquake in your mouth. I know those feels ;_; for me its when its midnight and their no type of background noise whatsoever and im like "I dont want to wake my mother.... crunch crunch crunch" lol

12 years ago

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12 years ago

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Hey look, a pi baby.

12 years ago

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nice btw

12 years ago

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vegans don't eat pringles?

12 years ago

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maybe you'e getting vegans mixed up with raw-vegans...I thought pringles were vegetable oil not grease fried, and don't think they'd contain eggs?

edit- ah their fake cheesy flavor contains milk products so pizza isn't vegan(also dill pickle contains whey).

12 years ago

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woohoo i solved one , i feel special

12 years ago

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thanks for skyrim

12 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

12 years ago

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Maybe vegans eat nuts and dried fruits, I like them too though I'm not a vegan myself. Wow, you got a birthday soon?? I'll bookmark it in my calendar and bake you a cake by then. I don't know how I'm going to deliver it to you on your special day, maybe you can swing by my house and pick it up?? ^^

12 years ago

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You can deliver birthday cakes the same way people send cookies through the internet, right?

12 years ago

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Hehee, I'm not sure if it works like that. Cakes and cookies function a little differently from each other, that's the personal impression I have gotten. :D

12 years ago

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If I ate in library, I'd have 99 problems and an angry librarian would be at least one of them.

12 years ago

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tell em to sue you, you can eat man dont feel uncomfortable about it

12 years ago

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Closed 12 years ago by Exactually.