How long?
I assume because they're not making them fresh but using bought ones.
I also didn't vote because I only had real ones so far but I guess that also explains why I only have them once in blue moon.
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The only waffles I'd make myself are the frozen variety. I would put them in the toaster over set to bake at 400 or slightly less, then flip it around after a few minutes when it starts to brown. After a couple more minutes it's ready.
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microwave ovens are bad. radiation bad. we have enough radiation floating around us as is.
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Yeah, right up there with dihydrogen monoxide in the list of dangerous evil things. :D
Might as well explain the joke in case anyone doesn't get it: dihydrogen monoxide is an unfamiliar chemical name for water, and it's the subject of a wildly circulated, hilarious hoax that prompted people to call for it to be banned due to its dangers, such as causing burning (hot water causes burns) and death (people die of drowning).
An explanation to the radiation thing follows, in case anyone finds it useful.
Microwave and radiofrequency radiation are completely harmless unless you throw lots of it in front of yourself, in which case the problem isn't really the radiation itself, but the heat that will be transferred onto your skin when it hits you (it's a little more complex, but this is a good enough explanation). That is akin to putting your face inside a regular oven; in fact, the heat that flows onto your face when you open an oven is in a reasonable part infrared radiation, and our bodies emit infrared radiation 100% of the time.
The source of confusion here is that there are two types of radiation: non-ionizing radiation and ionizing radiation. The only dangerous radiation is ionizing radiation, which starts at the ultraviolet and goes all the way to the likes of gamma rays. Radiofrequency, microwaves, phones, all that stuff emits only non-ionizing radiation. Producing ionizing radiation is not exactly trivial, and household appliances are simply not capable of doing it, no question about that.
Relevant sources of ionizing radiation, the dangerous one, include nuclear technology (nuclear weapons, nuclear power plants, certain isotopes used in medicine for exams), X-ray machines, and the sun. Barring a Chernobyl-style nuclear meltdown, the mass leakage of atomic waste, or an atomic bomb, the sun is the most concerning source by far. The trace amount of ionizing radiation we are subjected to in e.g. an X-ray exam is so ridiculously low that a ten-minute walk under the afternoon sun is more dangerous.
Knowledge source: my degree; I'm an electrical engineer and studied all of the above (to varied degrees of depth) on a university level.
I mean, you can still e.g. blame microwaves for cancer if you like. Much in the same way you can e.g. blame traffic crashes for cancer. :D
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I don't usually eat waffles, here in Italy we've got lots of other things =P but for what concerns pancakes, waffles and the like, I always go with a single minute in my Panasonic microwave oven at its maximum power which is something like 750 watt if I remember well! =P of course I'm talking about waffles and pancakes I can buy at the supermarket, as I said we have a huge culinary culture that forces us to make new dishes every day XD
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Wheres the never buy frozen option?
Fresh hot waffles are the bomb.
Waffles are the most basic, easiest and least expensive thing to make.
Sometimes I'll make sourdough waffles, buttermilk waffles.
And/or throw extra vanilla or cinnamon in. More butter.
Chocolate chips are a bit trickier to do right.
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