EDIT: So apparently despite being marked as "Purchase" in the store transactions tab, it's marked as "Gift/Guest Pass" under the licenses + subscriptions tab... So I guess July 22nd was just when whoever bought it and I received it as a gift. Mystery solved, kind of, I guess? Now I just have to remember who gave it to me...

Reading that "What was your first game on Steam?" where people were mentioning how to check account history made me check my own. Surprisingly, I found They Bleed Pixels listed as a $2.49 purchase. Now, I knew I had the game, but I also know I didn't pay $2.49 for it. It wasn't a game I really wanted (don't get me wrong, it was fun, but I don't buy games unless I am very very excited about them, and this one just didn't do that for me).

So now I want to know where it came from and I'm hoping someone here might be able to help.

Here's where I checked:

  • My account history, obviously. The "purchase" date was July 22, 2013.
  • My giveaway wins on Steamgifts (Dwarfs!?, The Ship - Complete Pack, Gravi, Fortix 2, Half-Life 2, SpaceChem, Torchlight, Blocks That Matter, Faerie Solitaire but not They Bleed Pixels)
  • The bundle list, as in it's not marked with an asterisk in the create a giveaway menu.
  • My replies on Steamtrades.
  • Outpost/Bazaar (two trading sites I much less frequently use for buying games)
  • My inventory history, which is doing some glitchy nonsense that refreshing doesn't seem to fix. It says who I traded with and when, but doesn't show which items were traded. Of course, a large portion of July 22nd is among the glitched entries. :/
  • My marketplace history (at no time did I have that much in my wallet from marketplace transactions).

I am 99% sure I got this game for free (though it's possible I traded for it at a steep discount). I am hoping that someone here will know of a promo or something where I might have obtained this game (because without a bundle or a giveaway, that is the only place I can reasonably think I acquired it). Also I'm very curious why Steam would list it as purchased when I definitely did not purchase it.

11 years ago*

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I can't quite remember, but I believe a site gave them away for free when you purchased a (certain?) game. GMG comes to mind but I can't find anything about it.

11 years ago

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I've never bought from GMG. I have an account, but that was for that Civ V/Mafia II promo thing. It's possible it was someone else, but I don't think it could have been GMG.

11 years ago

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Hm, okay then. I'm sure I remember some shop giving it away...

11 years ago

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Its clear: it were the happy drunk little gremlins of steam sales.

What? Never hear of them?

You see, during steam sales Gabe releases this little nasty creatures wich hop around many users accounts; They make their fingers itchy, overwhelming them with too many store pages, discounts and other stuff while they jump all around. Then it suddenly hits you, you've just clicked on finishing a purchase, barely remenbering all that were in the cart.

It happens to us all.

11 years ago

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Yep. This is all true.

11 years ago

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They also call them Greevils.

11 years ago

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If it shows a price in your account history then it means it was bought direct from the Steam store, otherwise it should say "Free" (which means it was acquired elsewhere). If you are absolutely sure you didn't purchase it then I can't explain that.

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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There's absolutely 0 chance that I bought a single game that I didn't really care about for $2.49. I often pass on dollar tier Humble Bundles because I am THAT cheap.

11 years ago

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If you look here at the price history you can also see that it was $2.49 for at least 10 days on Steam, which I imagine was the Summer Sale. Looking objectively at the evidence, it seems like either you bought it at the end of the Summer Sale and just don't remember, or someone else using your account did (scary thought?).

Edit: The Steam Summer sale was from July 11-22, so that would have been the final hours of the sale

11 years ago

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It wasn't up for debate, that's how it is.

I have 950+ games and they all say free except for the ones purchased from the store which show the price I paid.

11 years ago

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As i said, steam gremlings! It happens to everyone during sales, its very easy to forget to remove something from the cart, thats when they strike! Nasty creatures!

11 years ago

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Ninja'd a key drop maybe?

11 years ago

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It's possible, but I don't understand why it'd be listed as a purchase when every other CD key I entered is marked as a CD key.

11 years ago

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Hmm, that's right. The only possible reason I see would be that you've been gifted the game otherwise than through SG, or it was in a bundle or something?

11 years ago

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As Shad0wen said, it would say Free or Retail or Gift next to it if it wasn't from the steam store. You had to have gotten it from the store. Did you check the purchase history of w/e payment method you use? Like paypal transaction history for example.

11 years ago

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Sometimes our brains and/or memory don't work the way we expect them to. Take for example the experience of a déjà vu.

11 years ago

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first world problems

11 years ago

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So apparently despite being marked as "Purchase" in the store transactions tab, it's marked as "Gift/Guest Pass" under the licenses + subscriptions tab... So I guess July 22nd was just when whoever bought it and I received it as a gift. Mystery solved, kind of, I guess? Now I just have to remember who gave it to me...

11 years ago

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"Gift/Guest Pass" under "Licenses + Subscriptions" just means that it was redeemed from a gift that was stored in your inventory, it doesn't necessarily mean that it was not purchased on your account.

Also, for what it's worth I looked in my account history just to verify and Steam gifts that I have received from other people do not show up in my "Store Transactions". That would not make sense anyway -- you should not be able to see what someone else spent on something.

Edit: There's an old saying about the simplest answer tending to be the correct one...

11 years ago

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Is there any chance you'd still have the email that Steam sent you? Using gmail I searched for the name of the first game I bought and found the purchase receipt quickly enough.

11 years ago

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Hmm.. I do not remember for sure but I believe I picked up the game for $1 during one of the gmg sales or Amazon sales.. one or the other. Perhaps you picked it up that way and forgot that you did?

Its not bad.. but not great either. At some point I will finish it :P

Honestly though, why complain? You have something to do later on game wise. If you ever get to it that is :P

I should have read your last comment.. sorry.

11 years ago

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I think it was free with purchases on Amazon at one time last year.

11 years ago

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This thread is somewhat of a gaming version of 'Hangover'.

11 years ago

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If there is a price, it was bought directly from the Store, end of story. If you still don't believe that, contact the support

11 years ago

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it's an awesome game, i don't know why you would worry about spending $2.50 on it. People pay more for crap like super meat boy and VVVVV

11 years ago

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Closed 11 years ago by MosesXIII.