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Hot Sauce: Maybe not my favorite of all time, but I love Hexcells Infinite. Hexcells is a series of puzzle games, 100% logical, no guessing ever required. Each game has improved the interface, and the latest allows custom levels. Want more custom levels, or to make your own? There is a subreddit for that. The game also comes with a random level generator for infinite good times.
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I'll let you all in on a secret, which is my recipe's super secret hot sauce, Valkyria Chronicles. The game is turn based RPG, with the art style being influenced by anime and watercolors. Yes, there are some anime tropes in the game, but I believe people who don't typically like anime will have no trouble in enjoying the game. The story consists of you joining the local militia in order to fend off invaders from overtaking your home country and the story follows your squad's adventures during the war. The actual gameplay is great, since you can look on a birds-eye view map over the battlefield to see objectives and known locations of enemies. Then, you can choose a soldier (several classes to choose from) to play as and run around the battlefield in a third-person viewpoint. There is a spike in the difficulty level midway through the game, so mindlessly charging through the battlefield will get you killed and characters can not be revived after they die, so save often. There is a ton of replayability in the game with NG+, free DLC, and bonus challenges to complete for better weapons.
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Relish: I want to recommend the book HHhH, Laurent Binet, Translated by Sam Taylor. It's about Operation Anthropoid, the assassination of Reinhardt Heinrich. Operation Anthropoid is legendary and a great story, but what makes this novel amazing is how it's written.It's written as a dairy, sort of a stream of consciousness describing how Binet gathered the information and how he plans to write his book. I think book would be liked by history buffs, because of the wealth of information you you learn about Reinhardt Heinrich and Operation Anthropoid. I also think others, especially those who write, would love it, because it is not the story of Operation Anthropoid, It is the story of a man obsessed with a story who ventures out to find the truth to it. It is the story of a history writer who collecting information about an event and writing a story. I wrote "story" way to many times.
Catsup: I don't really have a great pet story, but here's my best. My dog figured out how to open the refrigerator and ate the thawing steaks in them. The raw steaks really upset his stomach and he shat - well more like diarrheaed everywhere while we were sleeping. I should have been pissed, but he slept in my brothers room, and I didn't like my brother. I laughed my ass off while almost throwing up from the smell. We cleaned it up and put a chair in front of the fridge so he couldn't open it. It held the first day. On the second, he moved the chair and did the exact same thing. My bother's room was destroyed again and I had a good laugh. We propped the chair so it wouldn't move and he eventually stopped trying, but not after destroying my brothers room one last time. Reselling our house is going to be a challenge.
Hot sauce: Burnout revenge is my favorite game, hands down. It and Halo 3 were the first games I played and brought me into gaming, so my opinion are pretty heavily biased by nostalgia. It's a high speed racing game with a combat system of takedowns and Crashbreakers. Player combat is pretty important because it is the best way to gain nitro, and crashing, or being taken out loses you some. This makes an already competitive racing game even more so. It's the perfect game to play against friends, and has several different modes that you can play. It also has, and this is probably just nostalgia speaking, the best soundtrack in any game.
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My go-to hot sauce is Dark Souls. It can be a bit spicy at times, and definitely on the bitter side, but it's totally worth it. Although the PC controls were terrible, and the game launched with port issues and the heretical Games for Windows Live, now removed, some of my favorite memories come from the exploration of that game; from seeing the Gaping Dragon's hideous maw crawl up from the depths and threaten to consume me to exploring the bleak, hostile world it was full of visceral experiences and some of the most polished combat I've ever seen in a game. To make it even better, the community, though at times perhaps a bit blood thirsty, was (is? I haven't played in a while) amazing and the terror of being invaded and the ecstasy of jolly cooperation were some of the best experiences I've had in a game. The environments are some of the best I've ever explored, and there are so many strategies and methods to use in combat. The soul-sapping atmosphere makes every defeat meaningful, and every victory is a celebration!
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Don't forget to check if you've been whitelisted by Amorphism!
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We've already chosen a few people to join the group! Keep up the nice replies ^-^
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But I make him a cage with 5 blouses don't forgetting about holes to breath.
It was hard 20 minutes fast-walk (I'm on studies without car)
It was hard winter.
But we win!
Zombiemster is 3 year old (hamsters average lifetime) and he is super vigorious :D
He is awesome, I love him! :D
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I've had cats all my life so it's pretty hard to get one good memory from that. A nice story about the cat that I got last: He spend his first few months of life with a small dog, and I think he copied some behavior from that dog. He doesn't meow but makes some barking sounds like a small dog, it's really weird but also very sweet.
My all time favorite game would have to be Crusader Kings 2, one of the best grand strategy games out there. I might be a bit subjective about that since I love me some history.
Best book I ever read is a tricky one, I like to read about history, mainly European history. At the moment I'm reading Morals and Dogma from Albert Pike. A book about the esoteric side of freemasonry, very interesting.
How do you recognize a free mason?
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I love hot sauce.
Just Cause 2.
What is that game everybody's talking about all the time, but that you perhaps do not own yet?
Just Cause 2 is an open world third person action shooter taking place in the fictional archipelago of Panau Island. You play the role of Rico Rodriguez, a special agent sent by the Agency to overthrow the dictator of Panau, Pandak Panay, confront his mentor Tom Sheldon which is suspected of going rogue, and doing it the only way Rico knows how to. By kicking some serious ass and causing massive damage on his trail as he battles against the oppressive military forces of the island.
Just Cause 2 leads you across a 400 square miles playground of dense jungles, arid deserts, snowy mountains and tropical beaches. With over 300 settlements to discover and take over, over 20 different weapons, more than 100 vehicles, and over 50 action-packed missions to complete.
The game's gameplay mostly resolves around Rico's unique ability to combine his grappling hook and parachute combo, turning it into both a lethal weapon and a particularly useful tool to get airborne quickly and easily. The game is designed to give the player complete freedom over land, air, and ocean. Unlike other games, Just Cause 2 gives the player the choice to handle missions their preferred way, resulting in both hilarious or amazing outcomes. The possibilities are nearly unlimited.
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There are many hot sauces that one can apply, but few hotter than Diablo 2. While some may not like its flavor, it proved itself to get better over time, as recipes can change. In the beginning the abilities didn't pair with each other and were unbalanced, but through trial, that changed. As time passed, flavors within the same and sometimes other categories were balanced to pair well with each other. A bit of warmth was great for giving an enchanting boost to the taste. Though some people enjoyed using artificial ingredients, I can't grasp it in my skull why they would want to ruin the greatness that comes with using the best quality over quantity. Overall it has changed a good deal over the years for the better, and while Diablo 3 may be its sucessor, it still stands alone as a great game.
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Relish: I want to recommend The Witcher series. If you enjoy the Witcher games you should definitely read the books. It is important to read them in the proper order:
1) The Last Wish (Polish:Ostatnie życzenie) - short story collection, officially translated
2) The Sword of Destiny (Miecz przeznaczenia) - short story collection, officially translated
3) Blood of Elves (Krew elfów) - novel, officially translated
4) Time of Contempt (Czas pogardy) - novel, officially translated
5) Baptism of Fire (Chrzest ognia) - novel, officially translated
6) The Tower of the Swallow (Wieża Jaskółki) - novel, official translation coming out in 2016 (there are fan translations on the web, not sure if any good)
7) Lady of the Lake (Pani Jeziora) - novel, official translation coming out in 2017 (there are fan translations on the web, not sure if any good)
You can learn more about the books here
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Catsup on a hot dog story.
I have a black Labrador retriver named Jazz after his favorite type of music. We don't know why he likes jazz, but it soothes him and you should really see his face when he hears it. I swear this dog can understand the English language. One time while he was "helping" out in the yard we were looking for a dropped nail. I asked him to help me find a nail, and he placed his paw square down in front of him and started staring intently down at it. "Not THAT kind of nail" I said to him. I didn't mention he's not that bright.... He found his own nails.
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Jim Butcher's Dresden Files, which follows the story of Wizards (namely of one Harry Dresden) living in the modern world. It's witty and magic actually has some rules to follow to exist, so nothing OP like harry potter.
For mature audiences only though, due to adult themes.
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Catsup: I mostly had cats as pets and one was special to me because she knew I was the one who took her in so she chose me. The funny bit is that she was too scared to see me go away so I often had a scene with her on the street when I had to go to the city, she was always crying as if I was leaving her for good. I still remember how once some neighbor saw that and couldn't believe his eyes (probably thought we're both crazy).
Hot Sauce: For me it would be Diablo, it is a must-play for everyone who loves hack and slash rpgs. You move and attack with the mouse, controlling a lone hero battling to rid the world of Diablo. You acquire items, learn spells, defeat enemies, and interact with NPCs throughout the game. I loved it's dark setting and specially the music which helps the moody atmosphere.
Relish: My favorite book is The Little Prince, it is cute and beautiful and everyone should read it if they haven't already.
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Hey, are you the group's mod that morph was searching for? :D
Anyway, as fast as possible:
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Same difference! Congratz and thanks on behalf of the community
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Catsup: I miss my cat. Her name was Diamond after the birthmark on her forehead. She grew up with me. She was 21 when she passed away in 2011. She was a bully to her mother. Constantly swatting her backside as she looked out the window. Causing her Mother (Minnie) to bash her face in to the window. Minnie's nerves were kind of shot because of that. One day Minnie hissed at the ceramic cat in the window, thinking it was Diamond getting ready to attack her again. She realized her mistake and both my mother and I were laughing at her. She slunk away as close to the floor as she could as she left the living room. Diamond was loyal to me. If I wasn't home, she would go lay with my mother, but as soon as I got home she would pretend like my mother tricked her or had made her lay there and would quickly run over to me and start following me around. EDIT: This gif is not my cat, but I could totally see Diamond doing that to Minnie
Hot Sauce: The Monkey Island series. Sure they are old, sure they look ugly for the most part, but they are some of the best point and click adventure games ever made. The story is funny, the games overall are just plain silly. A good example: A song revolving around dialogue options. If you like comedy, you should like Monkey Island! Sure you have to hunt for random things (such as rubber chicken with a pulley in it) and most of the battles you control are not fought with your skill with the blade, but with your wit. (Insult Sword Fighting involves passing insults back and forth, when one side messes up, they take a hit.) but what it really comes down to is the fact it isn't boring and is never boring. The story is too silly and entertaining to allow that to happen. "Look over there! A Three Headed Monkey!"
Relish: You can never go wrong with anything Douglas Adams. Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency and Hitch-hikers Guide to the Galaxy series are both well worth reading. The movies don't do it justice. They are comedy (in case you can't tell, I like comedy) and have a rather interesting narrative. Since everyone has likely heard of Douglas Adams, I will offer up something else as well. Rob Grant and Doug Naylor. They wrote the Red Dwarf books which are far better than the TV series that bares the name. The TV series is great too, but only once you get back the first couple of seasons and "The Cat" goes from some-what over done and annoying to one of the best characters. It's the story of the Last Human, a cat that evolved in to a Human (through years of radiation), a Hologram of the Last human's bunkmate (who is a stickler for Rules and Regulations as well as being a kind of jerk in general. This is mostly due to the fact he has had a terrible life and a lot of bad luck), The ship's computer (who has gone senile due to running for 3 million years) and an Android (who loves cleaning). A radiation leak while the last human is in stasis causes killed the rest of the crew of the ship (the later to be Hologram was to blame due to being bad at his job) and since the crew was dead the ship just kept on course for 3 million years (the computer never really thought to stop the ship or fly in circles). When the radiation dies down, the Last Human is released from Stasis. Thing is, that is the story from the TV show for the most part. The books has a much longer, much better story while the crew is still alive, before all that happens. Including someone losing a nose. Read the books, then watch the show. That is the best way.
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I'll try (sorry for the bad english)
Hot Sauce: Planescape: Torment. It's an old game, I know, and probably many people could think that it has horrible graphic or it's boring for the lack of action but if you are a fan of gdr this is a must have. This game have everything: memorable characters (Dak'kon is probably the best companion i've ever seen, compared to him the charactes of Mass Effect are nothing), a long and deep story, liberty of action (if I remember well only 2 fights are compulsory in this game, for the rest of the game you can avoid the conflict using words), many long dialogues and a fantastic black-humor. Many modern games should learn something from this masterpiece.
For what I know today the game can be bought only on GOG.
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TAG! You are it!
fRiend, me can haz srecte soouse?
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Hello there ladies, gentlemen and aliens! The super secret, super awesome group Secret Sauce Giveaways created by Amorphism is, yet again, seeking only the best to help us create the ultimate sauce formula! We are searching for awesome, smart and interesting people that are willing to take on this challenge. It's time for a cook-off!
The main recipe for the perfect sauce formula requires you to add one of your own, special ingredients:
* Catsup: Share a memory you have about your pet you have or had.
* Hot Sauce: Share your all-time favorite video game and write a short review.
* Relish: Recommend an interesting book, or book series, and explain why it's interesting.
Check to see if you have helped make the perfect sauce with Amorphism's latest giveaway. If you can see it, you have created just the right tang!
If you get in, make sure to add me and Amorphism.
Important sauce:
1) Please do not add us to be invited if you're not whitelisted.
2) Make sure you're not sharing an ingredient that already has been put into the sauce!
3) No double-posting, as only one will do! You can, however, post multiple ingredients in a post. And please do not post any comments other than your entry.
4) Never share the secret sauce!
Have fun tossing in ingredients, but make sure you don't get too caught up in the kitchen!
We have great giveaways, and more are coming! You can always visit Amorphism's profile for examples of what we have already given away! Here are a few examples: The Talos Principle Wasteland 2 The Vanishing Of Ethan Carter
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