"but the question is this the place to discuss TV Series?"
Sure it is. It's a much better choice of discussion than what I've been seeing lately. ;)
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Completly agree, i saw the 1st season and lost interest on 2nd, bad start maybe :/
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LoL, second season is the absolute best. It's the one where you get to watch Manu Bennet in his absolute glory playing Deathstroke. And boy...is he awesome!!!
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They seem to waffle on how much of the usual CW teen drama they want to include in the series and the characters seem fairly one dimensional but overall I've enjoyed it.
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I see all episodes and i like it. But i think there are sometimes too much relations between characters.
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The first half of the first season is fine. It's because almost to nothing is revealed about the main protagonist and the show keeps you guessing and wondering about what is going to happen next. But when they reveal the answers and the main plot device, if you're a decently intelligent person, you'll feel the desire to facepalm.
The acting is hit or miss. They do the job, but you won't see any Emmy performances. I haven't seen the second season and I don't think I will anytime soon. The first season left me with a bad taste in my mouth with it's silly last episode.
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Spoilers ahead:
So I watched both Flash and Arrow up until the most recent episodes and it's getting ridiculous. First of all I don't even know why, but it felt like there were times in which the drama was purposely on the level of those spanish drama series and even the framerate felt increased during those scenes to match the one used in those shows. Each episode there was some huge dramatic reveal as if this is a stupid drama show rather than hero series. It was so ridiculous and the third season seems to be easing up on it. BUT now there's a new problem, since Flash starts at the same time as season 3 of Arrow and they know each other and they start to interact, suddenly they dare to compare someone as useless as Arrow to Flash, who has superpowers. Not only that, Flash's city is getting filled with a lot of super humans and Arrow shouldn't be involved in any of that stuff, let alone even dare to ask the question "who's better - Flash or Arrow".
Flash the show also has a few flaws, they have like 2 terrible episodes that are flawed to no end and you really can't watch Arrow season 3 separately from Flash season 1, they even have a continuing arc going from one show to another and back. Honestly it just feels wrong to put someone like Arrow, someone who has nothing superhuman about him in a world of supernatural occurrences and even the whole "mirakuru"(GODDAMN THAT'S A STUPID NAME) saga was so damn stupid.
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Called comic books bro, its not meant to be realistic...
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Sir, I am sorry but you don't need to watch one to understand the other, Arrow and Flash are shows that are from CW so they are what you would expect, not amazing dramas but they are not bad, I don't watch Flash but it is CW and it is nothing more than Smallville all over again basically if you liked Smallville you will ike both, CW is creating the DC universe, and they will connect even more shows, so if you like this super heroes and universes and all, yes you should totally watch.
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My friend watched it and said it was boring :/ he's in film school and apparently he's supposed to watch shows and take notes on them
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HUGE fan of both Arrow and The Flash, even moreso after seeing Stephen Amell on the publicity circuit...plus, John Barrowman!
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Yes, it is good.
I prefer Supernatural and The Walking Dead aswell
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Arrow is great, I am on Season 2 at the moment!
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Well according to me Arrow is awesome but it focuses more on character development. Tbh 1st and 2nd seasons were great. But the 3rd season has been kinda slow but to its contrary The Flash has been super awesome. I think it even broke arrows record of being too much awesome :p. The cross overs were just amazing and I recommend you to watch both the shows and its worth your time. The thing with arrow is you are going to see way too many epic episodes in the upcoming future . And do surely watch The Flash and thb its been one of the best shows of 2014 according to me. The acting in both the shows are super awesome . Btw Gotham is also great , heck all DC shows are great like constatine ..............
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I watched the first few episodes, and it looked really silly in some moments. Main hero reminds me of Simpsons episode, where Homer bought a pistol and tried to use it everywhere - turning off light, opening a beer can, switching TV channels. That's what mr. Arrow does with his bow. Need to hack a computer? He fires a hacking arrow straight into villain's computer. Need to record a confession? Got a microphone arrow just for that (nevermind that this evidence would never be accepted by the court).
Also I coudn't but laugh at the cop character who is determined and unbribable but naive as a child. How could such a honest cop survive in a corrupt city like this? Because he was always digging in the completely wrong direction and thus wasn't a threat to any of the city's bosses. An honest cop is of no danger to criminals if he's dumb.
The main problem in the series for me that it is too naive and "teenage", while trying to make a serious face. Overall I'd better go rewatch "Justice League" or "Young Justice" cartoons, which were much more entertaining.
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Starts off quite bad but gets better with season 2 and 3 when more guest characters appear.
The acting (or writing) stays cheesy all the way through imo. Plus it propably has the worst city names in any comic i.e. Starling City, Central City, Bay City... :D
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Don't listen to these twats. Arrow is awesome, one of the best super-hero TV shows in history. Although that's not saying much, since, up until now, things like Wonder Woman, The Hulk, Power Rangers or the old Adam West Batman were considered to be top notch. Not exactly a category with a lot of competition. But Arrow, I think, might be even better than Smallvile. And I loved Smallville, it was hell of a lot better than those turds that I listed earlier. Someone said that they'd rather watch Gotham instead causse it's going to be awesome. That made me laugh. Gotham is so incredibly boring, the god damn pilot made me fall asleep, and keep in midn that the pilot is the highlight of the series since it has Bruce's parents getting murdered. Seriously, anyone that says Gotham is better than Arrow is out fo their flipping mind. Arrow has sharp, smart writing,extensive character development, parallel stories on parallel times and locations, great action, amazing feats of bad-assery, witty dialogue, dark and dreary tone without forgetting comic relief, good acting, good cinematography. It's like if Tim Burton made a super-hero TV show, this is what you'd get. What more could one ask? It is the the super-hero show genre what Breaking bad or House M.D are to the drama series genre.
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I liked the first season of Arrow, was better than I expected especially because they manage to avoid turning the series into "Batman, but without Batman". Haven't caught up on the second season yet though.
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