What do you think about the bundle? Are you going to buy it?
Full list of bundled games = https://www.steamgifts.com/bundle-games
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I encourage Bundle Kings to keep on making bundles. Unfortunately most of this games has been bundled before so most of us will not get it but perhaps there will be others in the future that would be new.
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Thanks appsboss7 for the chart. The bundle is full of repeats so its a straight pass from me.
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hmm.. these are ALL bundle repeats, so if that's what you'll be offering.. then NO I don't suggest you do another bundle.
unless you are going to make the effort to get previously unbundled games, I wouldn't be interested. GL
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More than that, just games that aren't shovelware. I mean we have no shortage of bundle sites for that already.....
At least these aren't just blatant asset flips or games that incorporate whatever other forms of abuse that are employed on Steam, but is that really saying all that much??
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You need a ITAD api key i think for the script to work and show bundled times
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I see two games I could buy this for that I'd like to have, though one I have on another platform but it's not the collector's edition. I see 4 games I would get this bundle for if I didn't have them already and the rest I probably wouldn't have for myself and give away. it's worth buying even just for the two games since they normally would total $13 on steam (and I know elsewhere it would be about $17-20) so for $2 that may tempt me since I'd be happy to do GA's with the rest. game budget says go for it, get two games you would play and then rest have fun with ga's, but I"m still on the fence lol. we'll see~
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^^^ Yep. It's a perfectly fine bundle for those that don't have 'em already.
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Thank you for the feedback, we haven't realized that our link is to the wrong game lol.
Both of the games contain a similar banner which is probably the reason for one of our staff's confusion while setting it up.
We have just fixed it though,
Thanks again!
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awesome, thanks a lot mate!! great bundle =)
bought it right now!!
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I'm afraid games like these are of no interest to me. I would not accept most of these for free, as I personally would consider it "clutter".
You might get a few purchases from those who collect everything... and anything containing cards.
In general, you need to "up" the quality of games, if you are aiming to be considered a respected Bundle Site.
I speak my mind, and mean no disrespect. / Good luck with your site. 👍
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Anything untoward going on if one chooses to only pay for one third of the bundle? Will the bundle not be delivered if all three parts are not purchased? (Anyone curious enough to experiment?...)
Part 1 seems to be Alice's Patchworks 2, Atonement, City of Chains, Hellas 3, and Dark Angels
Part 2... Incitement 3, Incredible Dracula, Mountain Crime, Porradaria 2, and Porradaria Upgrade
Part 3... Prehistoric Tales, Putrefaction 2, Rescue Team 5, The Saint: Abyss of Despair, and Shtriga
Best of luck on the relaunch. Not a very strong return, but maybe building a general good faith will be enough to carry you forward.
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There's an option to purchase only a part of the bundle at a time.
However, we recommend you to buy the whole bundle and that way support all of the developers who helped making this bundle possible (It appears due to a technical issue which we had to improvise in order to solve).
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the customers who have been waiting for us to release this bundle.
Legitimate question -- are there a lot of people in that category? Why? There are so, so, so many bundle sites out there. Why would anyone be "waiting for you to release this bundle"?
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It's just classic "marketing speak" for a salesman trying to sell folks on something or make it look good even if it is stretching the truth (which is why everyone should remain open to questioning everything). But then you knew that already ;)
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Many thanks as well!
Also, apologies for not seeing your comment earlier, it seems that the game featured is Alice's Patchwork 2, therefore that line should be replaced with:
**[Alice's Patchworks 2](https://store.steampowered.com/app/523160/ "Casual, Indie, Puzzle")** ☠ | 75% of 20 reviews | [❤](http://www.steamcardexchange.net/index.php?gamepage-appid-523160 "5 cards") | [🏆](http://astats.astats.nl/astats/Steam_Game_Info.php?AppID=523160 "18 achievements") | [3](https://isthereanydeal.com/specials/#/filter:search/alicespatchworksii,&bundle "Game Shop (tier 2, 2 months ago); *.lequeshop.ru and other shops (tier 1, 5 months ago); Bunch Keys Bundle #8: 8Floor & Joybits Bundle (single tier, 10 months ago); Build a 8Floor/Joybits Bundle (single tier, 12 months ago); 8Floor/JoyBits 2 (single tier, 20 months ago)") | [$4.99](https://isthereanydeal.com/#/page:game/info?plain=alicespatchworksii "4.99€")
In this case, the CV should be 9.13.
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On the plus side the price is fine and most of these games are actually good if you enjoy casual/HoG games. This bundle is a heck of a lot better than certain sites that have been posting no effort asset flips or 10 copies of the same platformer with a different coat of paint.
The downside is I and the two family members I buy bundles for already own all of these. I'll be interested to see your next bundle though! I think if you could snag a few unbundled casual games you'd have much more of a market.
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Hi guys,
I'm a part of Bundle Kings, we used to release bundles a while ago and then we stopped due to Steam new rules. We have just came back with a brand new bundle and we're hoping it will go well so we will be able to run more bundles :)
The bundle contains 15 games, at a total worth of $82, and it costs $1.99.
If this bundle goes well, we will launch another bundle similar to this one :)
Please let us know what you think regarding the bundle in the comments below, so we will know if we should improve the bundle or keep launching bundles like this one!
Also, please note that we're experiencing some technical issues so you have to click on all of the 3 buttons on the bottom of the site ("Buy 5 games") and then click on "Cashout" to cashout and receive the full bundle, we will fix it before we will launch our next bundle, this bundle is already up and we feel that delaying it would be unfair for the customers who have been waiting for us to release this bundle.
Here are the games in the bundle:
Tier 1 - $1.99
☠ - Game was free at some time and does not grant any CV if given away.
You can purchase the bundle at:
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