I wouldn't even have imagined this, when I first registered to this site, with the intent of giving away my bundle leftovers while trying to win some nice games for myself in return... and here I am: almost 200 sent games, and nearing one year of membership.

But for such an important milestone, I want to do something better than a train full of bundle leftovers, and I have exactly what I need: the ABZU key I just got from the February Humble Monthly Bundle.

Since it's a highly desired game (number 34 in the community wishlist right now), there will be a few, albeit not too strict, rules.
They are secret, but I can give you a few hints: to be granted access to the giveaway, you need to show you really want the game, and that it won't sit in your library indefinitely as "just another +1".

Enough talking, and since I'm too lazy to do convuluted puzzles, here's the plain link: ABZU, Level 4+, secret rules
If you can't pass the filter, let me know, in case there might be an issue.
If there're too few entries, I might consider lowering the (already quite easy) requirements.

Check one of my previous public giveaways to see if you're blacklisted, and drop a random comment if you wish to take part in this one.
Chances are you fixed the infraction(s) which caused me to blacklist you in the first place, so if you're clear, and I have no note about you, you'll most likely be removed. A random comment will be enough for me to notice.

8 years ago*

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8 years ago

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Rules are secret

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8 years ago

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Sorry, the comment is secret ;)

8 years ago

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I heard there was fish

8 years ago

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Bump for the last two hours (and 15 minutes).

8 years ago

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I am not prepared for pass this bridge. =)

8 years ago

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You won't even know if you don't try :3

8 years ago

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I tryed.

8 years ago

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Something might have changed in the meanwhile...

8 years ago

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But not for me. Next time. =)

8 years ago

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Still can't pass.

8 years ago

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But games are meant for +1

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8 years ago

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Not all of them :3

8 years ago

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A long time has passed since I couldn't pass sgtools requirements, but in your giveaway, I failed to pass them. xD
EDIT: Nice, I passed them now. XD

8 years ago*

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It's due to this part: "you need to show you really want the game"
I cannot pass the filter myself due to the same reason.

8 years ago

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I saw that, but I can't figure out how you could implement such a rule. :B Since it's a small and beautiful game, I can assure that I can easily play it fast. I tend to play the interesting games fast, while the moderately-interesting games and sometimes the quite long games are left to be played after a long time (for example, it took me around 2 years to decide to play Brutal Legend). xD But, as I said, I can assure you that I'll play ABZU quite fast.

8 years ago

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Probably just requires you to have entered a certain number of previous ABZU giveaways.

8 years ago

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Oh, smart choice. :O

8 years ago

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Nope, there isn't such a filter (yet?).

8 years ago

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Then my other guess would be that it requires the game to have been on your wishlist for a certain amount of time.
Either way, I already own the game, just making guesses because I couldn't pass and that almost never happens unless I'm too low level (30:1 ratio has its advantages I suppose).

8 years ago*

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Wishlist probably.

8 years ago

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Even smarter choice. ;P

8 years ago

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Unless combined with secret rules.

8 years ago

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I already own the game I just wanted to see if I could pass. Not this time!

Have a bump and congrats on almost 200!

8 years ago

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I think I lost to a wishlist rule.

8 years ago

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You should pass now, I slightly modified the filter.

8 years ago

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Congrats on upcoming achievement! :)

8 years ago

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Bump with updated rules, they were stricter than I thought.
Hints: you need to have either a tiny library, or a tiny wishlist.

8 years ago

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I guess my library is too big with 1800+ games then :P.
I've had Abzu on my wishlist since last summer and I don't think my wishlist is that big? :D

Edit: Oh I guess you just updated it after I tried it like a few mins ago.
Works now, yay! :D

8 years ago

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Your library is what I consider medium sized, while your wishlist is tiny.
For comparison, I consider my 750+ library medium-small, and my 300+ wishlist medium sized.

8 years ago

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I consider my library too big to handle already haha.
Hell, I had like less than 300 games 8 months ago, when I used to just buy the occasional humble bundle and a game here and there.
Since then this bundle buying thing has gotten out of hand, but they're so cheap dammit! :D

Imo my 90 game wishlist is pretty big too, but at least I actually put games on there that I really want to play (unlike some people I've noticed).
I don't think I ever had more than 10 items on my wishlist before last summer, because I used to basically just add AAA-titles on there I couldn't afford at the time.
Since then, I found this site, a bunch of bundle sites and I've started to pay much more attention to indie titles, so not only has my library blown up, but also my wishlist.
If only I could play them as fast as I'm buying them.. :P

8 years ago

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We're in a similar situation then, I had ~30 games when I first discovered bundle sites, on Summer 2015... over 200 at the end of the following Steam Winter sale, and that number has kept gradually increasing.

I still stick to a few principles, however: I buy a bundle only if there're games I would like to play soon, and only if the price is what I would pay for those games alone; everything else is just a bonus.

And Steam Gifts changed my policy on the "bonus" games: while before, I used to activate them anyway, because I didn't have any way to "dispose" of them, now I mostly create giveaways for them, if I'm not interested.

Had I registered on Steam Gifts earlier than April 2016 (and I could've done in early 2015, I just didn't know the site), my library would be even more compact, probably under 500 games.

8 years ago

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I had accumulated those 300 or so games on Steam over an almost 13 year span.
And now I have added 1600~ games in 8 months :D.

Yeah I also don't just buy every bundle. I do exactly the same as you.
If the bundle has at least a couple games I actually want to play plus a couple I might want to play (depending on the size of the bundle of course), I will buy it, if the price per game that I want is good.
But unlike you, I do use the "crappy" game keys, which is why I probably have 500+ games in my library I'll never touch.
But I usually buy multiple copies of most of the bundles I buy, so I'll give those away here.

Before, I used to just buy games occasionally, mainly because I had a period of many years that I didn't even play that much.
Also, the rare bundles that I used to buy, I only bought if I really wanted most of the games and I usually didn't even pay attention if it was just indie titles.
I guess I've become more of a casual gamer now and indie titles actually appeal to me, whereas before I'd just grind the same bigger titles for tens or hundreds of hours when I would play :P

8 years ago

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Oh wow! I passed the secret rules! Nice GA, too. Definitely not just another +1.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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fali to pass. quiet secret rules:)

8 years ago

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secret bump

8 years ago

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Failed to pass the rules :(
Also added the game to my wishlist so I could remember about it, somehow didn't do it before.
Any chance You could tell me what were those hidden secrets when the giveaway ends? :P
Have a nice day!

8 years ago

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Whoa i somehow passed P:

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8 years ago

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(Not entering) but I didn't want the game THAT much but still passed secret rules! :O

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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8 years ago

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bump for great game :3

8 years ago

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Bump! :)

8 years ago

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Tried to pass out of curiosity, but not entering. After reading what you wrote in the GA, I might have to go and mark some games as "Not Interested". Thanks for the informative post, have a bump.

8 years ago

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Because in a way ABZU is about swimming
I'm presenting you with wonderful swimming gifs :)

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8 years ago

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Congrats on the milestone!

8 years ago

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Closed. The SGTools rules, for those who are curious:

  • real CV ratio of 1.0 or higher, no unactivated wins, no multiple wins for the same game;
  • max 1000 games owned, or, if you have more, you needed to have ABZU wishlisted since Dec 22nd, and have max 400 wishlisted games.

This way I could limit access to people who either wanted the game (by having it wishlisted since before it went "mainstream"), as well as people who are more likely to play it soon (those with smaller backlogs),

8 years ago

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No un-activated wins/multiple wins/VAC ban. Ratio above 1:1. Nope barred. :(
Congrats though.

8 years ago

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Thanks for the GA :)

8 years ago

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Closed 7 years ago by MikuIT.