I have 100 games hidden. I only hide them when I see the giveaway appear too often that I get annoyed by it.
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I have a lifehack for you xD
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Well, the Recommended list is supposed to accent that, by listing community popular and previously entered titles.
A potentially more notable benefit of hiding, is that you're able to make use of the New list, which inexplicably still can't be combined with Wishlist. :P
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8420 games hidden
BL people that make Giveaways ? No
I am happy that they make GA's, if i like them or not.
I only BL people for Ga's if they make many giveaways for the games they gathered for free with many accounts at sites that give one copy for each account or if they give, nearly only, the 1$ cv exploiting bundles from fanatical (it give "generous" people that give them 20x ... and are at level 5 only from such GA's).
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That's a good stance to have. I think I started like that, doing giveaways of games in cheap bundles. But I just realize that I don't wanna make giveaways for such games that even I won't touch with a 10-foot pole. :D So now I'm stuck at level 4 ...
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2310 games hidden. I slowly hide shovelware GA's if one person gives away a lot so I can go on a purge and hide some 20-30 in one go. Or if there is one game there everyone suddenly is giving away. I rarely hide games one by one out of all listed. Only if I notice from thumbnail that its something I dont care about
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17,183 games have been added to your filter list.
33518 Titles you have marked "Ignore" on Steam
I never blacklist people for it, I see no need for that since just because they make some games I don't want doesn't mean all their giveaways will have that and that would also mean that the next gifter with such games do show up again, just block the games and with that in the long run I won't see some gifters anymore either
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33518 Titles you have marked "Ignore" on Steam
It's actually a rather simple thing, to add in manual transferring of ignore list from Steam to SG. Barter, for example, has that option. Yet another minor feature update that I've been hoping for years that cg'd implement.. :S
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I know ESGST has that feature, but I never used it, I use a script that shows me right away if I have a game wishlised, owned or ignored on Steam, I use that on many websites that link to Steam so if a game here is already ignored on Steam I see that in a second and hide it right away so it's not that much work for me but you must wonder why Steamgifts never just got a basic feature like that, that's for sure.
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Yeah I've noticed it's quite time-consuming. It's like there's one shovelware game coming out every hour and someone's making a giveaway on it. So far I think I've spent a week hiding games and ... it's been really annoying. But with some music in the background, it's eventually going to be all worth it I hope. :)
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I currently have 16,325 hidden. I like to check every game when I have the time. It helps me find new games I haven't heard about that I may be interested in and it makes using the site a lot easier when you don't have to sift through tons of giveaways that you don't want or know what they are.
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486 for me. Mainly from bundles/choices I bought with games I don't want or the two hated letters. VR.
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That's what they said about 3D tv's and look at them now. Gone in favor of 4K.
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Why would you blacklist people who create GAs for games you don't want to see?
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And, well, you're also preventing them from entering your giveaways just because they created several for a game you didn't like. I just don't see the logic in that. But to each his/her own!
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I've read posts from people who blacklisted for making 100s of shovelware GAs that were free on other sites. In a way, I can't blame them for that. That doesn't bother me, because I can just blacklist the games not the person, but meh. To each their own.
On the other hand, I actually blacklisted a handful of people for giving away like 10 copies of a good game that was in a giveaway. That devs bot crashed because of people like them. I was talking to the dev, so I kinda got mad at the asshats. LOL! It's unfair that these people grab a whole slew of keys just to give them away here so they can grow their e-peen. It's not generosity that drives them.
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Yeah, that last case is pretty extreme.
I would argue that most giveaways aren't driven by generosity. Or at least it's not the primary motivator. But maybe I'm cynical. :)
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Well, not everyone cares about numbers and ratios. Some people just give away their extra games in the hopes that someone will enjoy them. May not be generosity exactly, but they don't have to do that. Some even buy games specifically to give away. That's nice of them. What do they really get out of it? Some numbers that don't have a lot of value. =)
Then you have others who scour the internet for freebies just so they can give them away here and HOPE that the staff don't realise that they were free, so that they can hold onto the CV. Higher levels mean they can enter more GAs of course. That's their main motivating factor. I hold nothing against people who do that, maybe their financial situation is worse than mine, but when it's a ton of copies from the same giveaway, I'm like "oh, come on." Haha!
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I only hide games I already have, hentai, OST and Artbook DLCs.
While I probably fall under "collector" I'm very slowly making my way through the games I own. I don't mind shovelware as long as I get it for free and can bash it in the Steam Reviews xD
Blacklist though I think is kind of silly for my perspective. I usually only give away pretty bad games, most being hentai that have came with bundles I've bought, but in the off case I'll giveaway a game or two from SG wishlist to "make up" for that, so those who blacklist in my opinion, have the potential to miss out.
It's really about weighing in what you give a shit about. Would you rather spend less time by blacklisting people but potentially missing out winning something you like but you cant see it, or taking longer hiding trash to still see the good stuff thats left.
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9,014 for me. I hide anything that shows up despite being owned (like DLC), and any games I wouldn't ever consider playing. I just hide games as I see them. I don't use the blacklist feature at all.
To some extent I get some enjoyment out of hiding games, so in some weird way, I kind of enjoy when people giveaway "trash" games or make trash game trains.
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So far I'm at 17,049 and it shows no signs of stopping. Too many shovelware and cheap 'games' being released lately.
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100 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by CheMan39
Hi all! I'm just curious about how many games each of you have hidden on SteamGifts? Also, do you spend a lot of time to hide all the shovelware that usually comes from small indie bundles? I've recently started a crusade of my own to purge the giveaways that I'll never check out even if I win them. So far I have about 50 pages of hidden games.
One last thing, do you prefer hiding the games you don't wish to see or do you blacklist the people that most often create those giveaways?
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