Hello Everyone,

I have had an idea.

I have started posting on YouTube for my growing obsession of drawing. I am trying to grow a portfolio to become a tattoo artist one day. it's one of my biggest dreams. I have created some videos on a channel of me drawing (sped up of course.) I think they turned out really well. I am still working out some kinks though. In turn, I have added in a giveaway code in the description of one of my videos hoping the SG community could help me out with growing my socials.
That being said, in trade for your time I will add in giveaways to specific videos. as time goes on, I will be making them more and more puzzle-like to add a little more fun and complexity into it as well as the value of the game will be more with time.
As of right now, I have added a code into the description of the video below, the giveaways will be set up for 2 weeks so there will be plenty of time. if you are interested, please watch the video, sub, like or share. the more people that get engaged the more giveaways I can post.
(Also, if you are a fellow youtuber and have any constructive criticism, I would love some tips or tricks to helping my YouTube be more engaging or effective in gaining views and/or subs.)
Thank you very much!

4 days ago*

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With all that being said. here is the video.

4 days ago

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I commented on the video on YouTube. 👍

My suggestion is at the end of your video, have a longer period of showcasing the end result, not just for a second. Maybe 7 seconds is about the right time, maybe even more, like 10?

Sure, people can pause at just the right frame, but it's a hassle, and it really takes the quality of the video down.

Even change the angle of the camera at the end when showcasing the result. Maybe zoom in a little and pan the camera so we can see details better, and so on.

For example, look at this video:

You can see how after the artwork is done, she actually showcases it.
Of course, it doesn't have to be exactly this way, but give your finished work some time to shine, not just the drawing procedure.

4 days ago

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This makes so much sense.
I will work on that for sure! I'm not too sure why I didn't think of that just as a general thought, like reading this makes me feel like it should have been a simple part of the process. I can totally understand what you are saying.
This will definitely be part of the process for sure!
I very much appreciate the thought and the comment! - thinking about the concept, I agree this will make the videos better 100%.
Thanks for pointing this out. :)

4 days ago

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Very hard to read like that. Tried for the first paragraph, good luck with your endeavours. Will not nother trying to read the rest. Please make it easier to read, thank you.

4 days ago

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Thank you, I will make this easier next time.
My apologies.

4 days ago

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There's a drop down menu in the upper right corner of your post. You can select "Edit" and make it easier to read right away :)

4 days ago

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i found it, sorry I'm fairly new using the " discussions " on SG. i have made some changes, let me know if this is any easier. :)

4 days ago

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Much better, thank you :)

4 days ago

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no worries! I'm glad that you said something. the " header (#) thing " is super cool. looks wayy better. :)

4 days ago

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I don't know your original intention, but in formatting the pound sign (#) formats the paragraph into different types of headers, being in a larger font than normal text. If you want to use it just for the title / first line, add an empty line afterwards, that will keep the other lines a lot easier for the eye

4 days ago

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oh cool, I didn't know this. Thank you!
The next one will be way easier to read. :)

4 days ago

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Thanks for the giveaway and good luck with your video.

Friendly feedback, wouldntbe better both cameras right and left instead of up and down?

4 days ago

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that is a good idea,
I will try that for the next video I take. Thank you.

4 days ago

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Cool idea for giveaways. Good luck on your art and hope it works out for you.

4 days ago

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Thank you very much!

4 days ago

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i didn't understand how to use the code :((( help

4 days ago

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4 days ago

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thank you ClapperMonkey for helping. :)

4 days ago

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Of course, always happy to help where I can.

4 days ago

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it worked thks<3

4 days ago

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Glad I could help and good luck on the giveaway

4 days ago

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Liked and subbed. Kudos bump

4 days ago

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Much love,
Thank you!

4 days ago

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Love it! Bump! :)

4 days ago

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Thank you very much! :)

4 days ago

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A Little bump to keep the ball rolling.
Thank you everyone so far for the kind words and supportive ideas.

3 days ago

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Have a bump!

2 days ago

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2 days ago

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Pretty flower, hope we can see more! for now bump

2 days ago

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Thank you very much! there will be more soon! :)

2 days ago

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Closed 3 hours ago by DisGighsLit.