Some people will blacklist you if you say thanks, some will blacklist you if you don't. Just the fact that you created this thread will probably land you on a few blacklists.
Everyone has their own reason to blacklist others. I have found that the best way to deal with blacklist drama is to simply ignore it altogether.
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would be awesome if we could see the reason, like for: """" :)
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Yup would be interesting if you SG would force ppl to name a reason but still then ppl would just enter random words. Like Comment-OP said: Everyone has their own reasons: The guy with the highest S/W Ratio is on some blacklists, too. 'Nuff said?
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damn! Maybe Starwhite and me are immune against it? I sometimes make giveaways for this Group: 💛❤️️ You're Not Alone #3 ❤️️💛
But I barely get any blacklists. I'm almost sure that I will gain some through this post, but mainly my blacklist number is pretty low.
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People are odd.
Similar story when I made my second and third GA trains.
You get them for existing, and you get them when you're being you.
Just keep doing your best. Be nice in general but take no shits. And don't worry too much about what others think.
Sounds like an analogy for life.
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He even made thread about it if I remember correct xD That was hilarious read indeed :)
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Don't worry and simply ignore it. If you're still annoyed about it then take it the other way around. There are 1,060,409 members at this very moment. If you are blacklisted by 1000 of them it means 0.094% of the members don't like you for wtv random reason. But the other 99.906% of members have nothing against you so look at the bright side. My advice is to simply look at it as merely stats.
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Sorry you must take other numbers because only 35k are active players and only 1600 give anything.
Your calculations are wrong with the wrong numbers.
Before any giveaways it's about people and their opinion on other people. I'd say my evaluation is correct (of course considering there are no alt accounts).
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In my opinion how much a member is active and how much he/she's given away don't make him/her more or less of a person than the other ones.
EDIT: Also that WL/BL "feature" is more often than not used as a like/dislike button anyway than a giveaway filtering mechanism.
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Blacklist is your personal stuff. You don't need any reason to blacklist someone. You can do with it wathever you want and nobody can stop you.
Thanking might be main reason.
One thing is that some people see thanking under every giveaway you join as spam. '
But more importantly: "thanking" bring attention to you.
If I don't know you exsit - I can't blacklist, but if I see your post I can check you up and I might not like what I see.
So after you made this thread on forum you may expect additional blaclists. o/
Personally I wish that people at least had to write anonymus note to person they blacklisted (like "i blacklisted you because your post on forum was shit"). Not to stop them from blacklisting, I'm just freaking ciurious when I get BL.
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I mean, lets be real, if "blacklist notes" would be obligatory then half of them would look like "adasdafsasdasdas" or "fuck you you fucking fuck and your mom".
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But that would make it like "okay, these reasons are 'valid' to blacklist someone for..." - it sounds like other reasons were "wrong".
Making "blacklist notes" a mandatory thing would cause the same.... Letting people choose from giving a valid reason, a non-sense reason (e.g. adsadasdsadfsa) or just leaving it blank would be a system I - personally - would be fine with. You'd be able to see those reasons - so where's the difference between a pre-selected/valid reason and a non-sense reason?
I guess everyone has it's on pov :P
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I never blacklist. But you're welcome to blacklist me.
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When you blacklist someone, you don't actually get added to that person's blacklist. You just can't enter their giveaways.
This wouldn't change the blacklist count in the stats page.
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I only blacklist bad people, and I do it to make them feel bad.
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Thanking on every giveaway might be causing it. Thanking people for making giveaways used to be considered the polite thing to do, but now with the huge number of people on the site combined with the reply notifications that can easily get flooded if people comment just to say "thanks" (making it difficult to see other kinds of replies) it is now regarded as considerate not to thank the giver unless you win.
I imagine that a few people who have been thank-flooded in the past might have developed a policy of reflexively blacklisting anyone who pre-win-thanks them as a means of keeping their reply notifications under control.
Of course, when you do win and receive a game then you absolutely should leave a note to express your gratitude (unless asked not to). That's a different situation.
Gah, I've written "thank" so many times that the word sounds weird now.
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You've got a point.. I personally thank people for the chance if it's a group/private giveaway where you have a relatively good chance to win - otherwise just if I win or comment in a normal manner according to something in the description...
I get what you say about those GAs with 1000+ entries, but would you also put this on giveaways you only make for a small amount of people? E.g. if I'd make a whitelist giveaway or one for a small group I'd feel quite good reading a small "thank you" note - just to know they appreciate it. Dunno if that's a valid point..? Overall my comment/forum activity is quite low (as you can see on my general amount of comments lol)
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In reality, nobody here owes anybody anything. Everybody has their own reasons for the things they do, and sometimes they have negative (re)actions.
It's childish, but somebody will blacklist you (as many people have already mentioned) just for disagreeing with them, being colourblind, or being Canadian (joke because laughter is good, I haven't been discriminated against for that yet). Everybody has their own reasons and they don't need to disclose them.
You'd just be doing yourself a disservice worrying about how many people have blacklisted you. It's best to just move on and not think about it. Don't let the negative take control of you. There's how many thousands of people on SG; a few turds in your soup bowl shouldn't dissuade you from eating at the restaurant again (yes, my analogies are 💩).
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The primary thing is your ratio, I suspect.
Regarding the whole "thanks" thing --
If you just copy and paste the same generic "thank you" message every time, you will probably get some blacklists. People sometimes see that as maybe not showing actual gratitude.
If you'd really like to say thank you, maybe take 10 seconds and post something unique. It's not that hard.
Hey thanks [giveaway creator], this game looks interesting, kind of reminds me of [some other game].
Thanks [giveaway creator], I've been trying to win this one forever, thanks for another chance!
Never heard of this one before, thanks for the GA!
See? Not that hard. And MUCH better than a generic thanks or hope to win it WTHOG or hvala puno or whatever.
I think the bottom line is, most people appreciate genuine messages and really dislike generic, bot-like messages.
So be genuine, and maybe give away a few more games so it looks like you're trying, and then you won't have to worry about blacklists. (Not that you should worry about blacklists anyway, but lots of people do, for some reason).
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It's not that hard.
Okay, tell me if I did it right!
And MUCH better than .. hope to win it WTHOG
Few things are worse than that, especially when that phrase is indicated to be a justification for autojoining, or intolerance is shown for comparable phrases by others. In fact, I think phoenix covered it best, here.
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