There has to be a catch somewhere...

  1. You buy and install Collar of Duty.
  2. You give the Collar of Duty disc to a friend.
  3. This friend pays a small fee to register Collar of Duty to his/her account.
  4. Repeat steps 1-3 until all of your friends have Collar of Duty.

I just want to point out that I don't actually plan on even buying an XBox One, so don't start lecturing me on ethics.

Edit: This is just speculation, I don't actually think that you'll be able to do this.

Edit 2: The official statement doesn't really tell us all that much about used sales outside of retailers, although they do claim that most of the money will go to the publishers and devs, which is pretty good. I also want to point out that the catch that I mentioned is most likely going to be the deactivation of the original copy, but Microsoft has, once again, been very vague about this.

1 decade ago*

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Small fee? Only if "Small Fee" means "Full Price"

also, yeah, it deactivates on the original account

1 decade ago

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Seeing as MS is sending out mixed messages, who fucking knows what they are going to do. At the moment it is just as likely that you need to give three DNA samples, semen samples, and burn a PS4 in effigy to play a used game as it is that you cannot at all.

1 decade ago

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this made me smile :)

1 decade ago

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I hear you can share games with 10 "family members" now.
Me and my friends are definitely going to be making a pool of all our games now so we don't have to buy very many each.

1 decade ago

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You only can do the sharing on the same console that you first signed in with.

1 decade ago

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I just checked the official statement, and here are the two key things that they mentioned:

Give your games to friends: Xbox One is designed so game publishers can enable you to give your disc-based games to your friends. There are no fees charged as part of these transfers. There are two requirements: you can only give them to people who have been on your friends list for at least 30 days and each game can only be given once.

Share access to your games with everyone inside your home: Your friends and family, your guests and acquaintances get unlimited access to all of your games. Anyone can play your games on your console--regardless of whether you are logged in or their relationship to you.

The second part only works if you have a family of 11 or less people. How outrageous!

1 decade ago

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that "small fee" will be the full price of the game was what i was hearing. Thus completely ensuring there is no usage loophole at the cost of completely sacrificing the very idea of sharing a game with a friend.

plus you can only give it once and that person must be on your friends list for 30 days before hand.

1 decade ago

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Ok, this is how the system will work, think steam
End of story

But in all seriousness that is all it is becoming, like a PC, and if anything it is less restrictive than a pc
Im not saying it is great as a console and being able to lend games, but it is for alot of people that want middle ground

1 decade ago

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No ONE cares.

1 decade ago

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This just came up on bbc's website Link

1 decade ago

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the point of a console was to take your game/memorycard over a friends house and play. with this why not just play pc. with steam you can actually go to a friends log in (download if needed) and play. this crap is why i stopped useing consoles. $500+ ontop of game price for some asshat to tell me how and when to play my PURCHASED games.

1 decade ago

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PlayStation 4 FTW?

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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You really expect SONY to be better? Really? Remember that rootkit Sony was adding to their music CDs? >_>

1 decade ago

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Here, read this: Rootkit

Compared to it, MS are virtually saints :|

1 decade ago

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It says it's not happening anymore.

1 decade ago

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Not that we know of. Also, it's one thing to collect a fee for re-selling your copy, and another to make your copy install virus making your PC far more vulnerable. Or another scandal with BMG, owned by Sony, where they deliberately produced defective music CDs you couldn't read using a lot of hardware. It played worse sound on computers, or could even freeze some players requiring disassembly to pull the CD out - all in the name of fighting piracy using your legally bought disc.

1 decade ago

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And I remember that because I bought such a CD with music from my favorite game - and couldn't play it at all on my laptop until I tried that black marker method. Millions of dollars technique I was forced to pay for in the CD price defeated by 40 cent marker. To this day I regret I didn't pirated that disc to show what I think about the issue, but then I'd be "filthy pirate justifying use of this system" :|

1 decade ago

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I think you will then not own the game yourself anymore. It will be taken from your account once your friend installs the game

1 decade ago

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If the fee is the full price of the game, then i don't get why your game gets removed from your account if your friend is paying the god damn game at full price

1 decade ago

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Closed 1 decade ago by SWKineo.