The showcase of all the stickers :)
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event whoring the hell out of steam nowadays
just fix your god damn UI sooo i can play games without lag again
the memory leakage is kinda insane
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Are you talking about the client? For me this new version has been working better than the old one, I no longer get blank pop ups or freezes.
It's just the new notifications system that loves to not do its job right, other than that they fixed most issues.
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sooo many problems with it right now and they fixed like 3 so far.
cant use go back page and return to what you were at
the notifications are a mess, legit fucked sometimes
steam doesn't always tell you when people reply in discussions sometimes, only know about it cause i went back to the forums of the game to see if other people had the same problem and saw a reply to mine.
steam not telling me when people comment on my stuff
steam not telling me when i have friend invite
steam telling me i have a new notification to a forum discussion i have unsubscribed from and have no way to mark as read, deleted it so many times.... still there
store pages and steam itself takes longer to load
looking at your game screen shots is slow as fuck now, takes ages to load them
memory leaks cause steam to ramp up in ram usage until it crashes
cant minimize and drag steam around, can make it smaller but it wont move
cant change the shape of steam at all
when opening artwork and screen shots-steam opens new windows with no way to close them, gotta use the taskbar
steam support has been no help what so ever, they just send you to the forums every time
thats just off the top of my heads, tons more problems
i fucking hate this new client with a burning passion
been buying games on steam for years and dead ass stopped cause how much i hate this shit. not buying from them ever again
decided to sell off all my cards, i dont care anymore about any of it ¯_(ツ)_/¯
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About notifications. It's really clunky, and sometimes it just opens a chat window behind the main window rather than telling me that someone was talking to me while I was offline, so I have to notice than that's there on the screen.
For friends invites, games on sale, or comments left by people it's been working as intended so far.
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Oh, I guess that's a lot of problems.
To be honest I haven't tried moving the Steam window since it updated so I hadn't noticed that it won't move, that definitely wasn't a thing last time I checked, must have been introduced as a bug in an update. I always keep Steam at a specific size and location in the screen where I like it and never move it, ever, so that's probably why I didn't notice that problem.
Similarly I've never liked using the client to access the store, I always used Firefox for doing everything related to the store because that way I can open multiple tabs, so as far as I'm concerned having access to the store from the client is just an extra rather than a main feature.
The RAM thing I couldn't tell you, whenever I check it seems to be doing fine, around the same as with the older version.
The screenshot manager actually works better for me than the old one, only once it bugged and posted a pic without the text but I was able to quickly fix it (seconds later), so I have no complaints about that one.
It seems like the only reason why I'm happy with it is that it works fine for the way I use it, I guess I'm just lucky then.
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when i have free time im downgrading the fuck out of it and locking my steam so it doesnt upgrade.
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You probably didn't notice the problem (moving steam) also because it might not even be a problem for you if you tried.
It works perfectly fine for me. Just like many more things listed there (backpage sends me back where i was, no ram leaks, no slow loading of store, can close screenshots/artwork, etc etc)
For me it's the notifications that are the only issue I encounter, but even those seem to have been working just fine recently.
Kinda unfortunate for those who have (many) issues. Has to be some hardware related stuff otherwise I dunno why only some people have troublesome client.
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"when opening artwork and screen shots-steam opens new windows with no way to close them"
same thing here xD
Another thing that pisses me off is when i open Steam for the first time, it like pops up in the front of my screen 3 times, when i do other things and distrubs my work. When in old times it just worked in the background as every program should do if not in focus.
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99% of the time I am using webpage with Augmented Steam extension which is always much better experience than app itself, but decided to check some of your claims now.
cant use go back page and return to what you were at
It works normally for me.
store pages and steam itself takes longer to load
No noticeable difference between the app and webpage.
cant minimize and drag steam around, can make it smaller but it wont move
All good for me. This was bugged at the beginning when it couldn't be resized at all, but now works as intended.
steam not telling me when i have friend invite
Also works.
looking at your game screen shots is slow as fuck now, takes ages to load them
It is painfully slow, yes, but the same applies for webpage. This is only the case for first opening of the file; after that it opens fast as it should be the case from the start. Too bad there isn't an option to build cache of the files in advance.
when opening artwork and screen shots-steam opens new windows with no way to close them, gotta use the taskbar
This also works normally for me. I can close it by clicking 'x' in the upper right corner or by using Esc key.
the notifications are a mess, legit fucked sometimes
This I can't confirm or deny, haven't noticed any noticeable changes but didn't dig deeper into it.
My BIG problem is Steam Chat app, that outright doesn't work - I have stopped getting notifications a couple of months ago and it still isn't fixed. When it stopped working the app itself didn't have any updates, same case with my phone, so I'm baffled what exactly caused such behavior.
Also have to mention that sending files doesn't work since October or November last year, and probably one poor intern that tries to keep Steam Chat afloat somehow doesn't know how to make it work again.
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That could explain why you have those bugs. Valve probably don't test on 7 or dont care if there are minor bugs, because they won't support it soon anyway. I am on 7 too and have the same problems (well, some of them). Most people don't complain, probably everything works fine on Win10.
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you should check the steam forums.... so many people with problems
the ones i listed are just mine and its not even all of them
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but to be honest, relying on a system that was released 2009 and is now absolute obsolet and is now out of support since 14. Januar 2020
you cant except that they test their app on an old NT 6.1 system!
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once a better operating system is made, i will upgrade. 7 can still run the most programs out of any of them
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i had win7 ultimate running for years, but seriously when win10 came out it was an immidiate upgrade....
but if you think its smart to stay on that outdated kernel, its yours
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Why not just switch to Linux at that point? It's definetly safer than sticking to a 14 y/o OS that has stopped receiving support long ago.
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the problem is on your side, you can use the old UI without problems and memory leaks? i didnt experience any!
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Thank you. I saw the new sale yesterday and wondered if they added sticker claim as usual. Went to the sale page and didn't see it. I scrolled all the way to the bottom table and still somehow missed it. Maybe it didn't load or something. Anyway, thanks to you, I ultimately haven't missed it. :-)
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I saw the sale too but never would have thought that it was a big enough of an event for there to be stickers to celebrate it. Not sure how I feel about filling my Steam Inventory with untradable, unmarketable items but I'm still gonna try to collect all of them if I can remind myself to do it. Thank you for the heads up! :)
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