Man you crafted the badge so early, cards will drop around 0.1 in 2-3 days.
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I got most of them through voting and crafting my tf2 badge up to level 4 (I traded for the cards). I had some leftover steam wallet money which I used to buy the last 2 cards. So it cost me only 40 cents basically. Still, it was a huge waste of time.
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10 cards.
edit: oh i see what you meant. check the community market. there are close to 40,000 of each card listed for sale. Not rare at all.
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Just been selling my cards for a nice profit thorough the event.
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Well the sale cards move FAST. You can see for yourself if you sit there tapping F5 on the listing for any of the cards. They're only making about 2 cents per sale but I'd guess about 30-40 of them sell per minute, and that's just for ONE particular card out of the 10 total sale cards.
On the low end, I estimate they make about 360 dollars per hour on the sale cards or 8,640 dollars a day, but it's probably way higher on average because I only have checked during early morning hours when things are typically slow. Plus the cards started out way more expensive than they are now, so steam's cut was bigger initially.
Anyway, 8,640 dollars a day is really small for a behemoth like valve. There are rural stores that do more business than that in one day selling groceries. But still that's only an estimate for the sale cards by themselves, which do move much much faster than anything else on the community market that I have ever seen.
So I dunno. My guess is that they are definitely making more than enough to pay for the server costs, but that the real function of the market isn't to bring in tons and tons of profit; the purpose is to facilitate safe cash trading so that people will buy more games and keep the trade economy going as well.
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People have to spend real money to get those steam wallet funds into the system. It's not created by valve out of thin air.
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There's a large "Find out more" button informing people about the details of the badge. It has been there since day one. People ignore it and craft the badge nonetheless.
I don't get why people complain.
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Not entirely accurate. The higher your level is, the more friends you are allowed to have on your friends list. So each time you level up, you're increasing the cap on your friends list. The badges are what grant the exp points you need to increase your level. You also get other perks like the ability to showcase things on your profile page, such as items you have up for trade for example. It can also be things like achievements or screenshots, etc. You get to pick. You also get more showcases as you level up higher.
tl;dr, there's some real functionality tied to it
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you can't. only badges.
besides, that would be too hard for valve to keep secure. people would cheat.
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Seriously? Is that true or is that just some unverifiable rumor?
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I did a bunch of math, and using numbers from a couple days ago, each badge crafted makes you lose an average of a little over $3. I need to update since cards are much cheaper now, but the point is that you shouldn't expect to profit off of this.
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I definitely did NOT do it for profit. I wanted the exp, badge, and a chance at getting one of the TF2 items or maybe something I could trade for one of the TF2 items (to keep for myself, not to trade).
Still it's a valid point. One shouldn't do this expecting to profit.
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So is the point of the thread that the OP thought he was going to get something mega awesome valuable from crafting a stea badge and is disappointed?
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so were you expecting something other than what you got? i say this cause its worded like you got something other than expected. they let you see all the possible things you could get.
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I wasn't expecting much. I saw all the possible items multiple times and I knew I'd probably get a pile of shit. I was still disappointed anyway.
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I crafted the level 1 with cards I got from voting, crafting and with friends' help and aside from the money lost by not selling them (by the time I crafted it, the cards were already worthless anyway, considering they started at ~3 times the price) and I also got a shitty item.
Volvo hates us. And I even drive their trucks in Euro Truck Sim 2. I feel betrayed.
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༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ VOLVO Give COAL
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True. Also, making coal non-tradable would also have helped to an extent.
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Indeed, but it would be really lame for some people, who have low count of games, and maybe they get like 6 coal, and they're missing one to craft them. Everything has upsides and downsides :(
P.s. I don't remember correct count used to craft those coals.
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Outside of summer/winter sales events, you always get a coupon when crafting a badge.
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I've been selling them immediately for the easy money. next week when the price per card goes down more I'll likely put some sets together so I can reach level 30.
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I have been well aware that the cards have a shelf life and as I implied; when people are rushing to sell the cards before they are invalid I'll likely put some sets together for cheap.
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I already had some Snow Globes in my Inventory when the sale started, so I was able to craft a few badges within the first hour.
I got some item I never heard of: Golden Imp Mask (had not read the 'Learn more' page yet). Turned out to be very rare (only 32 crafted at that time), so I sold it at the market for about $13. Sold remaining globes for prices between 25 and 50 cents. As expected prices are low now, but it's still not worth creating more badges. Only when the price drops below 7 cents (70 cents for the set) it may become interesting compared to actual game sets.
The globes are definitely better than coupons; especially during a sale that makes coupons worthless anyway.
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If the game you want is on sale for $10 and you use your 80% off coupon you get it for like 2 bucks. Not that bad of a deal even if it is on sale.
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Except that coupons don't stack with sale prices...
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... got a shitty worthless item for a game I've never played and have zero interest in.
The cards suck, btw. Don't bother with them. Sell them on the community market if you get any. They aren't worth the hassle of collecting.
edit: i gave it away so it's gone now
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