I doubt that Sony will suddenly stop supporting the PS3 after they release their next console. I mean, they've always supported their consoles YEARS after the newest one comes out, so why on earth would they stop now? The PS3 will be a viable platform for several years after the PS4 hits the marketplace.
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Every month, they add like two or three games, and they take down the ones they added two or three months before. When you get plus, you can get all those games that are online at that moment, and play them as long as you're plus, when you stop being plus, you can't play them until you get it again. Once you activate one of those games, it's linked to your account forever.
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You're not too late! It's worth it even if you're only going to get a few months, since you get a ton of games to enjoy. And you get free themes, avatars, and other nice little goodies. I don't like it quite as much as indie bundles and Steam sales, but I have been enjoying PS+ for the couple of months that I have had it so far.
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If I'm going to get a PS3, it's going to be a year from now. Will they still give free games for the PS3 on PS+? I think they'll shift their focus to the next one by then.
I would have been willing to pay monthly if I were still getting free games for the PS3.
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I believe they will. Sony is usually really good about supporting their older consoles. Not 100% sure how long they'll do it, but I believe they should still have it running a year from now.
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If you're set on buying a PS3 I'd still consider a subscription. You can "activate" the games from their store on your PC and once "activated" they are yours to keep, so by the time you buy a PS3 you will already have a sizable library.
Plus(heh), the quality has only been going up. I don't see why people are so worried about next-gen. Everything points to a mostly multiplatform(multi-gen) generation, games are simply too expensive now.
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The last few months have been some of the best in PS+ history and there is a noticeable ramp up in quality. So definitely not late! I don't see why PS+ on PS3 only is a bad thing... Quite the opposite, I doubt we'll see many PS4-capable games on PS+ in the near future...
You can check out what is coming (and what you've missed :P) here: http://www.reddit.com/r/PlayStationPlus/
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Depends on whether or not you like the kinds of games that they give out to PS+ members. Right now they've got Deus Ex: HR, and they did have Sleeping Dogs.
Just keep in mind that the games you download stay in your games library so long as you are a PS+ member. When your membership expires, you won't be able to play them. And I believe you also have to download a game before it's added to your permanent games library. If you don't get something before the offer expires, you lose access to it.
You get games for the PS Vita, too. And your PS+ membership will carry over to the PS4.
ETA They have Saints Row the 3rd, Uncharted 3, Little Big Planet Karting, as well as a lot of other nice things. Don't know if you'll get the same offers, though, since you live in a different region than I do. Might wanna go to Sony's official Playstation site and look into that.
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Of course. They got Uncharted 3 for fucking free, one of the best games of all time.
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You can play them as long as you have PS+
If you're subscription expires, you will not be able to play the games, but if you renew your subscription, you'll be able to play all games you have in your downloadlist (even if they are not featured in PS+ anymore).
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Yea PS3's are getting reasonably cheap nowadays anyway, as for PS+, it's a very good service, but I only recommend it if you're actually gonna use your PS3 a lot, I personally don't have PS+ because I've been on the PC more nowadays
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Yes, that's quite true! No need to shell out 5$ a month if your PS3 only collects dust.
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Yeah, right now in EU you get Uncharted 3, LBP:Karting, Demon's Souls, Catherine, ICO and SotC HD (WORTH IT JUST FOR THIS!), Malicious (meh), The Cave and a bunch of Vita games... Next month (so far) it is Battlefield 3 (!), Spec Ops and DmC, I think.
It has been fantastic for me as I got to play many minor titles that I wasn't necessarily that willing to order from abroad (Eastern Europe-yay!). Things like Castlevania, Vanquish and Infamous 2 were very enjoyable. I've already beaten like 10 AAA games that I really enjoyed from it and I've only had it for two months. Having finished Dark Souls, I can't wait to play Demon's Souls, Catherine ahs been on my radar for a while and does anyone need motivation for the HD collection? Didn't think so. Though there are some I don't care for. Kingdoms of Amalur bored me on PC...
Been great for co-op too. Had some fun with LotR: War in the north and now payday is coming... Overall, with the games and the other perks, definitely worth it!
You can keep track of what region has what here: http://www.reddit.com/r/PlayStationPlus/
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I'm thinking of getting one and I'm wondering if the PSN+ is worth it.
Thank you in advance.
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