Are you excited to play with your new choices like a kid after getting a new toy?
Except that I already got that game, so it had to be in bundle already. Because I would never buy that game.
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Yeah, I just found it thanks to Augmented Steam that listed that it was in few bundles and checked IsThereAnyDeal page from the link this gave me and I found that it was in Monthly. I checked that Monthly's page and found that I really did buy that one in the past, because I remember Owlboy.
But I never thought this game is that old. I don't really play strategy games, so it never was in my interests, but I though Civ6 is one of the newest games, like 1 year old?
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It's the newest but still 5 years old. It is still receiving paid and free updates, though the last update from May says it's the 'last update of this season'. We will see if they are gonna bring something new or just focus on the next game, which I think is yet to be announced. Anyways, compared to the base game, the version with all of the DLC (especially the big expansions), is much improved with many additional features.
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But is base game playable or something like "it doesn't have necessary features or things that should be there and it feels empty if You don't buy DLC"?
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I have played the base game before getting the DLCs and was having fun. But the DLCs definitely bring in systems and content that make the game more enjoyable and I would honestly find it hard to play just the base game after getting taste of the full experience.
Definitely felt more fleshed out than the base game of Civ V (with many things introduced in Civ 5 expansions being part of the base game), though I haven't played the previous games is the series (late bloomer as far as 4X strategies go), so I dunno how the base experience compares to those.
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I don't care for Epic free stuff. I used to just pick the game to not play them ever, but I got bored and now I don't even bother.
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If they did, I could at least buy the bundle and give the key for the games I already own to my friend. But i hate when I have base game and 3 DLC, and I got a newer one-key bundle for the same game. That's why I'm considering pausing for the very first time.
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1 more point, how Humble is going downwards... I will stop my subscription after my current goes to end...
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Humble only gave a game as DRM free?!
(ノ°Д°)ノ︵ ┻━┻
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I wish they would have more GOG options. DRM free, can run without the launcher if you want. Don't need to connect to Steam to play, etc.
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Who said anything about free games? I am happy to pay for games but I also like to buy bundles. This may be a Steam site but we still have threads on Epic, Twitch, and GOG game deals. Having some of the bundle sites include GOG games or at least GOG options wouldn't be a terrible thing.
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It's only terrible for me if they start replacing Steam keys for GOG keys. I am not against having the humblechoice between picking a Steam or GOG key. I only have a Steam account since it was the first site I came across. I don't know what GOG stands for and I don't want to make 10 accounts. I don't have an Epic, Uplay, Bnet, Gog. I dont even have a Facebook or any social media >.<
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GOG stands for Good Old Games. They started with older games all being DRM free and have migrated to newer games now. They are the same company that makes Witcher and CyberPunk.
What sets GOG apart from all of the other companies like Steam is that they sell DRM free games. They have a launcher that you can use to download and install the game but it's not necessary. You can download the games and install them in 10 years time if you want. You don't need to be connected to the Internet to run the games.
I only have a Steam account, GOG account, and UPlay account. None of the others. I also don't have a Facebook account, etc. I would drop my UPlay account first and then probably my Steam account next if I had to give up two of them. Despite having over 2000 games on Steam. I just prefer the model and appreciate developers not using DRM.
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Some of them look good but there's none that I want to play soon....which means I'd probably either play it in >3 years or I'll gladly abstain from buying this month.
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For me there is backlog of over 2k games. So unless they would give me games like BIOMUTANT, Monster Hunter World, Final Fantasy XV or something I really want to play, it's rather low chance I will play anytime soon. And other games, like indie games I buy and play quicker, though I just played Hollow Knight recently for the pseudo first time after years. But when Ori and the Will of the Wisps came out, I bough it even twice and played the first day. And it was so cool, because I had three days in a row free from work that time, so I could actually play it with no problem. If I had no backlog, maybe I would play. But I already got a plan of doing categories for games I started, I played and I finished. Also for games that are trash, so I won't bother. I feel bad that I don't have time and will to play those games, because many of them were interesting and I really wanted to play them, but yeah...never did.
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So this has Civ 6 which I already have, and doesnt have the season pass. The headliner is a 5 year old game?!
Has 4 items on my ignore list and only one on my wish list.
Oh and a GOG key? Meh. I guess at least it isnt Epic.
Maybe the gave up knowing that the Steam Summer Sale is coming? I'm hopeful that will be a good sale, but then I have hoped that for 4-5 years now with mixed feelings.
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Yes, it is called the "New Frontier Pass" and was released last year, sort of. It was released with the promise of future content which I think is only just completed a couple months ago with Portugal.
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Not a season pass though. While I like that they avoided calling it a season pass, I think they should have named it something like New Frontier Pack instead of "pass" to avoid the "season pass"-discussion entirely but I get what they were trying to do and IMO they were pretty clear about what it was all about from the start (mainly new civilizations along with some new options, units, city states, wonders, etc). Then again, I think the way they split it up is a bit dumb. Only reason to split it into several DLC (rather than publish it as a single DLC and then add the new stuff as updates to the DLC over time) is to allow players to pick and choose what they want but then It'd make more sense to have the civs in their own DLCs and the new game modes and all that stuff in one or two DLC without the civs.
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Same. I already own Civ VI and some of the expansions in the Platinum pack, but I definitely don't want to activate this one...
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It's too late to get it. 6 months ago HB was advertising $6 for 6 months, for new and current users if you clicked the banner and bought the monthly through it. It expires on the 4th of this month. If another one appears in the future it will be posted on one of sensualshakti threads, either in the topic or the comments.
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Only want Stubbs the Zombie. Guess I'll try and trade for it next time I have some spare games.
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did you end up finding a copy? i have one but it's almost two months later and i still can't make a giveaway for it.
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Nope, still don't have a copy. Surprised to hear the staff still hasn't fixed the giveaway issue.
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yeah, their (temporary?) fix has been to just disable making giveaways for it. if you still want the game then you can have my copy, no trade necessary. i already bought it like a month before the bundle dropped.
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ATTENTION! For those who still have a $6 coupon from New Year, You still can get June for $6 since the coupon "Valid until Jun 4". It seems they didn't take into account the change from Friday to Tuesday. You should have 3 days, but if you want it for $6 I'd recommend to unlock it right now, as Humble might notice and fix this.
P.S. I'm not sure if it worth it even for $6 though.
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I suspect they were fully aware of this, but figured the advertising they get from people posting that it still works is worth more than the extra they'd make if they put the price back. Like other limited time deals, it'll be to get the sales in fast.
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If the coupon still works, I might get it, if only for trades and whatnot.
Otherwise, big oof.
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For $6 it's an easy buy for me.
Got 4 wishlisted game there and I'm super happy!
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Ikenfall is a winner for anyone that hasnt already tried it in alternate systems with Gamepass. Great addition to the Steam library!
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Considering Civilization VI Platinum Edition costs like $115 dollars here in my region with the historical lowest price at $38, i would say it's pretty great to get them just $6.
Not to mention Stubbs the Zombie, Desolate, and Going Under are in my wishlist as well, i like this one.
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June 2021 Humble Choice
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📅 Important dates
💳 June 29th, 2021: AUTOCHARGE DATE (for subscribers only)
📆 July 6th 2021: Next Choice Bundle release date (first Tuesday of every month)
⚠️ Region lock ⚠️
Sid Meier's Civilization VI - (Gift link notification)
Worms Rumble (Gift link notification)
Going Under - (Gift link notification)
Ikenfell - Gift link notification
Secret Neighbor
Stubbs the Zombie in Rebel Without a Pulse
There will be no Steam keys allocated! confirmed by the devs
🎮 Games:
There will be no Steam keys allocated! confirmed by the devs
Sid Meier's Civilization VI : Platinum Edition (corresponds to this Store bundle) is one key that activates the following:
⚙️ - Steam is learning about this game, therefore some features will be limited (no card drops, achievements won't count, the game will not give a +1 to your library etc.) More Changes Addressing Fake Games
Humble Original / Extras: Fistful of Nothing
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