I've noticed in every game I play, hostility rises, but it shouldn't be that way.
Gaming was made for a way to play and stay indoors all the time.
So why in the hell do we name call and stray away from the way the game was meant to be played?
Stop with the harsh words, the mean phrases and teabagging, why is listening to mad kid on X-box funny? He's got tears pouring down his face and his nose is runny.
I don't mean to insinuate that I am a flawless player, but we're all just people with controllers, and WASD keys wearing down from overuse, lets not turn to anger when we lose.
Multiplayer was made to connect and compete, not to insult and be the very thing you secrete, it's shitty to act like a shit, ruins the game, it's not funny to troll, and if you could please, answer my poll?

(Comment 'Yes' Or something similar if you have been mean to someone on a game, or online, or 'No' if you haven't, or something similar if you haven't.)

12 years ago*

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Yes. I rage a lot when I play with friends, but they rage too, and it's all in good fun anyways.

12 years ago

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I don't get mean with people I'm playing with online. Simple as that. If people are jerks, I ignore them.

12 years ago

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I like friendly servers. On Tribes, I'll definitely throw the "Nice Shot" soundbite when someone gets a nice kill on me. Makes the game more fun for both sides.
Assholes getting trolled though, hilarious. And griefing tactics can be pretty funny too.

Mad people just need to learn self control -- when people get mad, it's usually a sign of immaturity. Sometimes it's just a really godawful day though and the mad person's in-game experience isn't helping them chill like they thought it would. Whenever people try to wave their dick in my direction though ("umadbro" etc.), the easiest way to get them to stop is to pretend I don't even notice. Mad people haven't yet learned that it's that easy... and sometimes they've not-learned it so well... that their raging just comes across as being funny. Schadenfreude... yep, it exists.

12 years ago

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Let's get racist (as far as nationalities go).

In every online game I've played, if I see filipinos, malay or indo in chat I reach for the quit button. Same if I see lots of south americans (I love these guys, can't stand them). If there's french in chat, I'm probably going to reach for the quit button too (my fellow French friend does this too). On the other hand, I welcome Brits (as long as they're not the prude kind) and USA/Canada (not quebec) folks are real bros in arms.

If I meet a fellow Aussie online, I'm usually the first one to start quarrelling. We deserve it, to be honest.

12 years ago

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I hardly ever play multiplayer for this very reason. Gamers who insult others need to chill - it's a bloody game, not reality.

12 years ago

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Only time I ever get pissed is more in jest and it tends to give way to a feeling of accomplishment. Case in point: I play Pyro in TF2. When I'm playing Pyro, there's usually some bloke on Spy or Scout who mops the floor with me. Everyone else on the server gives me either a fair fight or I eat 'em up with my Backburner, except this one asshole. This continues for the next 45 minutes to an hour, give or take (I play on a 2Fort Egypt server that never resets map). Then, after having my ass handed to me over and over again I finally get him. And it's never like a head-to-head knock-down drag-out, no, it's always my coming up behind him and putting his ass on the barbecue. At that moment, when his toasty corpse hits the deck, I will jump up out of my chair and shout "FUCK YEAH! FUCK YOU, ASSHOLE! BURN!!!" Then go back to playing and all of that stress and anger fades away and suddenly his and my little rivalry fades away and suddenly we're killing each other on a roughly 1:1 ratio.

12 years ago

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I'm generally only mean to people who exploit bugs. Interestingly enough, I don't yell at cheaters/hackers, I just leave the game.

12 years ago

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Nope, and that immature raging is one of the problems I keep out of the multiplayer scene in most games. Yelling "Fuck off!" at the screen is alright, well curse all you wish against the screen, but not on the mic or chat and insult players! In a multiplayer game when I see someone giving constructive advice to someone instead of raging like an idiot I just want to pat them on the back and tell them "We need more people like you".

In other words, ragers = scum of society represented in a gamer persona.

12 years ago

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Nope, I don't insult in games. I'll treat you like crap if you're an ass to other players, but I won't insult you. At the same time, I WILL tell you something you're doing is stupid, like building walls in Starhawk that have ladders going right to your flag (that summarizes the beta I was in as a whole). Though on all PC games I just set the incoming voice chat volume to 0, and I keep my mic muted.

12 years ago

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Closed 12 years ago by JSharpiie.