Like I give a shit...I'm too lazy to change the pic |:
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view the wishlist page and it answers all your questions.
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It was just a small notice.I didn't say there are NO MORE.But if you compare it with other games and Valve titles you will see that CSS is not that popular here.And that gave me an idea for my 1st topic,but it looks like some people here just don't understand that I did this out of curiosity and fun ._.
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That you talked about "What is the game that you hunted for a LONG TIME but now there are no more giveaways?" after saying there are no more CS:GO gifts...and 6 days to wait for a random person to gift the game you really want is not that long...
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1)You're right.
2)I don't give a shit.
3)Too lazy to change the pic
4)This is off topic and you're an asshole >.>
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I was just bored and decided to do my 1st topic.Is it really that bad? :[
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Well it's true.I rarely see 1 or 2 giveaways.I was just pointing it out because it's an awesome game.And I was comparing the number of giveaways for that game with some of the most recent ones.It's just strange how non-popular that game is since it's so awesome ._.
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If you equate the number of giveaways over the last six days to a game's awesomeness, you'd have to conclude that the best PC games on the planet are Guns of Icarus, Metal Drift and Revelations 2012.
I don't want to live in a world like that...
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I know that feel bro/sis.But look and see if any friend of yours has any.That's how I got a few games (until my friend got his credit card closed due to some extra tax and stuff like that).I'm sure at least one of your friends has one :]
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You would need credit/debit card to have a paypal acc. ):
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I think after that Indie Royale, it will be discounted in next 2 months at Steam Store. I haven't a credit card so i can't buy any bundles except someone give a hand to make payment.
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or you could always trade with people. but ask your friends/family if they would help you out with their paypal.
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9Fag sucks, Reddit sucks. Only one thing does not suck, you know what is it is.
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You do know that /b/ is not the only part of that website right? I dont even go there I go to /x/ and other boards where people actually post OC(unlike 9Fag ad Reddit who Steal it from you know where).
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Well you kinda were.Implying I'm a fag for something I did long ago.And I was not expecting this reaction anyway so sorry :[
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I said the site sucks, didn't say anything personal about you. ;_;
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Oh...sorry.Usually when people start telling 9gag things I keep thinking they mean the community.The site itself sucks,I know.But usually people start with the whole 9fag thingie and I hate when people start hating on a bunch load of people because they did the same thing (it was an ok site before something went wrong and now is just a shame).Sorry anyway.
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Many did...but they just don't understand my lazyness of changing my profile pic.I don't even have anything to change it with ._.
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Okay,I accept.That's the least I can do for calling you an asshole.Again,sorry xd
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Points at the reply sent to BloodEmblem and stares into eyes ._.
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Why do people keep going off topic commenting about my stupid picture...I have it for almost a year now and I'm too lazy to change it.I'm not even going on 9gag anymore and btw,what's with all this hate towards 9gag? Some people that go there are not completely retarded ._.
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For the last fucking time.I'm too lazy to change the picture.Why can't people fucking read? |:
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DO YOU EVEN HAVE A BRAIN??? Turn cps off
4Chan creates OC, Reddit steals from 4Chan, 9Fag steals from Reddit and claims they made the OC.
Also this video:
There is a better video(which shows everything Reddit touches turns into s**t and then 9Fag picks it up) but is hard to find.
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Aquaria, Really Big Sky, Symphony, Kings Bounty, Dark Messiah, Dredmor DLCs, Vampire: Bloodlines, and many many goddamn more.
Basically, my wishlist.
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How I wish I had a ban hammer to ban all the people starting flamewars.
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For me there are two types of games. There are games that I want SO badly I'm willing to pay for them, and then there games that I want badly but don't think they're worth the money. And the latter are the ones I'm trying to win here in SG, they're not so important to get to me, so I can bear the frustration that it takes so long to win them.
So if a game is really good, I buy it. I f I think it's not worth the money, I'm willing to take my time and try to win them.
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Okay, I'm closing this. OP was silly to make this thread after six days and everyone else is being a twat.
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I've noticed that people stopped posting any CSS Giveaway.Many people hunt games everyday hoping to get them.My questions for you guys is:What is the game that you hunted for a long time but now there are no more giveaways?Are there any games that you would like to win but the time is too much (ex: 1 week) or has too many entries?I've had those issues,and I bet many other people do.
Feel free to discuss in the comments which was the game and which was the issue.I would like to see how other people see this place.
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