jackofhats gets it. Congrats!

13 years ago*

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Clowns are attracted to tornadoes

13 years ago

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Clowns are attracted to tornadoes

True cuz i said so!

13 years ago

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+_+ I own the game, I love the game, I still play BigWolrdMod, still rocks! One of the best games ever made! hf&gl

13 years ago

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FUCK, WHERE are my SOFT AND FURRY grapes. I love goats. SHIT. WHEN WAS THE LAST TIME I GOT SOME GRAPES. i think like, last friday. OR TUESDAY. YEAH, I THINK IT WAS TUESDAY. why are there kittens in my MY HOUSE?!?! FUCK, I THOUGHT THEY WERE GOATS. SHIT, AND THERE'S LIKE 20 of them. Its okay, I'll just go buy some grapes. AND FEED THEM TO MY GOATS. wait, no. I DON'T HAVE ANY GOATS. THEY TURNED INTO SOME FUCKING soft and furry KITTENS. THAT'S THE LAST TIME I'M ORDERING SOME SHAPESHIFTING GOATS OFF EBAY. i wonder if i can return them. FOR SOME GRAPES. maybe I'll just drink some capri sun, or go to Italy, find a nice vineyard, and... eat them.... yeas... all of them.... ALL OF THE GRAPES. THE VINES AND ALL. EVEN THE FARMER. MAYBE THE FARMER HAS SOME GOATS TOO. YEAH.

Edit: SHIT. i was supposed to argue about it? DAMMIT. ALRIGHT THEN, here it goes. So, the reas... MAAAAKKKKKEEEE UUUUSSSSSS WWWWWHHHHOOOLLLLLLEEEE

13 years ago

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this is just too good!

13 years ago

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I'm not going to enter. I'm from the UK, so I don't feel like draining you funds by shipping so far. Out of curiousity though, do you actually dislike the game or was that "awful, awful" comment a joke? If you do dislike it, why?

Also, yes, Yatterman is a power-hungry maniac.

13 years ago

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... Awful, awful game?

It was one of my best childhood games, and my brother got me the complete BG series (4 DVD's total) for Christmas which I'm busy playing through (Solo char, hardest diff).

If that hadn't happened, I actually WOULD have written you a story :p

13 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

13 years ago

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Them camels were staring at me while I was at the zoo last week with my little brother and sister. I SWEAR, they literally eyed me with this icy-cold glare like they wanted to jump over their tiny enclosure and rip my face off then use it as their own. It was creepy man....creepy. 0_-

Granted that wasn't 200+ words, but who cares! It's a true story, seriously. :D

I have heard many good things about Baldur's Gate 2 but have yet to try it out, so I'd love to win.

13 years ago

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Every time we wake up we do, as a matter of fact, wake up in a different universe. You might wonder why, it's hard to explain but I'll do my best. We don't actually sleep per se, we just die. Every day we die, even several times a day for those who take naps. It's what we might know as quantun immortality.

"So, we die and just wake up? That doesn't make sense!". The thing is, it's not us who are dead, but our other selves. Consider the following, this is a parallel universe where we've been able to avoid death literally thousands of times, each time our unlucky "us" goes to sleep, they die; and we're the lucky ones who haven't died yet. We'll eventually die (today, unless you're pulling an allnighter); but the thing is, we will survive as well. The Universe/timeline, call it what you want, will split the moment you close your eyes, and you'll be dead and alive, at the same time, once again.

There aren't many examples of quantum immortality in the current mainstream media, but if you liked Alan Wake (and actually bothered to watch Night Springs, there's a very good example of what I'm trying to explain.

Other than that, I once heard a conspiracy theory about how cell phone chargers kill us literally every time we touch them, leading to quantum immortality as well. Dumb as fuck.

PS: am I allowed to edit this? I'd like to expand on this actually, but I'm gonna sleep now.
PPS: I just realized you're from Canada, so it'd cost you shitloads to ship that game to Spain, so even if I'd somehow manage to win, please pick someone else (aka. less expensive)

13 years ago

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Yeah, I actually needed to put some more stuff in there, so I looked for the quantum immortality in fiction article haha (hence I included the Night Springs part, even though I actually beat Alan Wake and watched it; had forgotten about it).

It's a pretty amazing concept, but it's a shame it's not as "mainstram" as time travel, I would really love to watch a movie about this kind of stuff that was at least similar to Primer. Oh well, a man can dream.

13 years ago

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if you're insinuating that you die every time you fall asleep, wouldn't that mean our current selves have never slept?

Granted, it WOULD explain why I'm tired right now ;D

13 years ago

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Not at all, the actual concept implies that everytime we go to sleep, we may or may not die. At the very precise moment we go to sleep, we're both dead and alive at the same time, the universe is splitting in two; in one of those timelines we died in our sleep, in the other (our current universe) we didn't. So, we've been sleeping all this time, but we've been also dying every time we take a nap.

13 years ago

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lol.. why would you die when you go to sleep? or in the other universe, where we died, what was the cause of death?
This not makin any sense

13 years ago

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There's a million of way you COULD die in your sleep, think about it.

13 years ago

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you could die as likely (more likely) while being awake (same causes + traffic accidents, falling down the stairs etc)

13 years ago

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Never said it couldn't happen, I was just addressing one of the topics the OP wanted people to discuss, both points are rather valid.

13 years ago

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Wow, nice one. :-) I already have it from GOG, so I won't be entering officially, but I may try to write something. :-) (By the way, the "Every day..." topic reminds me of the stories/novels by Greg Egan a bit...)

13 years ago

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correction, its not one of the worst games, graphics dont make games alone, look at minecraft, terraria, i have the cds laying myself, 2 sets, so wont enter, but i have a question, is there any restrictions based on countries?

13 years ago

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Mexican food is better than chipotle

13 years ago

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Yatterman is indeed a power-hungry maniac. All he does is shit up the forums with terrible posts and is a wanna-be. I mean look at his steam trades sticky, you can't get any more power hungry then that. And another thing! He runs that ever-so-exclusive S. Chatters. Who the hell wants to join it anyway? He probably just wants everyone to respect him even though he sucks at everything.
Oh wait.

13 years ago

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I agree with this, better just ignore that Yatterman guy. moving along now..

13 years ago

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Feed the polar bear the beans, the digestive system is not used to that kind of food. It will fart a lot. The other polar bears will kill it thinking it is diseased.

13 years ago

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Camels are cold-blooded killers
me and my friend where in arabia and our car got stolen by a pony from littleponies after that we had to walk like a mile! we got bored of walking so we started running after that we got bored and decided to sleep... when we wake up carl one of my friend was being eated by a camel! so the only thing we had in our hand was a lemon we had two options 1)eat the lemon! 2)use the limon as a fire bomb (from portal 2) so we tried to use the lemon as a bomb! it did not work so i run to get my lemon back and me and the other friend left carl dye... at least we got lemons :D

13 years ago

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the one i met tried to install origin on my laptop!

13 years ago

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HOLY SHI* that camel really is cold-blooded killer!

13 years ago

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maybe it was the same one who killed carl!

13 years ago

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I own the original 5 CD version of Baldur's Gate 1. I am superior to this thread.

13 years ago

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Still got my retail copies of Baldurs Gate 1 & 2 and their respective expansions. Kept in pristine conditions :)
Nothing could ever pry them away from me.
Incredible games.

13 years ago

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I own 4 CD's of Baldurs Gate 1 - I'm missing one of them :( Oh well, I now have the DVD Collection :D

13 years ago

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I own them too. Bought BG because I got such great support from Bioware for Shattered Steel that I had to buy their next game. Didn't grab me, however, so I never played beyond its start. I hear BG2 is a better game, though. Planescape: Torment is one of my all time favourite games.

13 years ago

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Quite a few people have asked if bacon is a better food/meal than cake. While cake can be baked in many ways with different flavors it just cannot compare to the simple yet delicious taste of bacon. Bacon is easy to cook, yet always retains its juicy flavor. With cake however, there are so many ways it can be ruined it due to simple mistakes, and consequently, it can make that promised sweat flavor all but disappear. Granted cake may taste as good as bacon, but that is largely due to what a person’s opinion of cake is. Cake may be healthier for you than bacon, but if given the choice, most people would rather eat bacon than cake due to its simplicity. The reason for this is that, while cake may taste bland after a while, bacon on the other hand, with its juicy heart clogging-goodness never seems to taste old. Bacon is a food that can become part of a variety of dishes. Cake is simply a dessert and cannot be used for more than that. In conclusion, while cake is indeed a delicious pastry, bacon, being used in more than just one dish and for multiple meals a day, is just the more reliable food to be cooked.

Edit:"cake, is it better than bacon?" I've never played the game or the first, though I have heard about it and it interests me quite a bit. Good luck to everyone who enters.

Edit 2: man if I win this first thing I would do is make my first "lets play"

13 years ago

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"Yes, it's one of the worst games ever! I've seen better graphics on my ancient PS2."

Umm... no shit? They were kind of released in the same year. And since when did graphics make a game?

13 years ago

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Okay, then, now I'm pretty sure you're trolling.

13 years ago

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hmm i think this game uses AD&D rules...

13 years ago

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I have the game, love the game and STILL play the effing game. Simply the best game I've ever player.

Anyone who says this:
"Yes, it's one of the worst games ever! I've seen better graphics on my ancient PS2."

That's why I support euthanasia.

13 years ago

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whats the game play like?

13 years ago

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People need to enter this. Can I ask why you don't want it any more? I still have my collector's edition box, what a great game.

13 years ago

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Baldurs Gate, collectors edition? o_O

13 years ago

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Yes, Baldur's Gate 2 collector's edition.

13 years ago

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I own two copies of it.

13 years ago

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Then you are twice the man I am.

13 years ago

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Brilliant idea! I'd enter, but I already own two copies of it >.>

13 years ago

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Yatterman is willing to kill everyone to become #1.

13 years ago

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The deadliest of bastards becomes as such through a generally common characteristic of fucking your shit, with a consistency of yes. This, however, refrains not the bastard from defeat, but ensnares the piss shitter in a more developed mind game than not. Just as the squeal of a war pig fells the siege elephant, so the aroma of baked beans degenerates the fucks of the polar bear. The curious case of Pavlov's Dog depicts actions uncharacteristic of dogs to the ringing of a bell after a series of conditioning scenarios which allows the animal to create an association between the unrelated concept and a response. Baked beans, when [they] begin their crop utilization period in mid February (North Canadian seasons are reversed, obviously), begin to crack the ice sheets of which polar bears frequent. When the baked beanstalks reach a height of about 65 cm, their proportional base width reaches such a circumference to crack ice sheets, sometimes causing polar bears to fall into the surrounding Anodyne Sea. This arouses a perilous predicament for the polar bear, as it cannot swim; the result is a new breed of polar bears that associates the aroma of baked beans with unrelenting death bringery, causing flight in the advanced genome, and death to the inferior. [edits in square brackets]

13 years ago

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Also cant believe I didnt make the association between GoJays and the Toronto Blue Jays. Im from Durham, just east of T.O!

13 years ago

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2025 World Series Champs!

13 years ago

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Clearly you lack grapes in your diet.

13 years ago

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13 years ago

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Closed 13 years ago by GoJays2025.