Are Blizz screwing themself again?
If you played a game for 5 years and are now losing interest, it does not mean that the game is crap now. 5 years for a F2P game that is not an MMO is pretty good. Plus with competitive matchmaking in the works, I'm plenty exited about the future of the game.
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I need Overwatch
People will throw their money at it
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The game looks fun, but for $40/60 and a possibility to buy skins again - no I will pass probably too. Still they show a greedy model again and they will never learn.
And to be honest I'm curios about how they've managed to steal that much design from Read Dead Redemption's protagonist: McCree
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YEP FanBoyssss will buy that.
In my in my opinion Blizz make BAD decision and Overwatch will end like Diablo 3 ...
There are also a lot of titles with similar gameplay coming out soon that will be F2P like:
MY HYPE go Downnnn sad ;/
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To be more on topic, on my opinion it's not a bad move from their part.
A bad move was charging to watch their promotional video conference. And people jumped in, so why not charge for real content? No one will blame them if they use an argument written in 5 minutes. Fanboys will accept, agree and defend.
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I'm not against Buy to Play games, some of them are really worth it ( Guild Wars being a good example). That said, $40 dollars for the base game feel a bit pricey to me. If it was $20 to $25, I would have bought it. The current price is too much for me.
Many people keep comparing it to TF2, and it must be said that TF2 also started out as a Buy to Play game. They went F2P only after 4 years post launch. Maybe we can expect something same from Blizzard. At its current form, I don't think it will be feasible for it to go F2P either. I mean for a game to be F2P, you need some form of monetization ( usually in the form of skins etc). At its current stage, I don't think they have enough options available to them for monetization.
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Guild Wars is a game build ages ago too and to be honest I doubt that they made as close to Valve as money from TF2
They can simply use the same model as HoTS?
And yes you are correct about TF2, but that was ages ago... nowdays you have too many options on the F2P shooters market and Overwatch have to be one hell of a game to match the price tag.
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Ahh but you are missing my second point. How will they make money if the game is free? even in HotS, the skins were ridiculously overpriced and you could spend money on skins, champ unlocks and mounts. So many different sources of money.
In a game like Overwatch, what would you charge the player for? There are only skins ( to my understanding ).
At the beginning companies are more interested in recouping their development costs rather than a steady income. Even games like League of Legends, which is F2P now, was sold for $20 in the beginning and the collectors edition was $40 or something (I know because I bought it). Its not about how old the game is or how many competition you have, if the game is worth it, then there will be people ready to pay for it.
Overwatch has the graphical fidelity and overall gameplay mechanics to charge for it but I do agree with you in that I have serious doubts on whether it can match its pricetag.
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they will make enough money from overwatch. But it has no chance to become a super popular title with that business model. For me it died. The genre isn't my favorite so I'm surely not gonna pay 40 bucks just to "try it out". And why would any TF2 (or similar shooter) player consider changing to OW now?
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It depends on what people want. If the player base wants to try out something new ( after playing the same game for a long time) they will try out the competition. Though the paywall will certainly keep a large portion of it out. Considering this is Blizzard we are talking about, they will probably make a decent amount of money out of it and go on to push the game on the competitive scene too as they did with Hearthstone and Heroes of the Storm.
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That is what I said. $20-25 would be fair. $40 is too much for me.
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Blizzard can do the worst stuff and people will buy it by the millions. Sure, they may have to redesign the entire game once or twice or release more than hundred patches, but people still regard them as the best of the industry. For some reason.
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I actually don't mind that it will be b2p, I would mind if future heroes and maps were behind a paywall.
Plus, from what I read, you don't get beta access if you pre-order and even if you did, I would not buy it atm before we know more about the way they will handle future heroes.
Also, I don't know if f2p would have really worked for Overwatch or if it was feasible, since the composition of a team is constantly changing based on what you need to do and who you play against, so you need to have access to plenty of heroes, you can't have a business model like LOL for example. Yeah, I guess they could have gone the tf2 route but that would have been too good to be true.
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40$ I guess is a bit too much for this type of game, especially if you will have to pay for future heroes. I for one hoped for something like Smite, X amount of money and you get all current heroes and future ones. I guess because it is a FPS, Blizz does not think they will make that much money from skins. 40$ for the game and only have skins for sale would have been great for me. oh well.
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I agree. I could have seen them taking a F2P + paid skins route like Dota 2. It would have been bad with a LoL-like model with restricted champions though. I think I personally prefer a b2p model (I'll probably just hope for a good discount though; does Blizzard do those?) since f2p communities are usually pretty toxic. I'm also still worried Blizzard will release future expansions with heroes that willll divide the player base. And +1 to never buying a game without knowing all the details.
Also, were was all this Overwatch love a week ago?
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I think the hype of people who thought this would be free 2 play destroyed it. If it would be announced when we first saw that game, as a buy 2 play title, everyone would be fine with that. I don't care about that prize. The game looks cool, I like the graphics, I like the heroes, I like the maps so why shouldn't I spend 40€ on that ?
Comparing that to TF2 is just dumb I think. Both are comic-style objective shooters= same game ? No!
I really hate TF2 tbh. I tried it again and again but it was just bad. All the new games that are coming out, these " triple AAA "- titles selling their games from 60-70€ so why is 40€ too much ?
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I don't think it's the initial price tag alone but the fact that the whole game is pretty much designed in a way to later ask for tons of money for additional content which you will need to stay in the game. Like how WoW is "free", yet if you want to actually do anything in it, you must buy all the expansions for the level unlocks, which makes the "free" game cost what now? 120€, plus the monthly subscription, plus possible microtransactions…
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And why it is dumb? Because it comes from Blizzard? The price tag is high. The game is not something new as an idea(Warframe, TF2, Dirty Bomb...etc.) and on top of that B2P + extra milking - yeah this is one of the Blizz main courses in their history.
And you compare a game like Witcher 3(60 euro AAA gam) to this?
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For some is, well not for me though for some others Overwatch is.
The " extra milking " is skins ? I actually don't care about skins.
They said that new heroes and new maps are gonna be free.
And I think 40€ is fine. The fact that everyone thought it would be free to play makes it such a big thing right now, I guess. But I like the game and like every reviewer said that this is in an better status in Beta than other games that are released already.
I don't pay 40€ for the idea but for the game. I played Warframe and TF2 but It's just not my game but Overwatch is) <-- Just my opinion how I feel !
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Yeah paying for a game + extra skins(dlc's) is milking.
Don't get me wrong I wouldn't mind it that much if it was with a normal 20 euro price tag(Hell CS:GO is 20 bucks and u can get what you paid for from drops). 40 is way too much for a game that is destined(gamewise) to be F2P.
Thanks to fans like you Blizz are making this amount of money even from a big crap like WoW(ffs update your graphics to 2015 already).
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Yeah, if anyone else would have made it, probably not even tenth of the people would have heard about it or be interested in it in the slightest. It's like how Destiny was hyped because of Bungie, and we know how that 100 million dollars turned out to be. (Had to bribe to get an award, spent another year and millions to redo the entire game, changing core aspects twice or thrice now to make it finally playable.)
Otherwise, it would probably be another Titanfall. Another MP-only FPS that comes, burns bright for two months, then everyone leaves it for the next similar one.
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Valve has a lot of avantage currently. For example it's not the same making a trading system and a marketplace for a game or maybe useful for two or three games in the long term than doing it to be used by tens of games developed by other companies.
They do a lot of things that by themselves have no much sense based on the cost, because they will make profit on long term putting those functions available for the entire industry and charging the customers or the developers directly or indirectly.
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I honestly excepected it to be f2p, so I won't gonna get it for a while untill we see a sale. Although they already have alot of fanboys to make the game profit before it's even released sadly.
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I would give it a shot if it was F2P. And I am not quite a fan of the genre, meh. But people will still buy it :)
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So Blizzard just anounced that Overwatch will not be F2P and you will have to pay $40 for the normal and $60 for the Origins Edition.
Is this a bad move from them or people will still throw money at them?
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