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Thanks, Captain Obvious. If it weren't for you, I would have never realized it! :o
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Idc if I win Bad Rats, I just want to win a game and have that feeling that this site is legit and accomplishment.
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I've only been a member here for 2 months and I've already won 11 games. This is a totally legit site with a lot of really cool people!
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What if I won a game but the fellow never sent it?
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I have, I just wanted to make sure I wasn't violating the spirit of your giveaway.
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You are leech enough to meet my whitelist criteria, so welcome! :-)
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Yesterday I wrote on another topic here how I got my first wins from groups that were basically there to help those less fortunate. With these tools we can do the same without needing to set up a group.
These are just bundle games though, I couldn't afford anything better. I do hope someone will enjoy them though after getting to experience winning on SteamGifts for the first time.
Retro City Rampage
Never Alone
Trine 3
Door Kickers
Else Heart.Break()
Sunless Sea
The links in code for Yirg:
[Retro City Rampage](
[Never Alone](
[Trine 3](
[Door Kickers](
[Else Heart.Break()](
[Sunless Sea](
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All are configured correctly. 4 days may be a bit short*, so I suggest you check a day before if all of them reached 5 entries. If not, it's very easy to update the rule to something less restrictive.
* Giveaways of this type (for those who haven't won) are usually slower to pick up entries than one would expect, but in this case the quality of the games is high so it shouldn't be an issue :-)
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I've had some experience with this type of giveaways contributing to thatsok9's thread. Things can be slow, but granted, none of my giveaways were high profile games. I think you're likely to have better experience. In any case, it's very easy to get more entries quickly by updating the rule and posting the links also on this thread.
Note that these two giveaways are "full" only because I defined a limit of entries ("Maximum number of Entries"). I did this to ensure that the odds mentioned in the title are true for at least some of the giveaways, but don't feel obligated to do the same. If a user who never won can win a game like Trine 3 in a giveaway with 10 or 15 entries he/she really has nothing to complain about :-)
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One way to reduce the chance of a single user winning multiple giveaways is to not limit the number of entries. From now on I think I'll only limit one giveaway to keep the title somewhat connected with reality, but will let other giveaways continue without such limit.
I'm glad to see your giveaways already at 6 to 8 entries.
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Yeah, luckily the entries worked out pretty well. I'll be adding two more giveaways after my first ones end and I'll probably let them run for two weeks just to be on the safe side.
If one person ends up winning all of the ones I posted, I think that would be pretty funny. Going from zero wins to seven in one fell swoop is the grand prize here I suppose.
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Bump, it's such a great idea!
I currently have a few games to give away and would love to have some with your 'system' but I'm currently waiting for my current giveaways to finish and hopefully be marked as received to be able to create more. Will you be running that thread for a few more hours/days?
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Great :)
I'll be back with some giveaways soon then :)
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You just need to enter the site through your steam login. I've made a picture, hopefully it will help.
Once you sign in, SGTools will read your data (number of giveaways won/sent, steam profile etc') and you can use it to enter giveaways if you meet the requirements, and also make some customized GAs of your own!
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I've just read, without searching (they happened to be on the thread I was in) your arguments with other people in the community and I think you should re-consider some of your stark points, using this as a guideline. You're only 6 days here and you've already made broad generalization of what people the community consists of. I'm giving people the benefit of the doubt that they are rational, logical and start from a neutral place when they try to reach a conclusion about something. Having a lack of data, in your case, is a call for suspension of conclusions about this site. Saying "I still don't know" is the humble action for you to take in this stage, instead of determining what is/isn't true. I hope you won't take this as an attack on you, it's just constructive criticism I would give to anyone who presents a harsh opinion.
Some people aren't nice to new people, some are really nice - as for myself, I make a point of being extra nice to new comers because it's hard to be 'the new guy' - I can give you specific examples for both cases, which means this is a case by case area and not a black/white issue. This large community has its mix of elitists, jerks, apathetic, nice-to-all types. All shapes and colors. In time you'll find your group of people you like more, if you give it a chance. And I hope you will! GL again, especially with the community.
there are a lot of nice people here who would help you instantly
Actually, I'm blacklisted by some people, and have been in a bunch of arguments in my days here. I really don't think I'm popular and liked here in any way above average (nor especially disliked or unpopular).
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i am not looking to have posters with me hanging in peoples' rooms, this was not my intention when i joined this community a week ago.
if i write a review (opinion) that is not directed at you, and you come and attack me, it is clearly the review discussion is out of the dialogue, that is what happened in that thread, i posted a response to the OP and got ganged upon by people who felt themselves included in what i was generalizing (never have i pointed out by name someone !) (if i yell : IDIOT and out of 10 people in a room one guy turns around and says YES? --is it me pointing him out or he himself that felt described by that word ?).
i tend to just block them but i did not know that blocking on this site means they can still answer or see your posts (i thought blocking worked on the profile not just for GA) that is what kept the discussion going. anyway i stand by my experience even more after yesterday and encountering such people.
and i appreciate even more people like you, thank you!
EDIT: when i say YOU i do not mean YOU YOU, i mean a "target" the "subject", i hope it is clear :)
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Yeah, I know what you meant. :)
It's generally understood from how the conversation is constructed whether the "you" is used in the plural form or the singular.
People are opinionated. I mean, you're aren't new to the internet I presume, right? Whenever a person makes an argument (the logical argument, not the social one) in a public space, just like this one, one should expect others to share their opinion especially if they don't agree.
Here's another angle for you to try (unless you want to be entrenched in your opinion - which I hope you aren't, because staying away from challenging opinions is the fastest route to narrow-mindedness and ignorance): using similar analogy to yours:
You shout "I hate you" in a room filled with people, person 1 turn to you and asks "Why?" and you respond "I just hate black people, they are inferior", now person 2 that just heard that response claims "you're a racist!", is this claim not relevant because you said it to person 1? I think it's obvious that person 2 (and 3, 4, 5 etc') can judge your claim without needing any context, without asking you permission (remember - it's a public forum) and it will just as relevant/legitimate as person 1. Do you see my point here?
From my neutral POV, that is what I've seen going on in those discussions.
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i know that, of course it is like that on the internet, heck it could even happen in real life at the bar counter, at the store, in a parking lot, i do completely agree.
But i ask you this now > you see that guy being racist and mean, BUT, he is 2 m tall and you can see he has a temper, will you still approach him and tell him he is being racist or let it go and mind your business ? well on the internet everyone is that big tall strong guy, i get it !
or will you intervene in any other case or discussion that does not agree with you or your opinions because it is public or allowed ?
discussion is what we are having here, an exchange of opinions without me trying to convince you necessarily of anything or vice versa. if i start by trying to "convert" you to my opinion we are going to heat up no doubt this discussion. it is the crossing of this fine line that breaks or makes dialogues.
i also understand that if i answer to someone who is already engaged in a conversation, i'm looking for answers/trouble/divergent opinions/agreeing/trolling being it whatever suits the case.
shouting "i hate you" without un-ethical comments is totally different from adding racist legitimization to your accusation or feelings because in that thread i have not pointed out anyone with a finger, i have not given any names, i just said i already encountered people like that and that op should do best and avoid them, and then the question came (synthetic form) "why should he avoid them and not you ?", i tried to explain, but was immediately put into an "inferior" position by being bashed by the "communities more notable people" which as you can imagine does not go well with anyone.
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Just to clarify on a more exact time. I got two more games from the bundle that I will be putting here after the first batch closes and the games have been delivered. That way those who won something from my giveaways won't be able to join the new ones, giving the less fortunate users another chance.
If you agree with that then wait until you see my two new giveaways appear here and then post yours afterward. If you don't, then any time Saturday is probably fine.
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My giveaways are still running, so it would be great if you could wait for 24 hours before adding yours.
But whenever you are going to add the giveaways here, you need to make them sgtools giveaways first. Need to start by creating invite only giveaways here for your games and then using sgtools to add a filter to them. You won't need to touch any other rules but the custom rule that is mentioned on the OP. That one is very important or it won't filter out those who have already won something. Once done, post the sgtools links here.
It shouldn't be too hard, but feel free to ask if you run into any problems.
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Head on over to and copy paste your private giveaway URLs one by one to create filters for each of them. The custom rule option is at the bottom of the rule screen that will appear after you give the giveaway link. You just need to copy the custom rule from the first post of this thread.
If you are worried that you didn't get it right, try creating a filter for one giveaway and add me on Steam so I can check how it turned out.
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That's really odd. The fact that a giveaway is invite-only just means that it's not listed in the Giveaways page. The green Enter Giveaway button should still be there if there is no other restriction (region or level). In a giveaway for which game do you see this?
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BTW, I believe you already have 26 entries for this one, am I right? If so, then this is the best showing in any of the giveaways so far (which makes sense, because it's the most highly acclaimed game). Still, it wouldn't hurt to have a look here and see that there are no invalid entries...
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On a completely unrelated and uncheerful note, I have to say I can't stop thinking about the killing of the toddler girl in your country. It's so depressing. It took me a while to bring myself to read the news beyond just the horrific title. I really hope this was an isolated incident and not something that hints where this world is going to.
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Yes, that was truly horrifying, I still can't believe someone would do that. I feel so sorry for the mother, It's must be really hard for her to see her own child be beheaded. :(
What's worse is that some people even share the crime scene pictures (ones that you can actually see the body) around the internet, that is just really bad thing to do. I really don't know what's wrong with these people. :(
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Add an apostrophe (`) at the beginning and end of the line, or three apostrophes before a paragraph, and another three after.
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I hope everyone will feel joy from winning and playing.
if there is any game that is not appreciated/is considered bad by the community let me know i will try and find others :)
Retro Grade
The Princess' Heart
Kill The Bad Guy
Pixel Piracy
Fancy Skulls
Never Alone Arctic Collection
[Retro Grade](
[The Princess' Heart](
[Kill The Bad Guy](
[Pixel Piracy](
[Fancy Skulls](
[Never Alone Arctic Collection](
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shout-out to all contributors at this moment , Yirg, Ixei, thatsok9 and Saniala.
Thank you for creating this wonderful opportunity and for allowing me to take part in them.
I entered the Talos Principal, Badlands and Never Alone giveaways.
This because i do not ever enter a giveaway to a game i do not wish to play. If by any chance i win one of these 3 amazing games, i'll make sure to give back (when able) to the unlucky ones still hoping for a chance...
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12 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by Fluffster
If you haven't won a game yet, here's your best chance! (~1:5 odds). The only requirements are that you (1) haven't won a game, and (2) have given at least one game. If you don't meet the second requirement, now is the time to do something about it. You can even do it without spending money, if that's an issue.
The current giveaway is for Shantae and the Pirate's Curse. Note: This giveaway uses SGTools. Read this if you’re new to this type of giveaways and need some guidance. It's really easy! And if for it doesn't work for you, then try clicking Home --> Synchronize (on SGTools site)
You may want to re-visit this thread regularly for more giveaways!
Thank you thatsok9 for coming up with this idea and for letting me carry the torch :-)
Archive of completed giveaways for this thread + Notes to contributors
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