I forgot to say that in a Description. i am pretty sure that thing lag's my computer while playing high end games
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MICROSOFT SECURITY ESSENTIALS! (its the best antivirus).
go to the games exe and go to properties and select, disable desktop composition. vuala: no more lag.
also i have no anti virus and im fine, use google chrome with ad block extension and wot (web of trust) extension. and I never ever get a virus.
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Didn't knew that..i am going to leave it up for anyone that is looking for a virus scanner. but still. is it because of the virus scanner that makes the computer lag abit?
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wrong :P
that sandboxing is pretty much just snake oil - you still can get hit and even more badly than you usually could be hit due to not (properly) dropped rights that are required to create the sandbox
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I stopped using WOT because it's kinda against free speech. Some sites are rated harmful or bad because the users don't agree with the content i.e. political views etc. Stuff like that make it quite inaccurate because there might be nothing wrong with the site even though it's rated low.
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^ also do you know how many processes are running in your computer, because thats the first thing i check when debugging a pc. right click task bar, select start task manager, click the processes tab. on the bottom of that tell me how many processes are running. i have 42 with chrome and steam on and like 32 processes on pc idle.
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No, dude... MSE is extremely lightweight and it barely affects computer performance. It's the best you can have. Trust me. I've used everything. Microsoft Security Essentials doesn't cause lag and your assumptions it takes a lot of CPU are incorrect. It's also really effective as shown in professional antivirus tests. It's one of the few things Microsoft actually did really well. Don't replace it.
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This is all I use. My comp is fine. No WTDs (Web Transmitted Diseases) here.
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Eh, they can be pretty helpful in case you slip and click something you shouldn't. The one I'm using blocks naughty webpages when they try something funny.
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I personally don't recommend any virus scanner just use preventive measures as like noscript addblocker etc and if you have a suspicious file check it with the 100000's of virus scanner websites, because in the end a virus scanner is just a list of known virus's and any good hacker will use there own unknown virus
Also use sandboxie for safer browsing pretty much best way to be secure while browsing the internet
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"because in the end a virus scanner is just a list of known virus's"
No, it's not.
No offense, but if you don't know how virus scanners work nowadays, you might not be qualified to comment on how useful they are.
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I've been using Avira for the last years, great software and it has a free version.
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Avast: Free is nice if you're desperate. But, the best anti-virus is your common-sense to be honest.
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Good, fast, and reliable. And the free covers all the basics. I agree with this!
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You can't recommend Avast. This guy is looking for something that doesn't take much CPU. And he has Microsoft Security Essentials ffs... If he replaces it with Avast, it will get worse.
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I'm completely oblivious over that fact. I've never really had a problem with avast.
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I use Microsoft Security Essentials, too. I haven't noticed any obvious problems or issues with it. There are plenty of other ones you could try though. I think AVG, Avira, Avast, and ClamWin all have free versions. If you search around, you can probably find some comparisons between popular software, how well they detect viruses, and other stats. That might help you select another one.
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Yep ESET Smart Security 5. only thing I've used in 2-3 years. I couldn't take Norton, Avast, etc. They all felt too demanding on system resources and I think I still got some crap with Norton. Uninstalled it and never went back.
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I used alot of anti viruses...If you want free one take Avast or Avira , if you'd like to pay for it take Kaspersky, you just can't go wrong with that !
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WARNING. All the Bitdefender stuff is rated 10/10 or 5/5 at this site. I can't prove it, but this site is awfully suspicious to me, and may be a shill site for Bitdefender. You have been warned!
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If you think MSE is what's causing poor performance, try turning off real time protection while you play; Settings Tab > Real-time protection > Uncheck 'Turn on real time protection (recommended)' If that doesn't help, you might try tweaking your computer for performance in general.
I was going to recommend the guide at TweakGuides, but looking at it again it looks a little dense to go through casually. Instead, something I've found to be really helpful on any Windows PC is to grab CCleaner from piriform.com and go Tools > Startup and disable anything and everything you don't immediately need running when the computer starts up. Which is just about everything, really. Piriform also makes Defraggler, which is a hard disk defragmenting program. You can use it on the whole HDD, which can take awhile depending on a lot of things, or you can use it to defragment individual game files. With Team Fortress 2 for example, if you find it takes a really long time to load up a new map when the server changes levels, defragmenting the materials and content .gfc files can really speed things up. Same applies with any open world kind of game that has to stream a lot of assets on the fly.
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Microsoft Security Essentials is pretty alright, fast and doesn't get in your hair like most.
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If you want a free one, you have three good choices:
Avira. It will annoy you with popups asking you to buy it. But if you can't put up with these it's a good choice.
Avast. I've never used it, so I don't know of any annoyances.
Microsoft Security Essentials. Microsoft already has your money, so this is the only free AV that isn't trying to sell you a premium version.
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I was amazed to not see AVG anywhere in here. there must be a reason, who dislikes AVG and why?
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AVG used to be good, and wasn't heavy CPU usage.... until about 3 years back, then the CPU usage went through the roof, and the incompatibilities and false positives on half my games got to be too much. Went with Avast. AVG is absolutely terrible now, and I'd ALMOST reccommend Norton over it. ALMOST. That's how bad it is now.
(and for the record, NEVER buy Norton!)
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Quoted from bleepingcomputer.com
Gringo's Clean up speech
:The programs you can keep:
I use these programs on my computer.
Revo Uninstaller Free - this is the uninstaller that I had you download and works allot better than add/remove in windows and has saved me more than once from corrupted installs and uninstalls
CCleaner - This is a good program to clean out temp files, I would use this once a week or before any malware scan to remove unwanted temp files - It has a built in registry cleaner but I would leave that alone and not use any registry cleaner. (Stay away from registry cleaner)
:Security programs:
One of the questions I am asked all the time is "What programs do you use"
Anti Virus:
Avira AntiVir Personal
avast! 6 Home Edition
Microsoft Security Essentials
It is strongly recommended that you run only one antivirus program at a time. Having more than one antivirus program active in memory uses additional resources and can result in program conflicts and false virus alerts. If you choose to install more than one antivirus program on your computer then only one of them should be active in memory at a time.
WinPatrol As a robust security monitor, WinPatrol will alert you to hijackings, malware attacks and critical changes made to your computer without your permission. WinPatrol takes snapshot of your critical system resources and alerts you to any changes that may occur without your knowledge.
Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware is a new and powerful anti-malware tool. It is
totally free but for real-time protection you will have to pay a small one-time fee. We used this to help clean your computer and recomend keeping it and using often. (I have upgraded to the paid version of MBAM and I am glad I did)
quoted from Tech Support Forum
There is no such thing as ‘perfect security’. This applies to many things, not just computer systems. Using the above guide you should be able to take all the reasonable steps you can to prevent infection. However, the most important part of all this is you, the user. Surf sensibly and think before you download a file or click on a link. Take a few moments to assess the possible risks and you should be able to enjoy all the internet has to offer.
tl;dr: come on if anything read this ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ but if you insist:
Anti Virus:
Avira AntiVir Personal
avast! 6 Home Edition
Microsoft Security Essentials
It is strongly recommended that you run only one antivirus program at a time. Having more than one antivirus program active in memory uses additional resources and can result in program conflicts and false virus alerts. If you choose to install more than one antivirus program on your computer then only one of them should be active in memory at a time.
My opinion:
Avira AntiVir: Great detection rates but bad interface <<<<< for security experts
Avast: Almost as good as Avira as detection and great interface <<<<< For more then average computer users
MSSE:Good (not great) detection rates and fantastic interface <<<<< For the people with little knowledge of computers (you already tried this)
I use Avast + MBAM
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Hello. I do not talk much on the forums.. or the chat. I am looking for a new anti virus software because. This virus scanner i have takes up a decent amount of CPU i think, and it lags a game that i am currently playing,and i am looking for a better one.i cannot decide what to get, i have Microsoft Security Essentials atm
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