So I know you all got better things to do but if you don't mind I'd like some recommendations from my own library. I've got a lot of freebies and bought some bundles in the past so I no longer know what is gold and what is trash among my games. Plus I can't afford the ones I'd like to play right now.

I've also been kinda lacking the will to do anything so I gave up on most games I thought interesting either because they were to slow or took to long to start so if it is something straight to the point would be cool.

Have a little something for bothering

4 years ago

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4 years ago

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I'll give it a try!

4 years ago

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Can't check 1600+ games. So I just scrolled randomly hoping something catches my eye. And found
Bit surprised that you haven't played the other Portal games though. So not sure if you are even a fan of the series. But I thought this fan game was as well made as the official games, although the difficulty curve was a bit wonky. You really should try the Valve games too if you can someday.

4 years ago

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Never played a Portal game but I guess it's a nice place to start?

nvm I need to own Portal 2

4 years ago

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oh boy, the portal games are one of the best games ever.

4 years ago

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Oops, sorry. I knew it was a free mod, but didn't notice that part.
Really odd that it's in your library anyway. What's the point?

4 years ago

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I have no idea tbh, maybe I added via a script back in the days when I cared about adding free stuff

4 years ago

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As a Portal fan: Portal Stories Mel is not a great way to start. It is a great game, don't get me wrong, but the puzzles are way more challenging, and require you to have played Portal 2. Start with the first one. It's only 3-4 hours long.

4 years ago

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Sadly I don't own any Portal game but I will give them a try when I get them

4 years ago

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Amnesia: The Dark Descent

4 years ago

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will this give me nightmares? I kinda get scared easily, barely finished Outlast and abandoned DreadOut

4 years ago

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In my opinion, it is way scarier than outlast :p but also has better story.

4 years ago

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I guess I won't be playing this after the sun hides xd

4 years ago

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From what you have untouched there:
Probably you have tried "Sid Meier's Pirates!" before?
This War of Mine?
X-COM: UFO Defense?
We Happy Few?
Immortal Redneck?

4 years ago

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I honestly couldn't find the fun on This War of Mine and I suck at strategy games to play X-COM. I completed the first campaign of We Happy Few but abandoned the second because I found it pretty boring. I actually forgot I had download Inmortal Redneck so I'll definitely give it a try

4 years ago

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Have you finished Metro: Last Light Redux yet? I see you got around 4 hours into the game. It's around the same length as Metro 2033 Redux, which should be ~11 hours.

Crypt of the NecroDancer is also really fun, not sure how fare you got in there since you did play it for 8 hours.

I don't really see anything else that you can play that I reccomend or know of.

4 years ago

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I couldn't find the fun on the Metro games tbh. I was really excited to play Crypt but seems like I'm deaf cause I can't seem to do one single movement right

4 years ago

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Dungeons & Dragons Online (DDO)

Build your character how you like. Play how you like. Helpful players in game. :)

4 years ago

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Prototype 2, cool Action game

4 years ago

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For some reason I seem to have abandoned it after 25 minutes. I might as well give it another try

4 years ago

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Viking Battle for Asgard

4 years ago

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Based on the games I've played and depending on how you feel, I'd go for Spec Ops: The Line or Just Cause 2. One fairly short structured game with a story, the other open world that you can dip into and have a lot more freedom, both good though.

4 years ago

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Victor Vran ARPG
Costume Quest 2
Prototype 2
F1 Race Stars
Puzzle Agent 1 & 2
F.E.A.R. 2: Project Origin
Hero of the Kingdom II

I also really liked AR-K, but you probably won't. ;)
This does not meet your criteria of "straight to the point," but Submerged is fantastic, IMO.

Or you could play Syberia II, which you won from me! :D Although it doesn't meet your criteria either

4 years ago

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I tried Victor Vran some time ago and didn't like it. I'm not much into RPG's either. I found F1 kinda fun but I feel is the kind of game I'd rather play with irl friends which I don't have so it's just siting there like my Mario Kart copy. I'm downloading the first Puzzle Agente to give it a try. For some reason I abandoned F.E.A.R., I can't remember why tho because I last played it on 2016. Is it too scary? that might have been. I'm also downloading Shiftlings because it looks fun.
I'm not into point & click so I'll skip AR-K and seems like I also quitted Submerged, probably felt it was too slow.
Also I haven't played the first Syberia, do you think I should give it a try first or jump straight to the second one? Sorry for not playing it!

4 years ago

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I was just kidding about Syberia II. If you don't like point-and-click, and don't like slow, then you won't like Syberia. I was just surprised to see my avatar when I was scrolling down your list of won games.
I'm guessing you won't like Puzzle Agent either. And yes, I suspect you thought F.E.A.R. was too scary.
Good luck finding a game to play!
And might I humbly suggest that if you don't like RPG, point-and-click, or slower games, then consider not entering those giveaways so that somebody who likes those games might win. =) Submerged in particular is just fantastic to somebody who likes that kind of game.

4 years ago

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Yes, I used to enter everything because I was a hoarder I guess. Nowadays I only enter for wishlist games mostly. I still sometimes find that a game I had wishlisted isn't as fun as I thought and therefore not play that win so I apologize for my past self and a little bit for the current one (?

4 years ago

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Heh, no need to apologize to me. Yeah, while I never entered for everything, I narrowed my criteria over time and have some games that are probably pretty good games but would have been enjoyed a lot more by somebody else.

4 years ago

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GRID, the original one which was previously known as "Race Driver: GRID". Simcade racer with a good amount of detail in it.
Despite it's age, it's still pretty decent and don't forget to pick up the 8-ball and prestige dlc from unofficial patches and perhaps even remove the famous baked screen filter of the era.

4 years ago

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I'll give it a try

4 years ago

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I see you liked (or at least played) Life is Strange (my favorite!). It's supposed to be fairly similar to The Walking Dead, although I haven't quite gotten to it yet, either.

4 years ago

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Yes, back when I played LiS I was more patient and really liked it. Seems like I have played TWD but I don't remember doing so, I might as well give it another try!

4 years ago

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Both are short and pretty good that I played before and you have 0 hours in them.
Eternal Senia is a solid action JRPG.
Evo explores is a fun puzzle game.

4 years ago

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I'm not really into JRPG or RPG in general and seems like it abandoned Evo, probably because I suck at puzzles. But thanks a lot for your time!

4 years ago

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Oh well, Eternal Senia isn't like the classic JRPG or RPG, it's a lot more fast paced.
You don't need to be really great at puzzles to solve Evo, but if you aren't enjoying puzzles, nothing can be done about that.

4 years ago

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I'll give Eternal Senia a try then!

4 years ago

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Awesome! If you can, let me know how you liked it. I would like to hear the opinion about it from someone that isn't into JRPG or RPGs.

4 years ago

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Well, I couldn't play more than 5 minutes. Too much text and the action part was kinda lame so I didn't bother to continue. Sorry!

4 years ago

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Oh well, thanks for trying!

4 years ago

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Late but I have to confirm that Eternal Senia is a great game, and you don't have to be into JRPG to enjoy it at all

4 years ago

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Faerie Solitaire is pretty good, assuming you actually like solitaire, otherwise I'd seriously suggest Psychonauts, it's definitely one of Double Fine's best.

4 years ago

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I never learned how to play card games at all, but I'm downloading Psychonauts!

4 years ago

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Armello, great board game

4 years ago

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I don't seem to have it but I'm also not into board games, thanks anyway

4 years ago

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I see you're a man of taste to have an OMAM quote on your profile :P

Some games I'd recommend:
L.A. Noire is a nice option made by Rockstar since GTAV is among your most played. It certainly has the feel of a Rockstar game however it runs kinda opposite to GTA, in the sense that L.A. Noire is emphasising on the story aspect with action segments spread around instead of the other way around.

The Last Remnant is an okay choice if you're in the mood for something turn-based RPG-ish although the plot certainly is rather subpar. Mechanically though it offers a rather unique experience with its battle system.

Alpha Protocol for a stealth game(or a run in guns blazing game if you prefer to go about it that way) where choices do matter. it is said to have quite a few bugs but I've played about 70-75% of it so far and haven't run into any gamebreaking ones myself.

And ofc Borderlands for a FPS.

4 years ago

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I actually didn't like L.A. Noire tho I thought it looked cool and eventually ended up hating GTA V fun fact: at least 40% of that playtime is likely loading screens and waiting for people to join a heist so being my second most played game really doesn't makes justice to my taste. Also didn't like The Last Remmant, as well as Borderlands. I will give Alpha Protocol a try tho!

4 years ago

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I highly recommend Alpha Protocol. It's a solid stealth game with a well done choices and consequences system. There are some forced shootouts which sucks, but most of the game is stealth and it's really satisfying.
In case you don't enjoy stealth, you can take the action-oriented approach as well, the game lets you do that.

Edit: Also, give Draw Slasher a try. It's a fun, nicely drawn game where you are a ninja and have to fight various enemies using your mouse.

4 years ago*

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I suck at stealth but I'll give Alpha Protocol a try. Draw Slasher seems cool too.

4 years ago

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When I don't know what to play, I go with something short or something with easy achievements.

Apogee and 3D Realms games are reasonably short and enjoyable.

Planets of War is pretty bad but it's short with easy achievements.
Strangers of the Power is mediocre but easy, but you can't get 2 of the achievements without DLC.
Morotrama is an average racing game with easy achievements,
Simple Story: Alex is pretty bad but it's a half hour long game with easy achievements.

If you want something that's full length and don't care about achievements one way or another there's Bioshock 2, Sid Meier's Pirates, FEAR, Civ 3, GalCiv 2, Realms of the Haunting and a bunch of Tomb Raider games.

4 years ago

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I played the three Bioshock games and loved them. I quitted FEAR because it was too scary probably. And I played some Tomb Raider games when I was younger so I don't feel like replaying them yet. I also usually suck at old games so firsts Tomb Raiders are still pending for a time when I don't just quit everything after failing a few times.

4 years ago

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  1. X-COM: UFO Defense
    Good but a little outdated. the new ones are better.
  2. Tomb Raider: Anniversary, Legend, Underworld
  3. Serena
    Has a good story to tell. It's short: 3 hrs max.
  4. Realms of the Haunting
    a FPS, FMV game with a interesting story.
  5. Q.U.B.E.
    Good puzzle game
  6. Metro 2033
    Redux version are better, but this one have a great atmosphere.
  7. Just Cause 2
    Cool open-world game
  8. F.E.A.R.
    Fast-paced brutal horror FPS
  9. BioShock 2
  10. Binary Domain
    an Underrated third person shooter, good story and characters, 9 hrs play time.
  11. Amnesia: The Dark Descent
    One of the best horror game
  12. Alpha Protocol
    Obsidian's underrated game, A pretty good espionage RPG game with a branching story. 11 hrs play time.
  13. Devil Daggers
    No story this time! the only goal of this game is to survive, and i must admit, it's pretty addicting:)
  14. LEGO® Batman™: The Videogame
  16. Downwell
    Endless game, good for short breaks from realty.
  17. Spec Ops: The Line
    Amazing story. one of the must play.
  18. The Stanley Parable
    Pretty funny game. The updated version, Ultra Deluxe, will come out this year with new endings and stuff.
  19. Jotun: Valhalla Edition
    Hardcore boss rush game. 5 hrs for me.
  20. There Came an Echo
    Never played but i heard it's good.
  21. Shadowrun Returns
    Good game, it has a predictable story but good narrative. 21 hrs for me.

Sorry for the wall of text:)

4 years ago

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I'm downloading QUBE, Just Cause 2, Amnesia, Alpha Protocol, Prototype 2 and Jotun. Most of the others I already played or abandoned.

4 years ago

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It's hard to tell what you actually like playing since your playtime indicates you've been farming cards. I also see you've got a TON of f2p MMOs in your library and I would highly recommend giving Mabinogi a shot. Once you get past the tutorial and figure out how the game works... I think you might get into it. I know I did!

4 years ago

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Metro 2033 and Puzzle Agent series caught my eye...

4 years ago

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Giana Sisters: Twisted Dreams if you feel like playing a fun and colorful (and reasonably challenging) platformer.

Just Cause 2 if you wanna blow stuff up in an open-world game with a ridiculously huge map (you don't need to have played Just Cause 1 to play it).

Psychonauts for a really fun and quirky 3D platformer.

And... that's it. You've already played (to at least some extend) anything else I'd personally recommend. ^_^'

4 years ago

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I like platformers so I'm downloading Giana Sisters. I didn't like Just Cause 1 but as you say is not necessary I might as well give the second one a try!

4 years ago

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Hi I can reccomend for you Samsara Room, it is very short "point'n'click" game (about 1,5h) and it's free to play but it's amazing because of it's ambience. If you like it you can try rest of the Rusty Lake game series. Some of the games are free too (Cube Escape for Android phones, maybe for IOS too, idk) or very cheap to buy.
You should definetly give it a try, especially because it is very good, free and short game. :)

4 years ago

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I recommend using Sorts all your games by quality, you can use all kind of filters and if you still can't make up your mind, let it pick a game by random chance for you.

The site recommended Deadly Premonition for you. Neat game, played it myself.

4 years ago

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Thanks a lot for this site, I didn't know it existed

4 years ago

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Adventure Capitalist is good for mindlessly killing brain cells. I've heard the Duke Nukem series are pretty good, you could always Invite the Dwarves to Dinner, I played a bit of Lead and Gold, and it was amazing (Didn't get into it too much due to shoddy internet), and finally, Lego games, be it the Hobbit or LoTR are always fun... These more so, because they're based off wonderful pieces of fiction.

E: Spelling, deletion of extra spaces.

4 years ago*

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I didn't know I had the Duke Nukem games so that's a cool find!

4 years ago

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