If you dont mind early access titles Dungeon Defenders 2 is a lot of fun (and has a new content patch in a week ish)
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I think it'll be f2p, so you may want to check that.
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Torchlight 2. Think like Diablo 2, but less gothic.
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That is true. If you both like more old school, you could try Baldur's gate 2 or the like. You can play multiplayer sessions of that and it has a great story. It is D&D though, and definitely not sit a sit on the couch game. only played ingle player so I can't comment on functionality.
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GOG usually has it cheap and DRM free. Don't know how strongly you are attached to Steam. Just looked, it's on sale there now.
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Personally I found the coop even better than the singleplayer. You need to cooperate with your partner(s), and you just can't always use the rogue's rope to advance. You need to build with the mage, you can use the knight's magnetic shield to shoot a box across a gap - while the mage is standing on said box... multi is somewhat more difficult, ( but you have endless lives at checkpoints) but much more rewarding and creative-feeling than single. (you can anytime swap characters with another player, so no "permalocking" the rogue and things like that) :)
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I've never played the Lego games, but now that you mention it, they probably are really good with story! Thanks!
Ibb & Obb, Guacamelle, Spelunky - Those sound pretty good! Plus they seem to be in bundles a lot. I'll check them out.
Brothers & L.A. Noire - Aren't these games single player? I can understand how to play Brothers together, but LA Noire? (no experience with it so it might be obvious).
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Brothers is coop, each one can control one of the brothers ... and with L.A Noire is a game about solving murders or finding the guilty person, so u and your girlfriend can play it together and u guys go and try to solve the murders together, each one does a main mission and later u pass the control but is a really nice and a fun game to play with a couple, because the criteria about who is telling you the truth, who is lying or pushing the person to tell you the truth and also finding the clues at the crime scene.
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Borderlands 2 is great, I think you should at least see if she likes it. Also Sniper Elite 2, Serious Sam franchise, Saints Row III and IV.
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The little she's seen about Borderlands 2 she hasn't liked. The humor (which is a huge part of the game) isn't appealing to her.
I have SE2 and actually didn't know it was co-op, so thanks for pointing that out!
Not sure she'd like Serious Sam. And the problem with Saints Row (haven't played it at all, so I might be dead wrong) is that the story is too thin. The reason she loved Mass Effect, Portal, and even Magicka was because the stories were fun and drew her in.
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I enjoyed the stories in SR. Each one is more over-the-top than the last, but they're usually fun and outlandish. Its the kind of thing you play if you want a good time and an entertaining story (although they do have serious/somber moments to balance out the craziness).
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Well, Serious Sam fails in the story department, so it's the same. I don't know about split screen, but SE2 co op is great! And technically is more co op than most games, because you can actually work togheter to overcome the game, and more on higher difficulties, rather than just play togheter (wich is what happened to me 99% of the times I cooped with other people).
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How about D:OS or one of Saints Rows?
EDIT: just noticed she doesn't like isometrics, so D:OS is probably out.
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I've had my eye on Divinity: Original Sin for a long time, so I'll probably pick it up just for myself haha. While she's not a fan of isometrics, she can play them if the story's good, and I have no doubt D:OS would be just that.
That being said, I think the story would be the problem with Saint's Row. I've never played it, but I've heard it just kind of falls into rediculousness after a while, which is fine for some things, but for depth and co-op, I'm not sure.
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If you both like board games 100% Orange Juice and Talisman might be good choices. Ibb & obb is also fun(and frustrating at points :P)
Then there's Don't Starve Together or maybe even Payday 2? I'm not much into FPS either but somehow some heists are really entertaining.
Unfortunately none of these give emphasis on a story. In fact a couple don't even have one to begin with :P
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I actually got Talisman in a bundle a while ago and haven't had a chance to fire it up yet. The one downside to it is I think it might be a bit difficult to get into. Not knowing any of the rules and having never played the actual board game, I don't know how easy it will be to play on a computer.
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The Saints Row games have the best co-op I've seen in a quite a while. Completely customize-able characters and you can do absolutely every aspect of the game co-op, which is rare. Dungeon Siege III has pretty good co-op, although its top-down. Sacred 2 and Titan Quest are both great dungeon crawlers. They're both top-down by default, but you can adjust the camera to more of a pleasing angle. Dead Rising 2 has co-op, I believe. Dead Island was a lot more fun co-op than single player, even though she doesn't like zombies.
There's always the LEGO games, if she'd be interested in that type of game. Very light on the story, but they can be pretty amusing, especially if you get one with a license that she enjoys (LOTR, Indiana Jones, etc).
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Brothers - A Tale of Two Sons (have her control the younger brother, and maybe play through the intro cutscene on your own - it's a bit sinister)
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Oh, and I'm sure you two are going to love Rayman Origins/Rayman Legends
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Orcs Must Die 2 was super fun - I played it with my husband. Not a whole lot of story, but still really fun. It also might get her more accustomed to shooter-ish type games (it's a FPS Tower Defense game).
Don't Starve Together - Again, not really much story, but it's hella addicting. My husband bugged me and bugged me to play it with him, annnnnd then I starved IRL that weekend we got it...
Lego games are also great for co-op, at least they have a little story and a good sense of humour!
There are so many other games you could probably get her hooked on. I would try to find games with FPS components so you can work her over towards more shooters (like Orcs Must Die 2). My husband got me started with Portal, then TF2 (medic bitch), Gears of War (ew, console) and now I play more shooters than he does... I know I love a good story too, but there are a lot of good shooter ones out there as well, and sometimes it's a nice break to just shoot the shit out of things.
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I haven't played a lot of local co-op games but here is an exhaustive list of games that aren't primarily shooters, zombie games, or contain lots of crude humour. These are all the games I've played that I've also enjoyed with more than 5 hours played via Steam time. if you look at the online co-op list, these are mostly sorted in order of my playtime in descending order (most to least), so if you want something that will really last you the top of that list may be worth investigating moreso than the bottom. it's probably a good idea to check the "Local Co-op" tag on the store to see what else is out there, not a lot of people can play local co-op easily so don't expect a lot of decent/good local co-op titles to be listed here. and yeah, really hard to suggest first person co-op games that aren't shooters :p
Jamestown (shoot 'em up)
Trine (just judging off Trine 2 being real good, haven't played local co-op)
-+ for 1st person
++ for 3rd person (not top down)
unmarked are top down, sidescrollers (or other)
Sol Survivor (traditional tower defense)
Terraria (2d sandbox / exploration)
++ Orcs Must Die! 2 (third person 'shooter' tower defense, it is a shooter technically but doesn't feel like one)
Civilization V
Tabletop Simulator
Magic Duels of the Planeswalker (card game, has co-op (2headed giant version), avoid 2015 edition)
++ Dungeon Defenders / Dungeon Defenders 2 (like Orcs Must Die 2, has shooter elements on certain characters, but doesn't feel like a hooter)
Beat Hazard (probably avoid, simply because the co-op doesn't have a lot of depth, but it is a good co-op game)
-+ Sanctum 1/2 (third person shooter tower defense, might be too shooter-y)
100% Orange Juice (not co-op but still fun to play with friends)
++ Spiral Knights (f2p rpg game, last I checked I have 62 hours and haven't spent a dime)
++ Zero Gear (zero gear has some great aspects, but nowhere near as polished as Sonic)
++ Torchlight II (if you want an aRPG, a good one to try)
++ Titan Quest (same as above, but if you prefer an ancient mythological setting, get Gold edition if you do get this)
Trine 2
++ Darkspore (only playable on Origin but if you own it on Steam you can get an Origin key via support, a neat little aRPG, not much story)
Critter Crunch (co-op and MP probably won't last you too long so maybe worth skipping, but if you want something puzzlely it's worth a check)
Shoot Many Robots (a little bit of crude humour, but not like Castle Crashers, it is a shooter, but a side scrolling one if that matters)
Monaco (technically a shooter but doesn't feel like one at all)
Wanderlust: Rebirth (an action adventure with some RPG elements, gameboy-esque graphics with better graphics than RPG maker games)
Risk of Rain (technically a shooter, sidescroller survival game)
++ Dungeon Siege 3 (saving was weird with 2 players, only one player gets a save locally, not my most recommended co-op RPG but not orrible either)
Hammerwatch (very fun co-op dungeon crawler, very little story)
++ The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing (like Torchlight and Titan Quest, just with a steampunk fantasy setting)
++ Din's Curse (grapihcs seem dated but it is pretty fun, still might want to pass, have had connection problems with the game specifically in he past)
Worms ... (versus, not co-op but might be a fun versus game to play with each other, I'd recommend Worms Revolution of the ones I've played)
++ Lord of the Rings: War in the North (not a bad game, decent side story to Lord of the Rings trilogy, not great either though)
++ Dungeonland (haven't played since F2P but it was a nice game to play co-op, might not hold you for very long though)
Hero Academy (versus, not co-op, but a nice send by mail game that's enjoyable with friends)
Ticket to Ride (versus, if you don't own it the physical game, of course)
BattleBlock Theatre (same devs as Castle Crashers but the humour doesn't seem as crude as that)
++ Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light (if either of you like Tomb Raider and want to play it co-op, top down adventure game (with shooter elements))
Rock of Ages (versus, not co-op, won't have very lasting multiplayer but a nice game nonetheless)
Magicite (similar to Risk of Rain above, without shooting)
HOARD (no campaign, nice simple style, top down and versus only IIRC)
++ Star Trek The Video Game (not the best, as the reviews indicate, but worth playing I think if you are a big sci-fi fan)
ibb & obb (puzzle)
If you are open to non-steam game, Blizzard games are always solid, I can personally recommend StarCraft 2 if you both like RTS, and World of Warcraft is fun even if you just level up to to whatever the max level is these days and do some dungeons upon hitting the max level.
edited: SteamGifts formatting is as unintuitive as formatting comes
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Its not their formatting. Its just the one that they use. What were you trying to do? Italics are an asterisk on either side, bold are double asterisks on either side, bullet points are an asterisk followed by a space, spoiler is a tilde on either side, strikethrough is a double tilde on either side
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ibb & obb (it seems simple, but requires a lot of coordination and communication between the two players).
Child of Light (maybe the player controlling the elemental can get bored, but it's an amazing game with amazing visuals, story and soundrack (that soundtrack!))
Lara Croft and the Temple of Osiris
Hammerwatch (top-down; some friends that only played FPS before got hooked with this one)
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Trine - it's beautiful, it's fun and having coop partner helps to get to all the hidden places (I'm not sure you even able to get everywhere if playing alone). I actually think that here coop better then playing alone, since you don't need constantly switching between characters to solve puzzles.
Never Alone - haven't played it myself yet, but probably will get one on the sale. Heard a lot of good things, looks wonderful and come on, you can play as an arctic fox! ^_^
Monaco - if she like planing and stealth strategy and don't get frustrated when those plans got screwed and turn into running and hiding chaos - then it's surely fun!
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Lara Croft and Guardian of Light.. duh :D
Try BattleBlock Theatre - My girlfriend doesn't like Castle Crashers either but she enjoyed BB
Also try: Sanctum (1 and 2), Shank 2, Guacemelee!, How to Survive and.. Mortal Kombat 9 - so refreshing.
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tl;dr at the bottom
A while ago, I managed to get my girlfriend hooked on Portal. It was the first "new" video game she'd played (I'd gotten her into emulating a while ago). That was the first small step into PC gaming, where the next one was Mass Effect. I had just started playing it and knew she would love the story. We're now playing ME2 and are both still in love with it. The problem is that we're either both playing separately or one is watching the other (I don't mind watching her, but she doesn't have as much fun). I've tried introducing her to some co-op games, but few have stuck.
The first co-op game we tried out was Magicka. She liked it, but it was short and the story dimmed down very quickly. We had lots of fun playing together, it just turned into lots of random button mashing by the end (all good fun, but it's not the same after a second play-through). Other than that, our co-op experience has been Sonic & All Stars Racing Transformed (she loves Tails), Portal 2 (again, lots of fun, but the story runs out), and we just started giving Path of Exile a try.
She's not a huge fan of most shooters, so Borderlands is likely out (although I think I might be able to get her to try it), and zombies are mostly off the list (never figured out why), so same goes for L4D2. I've played Castle Crashers with my brothers and know it's good fun, but she's not a big fan of the crude humor, so it's probably not the best idea.
tl;dr - My girlfriend and I have been looking for a game to play together that we can enjoy. Something that isn't solely humor, has a good story, and is just all around fun to play. Games she loves: Mass Effect, Sonic &ASRT, Portal 2, Legend of Zelda. Games I don't think she'd like: Borderlands, Castle Crashers, L4D2. It doesn't need to be split screen (she has her own steam account), just something we can play through that has a good co-op mode.
Single sentence tl;dr - What are some good co-op games to play with a girlfriend?
I should mention she prefers 1st person games (or behind the shoulder) to top-down games. The only exception to that seemed to be Magicka.
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