If they continue supporting GFWL, I'm pretty sure online is still available. GFWL as a whole pretty much is online.
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Great news, But. I wish that there was going to be a better program to replace GFWL.
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There is, it's called Steam. Even Microsoft is releasing their new titles using Steamworks.
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If they are making their latest titles using steam works then why not their previous games? etc darksouls, Or did they already did that? To lazy to see it myself :P
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Dark Souls isn't made by Microsoft. It's made by FromSoftware and published by Namco Bandai Games. It's up to them to update their game.
I was talking about new releases though. No one is making games using GFWL anymore, not even Microsoft. They decided to leave it running for now but I don't think they want any more games running on it.
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At least steam is convenient, everything else seems tacked on because they came later with less games.
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Finish getting achievements in Fallout 3... what a novelty
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I would rather think of it as giving the game developers a chance to work out a way of converting the game. I would like to see GFWL removed from all games that have DLC because the DLC never works for me.
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The only good news part of this is that Dead Rising 2 Co-op may be supported for longer. This gives time for Capcom to (hopefully) patch out GFWL (especially since my free DLC doesn't work) and have it use Steamworks.
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Neither good nor bad. Because even if the servers THEY provide are gone, there are other places that have servers you can play through. When GameSpy closed last month, many gamers had to find solutions for games that used that service. I play Titan Quest: Immortal Throne, one such game. With a quick glance through the TQ forums on Steam, was able to find a solution to play with the person I play with. One solution was GameRanger, but we couldn't get that to work for us. The other was Tunngle, and it works great for us. I just looked and it has a server for Fable 3 and DR2. So unless they have the games locked so that you can't play on other servers, you should still be able to play with most/all of your friends quite easily.
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Ow I have never heard of something like that, thank you for the info! :) (even if I don't really know if this is legal or...? (never used those kind of things before))
Well I will try to play with my friend this evening (as GWFL was originally shutting down today) and see if it still works or not!
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It is legal. They are just masses of servers for players to play on. They do not sell or own the games. They just provide a forum for coop and multiplayer games. Tunngle is actually quite big and during the day, the TQ forum server is decently busy and there is just a big community in general. Gameranger is also quite a large community, but from the list they have, F3 and DR2 aren't among the games they have servers for. You do have to install their app for either one that you use, in order to be able to play your game, and deal with ads and commercials, but tunngle has the least annoying and in your face ads. Here's the chat forums for tunngle, it gives you an idea of some the games they provide servers for playing on, as well as how big the community is.
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ooo, cool. That one wasn't one that showed up in the TQ and TQ:IT forums when we were looking for alternatives, just GameRanger (which did not work for us) and Tunngle (which the poster said was complicated but we found it really easy). I will pass this onto the person I game with and let him take a look and see what he says. Thanks for the link ^_^
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"When GameSpy closed last month"
Gamespy never closed last month, and is still operational at the time of this post.
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AND if you need more proof, it is even all over certain forums on Steam and the wikipedia article for the site:
"....This was followed by the announcement in April 2014 that GameSpy's service platform would be shut down on May 31, 2014."
"Fate: GameSpy Industries acquired by Glu Mobile, site acquired by Ziff Davis and shut down"
"However, in February 2013, following the acquisition of IGN Entertainment by Ziff Davis, GameSpy and other "secondary" sites were shut down in order to focus on IGN."
IF you are playing a game that Gamespy at one time hosted or whatever, most of those have been picked up by other places so you can continue to game uninterrupted, or people have found their own solutions around it (Tunngle, GameRanger, etc). The day after they closed, I went onto Titan Quest without opening Tunngle, just to see if there were any games showing and there were zero. It wasn't until I logged into Tunngle that games appeared. Whatever is left of Gamespy, if anything, is just a shadow of its former self and nothing more. A name plastered on someone's acquisitions to say they "own" it; a trophy on their mantle, if you will.
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You're either delusional, or don't actually own any "powered by Gamespy" games to verify yourself that it is still up an running. I prefer to avoid person attacks, so I'll avoid throwing around Millenial age-group insults like "autistic" in regards to your research and posting of out-of date articles, but if you actually ran any "powered by Gamespy" game, you would know that the matchmaking servers are still running and operational. I just verified it "up to the minute" right now before clicking "submit" on this post.
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You don't read well, do you? Or you are just picking and choosing what you want to read and what you want to ignore. Let me put this in far more clear English and explain it bit by bit.
This WHOLE thread is about multiplayer and alternatives to those games that have it but the original provider of the mp services is closed or closing, meaning you have to then find solutions around it if no other place has actively taken up providing and hosting mp services for the game. This is where Tunngle, GameRanger, and may others come in. They help people set it up. MANY games that Gamespy hosted for, were also hosted by others. Steam does it for many, but not all.
I own Titan Quest and Titan Quest: Immortal Throne; as I said in the VERY first reply to the OP. Gamespy was the ONLY one who provided/hosted automatic multiplayer for that game; it even says on the start-up logos "powered by Gamespy". YES, you can play in single player mode still, no issues. THAT is not what my comments are about. As I have stated many times, it is about the multiplayer (and even co-op) option. That is what this thread is about.
If I go on the menu where I have to pick how I wish to play the game, when I look for others, this is what I get if I choose LAN hosted and this is what I get if I choose internet hosted. However, if I open up Tunngle first, and join the TQ or TQ:IT rooms, and then try to join/host a game, there are games listed then. Do you want screen caps of that too? I got TQ in mid-May. I have logged over 100 hours in TQ:IM, most of that in multiplayer during June with the friend that introduced the game to me.
Can't get any more clear proof than the screen caps. Tell me, which game do you play? Good chance it is one that had hosting picked up by someone else besides Gamespy at some point prior to their shutting down. BTW, if you bothered to click the first link in my original reply to you, you would have seen it was from Gamespy themselves; further looking around the site shows that that is the very last article they posted, backing up all the links in my previous reply.
And from the way you STILL attempt to insult me, by pretending to not call me "autistic" or anything of that sort, means you really haven't a clue as to what autism is if you want to try to use it as an insult.
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"You don't read well, do you?"
"This WHOLE thread is about multiplayer and" ...the fact that Gamespy was never shutdown.
One with the overlay, showing it's current:
One without it, so it's more clear I am logged in to Gamespy:
I'd demonstrate Crysis 2, another Gamespy online game with currently no alternative matchmaking, is still up as well but I just uninstalled it yesterday (and the online also works of course because GLU hasn't yet shutdown Gamespy for whatever reason).
This post:
(7 hours ago*)"
Last Online
36 minutes ago"
"Replies 0"
Uh huh.
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Still enjoying SW BF2 online "Powered by Gamespy". When will it end? Who knows, no comment from GLUMobile.
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They need to incorporate Gears of War in to Steam. Not only will it keep this classic game alive, (admittedly classic is a personal perspective), but if they had it on Steam to buy as well, maybe cheaper, a discount, an offer or something, then they'd get new players going on it, too.
But I doubt Micro$oft will do that, instead they're going to let the game die a slow and agonizing long death
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It is a rather strange choice. I guess they'd rather be stubborn and not have it on Steam, rather than gather whatever monies they could on Steam. Granted, it would cost them a bit to convert it to Steam, but I don't doubt that they'd recoup that in a few months, with everything afterwards being pure profit.
I've never understood why companies wouldn't want their games on Steam, with the obvious exception being companies that have their own DRM program.
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Probably because the more they wait, the more they can make a big deal out of it whenever they decide to do so. Specially if they have plans to remake/remaster it. Even more so if it's a big name game from a big name company that is not in need for some quick cash.
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Was that all just a publicity stunt from the beginning?
"Look at us, we're shutting down!"
"Oh wait, we aren't after all! Thanks for the free publicity!"
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Hello :)
Just to say that Fable III multiplayer is still working, played with my friend this morning :)
Didn't try Dead Rising 2 but I guess it is the same =)
At least new games won't be on GFWL anymore ^^
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Hello :)
I recently heard this "good" news:
“We are continuing to support the Games for Windows Live service,” Microsoft said in a statement to Game Informer. “As previously announced, as part of the retirement of Microsoft Points the Xbox.com PC marketplace was closed. Although customers are unable to purchase new games from the marketplace or receive title updates, they can continue to enjoy previously purchased content by downloading them through the Games for Windows Live client as usual. We remain committed to investing in PC gaming in the years ahead, and look forward to sharing more in the future.”
I mean, as this is not really explained in the text above, do someone know if we would still be able to play multiplayer games like Fable III or Dead Rising 2 online?
That is what I mean by "good" news if I can still play Fable III with my friend because we didn't finish the game yet.
Thank you for your answers! :)
PS: I am not english, trying to do my best sorry ^^
[EDIT] Hello :)
Just to say that Fable III multiplayer is still working, played with my friend this morning (july 14) :)
Didn't try Dead Rising 2 but I guess it is the same =)
At least new games won't be on GFWL anymore ^^
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