If the leaks are correct, which so far they have been, next week's title should be Borderlands: The Handsome Collection.
EDIT: Added a spoiler tag, for anyone who prefers the reveal-day surprise.
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I feel the same way -- last week, the car dealership tried to give me a free car, but it didn't have cupholders, so I said "no way buster, I am not taking this unless you include cupholders! What am I going to do with a free car without cupholders?! I demand more free things!!!!11!one!"
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No clue how was that a complain, since it was just an observation and comparison, or how it made me blacklisted by you but I honestly can't care less about what you think Tzaar, because I have zero respect for you after what you wrote. ;) creating that account literally takes less time than writing "I will make it as soon as they give me ... " so even that argument is invalid.
I can't care less if he has or doesn't have an account anywhere. Hell, I ignored every free game on Microsoft store and Ichio, and yet I don't have to spam things like that under post informing people about free giveaway.
You don't care about Epic free games? Cool. Good for you. Move on and have a nice day. No reason to start Steam vs Epic argument in literally every damn discussion.
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It was comments like that, but directed toward other users for not sharing your opinion, that made me decide to blacklist you. I don't believe I've ever blacklisted anyone for attacking me personally. I simply don't care enough to bother. However, when you elevate "discussion" to the point of attacking others (for whatever reason), I don't much care to have you entering my giveaways.
Have a nice day.
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Lying about me belligerent other users and implying you are above me by "not being worth your time" make my reponse more than justified in my honest opinion. Gentleman doesn't act in such a way and hence you are not raised well in my book. It is sad you don't see it by being so full of yourself.
Have a nice day and I hope we will never talk to each other again.
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I challenge you to quote any of those situations ...
For myself, I find it more useful to sense and correct my own faults than I do the faults of others. I do not have control over how other people behave, but I do have control over how I behave. And because my actions affect other people, and because I do not want to affect them negatively, I want to be a "good" person. Correcting my own behavior, therefore, is not only possible, it is desirable. In order to accomplish that, however, I need humility. We cannot see our faults while we are arrogant.
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And it makes me laugh every time. If I was a game developer of a popular game and had later released expansions for said game, WHY ON EARTH would I give you all of those expansions for free? That's ridiculous. I am going to call it free because you're already getting a deal on the base game in most cases. Some will say "They should develop games because they enjoy it, not for money" are clearly comfortable with their own financial situation and don't work for free. People in the creative industries face this all the time because their skills aren't valued. If you like a game, don't be cheap... buy it's DLC and support the creators.
When placing the base game in a bundle, they're hoping you'll play it and like it enough to buy the DLC. It works sometimes. I've done that. I've gotten a game for free or near free, LOVED IT and bought the DLC so I could play some more.
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Before the downloads it was rare to have DLCs
Hard to have DownLoadable Content without downloads, eh?
While some AAA clearly just wants to milk as much from customers as they can, with downloads came the push for longer life cycle and more content updates, or some people will just call games "dead" or "abandoned" instead of finished.
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No it was a meaning that they had to put effort into making content before they simple could spam online 'content'.
Because producing CDs/whatever put them at a financial risk(content suck/overproduced) but DLC not. Except of the devtime(which they simply could cut out of base/main game) they don't have the risk.
And updates/bugfixes etc. were provided so as they know that producing extra things just for that would make them lose money.
Nothing against DLCs itself, but it seem they have shifted the content from base/maingame to DLC(and cut it out of it to just sell as 'extra').
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It is not nowaday, it is just more obvious. Neverwinter had like gazzilion DLCs in early 2002, GTA IV had episodes from liberty city mini-expansions, Oblivion had disasterous DLCs with horse armours etc ...
problem is that there are such huge gaps in quality of what DLC actually is imho. Some are doubling the base game, some are literally one cosmetic items
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decent freebie for what its worth, with or without DLC ( i mean lets try not to get too greedy here)
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They're releasing today a brand new DLC collection, so that's not very surprising...
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What am I doing in Epic Games, just grab and try it
What Epic done is only for money, not for customer
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One thing you don't know it Steam Store support Steam Wallet and It would make users buy a game easier
Not like Epic Games, they support foreign credit card like Visa, Mastercard
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Yeah, Steam is really customer focused... certainly not in it for the money...
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I dont really want to indulge into how much customer focused are either of the two, but I wanted to trow in - EVERY company is in it for the money. Dont mean they arent customer focused. They can still concentrate on creating something great for the user while trying to get as much profit as possible.
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Unfortunately that's an issue as well with many other games where a Mac version already exists.
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so how this work in multiplayer? can they join steam games?
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Wrong topic??
It has 2k account for cloud saving I think, but friends invite use STEAM system
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The right topic - although GTA V is on steam it doesn't use Steam for the game. Steam just starts the second client that runs the game (Steam doesn't the same thing for Uplay games for example)
Because of that you can add people on rockstar social club and invite them there to play with you. It is just one step more but you should be able to play Epic store version with Steam store one
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Who are you to declare them winner ? Son of Gaben ?
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Ummm... Why did we decide to create this duplicate thread?
(See "main thread," here: https://www.steamgifts.com/discussion/5Wuhy/freenot-steamepic-games-sid-meiers-civilization-vi-until-28-may-nextmystery-game .)
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To be fair in this case, the "main" thread updated today.
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And that is sufficient reason to make another thread? When this post was created, there was already a discussion going on in the "main" thread about Civ VI. Just wait for the OP to be updated.
Closing thread.
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Civilization VI free Epic Games!!!
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