Being educated means being taught to think, being trained means being taught what to think. ;)
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Heh, I understand. There were many times in my life that I felt that it was really hard to pass an exam. But you know what? I never failed. Because I kept going to write exams, even in times when I haven't read anything, but guess what - I would still pass. And even when I was too bored to read something, I would just read a bit, take a small break, read again, take a small break again, etc. And in the end, education is the easiest part of your life. The worst are yet to come. :/ But anyway, what I wanted to say is that you should keep trying, no matter how hard something may seem and you'll see that luck will help you. But in order to have luck, you must take some chances - that's obvious! So please, don't quit!
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That's not entirely true, but it's also not incorrect. They will always help you pass, but there are some bad professors that won't even care. But still, as you said, as long as you're trying, then you'll be able to pass. We all, at some point, thought we couldn't achieve something, but we proved ourselves wrong. You can never fail at something you want to succeed!
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Hehe, wise words as always. xD But no, if you can't succeed at something, it means you haven't tried enough. If you want to learn to sing better, you may even have to train from dawn till dusk and avoid using your voice for any other reason. Try, try more, try even more, and you will eventually succeed. You may have to try more than others though. :/
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I'd like to say generally this is true but I do firmly believe that some things are just unobtainable within a person's lifespan if they really just have no natural ability from the start. They may be able to get moderately good but to make a career out of anything I think is pushing it even if they try their hardest.
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Yeah, true, I was not talking about getting super powers or becoming the richest person on earth. I was talking about realistic dreams. :P Anyway, you can achieve what you're aiming for, but remember that it's not about winning, but about participating. ;P
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Hehe, just keep trying and you'll achieve your goals. You can't succeed if you don't even try. Even if you fail at some point, you'll keep trying and eventually manage to do what you wanted.
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You have a very optimistic look on things. Maybe it's because you get lucky ;P
I do get what you mean, I don't think there is anything I've tried that I couldn't eventually get after time but I also wouldn't say I've tried all that many different/unique things. Hopefully anyone out there that is trying for something can make it happen though :)
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Well, yeah, luck has helped a million times in many aspects of my life (not all of them though), but maybe that's because I was always taking chances?! Well, I don't know. :P I'm not exactly an optimist. I'm acting as a pessimist, I'm saying that I'm a realist, but I'm thinking like an optimist. No matter how weird it sounds, it's actually true. :P But that's how I'm acting in real life, not in forums. :P
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No job is a shame. :B Talking is overrated anyway.
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I've found that subjective exams are a lot more forgiving of failure than objective exams.
e.g. an essay about a book versus math problems
But the other thing I've discovered is that the worse the repercussion for failure, the less likely it is to occur. So at a school where no one ever fails, it's much harder to fail, whereas a school that gives everyone lots of chances it's harder to pass a class (but you can try and try again)
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wait till you get to college/unniversity - actually you can treat this class as preparation for it ;) In Elementary/Middle/High scool kids are getting used that teacher will explain and teach you everything, will keep up with your progress etc - that's not how it works later on and not how it works in real life. Teacher may tell you about something, he may teach you something, but in the end it's up to you to really learn and master it. The sooner you learn to learn new stuff yourself the better. And it's not like it's hard nowadays - with all libraries, internet connection, online courses, specialisation forums and so on and on you can very well learn all the stuff you missed yourself. It's up to you to decide whether you'll do it or decide to just drop it and blame everything on your teacher because he didn't teach you this and that.
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I was fairly demoralised by further/higher education - I found it to be about jumping through hoops to get certificates rather than actually learning anything. If you want qualifications then you need to understand that you are playing some kind of education metagame. If you want knowledge then you may be disappointed.
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the only thing I learned during my undergraduate degree was that if you want to succeed you need to play the game. Doing anything your own way makes it much more difficult and much less likely to succeed, and if by chance you do succeed you won't really be any better off than if you'd done it the easy way
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The person who seeks only the certificate will find nothing but hoops to jump through, and won't get much more than the certificate. The person who pursues an education, works hard, and earns one, will also get the education and a certificate as a bonus.
My experience with higher education has shown me that most people participating in it don't really belong there.
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I'd recommend dropping the class. If you really need it, you'll be able to take it again, later, and hopefully with a different teacher. If you don't need it, then you've missed nothing.
For future reference, do not rely on other people to educate you. Take it upon yourself to look for books, read them, ask questions about those things you do not understand, and seek help (tutors/workshops/office hours) when things get difficult. If you rely on other people for your education, you will suffer disappointment. Take charge of your own life.
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I'm just a person like anyone else. I have been blessed with understanding of some things, so I try to share it in the hopes that it might help others. If I succeed from time to time, then that is by the blessing of God.
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School sucks why am I even trying to get an education when I can just live under a bridge for the rest of my life.
If I'm going to live under a bridge, what characteristics should the bridge have?
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I always try to look for resources elsewhere, like youtube videos and what not that may inspire learning. Do what you must until you can do what you want.
Thanks for the gib.
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Do you ever just have a super hard time adjusting to a class. I'm taking 16 units right now and one of my classes I've only been to twice in 5 weeks. Its a once a week class, I went to the first class nothing happened really. The second class he was absent, the third class I went and already felt super behind. I missed the 4th class due to a cold, and the 5th class he was absent again. So in reality I've been to one class where I actually learned stuff but have a bunch of homework and I have no idea wtf is going on in class. Reading the book is super boring and honestly I think I'm just going to drop it and try again next semester.
School sucks why am I even trying to get an education when I can just live under a bridge for the rest of my life.
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