on a 3DS guess that wii app came early to some.

12 years ago*

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Not Gamestop or Nintendo's fault. Blame the lazy rep who didn't do their job.

I know Apple has had it happen with refurbs as well, I'm sure it has happened many other times as well.

12 years ago

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but it was the assosiate from said company that represents company, like the person who screwed up that latest gamersgate deal. it was 1 person, the higher ups and the bottom people, didnt do the fuck up but the whole company is to blame just like this one.
or if geek squad came and screwd up your stuff they represent the company so you sue said company.

12 years ago

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When a terrorist blows up a building, is the country at fault allowing him to grow up and live his life before deciding to do that? They would represent the country they come from, but ultimately it was their decision.

The person does represent Gamestop and it won't help them at all, but it was the person's decision to not do their job properly. In my opinion, that would mean it's their fault, not Gamestop.

12 years ago

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yu are a fucking idiot even to attempt to compare them to terrorists asshole. a country does not hire terrorists, just mercs, a COMPANY hires ASSOCIATES to REPRESENT SAID COMPANY. it has nothing in common with terrorists. OBL was saudi and saudi arabia DISOWENED HIM, did not even want his ROTTING CORPSE. and yes if a Country raises and harbors TERRORISTS they are at fault and will be attacked. or have you forgotten Afghan, or Pakistan or Iraq. mongoloid.

12 years ago

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No need to get mad, I agree with Peroxide, one employee's mistake is not the fault of the company, they're different entities, one is a business organisation which comprises of the employee, all other employees, assets, etc. The other is just a human being. Humans make mistakes, learn to live with it.

If however, the direction of the company had TOLD the employee to not wipe the memory on the 3DS, then it would be the company's fault (obviously).

12 years ago

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If the system was truly sold as a refurb then more then one person is responsible for this. Refurbishing does not happen at the store level. It is the company's fault as a refurbished product is to be returned to like new and as left the factory condition.

12 years ago

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Nobody's going to listen to you when you start personally insulting people. Grow up and stop acting like a child.

12 years ago

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i only said what i said because i knew people in a "building that terrorists blew up" on a personal level and there is no reason to bring that into this kind of argument. so they had personally insulted me and my family and friends by comparing their death to a companys fault of adiquatly training/watching their employees

12 years ago

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Did you just use mongoloid as an insult?

12 years ago

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"The bigger question many people are asking is, why would anyone take pornographic photos with the 3DS’s terrible low-res cameras?"


12 years ago

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i thought that was hillarious also.

12 years ago

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Doesn't the 3DS take 3D pictures?

I'd say whoever was the owner of that device, he definitely has the pioneering spirit.

12 years ago

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Why it doesn't surprise me at all that this kind of stuff happened on a GameStop?

12 years ago

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Merry Christmas?
But in all honesty, what does a 5yo need a DS for? ._.

12 years ago

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hopefully to play Mario :D

no 5 year old should be deprived of that

12 years ago

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"Five-year-old Brandon Giles must have been excited to receive a Nintendo 3DS for Christmas — at least, he was until he turned it on."

And then he lost his fucking mind.

12 years ago

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12 years ago

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-at least, he was until he turned it on."

And then it returned the favor. badumtsss

12 years ago

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I blame Raiden.

12 years ago

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12 years ago

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I think the real issue is the fact that the 3DS should not have been given to a 5 year old unless the parents took the proper precautions in which they should have noticed the porn.

Can Young Children Play Nintendo 3DS?
The 3D feature should only be used by children 7 and older. Parents should use the Parental Controls feature to restrict access to the 3D mode for children 6 and under. The 3D feature will remain restricted until a parent unlocks it using a PIN code. Children 6 and under can enjoy Nintendo 3DS in 2D mode.


I digress from my earlier comment where I said it was the employee's fault, when it was clearly the parents.

12 years ago

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Really? You expect a parent to ensure there is no offensive content on a 3DS? Would you like them to stress test, every toy too? Ensure there are no sharp edges on toys, when you rip them apart? Boil/melt toys to see if they are edible to consume?

Don't be silly. It should be safe to assume that there is no offensive content on a 3DS. As for the 3D thing, that would be a parents choice I suppose, but even in this situation, they didn't mention anything about that.

12 years ago

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I always check my kids toys before they get them. Especially if they are second hand. I would be a shitty parent if I didn't.

12 years ago

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I disagree. When buying a device from a store, you would expect that it was properly refurbished, meaning all data from the previous owner was wiped. If you bought a used laptop from a store, would you expect it to have all of the previous owners documents? No. So you sure wouldn't expect that on a DS. Hell, consoles being able to store data on a hard drive is a relatively new feature, so they probably didn't even know it was possible.

12 years ago

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When dealing with refurbished devices I never assume anything is totally clean till I clean it.

12 years ago

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Damn kids today.
We didn't have the intranets when I was a kid, or any other means to find pornography. Now kids can get this kind of thing by accident in their toys!?!
Damn kids today.

12 years ago

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yeah nigga had to hide playboys in the lining of your backpack when you was in the 3rd grade, now that's hardcore. I should work for the government due to how sneaky I am.

12 years ago

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The thing that most concerns me about this is: How does a 5 year old knows what porn is?

12 years ago

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The article never said that. It says the kid found nude images and asked his brother to help him erase them. I think a five year old understands the whole "not supposed to see people naked" taboo.

12 years ago

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"We have a rigorous quality control process in place to ensure that existing content is removed from all devices before they are re-sold"

LOL sure Gamestop. That is why you sell used consoles without ever plugging them in and turning them on.

12 years ago

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I've traded in consoles and they ALWAYS plug them in, turn them on, and try out a game right there in front of you. I don't know what world you live in.

12 years ago

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It's seriously bad that they sold it without clearing it properly first but if he honestly wanted his son to forget about it he wouldn't be acting like that. Crying? He's literally acting like it's the end of the world.

12 years ago

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3DS + Porn = better present.

I'd be thanking Santa and I would presume that 5yr old will do so too in 10 years time.

12 years ago

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Who cares. Americans and their problem with nudity... ridiculous!

12 years ago

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ndity is one thing, no problem with that. but having a 5yr old see a doggy stly pov shot is another. it did say "in bed"

12 years ago

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You joke, but if it was a screenshot of some poor soul on the wrong end of a shotgun, getting their brains sprayed across a wall, I'm fairly sure this story wouldn't have even made the "crappy unimportant stories nobody cares about" section in the free local paper...

12 years ago

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Porn always looks better in 3D...

12 years ago

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This only makes me want some porn in my 3ds.

12 years ago

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I used to work at gamestop. The massive amounts of memory cards that get traded in make it impossible to go through and erase each and every card properly, and I worked at a little store in a podunk town. The parents need to be responsible and inspect all used goods purchased before handing it over to their kids, it is that simple. Not the stores fault, not the employees fault.

12 years ago

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Wow. Accidents happen. It's a crappy situation, but it happened. Now move on.

12 years ago

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Never! This is about porn on a Nintendo DS!
We must dwell over it and discuss all factors about the event. Such as how one might achieve porn on a DS and where I can get one....

12 years ago

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lol, fair enough.

My theory is they took the pictures to see themselves in low res 3D.

12 years ago

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Makes sense.

12 years ago

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Ohhhhhh porn, the kid must be blind by now.

Quick! Turn the tv on so he can watch the news with uncensored severed bodies and blood everywhere!

12 years ago

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What channel to you watch?

12 years ago

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No way I'm gonna let you watch it.

12 years ago

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must be in arizona where they showed that car jacker's death

12 years ago

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Closed 12 years ago by ThompPetty.