H1Z1 developer Daybreak Game Company's president John Smedley has found an interesting approach to the cheating problem. Over the last few days the developer has banned somewhere in the neighborhood of 25K players for cheating, leading many pleading to be reinstated. Smedley has agreed to let certain reformed cheaters back in the game under one condition: They publicly apologise on YouTube.

Further rules: The apologies have to be listed as public and not marked private. Smedley also said the apologies should be addressed to fellow players rather than the developer. "Although you hurt our business this is about them not us," the developer tweeted.

Right now Smedley has three H1Z1 cheater apologies on his Twitter, should you want to check out his own brand of public humiliation-based justice.

"So far we've unbanned three people out of 30k we've now banned. One of which is probably about to get re-banned for taking his video private," Smedley added on Reddit.

"I want to make sure it's clear there are consequences for cheating. You don't just get to make a video and get unbanned. This is a very limited time thing to try and raise awareness of what's actually going on. You may say 'hey there clearly aren't consequences if you are unbanning people'. Let's get back to the part where I said we've unbanned three people. If these videos go far and wide and it elevates the importance of getting rid of the cheaters in PC gaming, I feel it's an excellent trade."

Smedley noted that this YouTuber apology offer will expire at noon PST, by which point he expect about four or five folks will get reinstated.


9 years ago

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Should cheaters be allowed to redeem themselve?

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haha thats amazing, especially that public apology part. Voted yes even if i would vote no 9/10 times just because of the way smedley is doing it :)

9 years ago

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They are acting ballsy because they know their ban system has made lots of mistakes and that their community is collapsing.

9 years ago

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such video would be so refreshing, so different from the typical :

  • they bannend me without a reason,
  • they bannend me cause my cousin....
  • they bannend me, but the rules are the problem
  • they bannend me, but i only did it once
  • they bannend me, but i only didi it two times
  • they bannend me, but sometimes i did not cheat
9 years ago

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Make their characters naked/only able to use underwear. It's not like they will simply stop cheating when they are let back in the game...

9 years ago

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I'm more surprised that there are actually that many people who play the millionth generic, dime-a-dozen, zombie-themed, open-world shooter…

9 years ago

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so far 3 are unbanned
2 unbanned. as 1 guy made the apology video private. he will get banned again.

9 years ago

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haha apology for cheating and everything is fine ?

People who voted yes clearly didn't meet any cheaters in videogame or are cheaters themselves

9 years ago

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Having to maintain public video, that virally-spread and will be seen by thousands of ppl worldwide looking on you ashaming yourself is imho pretty big punishment. Much bigger than getting banned behind-the-scenes and having to spend few euros for a new game copy.

Usual cheater when just banned will just buy a new copy and cheat again. Person publicly ashamed like this is imho much more likely to never cheat again.

9 years ago

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pretty big punishment or few euros

Cheat again or not, I know what I would to choose

Still answer to poll question, in general, is no no

9 years ago

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and how is it about what you'd choose?

the thing is what these 5 guys chose and that they probably never gonna cheat again. The reason for banning cheaters in any game is not only to punish them but also to maintain a healthy community. (in general cases, H1Z1 won't have a healthy community unless their shitty game starts to work properly, but it's another topic). What they did not only made sure that these 5 guys not gonna cheat again, but also assured a viral spread of message hardly discouraging cheating - not as usual from devs, but from cheaters themselves. And such a thing helps maintain healthier community in online gaming as a whole.

9 years ago

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I have a mixed feelings. 1st of all I all for shaming a cheaters over the behind-the-scenes bans. I do agree that such a videoa have atendency to viral-spread and may take an impact in even-so discouraging a few ppl from cheating themselves.

But at the other hand - their game is broken, keeps being broken and it will be for a long time. They tend to avoid talking about serious issues with it, so while I like the idea I see it as a PR stunt from them.

9 years ago*

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In general though, it's a pretty good concept, because as you stated, "Having to maintain public video, that virally-spread and will be seen by thousands of ppl worldwide looking on you ashaming yourself is imho pretty big punishment."

Would like to see this for more multiplayer games in future.

9 years ago

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How about apologizing for creating this game.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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Everyone deserves a second chance. If you think otherwise you don't deserve a second chance yourself - remember that when you're sorry for something and ask someone for another chance. I'm talking to all you who voted "no".

9 years ago

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Usually i would say no, most of this people will continue to cheat on other games anyway
For H1Z1 its different, when you already 30K people banned, it shows that either the game is unfair to some players on not fun enough for them, and Public Shaming is an awful thing to do to the players who bought your game, worse than just banning

9 years ago*

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as much as devs for this game are a bunch of dorks they didn't publicly shame anyone. They gae banned ppl a choice. Turns out that for 5 ppl public shaming was less awful than receiving a ban and it's their choice. And I'm pretty much sure that at least these 5 guys won't try cheating again, while the rest may as well buy a new copy and start cheating again.

9 years ago

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I see "cheaters". So naturally I assume those people indeed cheated, broke the rules etc.

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

9 years ago

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I'd rather play with nobody than with cheaters. Being bored due to a lack of players is better than being frustrated and having your opinion of the game ruined by a bunch of party poopers.

9 years ago

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i was always against cheaters but this is just too much they ask

9 years ago

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This is actually a really interesting ethnography opportunity. A rare chance to see the overall face of hackers and their manners and rationales. Someone consider writing a dissertation on this.

9 years ago

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True, but it would really depend if they could get a large enough sample size. I'd imagine that most are butthurt kiddies, so the idea of being publicly shamed is just unthinkable.

9 years ago

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my reaction to this...

View attached image.
9 years ago

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View attached image.
9 years ago

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In most cases, no. Cheaters should never be unbanned but that still depends on what got them banned in the first place. If it wasn't something game breaking then they should be given a second chance.

9 years ago

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Well,this game is already bad...yo know,this game is P2W due to airdrop tickets that also sold on Steam market? Well,that and battle royale are worst features ever.

9 years ago

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Never!!!! If u suck at playing it suck it with dignity.

9 years ago

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Isn't 30k like half of their player base?

9 years ago

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It may have been half their player base - it isn't now!

9 years ago

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I got ban from wow for using nothing 6 months...to bad blizz did nt do something like this...

9 years ago

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I'm not going even close to that game

9 years ago

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Of course they do, they paid for the game after all, i understand the need for banning them but not having a chance of redeem themselves will be stealing from them

9 years ago

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god this smedley guy...urgh

9 years ago

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A little too extreme... A social network post that the player is not allowed to remove is a more proper punishment imo.

9 years ago

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