I wrote a little script for tampermonkey/greasemonkey that loads all the giveaway pages on the main site and then filters them out to only show levels 4+. The code is not very pretty and just written in a spare moment so that it works. If anyone wants it there it is:

Greasemonkey (Firefox): http://pastebin.com/H3YZSXn8
Angusiasty provided an easy install link for FF with level 1+ setting: https://openuserjs.org/scripts/angusiasty/ViciousCrow_SGv2_Level_Filter

Tampermonkey (Chrome): http://pastebin.com/4L2yDA9R

Yes I know the code is ugly, don't judge me with it since like I said I just quickly made something that works ;) I made it to use it until someone competent makes a good and full addon like SG+ for SGv2.

Hope it works for anyone interested.

Edit: It only shows giveaways you can enter and you can lower the level requirement by changing line 23 to search only for indexOf 1 for example.

10 years ago*

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Everything works great, but a little slow loading. That's what i needed after new SG version :v

Krรณwken <3

10 years ago

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It's awesome it worked for someone ;) And yeah, might be a bit slow since it's like opening 35 pages of giveaways. I assume there might be a better way to do it but I don't know it yey.

10 years ago

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Takes about 11s to load ^^
Thank You Krowa o/

View attached image.
10 years ago

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Thank you!

10 years ago*

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last times something goes wrong, and I don't see list of ALL giveaways with level, also plz help, how to make I see only LEVEL 4 giveaways?

9 years ago

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It's in the first line of code; have i equal whatever level you want to set at min.

6 years ago

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