Please post your thoughts on FEZ. If possible, please try to separate your opinions about Phil with your opinions about the game. FEZ is currently one of the BTA bonuses in the HiB 11.

edit: removed giveaway link because the giveaway has ended. grats to the winner.

11 years ago*

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Very repetitive. The gimmick wears off quickly and what's left is the platforming, which doesn't feel satisfying at all. I played it for 2.6 hours. I never felt the need to start it up again. It might have something to do with the fact that you have no freaking idea where you're supposed to go. I spent about half an hour going to places I already was (and all of them look the same anyway,) before quitting the game and never starting it again.

I wonder how it got so many nice ratings in reviews. I suspect the reviewers played it for 40 minutes or so. Yes, for the first 40 minutes, it's awesome. Then the fun goes away as you discover that there's nothing new to come.

11 years ago

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I agree with this and I had the same experience its like a maze and the map does little to help except I managed to play it for 7 hours, Although I disagree that everything looks the same each of the levels are nicely varied and challenging.

11 years ago

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It's a series of puzzles in an open world. You aren't given any directions on where to go and what to do next once you're told to find the cubes. If you're not on board for that (maybe you don't like puzzles and/or being responsible for deciding where you go and what you do in the game world), you probably won't like it. I guess it's just not your kind of game. Personally I enjoyed it very much and thought it was very well made. I beat the game in around 6 hours IIRC, and then did not play any further (didn't got for 100% completion). Not because I didn't like it, but because I have so many other games to play.

11 years ago

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Pretty much this. In the end I decided I had other games to play.

11 years ago

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Have to agree with the above

11 years ago

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Its an environment... not a game.

11 years ago

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its more of a hat.

11 years ago

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I wanted to do 100% achivements of this game, but I have to confess I'm not rlly enjoyin that much in the game, but the idea seems nice, kinda reminds me about the paper mario, the perpective scenario

11 years ago

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Great game. I did everything you could in it. 10/10 would play again.

11 years ago

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Garbage game. I'm referring to Fez not the programmer/publisher/author.

11 years ago

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cool,I really liked the mechanic

11 years ago

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I bought the game last summer sale and enjoyed what I played about it.

The Steam tags used to say "Choking hazard", so I'd be careful not to swallow anything while playing it.

11 years ago

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Where are the people getting all these fez keys, is the game for free or something?

11 years ago

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It's a bonus game in the current Humble Bundle. It got unlocked today.

11 years ago

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It's currently a BTA (better than average) donor bonus in the humble bundle

11 years ago

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It was previously in Humble indie bundle 9, and now since it was unlocked in HIB 11, people who already have it are giving it away.

11 years ago

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I think I've only gotten 100% in three games. This is one of them.

11 years ago

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This comment was deleted 10 months ago.

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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Phil Fish rage-quit because people didn't like the game. I'm just saying, that is kind of a sign of a bad developer if you can take criticism, since he seemed more than willing to dish it out on people he didn't like. That said, the game seems, well, bland to me. Some people call it stylized, but I just think that it doesn't really work. It's also not quite as original as some espouse, and the game play just doesn't seem like it's up my alley. I remember playing a PSP game with the same kind of perception shifting, and it got kind of old because your main mechanic is basically a gimmick.

11 years ago

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He didn't quit because people hated the game, which I believe was actually quite successful. He quit due to all the negative personal attacks he was getting from people.

11 years ago

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A legitimate perspective, and perhaps the more accurate. However, Fish, as a person, was not above the pettiness which he cited as the reason he left the industry. He is an example of the thin-skinned arrogant developers who expects the market to cater to them instead of catering to the market. However, I digress, and the important thing is that I found the game to be rather underwhelming.

11 years ago

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He was a very blunt and insensitive person with some of his comments. So in a sense, he did invite the hatred that he received, however that does not excuse the behavior of the people who repeatedly attacked him. FEZ is a great game IMO, and it's a shame that it does not get the respect that I believe it deserves because most people are unable to separate their hatred of Phil from their view of the game itself. I am NOT suggesting that you are one of them.

11 years ago

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I actually think it was quite justified, have you read some of his comments? The guy really was/is a dong.

I personally love the game but I just won't buy it since I refuse to support phil in any way.

11 years ago

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I kinda agree. If you slap someone, expect a slap back. If you can't handle the return slap then maybe you shouldn't have dealt the blow in the first place.

11 years ago

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fucking brilliant.

11 years ago

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I think it's clever, maybe even a little bit brilliant. I wish it were possible to play with the engine tools so I could see if it was as challenging to make a level as I think as I think it is.

I also wish I was smart enough to 100% it without a guide, but right now I'm stuck at 31.7 cube shards, and 24 anti-cubes.

11 years ago

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It is simply okay, at first it starts off great but later on it gets boring and fast

11 years ago

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I really need to finish my copy. :B
So far it has been a charming experience. I love its art style, and the gameplay is quite fun. And I adore Fez's soundtrack.

11 years ago

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If you're into puzzle platformers, you'll love it.

11 years ago

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it's awesome i think. huge area to explore

11 years ago

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FEZ is great. If you take your time to try and figure out the game's codes/languages by yourself its really challenging and you'll feel like a genius. Definitely worth playing.

11 years ago

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The dev is an awesome guy.

11 years ago

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Is this bait?

(Please, PLEASE, get it.)

11 years ago

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I started playing it and stopped after a while. I don't get what the fuss is all about. The game is boring. It's only about collecting squares. Also, puzzles just don't do it for me. They're tideous. Change of perspective is nice though. The atmosphere is pretty good as well. But overall I would have to force myself to play more and that's what I don't want to do.

11 years ago

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+1 Also, Phil Fish is a jerk.

11 years ago

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just not nearly as big of one as people like to think. 90% of the hate is based purely on hype exaggerations misquotes and careful copy/pasting.(kinda like the zombie dev thing)

11 years ago

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It's in my top 3 games I've ever played.

11 years ago

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I enjoyed the game fairly well until it took cryptography and more complicated puzzle solving than I was willing to apply to it to get much farther. Around that point I basically lost interest.

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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One heck of a confusing game.

11 years ago

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I think the game is really awesome, and it's definitely a gem, but I will NOT buy the game with my money, I REFUSE to support Phil.

11 years ago

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You can buy it now if you want, only give the money to the charity, that makes Phil angry :D.

11 years ago

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You're very correct, but then I'm gonna feel bad for the other devs :(

I really like supporting developers but I just really don't want to support Phil lol.

11 years ago

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I have same feeling about Phil. Saw some of his comments in the past...smh.

11 years ago

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You can decide which dev gets what amount of money.

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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Phil Fish will get a few cents at most. Probably barely enough to purchase a single chip to balance atop his shoulder. I wouldn't fret too much :D

11 years ago

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I haven't played it very much, but Ive really enjoyed it so far.

11 years ago

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Closed 11 years ago by ButtsCallhoun.