Fez is a solid game.
Aside from that, I guess Phil Fish said some things regarding the Japanese gaming industry... is that why everyone is crying? It's like I was there when it all went down and I don't see where all the hate is coming from.
You all buy DLC in droves from heartless publishers and when a lonely dev gives his honest opinion, I guess you all feel like he's an easier target for your gamer rage bullying. Right?
Or is there something else I missed?
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yeah, prettymuch,
but also a heaping spoon of ignorance, most people don't know why they hate him, they just saw but didn't read various blogs and forum posts about what a bad guy he was.
that and after awhile he started to troll the trolls which was entertaining.
fish: "PCs are for spreadsheets noob, get a console they're built for gaming."
"after saying pcs were for spreadhseets how can you justify your steam release?"
fish "I saw the demand and did it purely for the money"
"screw your greedy ass we boycot, nobody will buy your game, I'll just steal it" "YeA! wE BoYcOt Ur Az PhIl, StEaM rElEa$e wHo y0u TrYiNg t0 KiD?!"
fish: "#1 on steam's seller list, boycot harder bitches"
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Before I played FEZ I had read a fair bit about it and I was really intrigued and eager to play it.
When you play, you'll see a few things that you KNOW, you don't know how, but you just KNOW that they're important, somehow. And a lot of the time, you'll never figure it out, or it's something you just have to come back to later. You'll also see things that don't seem that important, but they are. You'll find dead ends that don't seem to have a purpose, and you'll dismiss them.
I played the game until the "end" and thought it was a pretty cool, cute game with a neat soundtrack and the perspective flipping was a good, original mechanic, but that's about it. A bit overrated. I didn't really get what everyone was raving about. It had some good things going for it, but it wasn't mindblowing..
Yet. Then I discovered the whole other side of the game. I'm sure hipster Phil would love to hear me say this, but this game really is a whole lot deeper than it appears. There is SO much more than just "beating" the game that first time. I love that a lot of the puzzles require you work stuff out with paper and a pen because it's shit you can't just pull together in your head. You can tell that a huge amount of time and effort went into this game, and sadly a lot of it goes unnoticed. I wouldn't call Phil a genius, but I admire the effort that went into making this game something really special.
FEZ is not a game for everyone, that's for sure. And if you're going to play it, you need to commit to it. Playing it for 20 minutes just to get a feel, isn't really getting a feel. You will think you 'get the idea' pretty much straight away, but I thought that too until 10+ hours in. I think a lot of people are quick to dismiss this game because they haven't spent enough time really getting into it, but at the same time not everyone wants "another puzzle platformer". As far as puzzle platformers go though, FEZ is like the fucking I Wanna Be The Guy of puzzle platformers. Looks simple, has easy controls anyone could pick up, but goddamn you have to use your brain if you want to win.
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You should pop that on Steam, it's a pretty good recommendation.
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Not as good as people make it sound like, the artwork is great and the idea too, but it gets boring and frustrating, i could not see myself finishing it because when i would get my hands on the controller, sit down and play fez, but i would just switch games instead.
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It's a good game. The mechanic is fun. The decoding of signs etc not so much, but you don't need it too often.
The detail and variety was great. On the downside it was a bit too open for me. Sometimes it is better when things you do in one level do not affect things in another level. It got annoying to go back and forth to the same levels again.
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i like phil(his trolling posts were funny), most of the hate was undeserved (based mostly on web rabble not reading actual information just skimming headlines and feeding off eachother's posts because calling for actual real world blood is fun)
as for the game, its fun (if a tad overhyped as any successful 'indie' game will tend to be cough braid)
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I finally gave the game a try last week, and like some people have said I got tired of it around the 2 hour mark, but after that it just became really amazing, I'll just say it was like Archaeology 101 and actually has a way deeper backstory than what I originally expected from a item-fetching game. So for people who're trying this, hopefully you can get past about the 2 hour mark, and after that it got really fun for me.
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I never played it, but I am willing to bet it is overrated. I think that if the game DID work for me, I wouldn't be that impressed. A platformer is a platformer, even if it has perspectives implemented (see Super Paper Mario). So because I am given the impression the perspectives were the only unique trait about the game, it was just late in the game. Maybe a decade ago it would have been an amazing concept to me, but now I am more interested in customization and control. I also do not know the developer enough to have an opinion on him, but people sure do hate him.
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It's more of a puzzle game than a platformer. The platforming is secondary, to solve the puzzles. If you go into it looking for a platformer you will be disappointed, but if you go into it looking for a puzzle game you will be impressed. It has, by FAR, the hardest puzzles of any game I've ever seen. It makes Portal look like a game for preschoolers with cognitive disabilities, in terms of puzzle difficulty. Fun, though.
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The way I played it was amazing, lights off, with headphones, on a big screen, I was enjoying the hell out of they game. But I didn't have it on steam when I first played it so I couldn't really get the achievements, awesome puzzles, really enjoyable, loved it. Didn't get to complete it tho.
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44 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by Rosayde
Please post your thoughts on FEZ. If possible, please try to separate your opinions about Phil with your opinions about the game. FEZ is currently one of the BTA bonuses in the HiB 11.
edit: removed giveaway link because the giveaway has ended. grats to the winner.
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