I've seen a few games that apparently only come in the longer variants, that said I will agree that they are extremely rare and normally it happens because they were originally intended for something else and then were made compatible with steam after the fact. So yeah, most likely you're right.
It's just that they are a precedent than valve might change the format one day if they have a reason to do so.
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I never noticed before that O and 1 never appear in steam key. :)
I wonder what happen when steamgifts run out of giveaways URLs. I think there are only around 62^5 (916132832) combinations. It would happen if every user made 850 giveaways. I'm such a nerd, sorry. :P
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I get a different result: https://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=36^15
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Yeah, if there was ever a risk of them running low on combinations, they'd just lengthen the string.
It's like when they were running out of phone numbers here. It used to be 5 digits plus area code. They added an extra 2 numbers after the area code that act as a sort of sub-area code. Problem fixed.
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Here in my country they do something similar, when a city is close to run out of phone numbers they just give it an area code that's one digit shorter and add one digit to the main number. They make it so every phone number has 10 digits in total for some reason (plus some extra codes that are necesary sometimes but not in all cases, it's kinda weird).
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To avoid confusion some omit letter O and number 0 is used instead. Not entirely sure steam also did this. If true, then 35^15. Still plenty of combinations,
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Afk, so can't check myself, but do steam keys use the full 0-9A-Z set, or are O/0 (and others?) unused to prevent mistakes with printed keys. I know some key sets of the past would eliminate l/I as well, or rather... it would accept either character there for that key.
Edit: ninjad! :)
Edit 2: 9/g was also a common exception for printed keys
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In addition to the standard format (3*5 chars) there are also keys with 5*5 chars, and also keys with 18 chars and no dashes (like DALDBT3BGGWHAxxxxx),
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Yes. It would require the key to be geneated in the first place and still active. So not only you need to happen upon a valid combination, but also in a certain time frame. And all this with Steam's random trial lock-outs in effect.
Lottery is a bit more certain.
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Ok so if steam got to 100 000 different games, there'd be enough keys for 937 958 785 518 736 439 people to own all the games. Or 117 million times more than the current world population. Even with the other caveats that change the number of possibilities, I don't think this format will ever need to change and I don't think you'll ever randomly guess a key.
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Haha yes, you're probably right. And all of them will be sold and then revoked via otakubundle.
I think if valve hadn't introduced changes to their trading card policies you would have seen people with farms running hundreds of thousands of steam accounts 'playing' fake games and the possibility of running out of available keys would be a lot more real.
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good element to show that virtual games aren't actually worth any shit and that the initial cost of production isn't an excuse for the revenues when they become much greater than it. and don't get me started on the bs dlc and microtransactions. oh here let me type "10 000" on my keyboard. here, $100 000 please. oh wait, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, $100 000 again please thanks. oh you know what just let me put that shit item that took 5 minutes to make as an exclusive and sell it ad infinitum automatically, cause it's duplicated at the cost of a byte at most, for 5€, no let's say 10€, while i sit there watching my bank account increase from those people actually having to work to receive money cause their efforts aren't duplicated automatically at no cost unlike me
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The real worry is not about the number of keys but Steam going out of business. I remember a report that predicts IT companies that will still be there for the next century and Steam was not one of them but facebook was . . . I do not know if its a gimmick. Personally, I do not even use fb and stayed away from it most of the time. If there's a risk of running out of keys then they'll just add in another 5 letter/number combi. Pretty much when phone numbers reach a limit and extended by 1 number in the end. Cheers~
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Luckily, in that case, steam came out a while back and said:
"If steam ever shuts down we will give all users a grace period where they can download offline copies of all their games"
Now in the case of people with many games means we need to go out and buy quite a bit of HDD's to store the games.
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There is nothing impossible, still get from to time the dublicate error when I try to use the unused key.
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I ran a test on 715 keys I had stored in a file, below are numbers of keys containing a given letter/number:
A: 251
B: 280
C: 283
D: 250
E: 291
F: 275
G: 259
H: 296
I: 266
J: 302
K: 272
L: 288
M: 267
N: 282
O: 0
P: 281
Q: 265
R: 253
S: 2
T: 258
U: 1
V: 274
W: 246
X: 254
Y: 265
Z: 267
0: 316
1: 0
2: 288
3: 270
4: 269
5: 297
6: 277
7: 271
8: 257
9: 254
These cases with U and S are some atypical format keys from humble (one without any dashes, beginning with HUMB and one with four segments), so I think we can safely say that O, 1, S and for some reason U are not used in typical steam keys.
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10,100 Comments - Last post 24 minutes ago by Ellemby
Steam keys are never reused, so I was thinking about how many possibilities there are...
So I calculated the amount of unique steam keys that are possible...
This is what I got...
So don't worry folks. Your keys are safe even though they are years old.
Edit: Thank you smart people... The real answer is 36^15 or 221,073,919,720,733,000,000,000. Still a big number though.
Edit: It seems that O and 1 is not used in steam keys. The real real answer is 34^15 or 9.3795879e+22
Edit: The exact amount is incalculable... Chaos Theory?
Edit: O, 1, S, and U are not used in steam keys, so not to be confused with 0, l, 5 and ? Still, they are used on rare occasions for whatever reason. Steamgifts user, pb1, mentioned that some keys from humblebundle.com start with HUMB. No doubt that humble paid a few extra dollars to make an acception.
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