The Controllercoaster is coming to an end! After the surprise rise & fall of Keysora's deal for 3โฌ/5โฌ, Humble steps into the ring to get you the Non-Ultimate Edition of Control Ultimate Edition, added to Steam only a day before the bundle launch.
When you know the lineup beforehand, the bundle thread can be up in a min. โ
The Keysora Control popcorn is here:
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"NOTE: When redeeming Control via Steam key, users may see Control Ultimate Edition in their Steam library and during installation. Please disregard the Ultimate Edition title as the Steam key will only grant Control Standard Edition. For more information, please visit: "
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I believe it's the Season Pass, which in the US is US$14.99.
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15 euro for Season Pass.
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Hahaha what a bunch of assholes.
I just realized this probably means 500+ new support tickets. Fuck me.
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Can't imagine a better time to not be part of SG support staff
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Haha, nicely done! Hadn't noticed.
Your prize: nothing
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In this case, totally legit - but hopefully not a sufferer of apophenia, lol.
Apophenia noun
apยทโoยทโpheยทโnia | \ หa-pษ-หfฤ-nฤ-ษ \
Definition of apophenia
: the tendency to perceive a connection or meaningful pattern between unrelated or random things (such as objects or ideas)
What psychologists call apopheniaโthe human tendency to see connections and patterns that are not really thereโgives rise to conspiracy theories.
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Yeah I saw it, few seconds later. :((((((((((((((((((((((((((
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Note that you also need to have the DLCs to 100% the achievements, so if you care about it, you'll either have to buy the DLC somehow or don't get the game at all.
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Sure. But I like to buy a game in the same transaction as all its DLC. So I'll skip taking Control here and wait until I can buy the complete game at a good deal.
Though there are a few other titles that interest me, so I might end up grabbing this month for them.
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At first I thought it was Control Ultimate Edition which would make this a certain purchase, but since it's Standard Edition only I'll have to think about it. The only other game in the bundle I'm kinda interested in is Elex but that's not wishlist tier either.
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Ageless key says "Not available: Sorry, but the following items are not available for purchase in this country. Your purchase has been canceled." even though IT IS available to purchase in my country. Did anyone else have the same error?
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so, you can choose between epic and steam keys or you get both?
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Missed opportunity for Epic Games to slide in and give the ultimate edition if you pick the EGS version.
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Scenario: next Thursday EGS offers the Control season pass for free, in addition to the usual game. That would be funny XD
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Here's my question: when will it get to the point where Steam feels obliged to respond in kind? Epic is over there handing out freebies and crazy discounts like there's no tomorrow. And I daydream about competition for market share raising all (consumer) boats. But Steam seems unphased. If they are answering Epic's cash-mad antics, I haven't detected it.
(Which is not to say Steam needs to answer. After all, they've had a shopping cart this whole time...)
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Which is not to say Steam needs to answer
I believe the crux of the matter is in what you said yourself. Steam already has functional shop with huge number of active users and/or customers. Giving away lots of games for free is a money sink - and move exactly as desperate as you are required to make to actually get some customers to look at you when you are so below Steam in every possible comparison. Steam doesn't need to throw money away exactly because it is superior - EGS needs to because otherwise they lose in every way to Steam.
So to answer your question: probably never, and certainly not anytime soon.
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You're probably right. I do think Steam might be drawn into some kind of response well before their business is seriously imperiled. They wouldn't want to lose market share even if the loss is ultimately minor. But, given that, what we've seen implies that any losses they have seen have been pretty trivial. My daydream lies in ruins.
I had initially envisioned Epic being a more plausible threat. It's genuinely hard to believe how little they've implemented in over two years. Trying to be a comparable service to Steam aside, they aren't even a fully-implemented e-shop. It's a bit baffling. I'd be curious to know how they're doing at attracting users.
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Well, I might just scratch that curiosity itch:
EGS: 160 milion total accounts, ~30 milion daily active users (biggest I've found) - Steam: 1 bilion (American one) total accounts, peak at around 60 milion daily active.users (biggest I've found)
Frankly, I can't comprehend why Epic is so slow at implementing "new" features as well.
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Thanks for all the information! I'll paw through that this evening.
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Valve has already been responding to EGS, it's just been more subtle. The whole Points Shop addition for example, with all of the extra customization options for your Steam profile. You can get extra showcases or upgrade current ones, animated avatars, frames, backgrounds and mini-backgrounds. No to mention the awards system for user-created content. It's as if Valve looked at the EGS storefront and said "You don't even have a shopping cart.", then proceeded to augment its already feature-complete platform. So essentially it seems like the attitude is that the customer has the choice to get free software and reside in a barren wasteland that's purportedly vast yet as shallow as a puddle, or they can continue to engage in a more substantial platform where all of their friends and communities are already situated. When one is secure, their attitude tends to be more to live and let live...and when one is insecure, they tend to overcompensate to varying degrees directly dependent on their level of insecurity. You can't buy loyalty, it needs to be earned. I think Valve understand this, whereas that other platform clearly does not. As @sallachim very intuitively stated, it's very much "a money sink".
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That's an interesting take on recent Valve role-outs. I suppose, from that point of view, any QOL improvements to Steam would be a kind of response.
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They kinda fixed streaming last few weeks. From end of 2014 (Steam Broadcast beta launch) to start of 2021 they couldnt even be bothered to put an X icon on straming windows, streams started from the clients literally could not be closed, the in client html engine either took away resources and paused the stream or didnt.
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Epic aren't the ones giving the keys though in this instance.
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Pausing again this month. There aren't many games that interest me and i'd rather cycle my seemingly-infinite backlog first.
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lol, the ole "try to pause to get the discount" isn't working this month, which makes sense as they know it's good
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I still paused anyway though, hahah. Now i wonder what's the maximum amount of discount that you can get from this method ;)
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Ooh, tempting but I'm afraid if I attempt to pause too much they'll figure out that I'm coupon fishing and ban me from coupon offers, as I did that twice for the past 2 months, lol
So I'm gonna save my coupon fishing for choice bundles I'm legit unsure of like the prior 2.
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Oh if only I had 2 classic subs going...
You are right - The $6 offer does get cancelled upon pausing.
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I try this every month and it only works if I skip (pause and dont get the bundle) for at least one month. If I recall correctly: skipping one month gives you 4 dls off coupon if you try to skip again, then the next month 2 dls off if you try to skip, and by third no coupon at all, you would need to skip another month for real to reset the counter.
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I will probably pause again this month since Cyber Hook is the only one wishlisted for me and I already own Control on PS5.
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This is a solid bundle, but I'm really only interested in Elex. Maybe? I've read that a melee build is not recommended and this is usually how I go in (a)RPGs... I'm wondering if I would find the game too frustrating? Huh, I'll check gameplay videos and more reviews. :o/
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Name | SubID |
Control | |
XCOM: Chimera Squad | |
ELEX | |
Kingdom Two Crowns | |
WWE 2K Battlegrounds (WW) | |
Hotshot Racing - Retail - Digital (WW) | |
Peaky Blinders: Mastermind - Retail - Digital (WW) | |
Cyber Hook | |
Homestuck Pesterquest | |
Wildfire | |
Boreal Blade | |
Ageless | |
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Bundle purchase & activation from US gave me this Control sub:
Name displayed on activation & in my license list was "Control", not "Control Ultimate Edition" as others report. I wonder if the sub's app name ("Control Ultimate Edition") gets displayed when activating via Steam Client?
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When activating a key, the sub's name is displayed.
The app name is still Ultimate Edition, but the sub name is "Control", so it activates as "Control".
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For many things: region locks, content, depots and basically tracking everything you can about the item.
Some examples:
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Or as another example, Indivisible from the Steam Store has the preorder / Kickstarter bonus companion that follows you around:
While the bundle version does not:
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I don't disagree. But, if you like trying indie games, it still sometimes works out. Two of the "filler" titles this time around were on my wishlist--but they were the sort of things I'd never have spent much just to try out. Humble seems to average right around 1.5 minor indie titles I want per month.
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WWE 2K Battleground is also a normal version instead of Deluxe without the possibility to upgrade it through DLC.
So if you want stuff as complete as possible, i was doubting to get it for Elex and some other games (yeah the bad platformers) but 2 games with a DLC mess, nah.
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For Battlegrounds not really:
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Yes but it will take hundreds of hours knowing how 2K handled it in past WWE games. Also, it is an online-only game so when 2K do their annual server shutdown, you won't be able to do much in the game - that includes earning the currency needed to unlock the wrestlers in-shop. I'm on the fench with the bundle - the DLC stuff is off-putting, very slimy of 505 Games to make a seperate edition to bypass giving us the full game.
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At the moment, I think wwe 2k playgrounds is better than nba because you can unlock more easily things.
I have 3-4 hours and I bought one package that includes 6-7 superstars and at the start you have 10-15 superstarts to play with so I like it.
And the deluxe edition content you can unlock it playing, It will take time but you can unlock everything in game.
In NBA 2k playgrounds I remeber that the clothes you have to buy them with golden bucks.
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I asked which is was in the comments of their blog post announcing the contents. My comment never got past their moderation.
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Is it because of the change number you can see they created it for this specific bundle?
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March 2021 Humble Choice
View this bundle on: ITAD - - Lestrades
๐ Important dates
๐ณ March 30th, 2021: AUTOCHARGE DATE (for subscribers only)
๐ April 6th 2021: Next Choice Bundle release date (first Tuesday of every month)
โ ๏ธ Region lock โ ๏ธ
XCOM: Chimera Squad
Control Standard Edition is a region-free key for everyone!
๐ Full list of subs (ROW version)
Humble Choice Premium or Classic customers will have access to the entire lineup.
You can select between Steam and Epic for the Control key (also valid for the gift link).
Control is the standard edition (does not include the DLCs and they are needed for 100% achievements).
Important info on how to create giveaways for Control:
Both the base game and the new package containing the DLCs are called "Ultimate Edition".
If you have a key from this bundle, use the search "870780" when creating a giveaway (or "Control Ultimate Edition", but from the list pick the entry with app/870780 and a *)
If you have a key from Keysora (or somewhere else) and you know that the key includes the DLCs, then search for "Control Ultimate Edition" when creating a giveaway, but from the list pick the entry with sub/275147, without an * and the image is missing)<- was temporarily (?) removed.There is no upgrade path to WWE 2K Battlegrounds Digital Deluxe (exclusive (?) costumes for three characters; the characters you otherwise unlock through gameplay).
The bundle contents were officially announced 1 week in advance.
Free DLCs to claim:
!addlicense ASF 322441,453219
If you already own Control Ultimate Ediition with DLCs included ({sub/275147/} (Store sub) or {sub/485381} (Control Retail (ROW)) you will still be able to activate the key received from this bundle {sub/543422/)} on top of that (wasting it in the process) because it contains one depot {depot/870782/} that is not present in the store / retail subs for the Ultimate edition.
๐ฎ Games:
Humble Original / Extras: Ruin Raiders - Unknown Menace
๐ธ Subscription + Bonuses
USD regions: In some regions of USA, a sale tax is applied (example).
Non-USD regions: regional pricing is a fixed amount for each region set by Humble. More info here.
๐ Note about referrals
SteamGifts by default modifies all,, links from all threads, adding the SteamGifts referral code. Whenever a user click or shares a link to one of the sites listed above, SteamGifts will earn a commission.
By using these reflinks, SteamGifts will receive $10 for new subscribers, 5% of Humble Store sales, 15% for bundles via the Humble Partner Program.
If you prefer, you can disable referral links from your settings panel.
๐ Informative links
Humble Choice FAQ
Official HB FAQ
Master thread of ongoing bundles!
๐ฐ Thanks to luckz for helping with the poll!
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