There's already Steamgifts++, why make yet another script?
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The enter button from the main page is the one abomination that will never be accepted into SG++.
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Those kind of things are one of the main reason I don't do many public giveaways anymore. If someone is lazy to the point of not opening the giveaway page and reading the description, then I don't want that person anywhere near my giveaways.
From now on, I will be asking a question in the description of any public giveaway I make and blacklist anyone who doesn't answer. Best way to weed out the script kiddies. This really make me wish they would add captchas for entering to get rid of all the scripters and botters.
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I could do AAA games giveaway and only place the links in the description of a bunch of bundle giveaways. :P
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i probably wouldn't see those due to having most bundled games, but at least that wouldn't get me blacklisted ;)
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That's the main issue. I am in the same situation where I'd miss the good ones if they were referenced that way.
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You have a point, however it's not a rule that people must read the descriptions, at least not yet.
In my opinion it should be if not enforced at least encouraged to actually read the descriptions! That could also make possible the gifting of region locked games... sigh
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ooh boy, hope i don't get blacklisted for being in a hurry. are you really going to take the time to compare the entire list of entrants with the comments?
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There are add-ons to do that. ;)
But I would clearly state it in large characters in the description just to be sure that anyone actually loading the page could not miss it. The idea is not to trick people.
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Its nice, a compatibility with the trade section would be awesome!
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Well, maybe a infinite scroll for the home, mark in blue the games on your wishlist or the ones in your want section in your trades, stuff like that.
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I guess it's useful when you're browsing randomly and not searching for a specific game
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I added infinite scrolling to my todo list. Highlighting wishlist games is not seems possible becouse when you create a trade you are write the game's name and not choose it (for example: Payday 2 could be Pay Day 2, pd2, etc) So the program won't know what the game exactly.
Comment has been collapsed. do this, you should talk with his dev
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It possible but if I do it it will be really slow. The script have to download every page. Currently have 611,977 trades. If every page loads in avarage 200ms(every page has 100 trades). You have to wait 611977/100*200=1223654ms (20min). After that the script have to sort them (another 5 minutes).
It possible if the site's owner make it(becouse He has all data locally) but not with a browser addon.
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Endless scrolling doesn't work in "new" and I can't access the ESG drop down menu. Using chrome(ium). But this does look pretty awesome overall, you clearly have experience with this sort of things. Would it be possible to hide entered giveaways?
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I very rarely change my mind so I don't mind opening a different page. On the other hand when I scroll through "All", I constantly see those 30 or so giveaways I've already entered and they're just a waste of space. Also it constantly tricks me into thinking those are new giveaways I haven't entered yet. At least consider adding it as an option, I think the other addon has it, because quite a few people requested it. What about that endless scrolling in new? Is it a bug?
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I think it's just shortcuts, no filtering capabilities
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He/she's only improving the site for those who install the addon, that means that only the site's owners could do something like that! I think it would be a nice addition, would help to give away region locked games too
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i disabled "Scrolltop button" but it's still there.
and what are these blue lines? i know that's something to do with header, because removing fixed header fixed it. maybe it's conflicting with sg++?
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Thanks for the fixes! The script is so much better after just a couple of days :] you can read one suggestion in an update I just wrote below
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After a week the script is better than ever! The highlighting was fixed and the option to read the descriptions is awesome, thank you very much for your work
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This looks pretty impressive, I'm going to try it out
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So I activate the script when I have too much points stacked and want to enter to the latest bundled games, it's pretty usefull the chances display along the infamous enter button!
Just 1 suggestion, I use another script to see a "Dark" Steamgifts since black is easier on the eyes, but on my 1st page of wishlist the GAs appear with a white background, on the 2nd page they turn back to "normal" black.
I find this rather odd, however if I deactivate the "Highligh wishlist items" option everything is good :]
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Thanks for writing and sharing the script. Two things: could you alter or remove the Wishlist highlight feature? (or make two versions of the scripts) It clashes with the dark theme I use. The other thing would be to change the "Miss" label with something like "Remove" or "Leave". "Miss" is not really the right word there.
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First time the button was bigger and I wanted to use a shorter word, but now I can change It. You can disable "Hightlight wishlist" feature here:
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Thanks for your reply. Ideally, I would like to keep Wishlist highlighting, but I would want it not to be white. For now I will disable it like you suggested, then maybe I will edit the script myself.
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I'm really liking it so far, thanks :) have an internet Teddy Graham ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ
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17,427 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by gonsi
This is an userscript. It gives you an ability to browse steamgifts faster and more comfortable. Check out the screenshots!!
Note: This script is no longer under active development! PR-s for bug fixes are welcome!
Please Bump! 😀
Steam Group
Bug Reporting
If you like it please donate:
Browser addons:
You have to install one of them before you install the script!
The userscript:
After you installed the browser addon that need for you. Just open THIS link and click on [Raw] button the browser will automatically offer you to install the script!
You can find the full change log at the top of the source code.
Final notes:
The script isn't under active development since i'm working on my first game I don't really wanna spend so much time on this project. Although I'm trying to do my best to keep it up to date. There some things that not contained by this script. Like features which request other pages when the page loads or manage a database in the background to keep the data fast and safe. I wont implement any feature like them in the feature for reason. I wanted to keep it as fast as possible. if you want features like this there is a lot of userscripts which can bring you them. Most if them also compatible with ESG. Small and creative feature requests and bug reports still welcome. Just keep in mind i might won't be able to implement them immediately.
Screenshots(2016. 05. 12. - Outdated):
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