GREAT! I am still use this great extension and change to this not complete sidebar was highly requested by me some time ago. Thank you for change.
Ps. But always remove this line from code "$(ga).find('.giveaway__row-inner-wrap').removeClass('is-faded');" as i like more faded entered giveaways. As when i enter i dont wat to focus on GA i already entered :). Hope i will find it in new code too :).
EDIT: I found more then 1 instance of it :). Removed this one from 1203 row. Thx:)
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Hi, after a fresh install, ESG is not working for me. The console error is:
Script error in [Greasemonkey script esg/Extended Steamgifts; version 2.4.5]:
ReferenceError: $ is not defined
Seems to me like ESG wants to use jQuery but it's not being loaded, any idea what's wrong? Thanks!
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Nevermind, I remembered this script only works with TamperMonkey, not with GreaseMonkey. You might want to update your post and recommend TamperMonkey for Firefox as well.
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Extended sg doesn't spam requests since 2.0 (from 2015, check changelog), the sidebar information taken from the bottom of the page, the pages only loaded when you scroll to the bottom, the points are updated every minute it should be fine. (there is a few more requests there but they all user interaction based)
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I disabled the endless scrolling, the points update, and, by now, the 429 message appears less times, much less times. I can stay as it by now ^_^
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Is there any way to put Discussions and Deals back on the bottom instead of the sidebar? I used to have it before, but don't know what I had changed to bring it back down. I formatted my PC and didn't save the settings.
If I disable "Active discussions in sidebar" the Discussions and Deals just disappear and there's a blank box on the bottom.
Edit: Never mind, it just simply fixed itself and went back to the bottom.
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I know it's kind of too late but the Enter All button was separated into a different script a while ago:
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honestly best, simple, easy tool for sg, enchanced and others are too complicated imo
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The same problem. And i know it is old extension but i really like it and it is one of few i am using (yes i know the alternative with many options but still prefer this with what i need only :) ). i guess it should by not so hard to repair if someone know what she is doing :). Hope someone will fix it :)
EDIT: Maybe a change from 3 years ago:
"2.4.5 (2019. 08. 01.)
Removed some commented code
Added deals to the sidebar
Handled timeout for the enter/remove button
Fixed some code errors"
Will help to find right section to fix as in this version deals was added ;)?
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As a totally "green" person I think this is a section to mess with ;): Starting from like 597 row of a code (at last for me as I have some changes to not remove grey out GA I already entered:)
EDIT: As far i see this part takes necessary variables and just build new string in c1 (and c2, c3 variable in similar way) and uses it too alter the web code. But i guess something changed in necesary variables or necessary code to show it in sidebar. But I never learned this language etc ;)).
//Active Discussions
if($(".homepage_heading:contains('Discussions')").length>0 && Number(GM_getValue("esg_autoscroll", 1))) {
if ($(".homepage_heading:contains('Discussions')").length && Number(GM_getValue("esg_discussions", 1))) {
var c1 = "";
$(".homepage_heading:contains('Discussions')").parent().find(".table").find(".tablerows").find(".tablerow-outer-wrap").each(function() {
var img = $(this).find(".table_image_avatar").css('background-image');
img = img.replace('url(', '').replace(')', '').replace('"', '').replace('"', '');
var otitle = $(this).find(".homepage_table_column_heading").text();
var url = $(this).find(".homepage_table_column_heading").attr("href");
var comments = $(this).find(".table__column__secondary-link").eq(0).text();
var owner = $(this).find(".table__column__secondary-link").eq(1).text();
var elapsed = $(this).find(".table__column__secondary-link").eq(0).closest("p").find("span").text();
var title = otitle;
c1 += '<li class="sidebar__navigation__itemz"> \
<a class="sidebar__navigation__item__link" href="' + url + '" title="' + otitle.replace(/\"/g,"'") + '" > \
<i class="global__image-outer-wrap global__image-outer-wrap--avatar-small"> \
<div class="global__image-inner-wrap" style="background-image:url(' + img + ');"></div></i> \
</div> \
<div class="sidebar__navigation__item__underline"> \
<div class="sidebarnavigationitemtitle" style="max-width:270px;white-space: nowrap;overflow:hidden">' + title + '</div> \
<i class="fa fa-comment" style="color:white;text-shadow:0px 1px #AAB5C6, 0px -1px #AAB5C6, 1px 0px #AAB5C6, -1px 0px #AAB5C6"></i> ' + comments + '<br>\
<span style="float:right" class="sidebarnavigationitemname"></span> \
Last post: ' + elapsed + ' ago by <span class="sidebarnavigationitemname">' + owner + '</span> \
</div> \
</a> \
$(".sidebarnavigation:last").after(' \
<h3 class="sidebarheading">Discussions</h3> \
<ul class="sidebarnavigation"> \
' + c1 + '\
<li class="sidebarnavigationitem"> \
<a class="sidebarnavigationitemlink" href="/discussions"> \
<div class="sidebarnavigationitemname">More discussions</div> \
<div class="sidebarnavigationitem__underline"></div> \
</a> \
</li> \
</ul> \
if ($(".homepage_heading:contains('Deals')").length && Number(GM_getValue("esg_discussions", 1))) {
var c3 = "";
$(".homepage_heading:contains('Deals')").parent().find(".table").find(".table__rows").find(".table__row-outer-wrap").each(function() {
var img = $(this).find(".table_image_avatar").css('background-image');
img = img.replace('url(', '').replace(')', '').replace('"', '').replace('"', '');
var otitle = $(this).find(".homepage_table_column_heading").text();
var url = $(this).find(".homepage_table_column_heading").attr("href");
var comments = $(this).find(".table__column__secondary-link").eq(0).text();
var owner = $(this).find(".table__column__secondary-link").eq(1).text();
var elapsed = $(this).find(".table__column__secondary-link").eq(0).closest("p").find("span").text();
var title = otitle;
c3 += '<li class="sidebar__navigation__itemz"> \
<a class="sidebar__navigation__item__link" href="' + url + '" title="' + otitle.replace(/\"/g,"'") + '" > \
<i class="global__image-outer-wrap global__image-outer-wrap--avatar-small"> \
<div class="global__image-inner-wrap" style="background-image:url(' + img + ');"></div></i> \
</div> \
<div class="sidebar__navigation__item__underline"> \
<div class="sidebarnavigationitemtitle" style="max-width:270px;white-space: nowrap;overflow:hidden">' + title + '</div> \
<i class="fa fa-comment" style="color:white;text-shadow:0px 1px #AAB5C6, 0px -1px #AAB5C6, 1px 0px #AAB5C6, -1px 0px #AAB5C6"></i> ' + comments + '<br>\
<span style="float:right" class="sidebarnavigationitemname"></span> \
Last post: ' + elapsed + ' ago by <span class="sidebarnavigationitemname">' + owner + '</span> \
</div> \
</a> \
$(".sidebarnavigation:last").after(' \
<h3 class="sidebarheading">Deals</h3> \
<ul class="sidebarnavigation"> \
' + c3 + '\
<li class="sidebarnavigationitem"> \
<a class="sidebarnavigationitemlink" href="/discussions/deals"> \
<div class="sidebarnavigationitemname">More deals</div> \
<div class="sidebarnavigationitem__underline"></div> \
</a> \
</li> \
</ul> \
if ($(".homepage_heading:contains('Community Poll')").length) {
var c2 = "";
var total_votes = 0;
$(".homepage_heading:contains('Community Poll')").parent().find(".poll")
.find(".table__rows").find(".table__row-outer-wrap").each(function() {
total_votes += Number($(this).attr("data-votes"));
$(".homepage_heading:contains('Community Poll')").parent().find(".poll")
.find(".table__rows").find(".table__row-outer-wrap").each(function() {
var img = $(this).find(".global__image-inner-wrap").css('background-image');
img = img.replace('url(', '').replace(')', '').replace('"', '').replace('"', '');
var title = $(this).find(".table__column__heading").text();
var votes = Number($(this).attr("data-votes"));
var id = $(this).attr("data-id");
var url = $(this).find('a').attr('href');
var form = $(this).find("form");
$(form).find('.poll__vote-button').css("padding", 0).addClass('poll__vote-button-sidebar');
form = $(form).html().replace("Voted", "").replace("Vote", "");
var percent = Math.round(votes / (total_votes > 0 ? total_votes : 1) * 10000) / 100;
c2 += '<li class="sidebar__navigation__itemz table__row-outer-wrap' + ($(this).hasClass("is-selected") ? ' is-selected' : ' not-selected') + '" data-id=' + $(this).attr("data-id") + ' data-votes=' + votes + '> \
<div class="sidebar__navigation__item__link" title="' + title + '"> \
'+ (img ?'<i class="global__image-outer-wrap global__image-outer-wrap--game-small"> \
<div class="global__image-inner-wrap" style="background-image:url(' + img + ');"></div></i>' : '')+' \
<div class="sidebarnavigationitemunderline"> \
<div class="sidebarnavigationitemtitle" style="width:150px;white-space: nowrap;overflow:hidden"><a target="_blank" href="' + url + '">' + title + '</a></div> \
' + votes + ' votes <br>' + percent + '%</div> <form>' + form + '</form> \
$(".sidebarnavigation:last").after(' \
<h3 class="sidebarheading">Community Poll</h3> \
<ul class="sidebar__navigation"> \
' + c2 + '\
</ul> \
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Change every instance of .homepage_heading
to .block_header
and you will be good to go.
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32 Comments - Last post 7 minutes ago by Gamy7
250 Comments - Last post 31 minutes ago by Zero224
795 Comments - Last post 2 hours ago by FranckCastle
364 Comments - Last post 2 hours ago by Zepy
44 Comments - Last post 3 hours ago by IronKnightAquila
107 Comments - Last post 4 hours ago by LosingMyEdge
94 Comments - Last post 5 hours ago by BarbaricGenie
188 Comments - Last post 4 minutes ago by wigglenose
132 Comments - Last post 8 minutes ago by f300
56 Comments - Last post 11 minutes ago by m0r1arty
9 Comments - Last post 11 minutes ago by Sh4dowKill
28 Comments - Last post 37 minutes ago by orono
531 Comments - Last post 41 minutes ago by Momo1991
598 Comments - Last post 47 minutes ago by Maskitopeludito
This is an userscript. It gives you an ability to browse steamgifts faster and more comfortable. Check out the screenshots!!
Note: This script is no longer under active development! PR-s for bug fixes are welcome!
Please Bump! 😀
Steam Group
Bug Reporting
If you like it please donate:
Browser addons:
You have to install one of them before you install the script!
The userscript:
After you installed the browser addon that need for you. Just open THIS link and click on [Raw] button the browser will automatically offer you to install the script!
You can find the full change log at the top of the source code.
Final notes:
The script isn't under active development since i'm working on my first game I don't really wanna spend so much time on this project. Although I'm trying to do my best to keep it up to date. There some things that not contained by this script. Like features which request other pages when the page loads or manage a database in the background to keep the data fast and safe. I wont implement any feature like them in the feature for reason. I wanted to keep it as fast as possible. if you want features like this there is a lot of userscripts which can bring you them. Most if them also compatible with ESG. Small and creative feature requests and bug reports still welcome. Just keep in mind i might won't be able to implement them immediately.
Screenshots(2016. 05. 12. - Outdated):
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