Aside from "whitelist recruitment" threads, I'm curious to see how do people decide to add others on their whitelist.

Since I'm new, I don't have that many people on mine. So far I've added some people I've interacted with, and some people who posted things that helped me/I found valuable.

How do you decide to add people to your whitelist?

Crappy dollar bundle GA ENDED
Crappy dollar bundle GA 2

5 years ago*

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Whitelists mean nothing.

Blacklists mean everything.

5 years ago

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You've got a point there.
Whitelisting is a choice for whom you want to give special stuff to.
Blacklisting can feel way more malicious since a person deliberately had to say "You specifically should never have access to my giveaways".

Personally, doesn't matter to me. I don't blacklist and I don't seek out whitelists or anything. But it's not new to see drama stem solely from someone blacklisting another.

5 years ago

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In most cases, blacklisting is more a way to say "I specifically want to never have access to your giveaways".

5 years ago

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Hmm, if you say so. Not sure why people used to blacklist then. The two-way addition is a relatively new one. Blacklisting was just as common before. I mean, I'm not saying that people don't do it for that reason. But I highly doubt people go out of their way to have less giveaways.

5 years ago

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I never said they understand what they doing) Two-way blacklists are there, but people seem to forget about it)

5 years ago

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I have to stop you there, because the 2-way BL was introduced to right a wrong and curb a lot of BL-drama that was going on.

How BL-ing used to work was that if I blacklisted someone, they could not enter my giveaways as they could not see them. They could therefore not comment or have any interaction with me. I however, could still enter theirs, comment, interact all I wanted to, and that was considered unfair by many.
There was also a lot of drama from people using this unfairness to their advantage by shitposting, trolling, and using generally bad commenting practices - and then immediately BL-ing their ''adversaries'' to not having to deal with the fallout from being a [insert favourite genital here].

The dual BL was then introduced, and it has cleaned up the many BL-drama discussion threads, it's made people think twice before BL:ing as it will make you lose access to the BL:d persons GA, and it makes people (at times, not always) think a little more about how they comment to each other as escalating word wars usually have the effect of more than one person being/doing blacklisting - people around here tend to ''listen in'' and choose a side.

Is the system absolutely perfect to everyone's complete satisfaction? Probably not.
But I'll argue any day that for the vast majority it's made SG a much better, cleaner, and calmer site.

5 years ago

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Well said.
Lots of people have blacklisted me. Their loss, not mine.
And if I never do whitelist-only giveaways, theres no point in me having a whitelist.

5 years ago

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Nope, no point at all.

5 years ago*

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No i was meaning for me maintaining a WL. I like to keep my giveaways simple :)

5 years ago

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Ahaaa, read to fast for my own good.
There, fixed!

5 years ago

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Hey, I never said mutual BL is bad. No need to persuade me.

5 years ago

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5 years ago

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Well. do not know.
However, those who "provide a topic on something that people in other countries don't know" will be preferred.
I have heard that others say that "Won: Send" prefers to be nearly equal.

If there are a few comments, you will feel that you can communicate and be trusted.
For example, if you are a Turkish merchant, you may "talk with tea" in the store to speak more slowly?(o'ω')🍵☕('Θ'o)
I feel that there is an element similar to that.

The easy thing is to say "Thank you firmly."
There are a lot of people who do "appropriate response" when one does not say even if we win.

I hope you have a great day.d(・Θ・。)

5 years ago

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The white list says that you definitely will not give the game to bots.
The blacklist says that you have already given the game to one of the bots and you do not want him to win your game again.

I add to the white list of people who gave a lot to the community, but won little.

5 years ago

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That's not completely true, it's known even high levels use bots, if one would whitelist one of those..
Or there are just as many human leechers without bots, some would just blacklist the same.

5 years ago

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The blacklist says that you have already given the game to one of the bots and you do not want him to win your game again.

I can definitely see how this would be a good way to use the blacklist!

5 years ago

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How does one know an account is a bot?

5 years ago

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A huge number of giveaways, which entered the user.
For example, an account is 3 months old, and it has already entered 10,000 hands.

5 years ago

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Ok, so hypothetically, what if the person using the bot plays the games that he wins, does it make the bot account bad?
Like would i really be able to judge that the account was legitimate just bases on the amount of giveaways they enter?

I know, a lot of us dont always get around to playing our wins, regardless of how many we win. :)

5 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

5 years ago

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how do you know that's a bot account? I've had a lot of people not thank me for won gifts, and I bet you most of them weren't bot accounts.

5 years ago

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You can see the bot script for SG, to better understand who is who.

5 years ago

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Ah, so basically you don't believe anyone should use bots. Sounds like a plan, I'll use that on everyone.

5 years ago

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Using a bot is against the site's guidelines:

  • Scripts should not be used to automatically enter into giveaways. This includes scripts that enter multiple giveaways at once, or scripts that enter giveaways while you are away.
5 years ago

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So, then you're saying you guys aren't moderating things very well? :)

i already know that bots are not supposed to be used, but by ShamanSzone's assumptions, I get a LOT of bot-entered winners. And so by the same token, I CAN'T assume they are [bot accounts], if you guys are doing your job.

5 years ago

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

5 years ago

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Welcome to SG! I hope you really enjoy it here!

How people whitelist varies from person to person and time to time. A WL serves as both a reminder (Oh, yeah, I liked this person!--Even more so if you have ESGST turned on and WL'd people tagged or highlghted) and as an elite group. As such, I cannot tell you all the reasons people have, but I can tell you of some.

Reasons that I can find sufficient to WL (especially if more than one of them is true) include the following:

  • Being among my Good Friends (IRL or internet)
  • Being very helpful, kind, caring, etc to me (or to others).
  • Being an all-around nice and courteous person (realizing that of course yes, we all can get ticked off and say something we later regret, but hopefully these occasions are rare and overall we are of a calm and pleasant demeanor).
  • Funny
  • An outstanding ratio of games or value sent vs won, especially if the user in question has not won very much.
  • As a way of saying "thank you" for a favor done freely, without expecting anything in return,
  • For the sake of Auld Lang Syne and good times we have had together, even if we have now gone our separate ways (for the most part, anyway).
  • For being someone who I see as being unfairly picked upon by trolls (or otherwise unpleasant people/people having an unpleasant moment) for a statement they said or an action they did which was not immediately popular with those heaping scorn, insults, etc. This goes double if I agree with the statement or action in question.
  • Being among my favorite people.
  • As an unsought, unasked for "thanks" for being WL'd.
  • In order to get five entries for a WL-only or WL-plus-group giveaway which acquired far fewer entries than I had anticipated. (There is even a whole thread dedicated to the same)
  • Because they asked nicely, I'd had previous positive interactions with them on discord, steam, or especially SG (or recognize them as having had nice interactions with others), and I felt generous.
  • Because, for some other quantifiable or unquantifiable reason, I decided to.

I hope this list is of some help to you!

Thank you very much for your generosity, even though I am not entering this one (I already own it).

5 years ago*

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this is a really good list =P

5 years ago

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Thanks. :D
I have accumulated these reasons over time, and have adapted the ideas of others.

5 years ago

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Yeah, this is a good list! Thank you for your lengthy response =)
Also, I am enkoying SG so far! I've found this site to be an engaging place and it has a really nice community =)
(As far as I saw at least.)

5 years ago

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You're quite welcome! I forgot to add that the chances of my WL someone are higher if more than one of those things is true, but I'm at times going to WL for only one of those reasons.

I'm really glad that you are enjoying it here, and hope your experience remains good!

5 years ago

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Good points :)

5 years ago

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For some reasons I don’t often do public gibs
So I’d whitelist below SGers cuz I hope they could have chance to win sth from me 🍀

  1. In my friend list cuz I like them 💕
  2. Random creators when I join their public gibs 💝
  3. Who posted interesting threads or comments in Discussion channel like puzzles 🧩

P.S. I have a 900+ whitelist and I update the list frequently, so I never ask for blue heart or promise to do whitelist for whitelist 🎃

5 years ago*

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Isn't it a bit hard to keep track of a 900+ WL? o.O I'm amazed =D

5 years ago

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I updated the list every now and then
There’re quite a lot SG tools to help you manage :3

5 years ago

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Oh, that makes sense. =) I havent checked the tools yet, so I don’t know much about those.

5 years ago

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Simple. If I'd want to spend some time with people I put them onto my whitelist. If I'd avoid to spend time with them, they are candidates for the blacklist.

5 years ago

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So you add people even if you've never interacted with them personally?

5 years ago

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Why would that be necessary? I don't judge everyone after all. But if some people leave a remarkably good or bad impression, you naturally decide if you like them or not. For most people it requires some time, with some few it happens pretty much instantly.

5 years ago

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Yes, that's true. I just asked to make sure I understood you correctly =) Thanks for clearing it up!

5 years ago

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Nate's whitelist reasons:

 • Level 5+. (Not achieved mainly by 1$ bundles)
 • Lots of public / open groups GA's. (Recent too)
 • Don't have too many region restricted GA's. (In %)
 • Have and maintain a ratio greater than 1.337 1.10 (Real CV)
 • Average GA length, 24 hrs or more. (One world =/= one time zone)

5 years ago

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All those from whom I have won a game, except for errors or omissions, are on my white list.

Also those that when I have opened a thread have participated in a useful way or have been kind or funny

Also those who have done the above in other people's threads.

Finally, some people who have said something or done something worth mentioning, in my twisted scale of values. (I basically add them because XDDDDDD)

As my list is short, it is my wish that it be so, when it reaches 70 people I erase those people who do not remember who they are or who I think I have already fulfilled "my obligation" to give them the opportunity to earn something. Some I delete immediately after winning something of mine.

5 years ago

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  1. Not being a douche-bag.
  2. See number 1.
5 years ago

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To the point, definitely =D

5 years ago

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What about #3? Is it:
3. See number 2? 😎 💙

5 years ago

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I'm not ambitious enough for three whole rules.

5 years ago

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Ah, well. Thanks anyway. :-)

5 years ago

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- be nice on sg
- play your wins
- reply to whitelist giveaways
- don't ally with the enemy ^^

5 years ago

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What if you're the enemy? 😉

5 years ago

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How do we know who is the enemy? Is it the bot army? Or someone more... sinister? =D

5 years ago

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in general nice people, from here, steam, discord, games with good sg stats

5 years ago

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I whitelist if someone wins a game and says thank you, or if I win a game from them (I always say thank you).
I will usually save my nicer giveaways for whitelist only. That way I know those special gems will be going to someone who will appreciate them.

I only blacklist people who don't redeem games they've won.

“It is only with gratitude that life becomes rich.”
— Deitrich Bonheiffer

5 years ago

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Oh, it's a train

5 years ago

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5 years ago

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Happy cake-day!

5 years ago

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Happy cake day =)

5 years ago

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Happy cake day Alclaw :-)

5 years ago

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THX Guys here is a small train chu chu

5 years ago

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I tend to focus on certain factors whether they are active on the forums and promote/contribute to the community in a positive way, stats/ratio/games given to some extent, whether they are helpful on the forums especially when people ask for/need help, if they're funny although this can be hard to read sometimes etc.

Its your whitelist so you can put who you want on it for any reason you wish.

Looking at the people responding to your thread, I am pretty sure even without checking them that most are already on it.

5 years ago

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I have a long list of whitelisted people, which were chosen with the following idea in mind - "If you're an active, friendly member of this community, I've most likely whitelisted you". These days though, I don't update the list anymore, mainly because of my lack of SG activity outside of obligatory ratio-based group giveaways. I even ended up having some whitelisted people blacklist me, still not sure why, and I personally feel no bitterness against them (although I have to admit it kinda made me sad when I realized it), so I never removed them from my whitelist. :D

As for blacklists, I like to believe I use it "wisely" only towards people who are exceedingly rude, racist/discriminatory and disrespectful, or people who willingly break the website rules (while fully aware that what they are doing is wrong). In general, you have to do something so damn bad I wouldn't feel comfortable giving you something if you happened to win my giveaway. That's quite the exploit, especially when my blacklist counts 27 users (opposed to my 276 whitelisted). None of these are active users nowadays and most are banned now.

My preferences aside, whitelisting/blacklisting is a choice entirely up to the user. Some people will blacklist you for your ratio, opinion, attitude, putting pineapple on pizza, or liking k-pop (I don't blame them... just kidding, just kidding!). They'll whitelist you for being nice, funny, entertaining, having been whitelisted, ratio, giveaways, or even putting pineapple on your pizza (ALRIGHT WHO'S THE MONSTER??).

Point is... don't let others tell you how, where and when to use your ability to whitelist/blacklist. The whitelist feature is an especially useful tool to use when you need to create giveaways for a "group", without having to invite everyone to a Steam group. The blacklist could be even used practically as part of an event etc, to prevent "eliminated" users from entering the giveaways, etc. These two can be used in many ways, and how you decide to use them is up to you.

5 years ago

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putting pineapple on pizza, or liking k-pop

Pineapple on pizza was a conversation topic a few weeks back if I'm not wrong =D

I'm not looking for how to use it actually, I'm just curious to see how others have chosen to use theirs! =) Everyone has a different way to do it, so it's very interesting to me.

Thanks for your lengthy response =)

5 years ago

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Good to see you around, still, even if you're less active these days. It is always nice to recognize a friendly username.

Is this pineapple fresh or cooked? Some folks are allergic to fresh pineapple. 🤔

Thank you for the excellent points, especially the fourth paragraph. I learned something today (the bit about temporarily using the BL to eliminate folks from the next stage of a contest).

5 years ago

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Yeah, I lurk on a daily basis... just mostly silently.

Wait, people make pineapple pizza with raw pineapple?

Regarding using blacklists as a "tool", you do have to keep in mind though that you'll have to suffer the consequences of doing so through two-way blacklists, which also has a cooldown up to a week after you remove the user from the blacklist. It shouldn't be a major drawback, but still worth keeping in mind.

5 years ago

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Ah. :D

I don't know if they do, but as one where some "gently cooked" veggies are still too raw for me, I imagine there might be someone, somewhere who finds the pineapple on a pizza to be to raw.

Hmm. Yes. That is definitely a good point to keep in mind. Thanks again!

5 years ago

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I ate pineapple pizza once, and it felt like the pineapple was raw, but I dont have any other cooked pineapple experience to compare lol

5 years ago

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I even ended up having some whitelisted people blacklist me.

I don't know if I am one of them, but i know i used to blacklist people if they won and they only did group giveaways (along with other factors).

5 years ago

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Not that I know of, no.
But it could be for a similar reason now that you mention it, although I have reason to believe it might be otherwise. Eh, who knows?

5 years ago

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I am not really active anymore but when i used to use whitelist it's for people whom i enjoyed interacting with and i know they will care about the game if they would win. Because mostly i had created the games i have enjoyed or well recieved reviews for my whitelist.

5 years ago

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That is a very good way to do it =)

5 years ago

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i mostly whitelis activet ppl with a good ratio and lots of public giveaways and if they are active in forums.

5 years ago

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i can add a person to my BL/WL on a whim(ratio after winning from me, having a conversation with them, reading their comments, seeing threads they open, heck even their profile picture).
guess what, that's the same for everyone.
if it matters to you, you will get BL for opening threads, you will get BL for making GA's, you will get BL for breathing, and you will get WL for the same reasons, just be a good person, try to help the community, and sooner or later you will get your WL's in addition.

5 years ago

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you will get BL for making GA's

I wouldn't believe that if I didn't get some BL for that.

5 years ago

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as a matter of fact, there are various reasons for getting a BL, you setting SGTools that didn't allow entry, you commenting in the description of the GA, you setting a level too high, you saying that it's a bundle so if they own 2/3 of the items they are not allowed to enter, heck even someone NOT winning the GA after participating can BL you.

5 years ago

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heck even someone NOT winning the GA after participating can BL you.

I'm impressed with that, like, "Is that even possible!?"

Well, I think BL it's a loss. You only block a possibility if winning something. The other GA participants will be more happy with less competition, that's for sure.

5 years ago

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i've seen someone blacklisting someone that just whitelisted him because he didn't want to be on his whitelist xd, for rlz.

5 years ago

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"Such is the fate of mortals". =P

5 years ago

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and i say 1 thing about that, who gives a fk xd, today i have around 100 BL and 300 WL, not because i've made an effort to get WL, heck i even blacklisted some people because i felt like it.

5 years ago

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I'm trying to add to my whitelist people who, in my opinion, make SG a better place.

5 years ago

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I dont really bother with whitelist giveaways so I only have 49. Out of those people they are typically people I've talked to or respect. The rest would be people that have whitelisted me that I think deserve a whitelist back. I wouldn't personally do a wl thread since damn do those people get so many comments but hey it certainly gets all the people together

5 years ago

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I'm more curious to know why on earth some people have whitelisted me. No complaining tho

5 years ago

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So if someone blacklists you does that mean they also can't enter giveaways made by the person they blacklisted ?

Coz that would be uncool
,someone who takes things so seriously that they don't want you entering their giveaways but they can still enter yours.

5 years ago

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Blacklists work both ways.

From the FAQ:
It's important to note that blacklists work two-ways. If you blacklist a user, you will also no longer see their giveaways on the homepage, and you will not be able to view or enter their giveaways.

5 years ago

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I tend to whitelist anyone that participated in any of my karaoke threads, other then that I use as people on my steam friends list are a good place to start

5 years ago

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I don't sing, Instead, I squeak, hack, or make a sound similar to a "stuck pig" (whatever that sounds like).

5 years ago

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I'd like a tit-4-tat button :)
Wouldn't have to show any names.
Just a pop-up notification ,"You have just been blacklisted ,do you wish to blacklist back ?" :)

Why not ? Makes sense to me ,if you have to take a site down this blacklisting road.

5 years ago

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after User1 blacklists User2:
User2 can't enter giveaways from User1
User1 can't enter giveaways from User2

blacklisting is mutual

5 years ago

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Ah ok, thanks .

Shame it's allowed to exist at all ,imho.
It just promotes the worst of human behaviour and draws us all in to responding in a similar way.
If you wanna raffle a game key ,just do it .
Anything else should be left to the site admin.

5 years ago

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Oh found someone on my blacklist who has me blacklisted. Sure its mutual if only 1 does the bl but all they need to do is unblacklist and bam they can enter again after a week or straight away im assuming if you did it. Considering they bl you, all this time you mightve never known and suddenly they get to enter your stuff again when you never could before
Never came across someone whos bl me even during all those community trains but it would make the things quicker by like a couple of seconds. Everyone loves shortcuts

5 years ago

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I can't remember why or when i did the one's i did.
I think it was a while back when i first noticed certain members where getting busy with their blacklisting after
some conversation i was involved in ,which is just pathetic.
Like i said ,the worst of human behaviour .

I hate the fact that i allowed myself to be drawn into it but it does seem to be a common thing here .
I wasn't aware of of some of the more detailed aspects of this site when i first joined.
Thought it was nothing more than an open giveaway site ,sadly there also seems to be stuff going on that ultimately i wouldn't want to be a part of.
I think it's just when these conversations start up once in a blue moon that the normal folk get reminded of the cloak and dagger stuff :) .
It just leaves a bad taste all round .

Anyway ,i do my best to ignore all that and enjoy the nice bits.

5 years ago

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Yeah blacklisting isnt the greatest. Its why i have cracked down and removed a bunch which i thought didnt really deserve to be on it. So now I only bl people who won a game multiple times or didnt activate a win. I do totally get the whole overall effect with this. I know I always have it in my mind like oh will i come across another person whos broken the rules or whatever else goes on around here. When these kind of posts pop up though its like yep now everyone else is to. Frankly when I actually read this post I just paid attention to the whitelist side of it since there's no mention of bl anywhere. That all came from even the 1st comment. You cant have 1 without the other

5 years ago

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Yeh i think i'll do the same and think very carefully before doing something like that in the future.
Really it should only be for extreme cases like confirmed bots or someone being really very nasty ,which rarely happens.
Not for a conversational disagreement ,it's just silly.

But really ,even in those cases it should be ADMIN/MODS who take care of stuff like that with site bans.

I used to do it by mistake when trying to click on the steam profile button :)

Do you have to undo each individually or is there a one-click option to clear blacklisted ?

5 years ago*

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Oh ive blacklisted people a plenty when clicking on other stuff. Would aleays happen when i needed to go on a giveaway and then i cant see it because of the timer.

For an overall clear i cant confirm if there is or not. There might be an add on that lets you do it but ive never gone searching to see if there is or not

5 years ago

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Ah ok ,i'll have a look and see what i can find ,thanks for the info !

5 years ago

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