Halo wars looks good,mi dont have an xbox so i dont know, FPS fanboys hate it, then again they are fan boys, you cant trust them with anything
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The "not as in depht as others" is the exact phrase. It cant, not with a control.
The game was made as an RTS, but i doubt it has any 'real time' (as in reaction time i mean) in it.
I mean, i like the concept, but any pre 2000 rts is way more playable and has more depht than this game.
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I disagree, an HD port of 1 to 2 generations old games is not really in the realm of a system seller title. In this case for example, that could be an entirely NEW Halo game. A title like this usually fits in the category of "filler" titles used to bulk up early launch year libraries when not many games are yet available for a system. There is some possibility it may receive a Windows port in the future too I think.
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LOL did you just delete and retype the exact same comment to hide the people disagreeing with you?
It's been mentioned, but Halo moves consoles. This is a collection of 1-2-3-4, with multiplayer that supports all the maps at once. There's some more tweaking done to the campaign and story as well. That's a filler? I've already mentioned it might happen farther down the line.
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It's not about convincing PC gamers to want Halo 5. It's about keeping console exclusivity and not taking away from console sales. People who have ignored the previous Halo games for this long aren't going to go out and buy a console for Halo 5 just because they have a collection of the older games to play with now. If people want to play the games, they've already gotten an xbox.
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"Also, no fanboy comments pls."
Isn't that essentially what this petition is about?
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Hmmm... I detect a troll. Halo, unlike CoD, doesn't rehash the same concept over and over again. Its never been nearly as competitive as CoD, either. The storylines are moving, the artwork is beautiful, and as an fps, it was truly revolutionary.
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Your last sentence was the only part of your comment that is right, minus the last bit. The Halo games were all very generic feeling, incredibly similar in design, and none of the games introduced very new, innovative or divergent concepts, gameplay mechanics, weapons, enemies, enemy behaviour, or anything else between titles. Each game added a bit of new content in the form of new weapons or enemy types, but nothing incredibly different from previous iterations. There was also nothing revolutionary about the games compared to other FPSes of the time, nor did Halo introduce anything new to the FPS scene as a whole. Also, to say it's never been as competitive as the CoD scene is utterly ridiculous. Have you never experienced the Halo 2 online scene? Yes, the CoD scene has more annoying little assholes spouting ludicrously offensive and ridiculous profanities all the damn time like it's a meta-game they play while playing the game, but that doesn't equate to "more competitive".
The storyline, theming, presentation, artwork etc were indeed quite good, but don't give credit where it ain't due.
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I was talking solely about the content of the game, not its mechanics or gameplay. The story still rests in my mind, that first time I played Halo: Combat Evolved, I fell in love with the fps genre. Before that, all the fps games out there were cheesy, unemotional glore-fests. The revolutionary aspect of Halo was that it didn't simply exist to shoot people in the brain. It was a masterful story, rich and powerful and fulfilling. Few games have done as Halo did, and few ever will.
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I was simply replying to "Halo .. doesn't rehash the same concept over and over again" - yes, yes, it does - and "as an fps, it was truly revolutionary" - no, it wasn't revolutionary as an FPS. "FPS" is a game genre, so if you say it is revolutionary as an FPS, your comment seems to be saying it was revolutionary in general. If you were specifically thinking about it being revolutionary in one or more specific aspects of its' design, you should have said so.
As far as saying it was revolutionary in its' emphasis on story-driven gameplay? Whoa there. Halo got released in 2001. By then, there had been the release of a quite story-driven FPS game already - Half-Life. That game was revolutionary in that aspect. It had a deep, engaging storyline and made you feel you were part of a bigger narrative (which had also already been written for it by Mark Laidlaw). Many people - myself included - had their first experience of real engagement in an FPS and its' story, along with the feeling of desolation, loneliness and terror that inspired, playing Half-Life. As IGN said quite nicely - "When you look at the history of first-person shooters, it all breaks down pretty cleanly into pre-Half-Life and post-Half-Life eras."
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Halo is different every iteration. Sometimes, much of the game revolves around space zombies. Sometimes its pushing into enemy territory. Its always different, and unlike CoD, the game doesn't ask you to kill generic Russians or Arabs. There is content to the games.
The game was revolutionary because it was a polished, multiplayer enabled, futuristic fps with new weapon designs and concepts. Gone were the days of M4s and M16s from modern shooters. Now we had covenant weapons with strange new ammo mechanics, and grenades that stuck to enemies when thrown. Claiming that the game brought in few new gameplay elements is false. Regardless of how you feel about later games in the series, Halo: Combat Evolved was one of the first of its kind, with later, also very good titles, including Crysis, BioShock, Killzone, etc.
"As an fps" refers to its status within the fps genre.
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The game makes you kill generic covenants, midgets and some generic big guys. Any game cant introduce a single enemy, they kinda have to be generic, the boss behind them, well, thats another story.
Sticky grenades? Really? Thats your argument? Every FPS has to make weapons according to the period or type of story they are at. If you make a medieval game, shield and sword (thief/etc). If you are in a magical world and you are a sorcerer, probably a staff or a magic orb. Futuristic? Yeah, you need railguns, rockets, stealth, teleport. There is nothing new in halo in that aspect. It is iconic on it, but not different than the BFG, the mario fireball, the hadouken or the gravity gun of half life.
Having said that, probably the only thing that halo brought to the table were the vehicles.
To be honest, the game is very well designed, but it was designed specifically for consoles, very slow paced, focused in very closed combats.
There is a very specific reason that there is no cross platform gaming, try to play COD4 on a pc but with a controller and you will realize why halo was succesful.
Releasing it on pc hmmm.....
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I'm not arguing for it to com to PC. Its a wonderful console game, and it should stay there.
The sticky grenades, the new gun mechanics (reload times and firing times aren't similar for every weapon) and the vehicles are what made the game special.
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Are you kidding me? Go play the Original MOH. You will see that the ally grenades and german grenades were different. The rifle and the rocket launcher have different mechanics and firing times to the pistol.
Go play The original Unreal Tournament. Each weapon was different and had
different reload time.
I could go on and on for a while. Again, the grenade is an iconic thing from the game. The vehicles were "innovation" (in multiplayer at least) --Edit-- Mechwarrior 1 and 2 were released before halo, so technically, not that new.
The only thing special of that game is that it was the first FPS designed and launched specifically for consoles.
Maybe you are just younger and did not see previous games, but you are missing a bigger picture.
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All the things you said, Half-life already had done. Ever hear of Snarks? Or the Hornet gun? Or the underslung grenade launcher for the machine gun? Or the gauss rifle? Or the gluon gun? Those were all very creative, new weapon ideas. They were revolutionary, as they changed gameplay significantly.
HL had very popular deathmatch. Before Halo ever came out, me and a friend had already burned a CD with around 740 multiplayer maps on it that we used to play in a LAN with 4 guys at his place, all the time. Oh and we also were using custom models people had made, and had something like 100 character models we'd use. Then there's the bots we downloaded and scripted paths and behaviour for ourselves, like Jumbot. Not that Unreal Tournament didn't have huge online MP going on before Halo came out, the year after HL came out, too.
Comparing to the lowest common denomintor - military-themed shooters like CoD - doesn't aid your argument, nor does it magically make games that introduced all the things you claim made Halo "revolutionary" go away.
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Half-life had an entirely different style. I'm not denying its revolutionary qualities- it may be more novel than Halo- but I am claiming that Halo: Combat Evolved was also new and a fresh taste for the industry.
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What does the style of Half-Life have to do with invalidating it as a game that innovated and brought elements to videogames and FPSes specifically that you claim Halo was the first to have come up with? -_-
There was nothing unique, innovative, new or fresh about Halo. I just replied to Alientcp with 3 other console shooters that came out before Halo. And yet another set of games it is, with storyline, unique and interesting weapon ideas, and hugely popular multiplayer. Give it up man. You might have loved Halo, and sure, it had its' merits, but to claim it was in any way whatsoever innovative or revolutionary as a game or specifically an FPS is simply incorrect, plain and simple. It built upon foundations laid by other games, and had only one element unique to the game that stood out as somewhat innovative - vehicles. Although, those weren't that huge a part of the game, being used only in short linear parts of the campaign. They were only a significant game changer in multiplayer, changing gameplay up a bit.
But then, there was also Battlezone (1998), which had vehicles, too, as well as its' sequel, Battlezone II: Combat Commander, which came out in 1999. Although the style of gameplay was different, and the games were more first person RTS's with vehicles, they can still be considered as innovating use of vehicles in FPSes, though Halo's nippy Warthogs and Ghosts were, of course, somewhat more advanced in how smoothly they played.
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Limited weapon loadout: Only two at a time, plus grenades. Most games either had a limited weapon selection or allowed you to have 10+ guns at the same time.
Hybrid health system: As far as I know, no other game had a two part system like Halo, with rechargeable shields and a health bar.
Large, open areas: admittedly, there really was only one way to do anything. But games didn't do that visually before Halo.
Custom controls: 'Nuff said. All console games need this.
Custom multiplayer, focus on combat gameplay over fetch quests that were too common in the industry, later: Forge, different dual-wield weapons, etc. Also, one-button grenades, best AI of its time, and massive scale.
Come on man, the list goes on. The game was innovative.
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Also, doesn't something that collects multiple concepts and improves upon them deserve to be called innovative? The definition of an invention is "something novel created by an act of genius or an improvement similarly created." Halo undeniably fits the second part, and I believe that it also introduced many of its own creations.
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No,fuck you guys. Microsoft needs to stick with their exclusives,otherwise they won't have any customers for the Xbox. Playstation has Uncharted,Killzone,Ratchet and Clank,all of those. What does Xbox have? Only Halo and Gears of War. They need to stick with their exclusive franchise. The ONLY Halo games that should be on PC at all is Halo 1 and 2,and that's a big maybe. If Microsoft sells out Halo on PC,there won't be an Xbox anymore
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Who on earth would want an Xbox? We're Master Race for a reason, and that reason isn't the Kinect.
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"No,fuck you guys. Microsoft needs to stick with their exclusives,otherwise they won't have any customers for the Xbox."
You're an idiot.
Xbox exclusives have been on PC they didn't make the Xbox or the 360 unprofitable.
"What does Xbox have? Only Halo and Gears of War."
You honestly have no idea what you are talking about, please stop.
" If Microsoft sells out Halo on PC,there won't be an Xbox anymore"
Citation needed.
This post just shows how little and wrong you are when it comes to gaming.
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Firstly, someone whose English is as faulty as yours should not walk around spewing such trash at others, illiterate underling.
Secondly, those are your assumptions. While you stated those consoles as discontinued, it was stated (note the present tense) that "if Microsoft sells out Halo on PC, there won't be an XBox anymore".
Now, since there already IS an Xbox (which is almost antique by now) and there is already a PC version of at least one Halo title, there is no selling out anymore. Plus, Halo was never intended to be exclusive, which supports the argument of M$ clinging onto their product to boost their console's market value.
I for one still support the argument of the Microsoft console ecosystem lacking exclusives as an incentive to get one of their consoles (which you contradicted in a typically childish way) and M$ holding onto the last remaining arguments for future console sales, while you may or may not keep rambling about your lack of genitals.
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"Firstly, someone whose English is as faulty as yours should not walk around spewing such trash at others, illiterate underling."
Oh look someone recently got a thesaurus.
Do you actually think you sound smart like this? You sound like a neckbeard.
"Now, since there already IS an Xbox (which is almost antique by now) and there is already a PC version of at least one Halo title, there is no selling out anymore."
Again you need to improve your English. Moondra was talking about the Xbox line of consoles not the very first Xbox.
"Halo was never intended to be exclusive"
It doesn't matter if it was never intended to be an exclusive since it is an exclusive.
"I for one"
Ugh, more neckbeard talk
"support the argument of the Microsoft console ecosystem lacking exclusives as an incentive to get one of their consoles and M$ holding onto the last remaining arguments for future console sales"
Despite what Moondra said (P.S. - He isn't one of the forum's brightest posters) there are more exclusives than just Halo and Gears of War, hell Microsoft has announce a few since the Xbox One has launched.
And here's a another thing you might not know, most people who play games on PC use Windows which is an operation system developed (and owned) by Microsoft!
Phil Spencer has said that he wants " to bring back our Windows gaming focus" and what better way put their best franchise on the PC?
This petition isn't to bring all their Xbox exclusives to PC, just one game.
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"You keep assuming things and based on assumptions call out others."
No, I brought up their past exclusives as proof that the console can still be successful despite being on PC which was Moondra's argument.
"Neckbeardo. Raging fanboy can't grasp his favorite failure has never been and never will be an exclusive to his buttpole of a console."
I really have no idea what this means, but seeing how you don't have anything else to add as to why I'm wrong it seems the debate is over.
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Ah the classic "I've been proven wrong and have to resort to insults" technique.
You sound grumpy, why not play some games and cheer yourself up? Life can be a beautiful thing if you focus on the positives. Should note I'm no expert in this subject, but I don't think insulting people online and getting worked up on a silly debate is healthy.
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"Pretty funny considering you did nothing but insult"
So when someone tells you to not be grumpy your defense is to point back? Okay, if you're okay with yourself I guess that's what matters the most.
"lacking any actual arguments."
Oh boy, you still think you're right?
My point was that the PC has had Xbox exclusives that didn't kill the Xbox brand.
You asked for a list, I gave you a list that (that excluded the indies).
Then I linked to a tweet where Phil Spencer who's in charge of the Xbox division said that he wanted to Microsoft to get back into the PC gaming scene.
You brought no proof as to why you were right, all you did was bring opinions which don't mean a thing in a debate.
And said "Neckbeardo. Raging fanboy can't grasp his favorite failure has never been and never will be an exclusive to his buttpole of a console."
Which makes little to no sense because your English is that poor.
So apparently I'm a fanboy and I'm assuming my favorite failure has to be Halo and the buttpole of a console has to be the Xbone?
But Halo is an Xbox exclusive so that makes no sense and I don't really know how I'm a fanboy despite not owning any halo games, and I don't even own a Xbone.
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Sorry, kid, but I won't bother talking to third graders who can not even grasp a sentence that contains more than three words.
Read the shit you talk and then choke on it. If that doesn't do it, Halo is no exclusive, never was, never will be. Have a bucket for your tear, fanboy.
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Fable(steam), Fable 3(steam), State of decay(steam), Halo 2(GFWL so no worky) and Alan Wake(steam) are all on pc.
so the basic thing is don't believe everything you read on the internet
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Seeing as though a large majority of Halo fans / players are console gamers (almost) exclusively, your comment is wrong. Releasing the games on PC wouldn't result in a lot of lost sales for XBONE, at all. They would still be separate markets with a separate pool of potential customers.
As for "What does Xbox have? Only Halo and Gears of War." Umm, lol. I'm a PC gamer who doesn't even care that much about consoles anymore these days, and has never owned any Playstation console, nor any XBOX console, and even I know how insanely, ridiculously wrong and idiotic a thing to say that is. Not only nowadays, but in the past with the X360, too. As for nowadays / XBONE? Guess you haven't watched any of the E3 streams, huh? If you don't know what you're talking about, might as well just omit posting..
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Dude wtf its all about TV now, Xbox is a new cable box!
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Which self-respecting PC gamer would give a flying fuck about Halo?
It's a sub-par series that would've had no right of existence on our master platform.
And I'm not even trolling.
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+1. I fucking hate that shit. Greenlight needs to be scrapped for this reason.
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I can't really understand why most people commenting on this thread are hating this idea and not respecting someone's opinion. :l
Wait, I forgot, this is the internet.
Anyways, I'd love to have Halo on PC, Halo 3 is the only reason I got a Xbox 360. While it was good, I'd rather not buy an underpowered 500€ box to play just one game series again.
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Umm, lol. I'd say more like a good year, at an absolute, absolute minimum.
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i like how master chief himself is supporting this petition
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... yawn... each age has its own silly people(and not people too):
In truth most of times guys who are saying "master race" are just fat, ugly nerds... meaning = far from being master at anything... sad but true.
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Master of fat, have some damn respect for the fat race!(Warning, no racing unless its food contest).
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Oh... I didn't think about it (o.O)
well... good enough.... I guess
I don't know why people can't just be happy that they have choice? That they can pick Playstation, XBONE, Nintendo or PC? No... because "PC master race" how stupid is that? If someone prefers to play on PC it is fine by me, if someone prefers to play on console sure be my guest. If doing something makes you happy... I won't say anything bad.
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What if torturing puppies makes one happy? O_O
But yeah I don't care, games are games, I own consoles myself, Nintendo/PC for me.
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It would be nice as they are shutting down halo 2 and ce with the shut down of GFWL
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No plans at the moment, but they're certainly not ruling it out. That sounds positive to me. However, a petition will do nothing for you. I'm not sure who started this whole petition for everything trend, but it's kinda dumb. Show me where a random internet petition's ever had any sort of effect.
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I haven't heard of this. Can you inform me about it?
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C'mon guys, it is a really good series. The only exclusive that I'm lacking on my PC.
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I'd say to make Halo: Master Chief Edition one of the first DX12 ports to PC. It'd be a late port, one year after the collection releases on console. This way when the console fans are moving onto Halo 5, PC fans can catch up on the series. I'd also specifically wait to make the announcement for the PC port that way marketing wise for the console the game does what the suits want it to.
I'd love to the Halo series on my PC, but I also understand its importance to the Xbox brand so better late than never is how I'd handle it. The game would receive a boost in sales once released on PC while the sales would be slumping on the console side of things. Having Halo on PC would be a great opportunity for MS, but it has to be handled correctly so it doesn't disenfranchise Xbox console fans.
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People seem to be rather pleased with timed exclusives. Microsoft could release the collection for Windows 9, "expected to be out in 2015", just as H2 for Vista.
I'm not entirely sure where all the hate / mediocority speak towards Halo comes from. The series is a neat experience, especially for young gamers. Getting a new generation of PC gamers interested in Halo should get many to buy the newest releases on Xbox.
PC release seems like a great business practice as well. Oh, the goodwill and open-ness.
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10 Comments - Last post 53 minutes ago by AiKirika
Someone started this not too long ago, and it would be nice to finish the fight on PC. Many were disappointed back in 2007 when Halo 3 wasn't coming to PC. This could change that. As stated by an interview with 343 and heard in this podcast, there are definitely chances it could come to PC, but Microsoft still might be skeptical. Let's see if we can show that PC gamers do want Halo!
Also, no comments about how "Halo is bad and for console plebs" or something.
PC Gamer agrees it should be on PC too. "I'm not even convinced that it'd eat into Xbox One sales that much—PC gamers aren't going to buy a new console to play some remastered shooters, but they might pick them up on Steam."
EDIT: Thanks to DillonMabry, who informed me about this website, is that there is a place that will communicate more directly with Microsoft.
You can vote to get it on PC here.
There is also a Change.org petition running here aswell.
EDIT 2: Want the Master Chief Collection on PC? There's actually a way we can do it.
We need to show 343 Industries that there is demand for it on PC, just like we did with From Software. If hundreds of thousands of people send them requests for it, we can obtain it.
We have started a campaign on twitter with the hashtags #HaloForPC and #Halo4PC. If we all tweet it to 343i execs, we may get their attention.
Their twitter accounts are @Halo @Brav @bsangel and @franklez. Help spread the word and help us get their attention!
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