Nice! A new cute family member! And great news about your health too!
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Aww, she's so cute! I'd say her behaviour is totally normal considering she'll be pretty scared as everything is new to her, especially if she lived in a farm before. Just have patience and she'll learn to trust you and in no time she'll take over the house! ;)
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Thank you :), that's comforting, i am also singing that seems to sooth her.
And i hope not the whole house and leave me a little space, like the computer seat and computer. :p
She ran for 1 second at the front door thinking she could go back, she ate a little bit but mostly staring outside at the balcony, i wish i could so have prepared that balcony for her already, but i get no help. Like the neighbour had the right fence, i dropped her a letter in her mailbox but she just doesn't want to reply for some reason, and have it done before it gets winter so can she atleast enjoy it 2 months.
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And i hope not the whole house and leave me a little space, like the computer seat
You can be sure that the computer seat will be, soon, a very liked place from her because it is warm, comfy and a higher spot where she can look over all/the most.
When you need to go to the toilet you will see what i mean when you come back :-D
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I thought being a kitten she couldn't climb so far up yet, but as i said in another post i just saw her getting on the couch. She can be a princess but i will just move her away from my chair, that's for sure. :p My whole desk is covered with stuffed animals (don't ask why) so i dunno if she is even going to try and snuggle between them.
The weird part what i am going to find is, i want to move the litter box to the bathroom (better air circulation) and easier to clean things up, but what if we go at the same time, or i want to take a shower Also not the entire floor will dry by itself, i see her walking through it with her paws and then back on my wooden floor.
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She can be a princess but i will just move her away from my chair, that's for sure.
Wait till you see how cute she will lay there.....
And maybe you will let her lay there from time to time^^
My whole desk is covered with stuffed animals (don't ask why) so i dunno if she is even going to try and snuggle between them.
She will kick some of the desk to have enough space and play with you "hebs auf" (= get/grab the toy from the floor and bring it back to me -in that play you are the servant that entertain her^^-).
Also not the entire floor will dry by itself, i see her walking through it with her paws and then back on my wooden floor.
That would happen for sure because she can't fly ;o)
But in general nearly all cats, absolutely, hate to have wet paws and try to avoid that.
Excluded are when they grab water with the paw to drink it.
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She already does on the couch, and what in blazes name can i have to do in the meantime? Yeah i have a steamdeck (i regret now having the big version as people seem to upgrade it to a fast 1-2TB drive and since they are different sizes the old one becomes useless).
Yes i can sit on the couch but i miss my mouse/keyboard (especially when you do much point and click adventures) and watch some tv stuff in between. :p And i am cute too. :p
My god how can some people have a 40 hour job and a cat caring job beside it all?
She could just stay off the wet parts and respect my floor. :p
Hmmm my moms cats sometimes sneaked in the bathroom when i forgot to close the door and if i just came out of the bath they always climbed in it for some reason, and then they always left wet paw prints on the floor.
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My god how can some people have a 40 hour job and a cat caring job beside it all?
You don't need to do a lot extra with a adult cat.
Only a new one need of course more attention to feel safe/good and don't do stuff that you don't like^^.
Of course are kittens a other case because for them change all (you replace now her family, friends etc.) and for you as first time cat owner is "all" new, so you think about a lot extremely and do a lot too that you will see in the future as "unnecessary". Plus stuff like buying the first equipment are only 1x needed and you didn't have this stress each week.
In a few weeks you will be more relaxed and all will be much easier and not so time consuming.
She could just stay off the wet parts and respect my floor. :p
It's now her floor and she generously share it with you :-P
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I kinda made it a joke.
Yeah but it will take some time before it grows to an adult offcourse.
It's just that after a long time (and with my history) there might be a job opening, maybe starting part time, i have made an offer (being on wellfare so it won't cost the company money) i was even told that once they rather wish i had, in combination with my health (the heart) that i might not be ready to work 38 full hours to see if there are options available for me, but the one in charge is on vacation, so i will hear next week, but if given the opportunity and not to go for it because i have this kitten still here (and my job history i will never get one).
And offcourse toys, and equipment you buy once, but they will always need food, litter, snacks. ;) But i think i will just buy that online, often cheaper, gets delivered and won't break my neck having to put it all on my bike.
Is my body still my own or does the cat own that too? :p
Really if a cat is like that, i can't imagine a girlfriend.. (yes i never had one).and those combined together, it must be female/feromone hell.
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Cats are extremely curious animals, so be sure she will examine everything that she can reach . The "forbidden" stuff when you sleep or aren't at home :-D
And it looks as she got the little princess role very fast.
Kittens don't play fair with the very big eyes^^
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i want to wake up in peace, coffee, tea, being on my pc, clearing administration, and now she seeks it immediately as an idea to come sit with me, which is sweet, although climbing up my leg 20 times with sharp nails and shaking her off 20 times (i think get the hint), it isn't so more.
I had so many things to do first so she couldn't be there, now i have to lay her with me, but i just barely can do anything behind the pc. But while i thought she couldn't reach the desk on her own but only through me, she already found a way (which i thought would take months) she can find a way on her own.
Also i looked up on clipping nails (thought read once it's bad, but it can't stay that way and it might get less sharp on it's own? or is that outdoor cats?) but apparently even if you know how, for the back paws you would even need two people (which i don't have).
My life is completely taken over.. :(
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Of course she is now always "around" and want, a part of, your attention. Special as kitten and young cats they want more attention, play time, entertainment etc..
If you don't want her climibing on your leg, you should grad her and lift her up. It's much better as the "shaking her off 20 times" (she will be anyway sooner or later on the couch/were you sit^^). Kittens can't fine control their claws, so they don't know that you suffer and that they could climb with lesser use of the nails. It take a while till they learn this and later they jump much more, floor --> couch will not need a leg and claws use anymore.
Try to do your stuff and move her to the side if she lay on your hands or keyboard.
And yes, kittens are sometimes exhausting like a "sack of fleas" how we say it in germany.
But you will miss it, very fast/soon, when she isn't around and not is "always" around you. You will be soon cat addicted^^
She will find a lot of ways to reach places were you think she will not reach them.
Clipping nails is a bit more difficult for beginners.
In general you need the right cutter and a flashlight.
Hold the flashlight against a nail and you see how far the nail is supplied with blood. That's important because you must cut it only in the part that have no blood or it will hurt the cat very much and she will act aggressive and not relaxed when you cut her one time on the wrong spot.
After you examined the nail you can hold the cat between your legs, grab her paw and hold it with one, small pressure from the top on it that she move the nails out and spread them, and cut with the other one.
The problem with a fresh cat is, that she not trust you enough to do that directly and with a kitten that they don't want to hold still. So i assume that could be a bit problematic right now. And you must always expect that she try to take the paw away when you want to cut.
I would recommend again a nail clipping right now and would wait, at least, a few weeks with it.
You can lay a wood log with bark on the ground. She will use her nails on it and it will help but it will not be a fast solution that helps directly and it will not be enough that you never need to cut her nails. But it will help to reduce the amount of times that you need to do it -and it will entertain her a bit.
Normaly you don't need to do much with the back paws, can't remember that we cutted the nails from the back paws of our cats.
As a trick (that work with bunnies/rabbits too):
You can wrap the cat in a towel (roll it like a yufka dรถner) to limit her moving ability, take this "cat roll" between your legs and be able to cut the nails more easily. As long as the cat don't see it as very bad, she will hold """relative""" still.
Hope this help.
The new picture looks like you put a blanket in front of your keyboard, if so don't wonder that she is exactly there. It's warm, fluffy/soft, she can cuddle/snuggling and have a good overview. Perfect conditions.
I would move the blanket a bit to the side, that you have nothing between you and the keyboard. That way she is still "near the action", still have a soft and warm spot, with good overview but you have a bit more possibilities to do something ;o)
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I am not using the couch, i sit behind the pc the whole day why i like to have some "me" time there, my only tv is in the bedroom, and eventually i will get a cabinet to move my tv over, and put the couch in the middle and the cabinet/tv against the wall. For the moment it's resting against the wall which she can already have all to herself and already taken that in anyway.
I put a blanket on my desk, and it is to set boundaries so she can lay on there, and not on my keyboard in front of it, everytime she does want to move further i put her back on the blanket, it can't go back further, the desk isn't so big.
Then for a moment for some weird reason she decided to use her paws to attack my shirt.
I think she shredded that t shirt (or it came out of the washing machine that way) but i fear the first, i can decide to only wear old shirts near her, and that's not even so troublesome, but i do fear my furniture, my mom bought me a bottle to keep off cats which works great with her cats. But i don't think Bowy's sniffing senses are developed and she can't smell it to stay of it. I covered everything with sheets i could find, but even then.
Also if they even decide in my favor about the whole job thing there might be more hours where this place is gonna be left unguarded.
She is crazy with eating, licking mayonaise from my sandwhich, eating caesar salad, but even a piece of kitty litter on the ground.
My mother used to have firewood for the fireplace, but i don't think she got wood left with bark, and not so easy around (especially an industrial area) to find. Anyway, thanks for the tips.
It's exhausting, frustrating sometimes even, i even really questioned myself today if she isn't just better off without me perhaps, but in the end i don't want to get rid of her, i just can't.
I hope the enjoyment comes and i know the older they grow the more they can do themselves, become less dependent, etc etc and become perhaps cat addicted, but it still takes some months for them to grow.
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there might be more hours where this place is gonna be left unguarded.
To be honest i laughed about this sentence.
I sounds as the tiny kitty is a big monster :-D
But i get what you mean.
And yes, she will do "stupid stuff" that you, maybe, will not like when you aren't around and you can be sure that a cat do all the stuff that she isn't allowed when you are around.
Our cats as example weren't allowed on tables and in the kitchen on the furniture where we prepared food (so nearly all places in the kitchen). It wasn't a problem to enforce this but you can be absolutely sure that the cats walked over the tables in the night or when we weren't at home (the kitchen door were closed when we weren't at home, so no chances there^^).
That they weren't allowed on the tables had the reason that they don't try to demand or steal food from our plates and pots.
We always split their food, on the floor in their food pot, and our food, up, on the table.
If you don't have a wooden log with bark then take one without. Thats better as nothing but she will, most likely not use it so much as with bark and the effect on the nails are lower.
Then for a moment for some weird reason she decided to use her paws to attack my shirt.
Weird reason = she is a kitten and want to play. So no weird reason at all :-D
I don't think that she destroyed your shirt because the nails could maybe make tiny holes but you would not notice them (same as you would stick a needle in it and take it out, you don't see a visible hole there).
Maybe you could hold the cat away from something with that bottle but you can't hold her away from all because she needs a place to live. And as long as she not actively destroy something it shouldn't be a problem.
Normaly you don't need to protect "everything", only stuff like a couch that is a magnet for cat claws ;-)
It's exhausting, frustrating
Don't make yourself so much pressure.
Look on the fun you have when you see her, laying around, playing, running, exploring, cuddling (which normaly ends in that age with fighting with your hand).
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Bowy is indeed a big sweet monster. :p And true i can't know what she does when i am sleeping in the room next door, or do groceries (she usually she does seem to sleep though). Do you work (both) work (fulltime?) Like you got many moments they are alone?
I had an aunt that went angry at my moms cat when she went on the kitchen counter but weirdly with my germphobia thing i am like i have no problem really with that then again.
I am also worried she could move the piece of wood around much, play with it, while my floor is wooden, that it might going to scratch.
Playing and viciously attacking someone are two different things. :p I should post pictures of all the claw marks on my legs, but i don't want to post a horror picture. :p
I am not sure because the couch cover in my memory was also without holes, and i found one in there too, the stripe i think she definitely atleast did on my shirt, as for the holes, they are like a bit tinier then a pea, but again she has very sharp claws, and i have experience with my moms cats, and they scratched and climbed too but i felt it never like that.
She also "attacks" my 250 euro leather! gaming chair, and beside the couch is another chair in similar style, i also had 2 other normal chairs which i already moved to my bedroom to keep that safe. For the rest she can't do much damage.
I know she needs to be somewhere, so i let her on the couch which is covered (aside from the sides) and the chairs but she just crawled the chairs (and 1 bottom is very fragile being cheap jysk ones and a zipper broke) i sprayed that in which that spray is already empty but she just ignores it and still goes on the chairs too, why i moved 2 of them to my bedroom.
Yeah, but i want to wake up in my own pace, relaxed, drink some tea/coffee, and then she can come (even though it limits my computering because using a mouse is doable, typing with some discomfort, but f.e i love to play adventure games and when it doesn't have a guide, i make it myself, so i have to switch a lot between mouse and keyboard and with a cat in the way.
But also for some reason she likes to rummage through the litter box sometimes i feel not doing anything i am like why? (or do THE thing and that still makes me anxious) and then decides to come sit with me, and sometimes i still lose my temper slightly (not very) but i am like why the hell are you doing thing (yes it's a baby cat i know and can't be helped) but i can't also be helped asking that question).
If she is not here with my by the pc, she usually sits under the couch, on the couch or on the catpole bed, laying or sleeping, which also offcourse happens in the early stages, sleeping a lot, so i am not seeing that fun part much yet..
She was actually more active (while very shy) the first two days when she did use the tunnel, run around etc, but now she is a monster and then being lazy sleeping.
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Our cats were each day a bunch of hours alone.
As kittens and as adult cats. None of them had problems with this.
Only dogs get crazy from being alone. Cats are ok with it as long as they have food and water and you appear from time to time to bring new food & water and clean their toilet :-D
I am also worried she could move the piece of wood around much, play with it, while my floor is wooden, that it might going to scratch.
When it is a big piece of wood it will not move so much and if you have fear that the floor get damaged you need to make, with tools, one side flat and smooth to lay it with that side on the ground.
Playing and viciously attacking someone are two different things. :p I should post pictures of all the claw marks on my legs
As i said, she didn't learned to take the claws (fully) in, it will take time to learn that she hurt you and can play without the claws fully out.
Your hand will have a lot of bloody lines from playing with her because she will attack your hands a lot of times when you touch her (special when you touch the belly).
When you have a lot of scratches on your leg you aren't fast enough with collecting her from your leg and set her (with the hand) up to the place where she want to go up on your leg. She will teach and motivate you with enough pain^^ to be faster :-D -hehehehe-
She also "attacks" my 250 euro leather! gaming chair,
She play with and on all places. So yes, she attacks nearly everything when she play. She train her hunting skills.
but when she do it with your leather chair you can say something to her with a voice that let her hear that you don't like it. Some cats react then with stopping what they do -of course not from the begin, it is a teaching situation what you tolerate/accept and which stuff not- but don't expect wonders with a kitten that have much too much energy and no one else to release that power. So she run, jump, climb, attack etc., till she is sleepy and need to regenerate her energy.
I would advice to use a blanket on that leather gaming chair till she learned to take her claws in (when she isn't a small kitten anymore).
but i am like why the hell are you doing thing
The easy answer is because she wants and have too much energy.
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I got a 1 bedroom apartment how much stuff do you think i have for tools? I am already at a question where to store my collection of 30+ computers (my old bedroom with build in closets was bigger then where i am at now (plus an attic).
I wear sweat pants at home, i thought they would be thick enough to withstand a few scratches and yes i should have just picked her up and moved her, will definitely do from now on.
Actually my hands are pretty scratch free (and i wash them much so i usually got marks on their own of that), it's especially my legs, but then again i also fallen from my bike 4-5 times (alcohol binge, biking in a big rain storm and slippery and getting older you got much more trouble stepping over that whole bar thing (why do we even have that?), and we got this stupid concrete sidewalk to the entrance of the apartment block (which they could already have fixed since march) but when your shopping bag is loaded (it will launch you).
With the couch, the other chair, i am out of sheets (blankets you would really need really big ones for this gaming chair, i got a special beach towel from a holiday with a panda, but i kinda like it so much i want to keep it whole).
I will buy her a threadmill thursday when i have money, she will lose her energy. or are those only for hamsters? :x
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I got a 1 bedroom apartment how much stuff do you think i have for tools?
As example, sandpaper don't take much space ;o)
I am already at a question where to store my collection of 30+ computers
Don't store so much computers and you have space ^^
With the couch, the other chair, i am out of sheets (blankets you would really need really big ones for this gaming chair...)
Buy more sheets/blankets :-D
I will buy her a threadmill thursday when i have money, she will lose her energy. or are those only for hamsters? :x
I don't know how good/bad they are because we never had such stuff but i assume the most cats will show you the middle finger and don't use it (much).
Save the money and buy a thin rope (prefered not plastic material because you can burn yourself or the cat when you move it fast after she catched it) that you can use to get her attention. Move it on the ground/floor and she will observe and jump on it/attack it. Move it over stuff that are able to withstand her attacks, so better not over the couch or your leather gaming chair^^.
The rope will cost maybe 1% of the threadmill (i have no idea about the threadmill price, but a thin rope is cheap).
Give her a empty toilet paper role (so only the middle part) and she will be happy about the "moving thing".
It give many things that cost nothing or nearly nothing.
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It's just never gonna happen that i am letting go of all the computers i gathered.
And more sheets/blankets, i am not made out of money (unfortunately) the balcony still needs to become catproof, curtains, screen to keep the bugs out, and much more.
I don't know if there really are threadmills for cats, it was a joke.
Let me google, yeah apparently they do exist and cost 231 euro, so no darn way.
The toilet role is an excellent tip that is just already available handy offcourse.
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Don't worry about the balcony yet. Probably she looks outside as she doesn't know where she is and she's looking for something familiar, being used to roam free at the farm, but at first it is better to keep the kitten in a quiet room so that she can slowly feel comfortable and calm down (or if she is in a large open space, make her a hiding spot cutting an entrance from a cardboard box, so she can feel safe inside), then when she'll be relaxed in the room and in your company (generally in a few days) you can let her explore more, but at first having so much new space can be too intimidating for a tiny kitten. Of course if your can, put a net as soon as possibile, so even if she manages to sneak on the balcony she can be safe there, but don't stress too much about it yet.
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Many mention a cardboard box, and i ordered many things, but since my living room isn't big i thrown them all away, and i got nothing really on order (except a shaver, which even for a kitten that box is too small). Maybe my mom still has, but she is angry at me (she has those moods), but also that i already took the cat, but i felt it was unsafe for her to bring it here (my sister is going on a holiday tommorow) nor she would get the cat in the box herself, even my sister couldn't).
I prepared myself with groceries, cleared the full trash bag, so essentially i don't have to be outside for a couple of days, so i can be 24/7 with her, i just don't know how many days it will take before i can try to go do groceries again for lets say an hour?
Aside from the balcony, and the bathroom/shower (where i will eventually move the litterbox) there isn't much else, except the small storage room which is already full with a heat pump, and washing machine/dryer, she is free to go there but that space is just cramped.
I don't want her in my bedroom because a) i rather don't want them on my bed because of hygiene, but b) I also kinda dumped all my mess for now there until i got my storage ready under my bed but i need someone to pull up the bed while someone else screws in the feet. (but my sister will be on her holiday tommorow and so is basically anyone else).
I wouldn't mind her being an outside cat (i see many people with cats here, but they live on the base floor), there are 5 doors in between mine and the front (all fire hazard proof stuff) so not like i can make her go outside, when with an old flat you normally would just have the entrance door and your own front door.
Also i don't want her to have the chance to finally go on the balcony when it's starting to become winter since it's already half july (which can also get cold to know when she wants in and out, when she can't really knock saying let me in or out, and there is no option for a cat door.
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Ok, then don't worry about the box, she'll find a place. Try to always be calm and relaxed when with her, as this could help her trust you; try sitting on the floor and wait to see if she approaches, but in general don't force it, it's ok to leave her a bit on her own or watch her from away so she can have a break (remember she doesn't know you yet and might be scared). If you got the feromones use them as they might help her to relax, while if you ordered them but they haven't arrived yet, don't worry as they'll be useful in other stressful situations too (vet, changes in the house, etc...). If she does some damage please refrain from getting angry, as that could frighten her even more (and kittens rarely undestand what they did wrong anyways, as they are too young), when she'll be fully comfortable you can trim her nails periodically, but for now try to protect what you can of the furniture and be forgiving ;) For the balcony, of course try to make it safe as soon as you can, but there's no need to let her out on her first few days at home, as she's got more than enough to process already.
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I got bad knees, so can't sit too long on them.
This morning as usual she ran away from me, not wanting to let me pet her.
Suddenly she started going on my lap for 5 seconds (she got very sharp claws) and i don't mind her sitting on the couch but i don't have protection yet. (and then jumped on the pc case which i didn't expected (and almost flipped the on (off) switch..
And she already started to being active on the cat pole.
Sometimes i still feel the room is way too small for her, but she got enough toys. With my mother they had the living room, attic and someitmes my parents bedroom and they could just look out outside for hours or sleep on the bed.
I won't be angry, but i will tell her to go hup move, like that, however if you got some big scratches or a hole in your couch, it's not going to be very easy to remain perfectly calm either, and i don't think there is an easy store to find some couch protection there except online.
But i have this spray can of stuff with lemon, that used to work perfectly on my moms cats, but i don't think it's working with Bowy (yet) maybe because her smell isn't fully developed yet?
Yes but noone can tell me exactly what i would need length wise, maybe a special kind of fence, i can't build some protection when it's near winter, summer is already half over being july, maybe august and with a bit of luck september.
Only now, now i have to start figuring out the litterbox, do i scoop (getting a dirty scooper) or like my mom and just pour it all in a plastic bag.
She already made it more messy then i hoped, like she moved all the litter to one side of the box and used it more then i hoped.
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It give litter box shovels with holes/cut out lines, to get the bigger stuff out of the box. You should do this to reduce the smelling.
But you shouldn't clean it always completely because the costs, because it isn't used fully and because they need their own smell or could use a other place as toilet (as example a plant pot -which she maybe use anyway :-D -).
I would recommend to have a small metal garden showvel -hand size, without a long stick/grip- to get the "most of the stuff that soaked wet" stuff out of the litterbox and fill the edges with stuff from the middle. This will help with the smelling too and the other stuff gets used over time. When needed fill a bit new stuff in the middle (where she stands is then always the newest/unsused stuff.
Exchange all each few weeks.
A bit more work as to exchange all in one go all the time but it is much cheaper, you don't have to carry so much heavy stuff from the shop etc..
Oh and because of her long claws/nails, lay her a, prefered bigger, piece of wood (with skin -don't have the right word, but i think you know what i mean) in a room, she will use it when needed. Which should reduce the damage on your couch or other ones.
A banket helps for the couch protection too.
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But there is also many/much risk they step in their own doing especially (often) when there is something inside the entrance of the box. Also it's very easy and much more cheaper to get litter, food through the internet and safes me a hernia from doing it all by bike.
I found a blanket, i thought my moms idea was to use it to lay down on it in her bed, but it was for the couch, although it does not protect the sides.
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+1 to all Masafor said! For the litter box, it's a good sign that she moved everything on one side, as she must be very clean and wanted to cover very well! Which is very rare in kittens, they usually do a mess or don't cover much or at all (they need some time to learn), so very good sign! For the scoop, it's inevitable to get it dirty, if this bothers you try keeping and reusing those plastic gloves you use at the supermarket to touch fruits and vegetables (free) or get some latex gloves (they're quite cheap) to handle it (and you can use a plastic bag to store it after you're done). I think there's no need to change the whole litter like your mother does with only one cat (with more, like in your mother's case, if they all use the same litter box it would get dirty faster and so you might want to change it more frequently, but with one cat there's no need)
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Yeah but if she moves the litter, one side of the box is totally clean and if something drops there, like today it keeps on sticking to it and that's fun to try getting it off (where it all went wrong this morning). The shower hole ihere s too small unfortunately (at my moms place it would have been no problem).
Note i am not even a morning person, yet i did this all at 8:00 already while normally i wake up with my coffee and tea till about 10:00 (babies are even more fun at 3:00..).
I have latex gloves but i don't think that would be sufficient (haven't tried it yet), maybe, i dunno, i wish i was just "normal" you know where many people would just wash their hands (and perhaps use 1 dettol) and be done with it, no i used chlorine, dettol, mouth wash (kills 99% germs) and a shower.
I know it costs way more litter, but it's so easier and cleaner to touch if you just dump the whole thing in a bag straight away (if you do it right and not mess).
But if also only they would just do their thing at the back, then the middle and keep the entrance free, because i mean if you enter or leave the door, you will step with your feet in it (whichi eventually they do anyway back or forth i think)?
Especially when they move the litter away and do a drop there.
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Of course if/when you notice it, just move it around so there's no part of the litter box exposed, otherwise it's a problem (especially with pee as it cannot form a solid ball with the litter and you'll have to clean the box, while for the poo, cover it if it's not and wait for it to dry so it won't stick), and if she tends to do these mountains of litter a lot, maybe you could add a bit more litter (not too much or she'll throw it all outside) to have enough for the bottom (some cats tend to dig to the bottom anyways though...)
If you prefer to change the whole litter it's up to you, and especially at the beginning it's probably a better solution for you, then maybe with time your germphobia will get better ;)
Watch out for all those chemicals though, as they could be harmful for a cat, and even more so for a kitten
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But it happened all at night (she arrived at like 21:00 yesterday) first she kept meowing so much and loud i thought that it would be a long night and i wouldn't even get some sleep, but i sang a few songs, and later she stopped.
But then i slept, and offcourse then you can't watch the box, but atleast she already uses it, that's a plus.
I have added more litter this time, at first i thought she already did a hope again, and wanted to scoop it out but it was only pee (that i have no problems with).
I am planning to order stuff like cat food, litter and even toilet paper online, i am like why break my neck with so much weight on a bike, when it's cheaper then in the stores and they come deliver it. Not sure what cat litter costs though.
If i use more litter though then yeah the quicker i will be out of it, but i feel its better for the germphobia thing and maybe i can try to scoop some of it out since it will be mixed, i mean with what i encountered on my first morning just wasn't a pleasant one, even myself under it. (i really just want to forget). :x
I am very careful of the chemicals, none of them she can reach (until they learn to climb on big things), i got a bottle of chlorine on the bathroom floor but always put on the cap thight and if i use it make sure to wash it away very good.
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You don't need a box. Cats love paper bags - like shopping bags or grocery bags. I can't tell you how many times I have rescued a cat from a bad situation - up in a tree, trapped behind a wall etc. using just a paper bag and some string. For some reason they love them and I guess they feel safe inside.
Glad to hear you finally got your new cat all sorted out. Kittens love to play with things that move. See if you can tempt her with a piece of string. That might help you bond a bit quicker.
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At times they love to sit in it yes, after my mom done her groceries.
But my moms cat got stuck with his head in a grocery bag once, he ran like crazy back and forth banged his body against the door, tried going up the stairs with the bag over him, that was scary.
This morning she started to sit on my lap for a second, she already climbed the cat pole, she seems very active suddenly.
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That's great that she sat in your lap. Try to encourage that a lot because that is where the bonding occurs. If she decides that you are her mom now, that will make for an affectionate and good tempered grown cat. If you have a cat comb, you can comb her fur while she sits and that will make her stay longer.
Btw, key here is full sized paper bag (and never plastic). I've never seen a cat get its head stuck in a large paper bag - not even possible unless it's a tiger.
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Only for 3 seconds, with her sharp nails in my legs first, when i just woke up, she was exploring the whole room, even climbed under a very thight cabinet.
She sits on the couch a lot or use the climbing pole (my moms cats got one double in price and they do nothing with it).
But when i even put the cover right of the couch she jumps off it and goes under the couch, she won't let me near her, there is a long way to go.
Since Snowie died so horrible and another got under a lawnmower, and offcourse she misses her mother and siblings, but i also feel like they not have been treated well there those 8 weeks, like the owner, the boyfriend of the woman is a total careless jerk, why she might be a little too over the top shy.
People these days find it easier to just shop online eh, so no bags. :p I mean i think i even gonna just order litter, catfood and even toiletpaper online, it's cheap and gets delivered, why break my neck (i just fell today for having an overloaded bag but also because we got no proper entrance yet, like you have to get over a big sidewalk with your bike) when you get it delivered?
I don't have a comb (yet). I will try to get more toys and stuff, i think also a laser pen, but i need to wait 8 days till i get money again.
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I vote against a laser pen.
Yes, they are are easy to entertain with it but they use their sharp nails everywhere where you point with it and if they look into the laser their eyes can be injured.
Toys not needed. She will find stuff that she decide that you don't need it anymore..... ^^
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I am aware the laser pen can injure eyes, there were some neighbour kids years ago teasing our house with one, when my dad got angry about it, because he said that it could hurt somemone's eyes. There are some places like walls and glass doors she couldn't do much damage, or maybe with clipped nails?
Like seriously do i clip them? Ifso how (how you get them to show)? and how many times? My mom has all this cat raising experience but she just doesn't tell me how for some reason (and yes she can't come over because her mobilitity (even though she already said she been in the neighbourhood although the entrance here is often blocked), but i mean common there is whatsapp/phone), she kinda lets me do this on my own and figure it all out. Thats even when she starts to allow me to hold her.
There already is a hole in the cover of the couch, i have no idea if that was there or that she did it (and thus that sharp).
And i think she still is angry that i took her earlier then she wanted but my sister went on her holiday yesterday so my mom had to bring her with her scootmobile which i found dangerous, but if she claims to know "some ways" to make her less shy and all, why not tell me "those ways" you know.
Also like i told Melisand below, Also she has her "investigation" rounds where she is going to check everything including me but i don't know why she first has to get in the litter box (with my germphobia) seemingly not using it but to "clean it up" or something?
Do you know what reason is behind that? Like why not just skip the box and just investigate and then come on my lap and all, offcourse much cleaner in my eyes.. Like she doing this purposely to let me get over my germphobia? I think so..
And what would be toys she could be interested in to make some contact, if she doesn't like a simple fishing pole? Looking like dont be so dumb swinging that thing at me. My moms cats would grab at them (until they found out it's kinda dumb) but she already thinks it's dumb because she just stares at me, not even trying to grab it and looks like what are you doing?
She also doesn't drink much water, like her bowl keeps seemingly full (i refreshed it yesterday even) i think only seen her having peed twice now, is that normal? Eating was minor, but she eats more now, bags of wet food, the dry food she doesn't like much.
I don't have things i don't need anymore, i just got 30+ computers, and i hardly think she wants to use my gamecube or steamdeck.
To make room i already ditched 2-3 full bags of stuff i didn't need anymore, but my computers and stuffed animals just stay.
Next to the desk are plastic boxes with computer stuff, there is one crawl space she sometimes goes through, but for the rest the living room is still a pretty open space for things to do (also walls closed on purpose kinda, my moms cats used to use the sides of the wall and under the cabinets as a litter box (till we found a fly investation).
My mom ordered a heavy table set with chairs, but in my mind i am already like what if i move again, i had to move that too (it was very heavy) and i think i eat behind my pc, if someone comes over we can eat on the couch, when would i get 4 persons to come over anyway? Plus it would feel kind of full, and she wanted the same set, so i told her to let her have it.
The couch is now against the other wall, eventually i want to place that in the middle, and place a cabinet against the wall to put the tv on (and store junk in) and maybe a salon table, but those last two things are a question of money.
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Yes, Since she's a barn cat, so she's half feral. She has had no opportunity to socialize or bond with humans. It's not surprising that she won't let you handle her, which is why I think your best in, is to try to play with get her to see you as a friend. Laser is too impersonal and a bad idea for other reasons as Masafor has pointed out. A string, or one of the toys on the end of a string, and she will know that you are operating it and trying to engage her.
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I don't think my moms cats were that shy (yes they were barn cats), so long but offcourse every cat is different.
This morning again she went on my lap twice sat there for a bit longer this time, climbed the desk I thought maybe she would let me pet her now on my lap as we made eye contact, but no.
I got those "fishing poles" but she has zero interest and just looking like what for dumb thing are you doing, she likes the tunnel, the catpole, the couch but iit are all solo things for her to do.
I need something that interests her that we can both do and like.
Yesterday she managed somehow to climb on the fridge (and from there she could even reach a cabinet) i really tried giving a gentle hand trying to get her off but she wouldn't let me she rather jumped off which didn't go so well then take my help.
Also she has her "investigation" rounds where she is going to check everything including me but i don't know why she first has to get in the litter box (with my germphobia) seemingly not using it but to "clean it up" or something?
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I don't think eye contact is all that relevant except that it often means aggression to them. Try a slow blink or half close your eyes when she looks you in the eye - cats read that as conciliatory. Your kitty doesn't want you to pet her because she doesn't know what that is - as she has not been handled by humans. I believe cats learn to like petting because they associate it with grooming which can be a social activity for them when they groom each other. So when you are able to pet her, make it feel to her as much like grooming as you can (that's why the comb - though you want to use that very very gently).
As for the fishing pole - you seem to be doing it wrong. Don't swing it around. Make it act like prey. Like a mouse. So sometimes very still, or moving just a little bit and then running when she tries to pounce - if she does catch it make it play dead and then run away when she releases it. Swinging does nothing to interest her - it may even be scaring her a bit at this stage. Remember, your mom's cats are socialized and they know it's a toy - yours is not yet.
Are you cleaning that box thoroughly every time she uses it? Cats return to litter boxes and scratch because they smell them and are worried that they haven't properly buried what is there. You need to dispose of her pee and poop and she will stop doing that.
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Well sorry but i kinda disagree there or again differ per cat but with my moms cats, we always looked at eachother without agression, and we could even read eachother, and they read my mom when she is feeling bad, they always come crawling up to her, sleep next to her.
I tried that too, she reacts zero to it. I need other toys that she will interact with together.
She is so unpredictable too, she has rounds of investigating (And for some reason as i said before goes into the litterbox first for some reason which offcourse i rather she skipped) then comes to me, and goes on the desk, yesterday even on the fridge and sitting a lot on the couch, and now she just sits in the corner under their chair sitting on the mop for over 1 hour, i have no clue what enjoyment she finds there, like why not sit atleast comfortable on the couch or use the catpole like she did yesterday.
I am trying, i know it will take time, but sometimes i feel like i am just failing. My mom was bring her back to me otherwise, thinking she would find a way to get rid of the shyness, but no she meant bring her back to the farm, but after what happened there, and i already made this commitment and i want companionship, i want to get rid of the germphobia thing, so that offcourse is a big no.
I am just hoping because of the way the other kittens were treated there, she was treated okay, and that didn't left some mark on her.
How do you mean clean it thoroughly after each usage, with a scoop? My mom never had to with her 2 cats.
But when it's morning to clear the whole box, with my germphobia? And when it sticks to the box (offcourse with me) it can't just come loose with a scoop. It goes under the shower with steaming hot water and chlorine (And yes i make sure its properly out, and then clean it with a kitchen tower). If that isn't clean, i don't know what is.
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In very short:
Cats must smell that it is their toilet. Special at the begin when they are new to a place and kittens.
Easy rule, poop must go, pee can be there for a few days.
Of course you can wash their toilet but i am not sure if you "overclean" it with the chlorine etc. (maybe understandable with germphobia) and if it smells than ugly for the kitten and not like her toilet.
If you see or hear that she pee in/on a other spot in your flat, you know her toilet was too clean^^.
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It's different with your mom's cats because they are socialized and have learned to trust humans. Your kitten does not trust you yet and at this stage prolonged eye contact will probably be threatening. This is just basic predator behavior.
I have hand raised a lot of kittens. All they do is play, sleep, cuddle eat and poop. The fact that your sits in a corner for a full hour tells me that at the very least, she is anxious and probably upset. She should get over this in time, but meanwhile, it would be a great kindness if you would go out and get her a box or a bag or pet carrier box or just anything that she can regard as a safe little cave to hide in and just let her hide until she wants to come out.
Yes, use the scoop. Also, you could be overbleaching. Bleach smells like animal pee to cats. Google it.
Edit: There are lot of affordable cat bed/caves on Amazon. here's one
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Yeah okay, but i remember them not being shy that long when they came, but maybe because they had eachother and this comes from a whole different nest with a bad history.
And i totally understand they are not different then human babies in principal.
Boxes i just have none, the carrier box i can do because i still have that here, i will do that.
I am really using a lot of very hot water concerning the bleach, but what else can i use that would just be as clean that won't make them smell it. And even when my moms cats were kittens she never kept on scooping every turn (i think) and now she especially has luck because since she let them outside (which she said she would never do) they mostly do it outside, something this one can never do, unfortunately).
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As I said, I believe she is anxious and therefore not relaxed enough to play yet. Keep trying now and then when she seems more relaxed. You should be just ignoring her some of the time - watching her too much might be more attention than she wants. The carrier sounds good if she is not fearful of it (my cats hated the very sight of one).Add a soft towel or cushion.
Use less bleach and do more rinsing I guess. You might want to google around for box cleaning recommendations. Not my strong suit - all my cats have been outdoor cats. Litter box was for kitten training purposes and emergencies only.
Did she stop the constant meowing yet?
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I always been a computer person my whole life, so i am very focused on it, that i sometimes i even forget things around me.
Even Bowy (just a little bit) sometimes i do go to the kitchen to get a drink (and i drink a lot of coffee/tea/soda so i go a lot) then i will look at her, or if i feel it's so quiet so long, but often she is just laying on the cat pole or couch, i don't think really sleeping (which i also thought they would do a lot). Not like i stare at her every 30 minutes or hour. I am also always very cautious since she is so sneaky to always watch behind my chair that's she not there, not to ride over her, because then she stays really scared of me.
I placed the carrier next to the catpole, she immediately went in it, but also out of it and never went back in, i will let it stay for 2 days, else it goes back in the hallway, worse case i could always get some carton from my moms place, but i been out so much in the past 8 weeks, i also want some rest, and when i get my money next week, i have a lot of groceries to store back up, so i am afraid i have to go a few rounds (4,4km rounds) (and with stuff like milk, lemonade, heavy stuff it's not that fun).
But their stuff can be very very sticky sort to say, but i also use bleach after myself in the shower, i also shower myself after i been to the toilet, in some countries you got a bidet and it's normal to wash yourself there, and germphobia or not, i find this a bit common sense, but that's a debate one is not eager to have (neither am i).
Yes the constant meowing was only on the first day and half of the second, sometimes she has a meow moment of like 10 minutes, but that's it. Normally she would have made an inspection round and climb the desk again but maybe i kinda halted that when i moved up from my chair when she came close (because she went in the litter box again wanting to see what she did, but just pee).
There might be a job opening (and i proposed an idea that would make it interesting for them, while normally i won't have much chance on a job, and hopefully can start part-time, even though with our system working will actually make you less money then staying on wellfare) but i hope that would also go well with Bowy, but i can't say no to the job, as they aren't up for grabs for me. Then again they might as well just say no again anyway.
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Good that she is meowing less, which means she is not calling her mother/siblings so much and is getting more used to her new situation. I found you a couple of links to look at that may be helpful.
The second one upholds your idea that 2 kittens would be better than one. (I totally agree with you btw) Maybe it can help to convince your mom.
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Thank you,
I will check the links but no there simply can't be another one, i explained in the OP how my mother made a whole white lie how 1 of the 2 cats was supposedly sick, too much medical bills, i wanted Snowie and Bowy, but she let me get Snowie first. I had the old pictures of Bowy (she might think i would not keep) still and i found that it looked exactly like her, and i asked my mom several times is this the same and thus sick?, and she gave me all these vague answers like she couldn't remember (she also took care to get a cat for my niece from another nest).
She is covering not only the cats, but also the medical bills on a pension (maybe my nieces cat too), i can't also ask her too much.
And if something happens to my mother (she is 70+ and the cats only 2 years) i have to take them in too, then i will have 3 cats which already will be too much i think, and if she would only have let them kept inside, but now they grown so much to the outdoor lifestyle, if i will keep them in again, i don't think they will be very happy, but where i live now i don't have a choice.
Not to mention the interaction of those two with Bowy. If i get another cat, then offcourse that means 4, if i had a crystal ball telling me in the future you get a bigger house, i am totally open but the way it's going now (in my life, financially, but also anyone who has money. we have a big housing crisis where people that are 30+ still have to live with their parents or even on the streets, i am lucky that my parents even let me in their house so and that i came across this apartment, i could have ended up on the streets too).
The risk is simply too high, and yes my mother can turn to become 90+ and even outlive the cats, and i can meet someone with a house, or win the lottery, but it's all if's if's, i can't just simply gamble on that, and trust me i love a gamble..
This morning was surprisingly, i just barely woke up, as always turn on my pc. And she crawled again on me, she jumped off and started to give me paws, and lick my hand, then again on my lap (with her claws on my private parts..) on the desk for about 10 minutes, investigating everything what's going on, the moving on the screen by my typing, i even let her show a cat clip and pictures of herself and Snowie and she reached with her paws on the screen.
So it really seems it's getting better, actually now she is taking over the pc again.
I told her yesterday princess can have everything in my room, except not my bed and not to go on it, i just forgot the pc part..
If a cat already takes control of you, takes up your stuff, i am already imagining a girlfriend added that also controls me and takes in my stuff, plus the pheromone combination, i think i gonna live in a small hell. Why am i sacrificing my freedom? :p
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She's soooooo cute! Cats are pretty sensitive to changes in their environment so she's probably in an adjustment phase. But she seems content to sit out in the open and not try to hide, so I don't think she'll have a hard time. They do like enclosed spaces so if you can give her a cardboard box or something to curl up in that's around her size, it might help her feel comfy.
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Thank you. :)
Actually that is a rare photo moment, why my mother wanted to keep her longer, but my sister is going on a holiday tommorow, and i don't find it safe for my mom to use her scootmobile (plus handyman keep blocking the entrance here with their vans).
Also what i expected earlier with a fly in the house, before i moved 2 months ago i knew we had onions, we had that before, and i couldn't find anything before, but this time i did, they rot and massive flies come on it, there were 8 of them, even in the kitchen in a can of pineapples, and my mom just shrugs it off you know.
And i find it too dangerous on a bike, not to mention i don't think my mom would get her in the box, even my sister struggled because the cat kept running everywhere in the shed, mostly behind the washing machine, but i got my tricks (anti flea spray, didn't had water handy). Be it insects, cats, i will get them.
But now that she is here, she meows a lot, she really either crawls under the chair or looks outside at the balcony, i wish i could just let her there, but it's not fenced yet, and noone to help.
I bought a lot of things, had a lot of cardboard boxes, but threw them all away. She got a cat pole, tunnel, some toys, but she won't even let me pet her yet. Atleast she used the litterbox, so that's 1 plus i don't have to worry about tonight. I just hope she won't go scratching the chairs or couch or do other stupid things.
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What a cutie. If she came from a farm you'll want to pay attention to her ears to be sure there are no mites, and check her poop for worms. Both are somewhat common in wild born cats. Happy for you both.
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Only she still seems very shy at first, meows a lot, not wanting to eat or drink, or play with her toys, dunno if that's normal behaviour,
Yes, thats absolute normal.
All other animals that she known are not more around her, the place that she known isn't anymore around, so she needs time to realize the changes and to see your place as her new home.
Don't "force" or "demand" something right now.
Let her be alone in a room if she wants or look from a distance.
sit on the ground and when she comes in your direction let her sniff on your hand (inner hand upsides that she see it isn't a dangerous situation [till now hands grabbed her always from "above"]).
Toys etc. will be later interesting but normaly not directly.
Most of the times the cats need 1-2 days till the most of the shy acting is gone.
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Thank you.
Well i don't remember this with my moms cats, but been 2 years.
She doesn't want to be pet yet, let alone let my hand come close, she sometimes crawl near my feet but she is just as fast away, she runs like crazy.
It was already a struggle to get her in the box to here, my mom wanted to keep her, but i didn't find it safe for her scootmobile plus i don't think she would have gotten her in the box either.
Atleast she eat and drinks little bits and already uses the litter box (thankfully).
I just hope the meowing (it's now 23:00) doesn't go through the whole night or do things she shouldn't like with the stairs or couch. :x Okay edit she just already climbed the couch (which i didn't expect for the first few months) and upside down chair with a very fragile bottom (i put a bag of toilet rolls on it).
I did find a relaxing feromone spray thing i could order but i don't know if that helps.
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She doesn't want to be pet yet, let alone let my hand come close, she sometimes crawl near my feet but she is just as fast away, she runs like crazy.
She have fear and must build trust in the situation and you.
It takes time and you can only wait as best option that she realize fast that you aren't a danger and the flat are save.
A cardbox or something else to "hide inside" would help her to feel save. When you aren't able to see her, she is save^^.
That she comes close to sniff on your feet is a good sign.
I assume she will meow till she is sleepy. Maybe you have the same fun tomorrow too but after this it should be over.
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First she went for a second to the front door even looked at the cage like she wanted to get out of here, but it was very brief (like one second).
She also looks a lot outside, like she wants to be there (but i don't have protection yet).
I asked a damn neighbour that has the right fence, dropped her a note on what to specifically get, but she just doesn't reply, while i saw her friendly talking to her female neighbour on the other side, i am the only guy on this floor, i also heard from another neighbour how she was also so nice, i have only said hi to her (she was with a friend, but felt she quickly wanted to go with her).
Maybe she just doesn't like guys for a reason (and 1 on 8 women here get sexually harassed so who knows or she just forgot..). Not to mention i just got 2 left hands, even if it's supposed to be easy just tieing it with tiewraps.
I ordered many things, but since my room is so cramped, i threw away all the boxes, i got a very big one left, but that's where i kinda store all my (many) manuals in.
I don't really have anything on order that could provide big boxes (yeah curtains and insect protection screens, but everyone including volunteers i am dependent on will all go on vacation) and a shaving machine, but that box would be a bit too little even for a kitten. :p
I really hope so, i read some of the sites, what to do, one thing where she could continue to meow though is if she were sick. I think i shouldn't do the feromone spray now, for all i know i order it, and it's over in 2-3 days and i paid 30 euro for nothing.
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Lugum, just wanted to say the cat is so cute and I am happy for you ๐๐
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Congratulations, both on the new kitten and the news regarding your heart!
Like others have said, Bowy acting shy or nervous is totally normal. When I got my cat she spent pretty much all of the first two days hiding behind my bookcase or entertainment center. She came out to eat, drink and use the litter box only when I was asleep or out of the house. But I left a few toys around and would leave a couple of treats out, and once she felt more settled, she relaxed and started exploring and "inspecting" me. I guess I passed the test. Now it's her house. She just lets me stay so I can dole out food and head rubs at her command. ๐๐
I'm sure Bowy will be fine, and I bet the two of you will be the best of friends in a few days!
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Thank you. :)
Well she did eat a little, drink and used the litter box already while i was sitting behind my pc, so that's some good news i guess.
She didn't do crazy things or things she shouldn't while you were asleep (that's what i am afraid of)?
My god the imagination of having a princess cat like that and a relationship with a woman (if that is going to happen), it's like goodbye life i think. :p
Hope so too!
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I have the same answer as the previous person. Kittens don't like big changes in there lives. It will take some time and lots of love and she will be fine. Good luck to the both of you.
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The fact that she isn't hiding under a bed or something and is out in the open is a good sign, it means she probably won't take long to adjust.
And yeah a cardboard box will probably be her favorite toy, Cats love cardboard. Just cut a hole in the side and put a blanket or pillow in it and she'll make herself right at home.
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Sweet kitty :)
She'll get comfortable and warm up eventually, cats all have their own internal timelines no matter how good of an owner you work to be. Best you can do is create a predictable environment, she'll let you know when she's ready for more. Hovering around your feet is a good first step even if she doesn't accept pets just yet!
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Yeah, she's doing fine then. It's normal for Cats to want a hidey hole every now and then so as long as she's not hiding all the time things are going well.
Judging by past experience with Cats, a week tops and she'll be acting like she owns the place. If she starts running jumping and climbing on things she shouldn't and seems to have way too much energy, consider a second Cat. They will keep eachother occupied and (mostly) out of trouble especially when you are not at home.
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She sits on the couch, uses the cat pole, only when i come close she hides under the couch, my mom told me to give her 3 half packs of whiskas a day, i am lucky she eats 1 half.
At the moment i am without a job, although i found a job opening that may or not suit me, i fear its too physical (with my heart thing since i get tired more easier) if it was a desk job i know i can sit on my ass for over 40 hours a week, but usually that takes some education.
Someone helping me, would contact them to see what options were available like perhaps part time or trying to build up hours.
Since i am on wellfare it won't cost them anything, and that's usually a big plus to them.
I wanted two cats, that Snowie and this one, but my moms pays for it (the cats themselves aren't the issue but the castration or neutering, plus the shots, chips is what cost much).
But if something were ever to happen with my mom, i am the only one that can take them in, my sister can't, and i don't want them in an asylum (and i hope they can adapt to Bowy) since one of them is very jealous.
So 2+2 would make 4, and where i now live (you can't predict the future, i can win a lottery, i can find a girlfriend with 2 rooms, or i can live here forever), but that would be a bit too much and small, even 3 is already kinda full house.
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Yes, but mom might pay for it (Even though i feel bad each time) they got a cheaper place but she can't go there with her scootmobile, my sister is always too busy (or selfish with herself) or i have to carry her in a special cat backpack, but that's tricky.
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That could definitely be an issue, some Cats just can't tolerate being in the backpack carriers. But luckily she is still young and can be more easily trained, try just laying it on the ground open and feeding her and giving her treats in it to help her get used to it.
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I'm so happy for you and your little kitty friend.๐ธ
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So she, the princess should finally arrive any moment soon today, she is still with my mother in the garage/shed (hence not fully clean in the pictures), she likes to hide behind the washing machine.
First of all myself and Masafor fthought to find some oddities in my moms story, unfortunately Snowie did get grabbed by a predator bird and another cat got under the lawnmower (needless to say the sights were awful). It's on a big farm where my moms housekeep is moving in to with her friend, but she didn't know how the cats were treated (the owner could have just locked them up, which with kittens would make sense instead of roaming all over the place), and she was furious, even so she made sure the mother cat got neutered, so she won't have kittens anymore.
It's still very dumb luck that when Snowie was supposed to come the car airco was broken, 30C and the woman had fallen, else she would have been safe and sound with me, i didn't used to grieve so much anymore, i mean it sounds weird but when i look at a picture of my dad, i just feel good memories, when i still look at a picture of Snowie i feel very sad (but then again i should let that part go, because it has no use) except hoping she watches from kitty heaven to look after her sister and me.
Now in the beginning, my mom sent me 2 pictures, Snowie, and Bowy, but i always insisted in wanting both, and since my mother paid for it, i couldn't really ask for two (even though i offered to pay for the second) not to mention if i get my moms 2 cats, i would have 4.
So she did basically i believe told a white lie saying the calico one was sick and it costed too many medical bills, when she send me the new pictures after Snowie's passing and comparing it to the old pictures i still had, there was no doubt it was the same (so my second choice cat).
My mom was very vague (even angry) when i asked her 3 times if it was the same cat, but i asked if this cat was sick? And she said no.
So i don't think there was ever a cat that was sick in the first place in this whole story.
I got a female friend both me and her with a spiritual connection, and she always said upfront she felt this cat "belonged" to me, she however said i should name her bowie (i am a david bowie fan) but i found that not quite fitting, my mother made it Bowy, and i am okay with it, it's a very common dutch boy/girl name and it's also kinda in memory of Snowie.
And where i thought my heart was so bad (1% away from heart failure) while i didn't speak to a cardioloigist, i still had an appointment with the liver doctor and he said it wasn't at all so bad as i thought it was, i just need to watch my salt intake (isn't much anyway) and just never 1 drop of alcohol anymore, and technically i could live to be a 100.
These are made by Bowy, so thank her, not me. Most are leftovers from the earthquake bundle i believe, i hope there are no region restrictions if so please let me know or allow a deletion.
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The fourth one is just model cute. My sister couldn't get her in the box, my mom wanted to wait and go bring her with her scootmobile but many times it's blocked by handyman, and i will get any animal insect or cat, so i put her in the box and she is now here.
Only she still seems very shy at first, meows a lot, not wanting to eat or drink, or play with her toys, dunno if that's normal behaviour,
David Bowie-Cat People.
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